Soldier King of Life

C37 The Boy in the Scroll

C37 The Boy in the Scroll

Behind Chen Qingyang was a wall. He couldn't even execute the Antelope Horn.    


As for this point, Lei Bao and Lin Dong were well aware of it. They had studied the topography before they came.    


However, right at this moment, sparks suddenly flashed in the darkness, followed by an ear-piercing gunshot.    


The gunshots were sharp and ear-piercing, appearing extremely sudden and inconceivable.    


Soon after, Lin Dong fell down like a wounded bird.    


Blood was flowing out from between his eyebrows. He had been shot dead.    


This shot was of course fired by Chen Qingyang. Chen Qingyang had already expected Yang Ling to be extraordinary this time, which was why he stole the gun.    


Chen Qingyang's spear technique was unparalleled in the world.    


At such a close distance, he suddenly fired. Lin Dong was caught off guard, so even if it was an expert like Lin Dong, he would still be killed in one shot.    


Chen Qingyang never had a chance to fire a second shot after that.    


This was because Lei Bao had already arrived.    


Facing Lei Bao's ferocious fist force, Chen Qingyang sneered and his neck suddenly shrank back.    


The turtle retracted its head.    


It was as if his head had suddenly disappeared.    


Lei Bao's punch missed.    


Chen Qingyang's hands pushed outwards, causing his handcuffs to break immediately. He took a step forward, and the rolling thunder Fist Print rumbled as he charged forward.    


The fist wind exploded like a thunderclap!    


The power was astonishing!    


The Rolling Thunder Fist Print was Chen Qingyang's expertise, so the power of this punch was extremely terrifying.    


Even though Lei Bao was famous for his ferocious fist power, it was still hard for him to withstand Chen Qingyang's punch …    


Chen Qingyang had always cultivated the Great Sun Moon Art, which could rejuvenate the body and strengthen the body.    


And the strength that he cultivated with was the Heavenly Profound Handle. All of his strength was Heavenly Profound Force, and this burst of Heavenly Profound Force was like ten thousand volts of electricity, with a spiralling force, it was incomparably powerful.    


The Great Sun Moon Art, the Heavenly Profound Force, and the Antelope Horn; these three ultimate arts were what Chen Qingyang had lived through until today.    


The rolling thunder Fist Print contained the Heavenly Profound Force, it was incomparably ferocious.    


While Lei Bao was panicking, he took a step back and dodged Chen Qingyang's Rolling Thunder Fist Print. Chen Qingyang did not wait for the Fist Print to miss. He suddenly dashed forward and displayed the amazing movement skill of the Antelope Horn.    


Lei Bao only saw a flash before his eyes and a violent gale once again attacked him.    


Thunder Fist Print again!    


This time, Lei Bao had no way of dodging. All he could do was sink his Qi into his Dantian and let out an explosive roar. Then, he suddenly sent out a ferocious fist towards the incoming fist attack.    


Peng! The force of their fists collided with each other. Chen Qingyang's Heavenly Profound Handle instantly broke through Lei Bao's fist force. The spiral of electricity drilled into Lei Bao's fist, causing his entire body to feel numb.    


Lei Bao's body trembled violently. This tremble was a huge surprise to him. Like a rooster pecking at a centipede, the centipede struggled violently. At this moment, the rooster shook and all of the power of the centipede was dispelled.    


Lei Bao directly dissipated Chen Qingyang's spiralling electric current. Then, he squatted down and wrapped his arms around Chen Qingyang like thick steel cables.    


Seemingly Sealed Shut!    


Once he hugged, Lei Bao would release his tyrannical power and break Chen Qingyang's waist.    


Chen Qingyang was slightly surprised, he was also surprised by this thunderstorm's skill. This Lei Bao had quick reactions. He was an expert. Chen Qingyang was in no hurry. His hands suddenly sank down and rolled out, waiting for the moment Lei Bao arrived. His two hands turned into sharp Dragon Claw and entwined with Lei Bao's arms.    


It was as if thorny thorns had grown all over his body, splitting Lei Bao's tendons and bones. He was in so much pain that he wished he were dead.    


