Super Godly Evolution

C721 A Strange Formation

C721 A Strange Formation



Chu Lin was deep in thought when he suddenly felt an extremely pure Adversity energy drifting towards him from afar. He was pleasantly surprised, and he quickly flew towards that direction.    


A few dozen seconds later, he saw a hundred meter wide pool. The pool was filled with magma, and at the center of the pool was a pool of magma. A blood-red glow was reflected.    


Within the blood-red light was a pool of blood-red liquid that was only the size of a flatbread. It was quietly floating above the magma, and an extremely pure Adversity energy was leaking out from it. The entire space was filled with surging energy.    


"There really is a Blood Devil Spirit Liquid!"    


Chu Lin's eyes were filled with joy when he saw the blood red liquid.    


Chu Lin took a deep breath and forcefully suppressed the urge to fly forward. He had always been cautious and did not lose his mind at this moment. Since there really was a Blood Devil Spirit Liquid, then it would be very difficult to obtain it. Otherwise, why would someone as powerful as the Three-head Flood Dragon leave this treasure here and not take it away?    


Chu Lin's eyes carefully searched the surroundings of the small pond. After a long time, Chu Lin's eyes suddenly shrunk. He could clearly see that there was a circle of hidden dark patterns around the pond.    


The dark red lines appeared to be a weak orange color. They were tightly adhered to the dark red tiles and were almost undetectable. If one did not have great patience and carefully investigate, one would not be able to discover the existence that was hidden on the bricks.    


"It turns out that there is a layer of array formation covering it!"    


Chu Lin's eyes quickly swept across the dim patterns. He clicked his tongue in admiration. These dim patterns were connected together, and it was a concealment formation that covered the entire magma pool.    


Chu Lin couldn't sense any danger from the formation, but he knew clearly in his heart that the more hidden something was, the more dangerous it would be for him.    


Chu Lin gently stroked his chin and thought for a while. Then, he waved his hand and a dark figure landed in front of him. It was the Evil Corpse he had obtained from the Alien Domain Ruins.    


"Get down!"    


Chu Lin extended his hand and pointed. That Evil Corpse swiftly rushed out and shot into the magma pool. His hand grabbed at the Blood Devil Spirit Liquid.    


Buzz ~    


Just as the Evil Corpse was about to touch the Blood Devil Spirit Liquid, Chu Lin's eyes suddenly shrunk. He could clearly see that the surroundings of the magma pool were suddenly filled with light. A huge formation suddenly appeared on the ground. Immediately, a fiery red light beam shot out explosively. It rumbled and smashed heavily into the Evil Corpse.    




The moment the collision occurred, the Evil Corpse's body violently moved to the east of the city. Chu Lin was shocked to see that the sturdy and iron-like Evil Corpse was like a thin piece of paper that was extremely fragile. It quickly turned into a pile of black ashes.    




After the Evil Corpse's ashes were extinguished, Chu Lin's heart also started beating violently. The Evil Corpse contained a trace of his divine soul. That divine soul was destroyed along with the Evil Corpse's energy.    


"What a powerful formation."    


Chu Lin's eyes became serious. The Evil Corpse's body was extremely hard. Even if an Adversity' Level warrior attacked it with all his strength, he might not be able to destroy it. However, a ray of light from the formation could easily destroy it. The destructive force of the ray of light had yet to reach its limit!    


"That beast really hid a lot of things..."    


Chu Lin let out a cold snort. He had long expected that the Three-head Flood Dragon would not speak obediently. There was indeed a problem now. If he had rushed down recklessly earlier... If he wanted to take away the Blood Devil Spirit Liquid, then the one that had been slightly burnt to ashes... And once he died... The Returning Essence Fire God Furnace would immediately fall into silence, and that beast would be able to escape.    


Chu Lin's eyes slightly narrowed as he sized up the magma pool. After a moment, he smiled coldly and waved his hand, causing the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace furnace to spew out a ray of light.    


"Since you dare lie to me, I'll let you try it yourself."    


The ray of light shot down from the mouth of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace. The thing that was wrapped by the ray of light was enlarged and thrown into the magma pool.    


The Three-head Flood Dragon was thrown out of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace. When he realized that he had left the furnace, his three heads burst into laughter. However, just as the laughter came out of his mouth, he saw Chu Lin, who was quietly floating in the air with a smile on his face.    


Seeing Chu Lin's faint smile, the Three-head Flood Dragon's heart skipped a beat. Sensing the burning sensation around it, it quickly looked down. The familiar pool that he had explored countless times appeared in his eyes. His pupils suddenly shrunk. His heart was filled with intense fear as he cursed.    


"Bastard brat, you dare to harm me!"    


An enormous Gene Energy erupted from the Three-head Flood Dragon's body. Its body began to move violently. It wanted to escape.    


The Three-head Flood Dragon was extremely clear about the danger here. Otherwise, it wouldn't have ordered Chu Lin to come to this place. It had once suffered a great loss. It had almost taken his life!    


Chu Lin looked indifferently at the Three-head Flood Dragon, who wanted to move quickly, and coldly said. However, the grand formation below quickly lit up, and a vast amount of energy gathered together.    




The energy gathered without any delay. A fiery red pillar of light shot out from the grand formation once again, and a terrifying light pillar of destruction gushed out.    


The fiery red pillar of light was extremely fast. The Three-head Flood Dragon retreated quickly, and the pillar of light had already closed in on him. Under his terrified gaze, it smashed directly onto his body.    


Puff ~    


The pillar of light was very tiny compared to the Three-head Flood Dragon's body. However, the Three-head Flood Dragon suddenly stiffened. Its three heads simultaneously spurted out bright red blood. The pillar of light was not blocked by the tough body of the Flood Dragon. Instead, it flew upwards and tore apart a small part of its body. Then, it pierced through the left side of its head.    




The left head quickly turned into black ashes. The strange red light continued to spread down along the Flood Dragon's body. The head in the Three-head Flood Dragon was very decisive. Under the terrified gaze of the right head, it bit off the neck of the left head and stopped the erosion of the red light.    


Zzzz -    


The head whimpered and fell down powerlessly. Before it fell into the magma pool, it was melted into ashes by the red light and fell down with the wind.    


When Chu Lin, who was standing outside the magma pool, saw the horrifying scene below, his eyes immediately turned cold. The power of this grand formation was a little too terrifying.    


Buzz ~    


After the grand formation struck out, the dark red patterns once again lit up. Another bright red pillar of light condensed from it and shot towards the Three-head Flood Dragon's head.    


"Chu Lin, you bastard! I will definitely devour you alive!"    


When the Three-head Flood Dragon saw the light beam shooting towards it, it was shocked in its heart, and it roared with resentment. It had never thought that Chu Lin would be so cunning. Not only had it not fallen into his evil scheme, he had actually used it to test the power of the grand formation.    


Puff! Puff!    


The remaining two heads of the Three-head Flood Dragon condensed Essence Blood in its mouth at the same time. The Essence Blood mixed with the power of Adversity mixed with the Gene Energy. As the light surged, it turned into a deep blue scale armor in front of it. The surface of the armor was reflecting a cold light. With just a glance, one could tell that its defense was extremely high.    


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