Lei Bao also paled. He realized how scary Chen Qingyang was. This fellow, his entire body was covered in spikes. His fighting style was truly superb. Every change gave him a headache. How would he dare to hug her? Helplessly, he could only furiously push his palms against the ground as he performed a powerful sweep kick.    


It was enough to sweep away an entire army!    


Lei Bao already knew that he wouldn't be able to kill Chen Qingyang today. His only thought at the moment was to escape.    


Lei Bao's leg swept over, but Chen Qingyang didn't dodge and directly kicked over.    




Lei Bao's leg bone directly fractured as he let out a blood-curdling screech.    


Chen Qingyang then pointed his Sky Xuan finger at the Blood of the Shaoyang with lightning speed. With this finger attack, it sealed Lei Bao's bloodline, causing the blood to flow badly. If he wanted to use force, he would have to burst his blood vessels.    


It was Chen Qingyang's skill to use the Sky Xuan Acupoint Charging Art.    


Acupoint is not like in novels, once the point, people can not move. This Acupoint Charging Spell was also known as Acupoint Charging. It sealed one's bloodline. After sealing it, one could still walk and speak, but one could not use brute force. This was because a fierce strength required the delivery of blood and Qi. The middle pipe was blocked, and if one used too much strength, the blood vessel would burst.    


At the same time, the lights in the detention center were back on.    


The police officers of the police station also quickly rushed over. When they saw the scene, they were immediately stunned.    


Chen Qingyang was sitting lazily on the side. He seemed quite relaxed.    


Qin Moyao tried to prevent Han Yumei's body from being cremated, but on the way, the police officer called to say that Han Yumei's body had been cremated. Lili flew into a rage, and directly started cursing at the policemen. What she didn't know was that this police force had also received benefits. Otherwise Han Yumei's body wouldn't have been so easily cremated.    


At the same time, Qin Moyao received another call from the police station.    


It was a change in the holding cell.    


After hearing the news, Qin Moyao quickly rushed back to the police station.    


When she returned to the police station, the first thing she did was look at Lin Dong's corpse, and Lei Bao was sent to the hospital to be bandaged.    


Qin Moyao led Chen Qingyang to the interrogation room again.    


"You stole my gun?" Qin Moyao asked immediately.    


Chen Qingyang grinned and said, "This isn't stealing, it's borrowing."    


"You know how to use a gun?" Qin Moyao once again asked sternly, "Who the hell are you? Your foundation is probably not clean either, right? "    


Chen Qingyang looked at Qin Moyao, then said, "I don't have a clean foundation, so you can check. At least I'm in the country and I've never committed a crime. "I used to work as a mercenary abroad. You won't try to punish me for that, will you?"    


Qin Moyao did not care about Chen Qingyang's past abroad, nor did she have any evidence to gather. She continued, "How did you know someone was coming to kill you?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "It's simple. Yang Ling didn't want me to go to jail. He wanted me to die. Moreover, the matter with Han Yumei couldn't be decided, so he had to first cremate Han Yumei's body and then send two of his men to kill me. Finally, they took my body to a police car and made it look like I was running for my life. On the road, an accident would definitely happen to the police car, which would cause the car to be destroyed and everyone to perish. In this way, he can kill me and make everything perfect. I think it's unnecessary for you to check on me here. You should check on Yang Ling. "    


Qin Moyao gave Chen Qingyang a deep look. She began to realize that this Chen Qingyang was no ordinary ruffian. This guy is really smart. But it wasn't realistic for her to check on Yang Ling. There was no sign of Yang Ling in the whole thing, nothing could be done, everything was Chen Qingyang's excuse.    


Besides, Yang Ling had a lot of connections in Jiang-Nan city. His family also had a lot of weight in the Yanjing. Qin Moyao really didn't have the qualifications to investigate Yang Ling.    


At the same time, Qin Moyao received another call.    


It was from the hospital. Lei Bao had been rescued by someone, and his whereabouts were unknown.    


Qin Moyao couldn't help but feel hatred in her heart. Originally, she could have interrogated Lei Bao and pulled Yang Ling out. Now that Lei Bao had been rescued, she had no way to investigate Yang Ling.    


Qin Moyao fell into deep thought.    


Chen Qingyang looked at Qin Moyao leisurely, feeling that this girl was dressed in police uniform and looked valiant and formidable. Especially when he was seriously thinking about it, it was even more enchanting.    


"Even if I believe you, you didn't kill Han Yumei." Lili said, "But now that Han Yumei's body is cremated, her family has you. From the evidence in the autopsy report, it's very bad for you. What do you think I should do now? "    


Chen Qingyang didn't know that this matter was going to be difficult to deal with. As long as Han Yumei's family was firm in their belief and had no proof of their death, they would have a so-called autopsy report. His crotch had really fallen into yellow mud. If it wasn't sh * t, then it was sh * t!    


It would be difficult to win this case.    


Chen Qingyang wanted to get rid of his crimes at the moment, so it would be difficult for him to leave this detention cell. Even though Lin Dong's corpse was here, a large part of it could be used as evidence. But the evidence was one-sided and could not stand up to the court's scrutiny.    


Wu Junyi had great momentum, he could definitely open up the joints in the joints. Let the court convict Chen Qingyang.    


Although Qin Moyao had already sided with Chen Qingyang, she still had to do things according to the law. She could not let Chen Qingyang go.    


Chen Qingyang was speechless.    


"Why did you come to Binhai City?" Qin Moyao suddenly asked Chen Qingyang. As a police officer, she naturally knew that the killer who came to kill Chen Qingyang was no small matter. However, both of them had been taken care of by Chen Qingyang. From this, it could be seen that Chen Qingyang's kung fu was very good.    


Chen Qingyang looked at Qin Moyao. He knew he needed to rely on Qin Moyao, so he couldn't hide it from her. He told her about the relationship between Lin Nan and Lin Qingxue, and about Lin Nan's death.    


"You only came back because Lin Nan was dead and wanted to protect his sister?" Qin Moyao looked at Chen Qingyang with a different expression.    


No doubt Qin Moyao was a romantic, an idealist. When she heard about Chen Qingyang's legendary deeds, her attitude changed drastically.    


It seemed to Qin Moyao that people like Chen Qingyang existed only in novels and legends.    


Reality should not exist.    


"Lin Nan is dead. Qingxue still doesn't know. Don't tell her." Chen Qingyang said in a deep voice. Ever since I came back, I've been working as a security guard for Qingxue's company. If it wasn't for One-Eye bullying her, I wouldn't have interfered. I had originally thought that we could continue to live in peace, but who would have thought that there would be so many twists and turns. "    


Qin Moyao took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell Lin Qingxue. "However, if Yang Ling fails this time, I'm afraid that he will still have more tricks up his sleeve."    


Chen Qingyang said, "Right now, I can only take one step at a time." He already had a plan, but he wouldn't tell Qin Moyao. In fact, Chen Qingyang was already angry, and this Yang Ling was going too far. He had tolerated it, but Yang Ling had deliberately put himself to death.    


Lili added, "I sympathize with what happened to you and I want to help you. But for now, I can't let you go. I hope you understand. "    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "You can trust me? I'm already very touched."    


Lili said, "But I will do my best to find evidence for you. I will find a clean body for you."    


Chen Qingyang was slightly moved and said, "Thank you."    


Qin Moyao then sent Chen Qingyang back to the holding cell, which had been cleaned and the door reinstalled.    


As for Lin Dong's corpse, it had already been moved to the morgue and was waiting for the coroner to come examine it. Everything was done very quickly. This time, Chen Qingyang was defending himself. With Qin Moyao's help, he wouldn't have any trouble killing Lin Dong.    


The night was quiet.    


Chen Qingyang was lying on his bed in the detention room. He was used to seeing bloody rain. Naturally, he was not afraid of the death in the holding cell.    


Su Wanqing, Mu Jing, and Lin Qingxue didn't know what had happened here tonight.    


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