Soldier King of Life

C337 Critical Moment

C337 Critical Moment

It was two in the morning.    


The night in Bangkok was prosperous and serene.    


Chen Qingyang started slightly when he heard Vananuer's phone ring. "Did Saint Master find something and call?" he wondered.    


Soon, Chen Qingyang found out the answer.    


This was what it meant to be afraid of something.    


Vananuer looked at her cell phone and said to Chen Qingyang, "It's my father." She answered the phone.    


Chen Qingyang understood that there was some kind of mysterious connection between Saint Master and the legendary Elemental Spirit.    


As a result, the moment the Elemental Spirit appeared, they were able to see everything that happened, and Saint Master knew about it.    


After the call connected, Chen Qingyang did not eavesdrop. Facing that resourceful Saint Master, Chen Qingyang seemed to be cautious of everything!    


Vananuer hung up after talking to Saint Master for a while. Her face was slightly embarrassed.    


"What's wrong?" Chen Qingyang asked Vananuer at once.    


Vananuer said, "My father wants to see you."    


Chen Qingyang was slightly shocked, he was just pretending to be shocked. With his personality, he could remain calm even before Mount Tai collapsed. But in reality, Chen Qingyang's heart was already in turmoil.    


After saying that, Vananuer looked at Chen Qingyang expectantly.    


Chen Qingyang said, "Is it now?"    


Vananuer nodded.    


Chen Qingyang said with difficulty, "At this point, I don't know where to go to prepare a present for your father."    


Vananuer was delighted to see that Chen Qingyang did not refuse. She said, "You don't need to prepare a gift. My father wouldn't care about that. Besides, he suddenly wants to see you. Where can I buy a present at this time? He won't blame you. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "That's what you say, but I can't lack the proper etiquette. I don't want to leave a bad impression on your father. "    


Lili said, "Then let's go shopping and see if there's anything we can buy."    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "Alright!"    


At this moment, Lili's expression suddenly changed. Her eyes were cold as she said coldly, "There's no need to prepare the gift, come back quickly."    


Obviously, Vananuer had been possessed by Saint Master's Elemental Spirit.    


Not long after, Vananuer's face returned to normal, but she knew what had happened. Her father's Elemental Spirit was hidden between her eyebrows. If she was in danger, her father's Elemental Spirit would occupy her Brain Domain.    


Father had spent a great deal of effort helping Vananuer to do this.    


When her father's Elemental Spirit came out, it would be on the other side, observing everything.    


"Chen Qingyang, I'm sorry. My father just looked cold, but he wasn't that hard to get along with." Vananuer said.    


Chen Qingyang had a strange expression and said, "Is your father an immortal?"    


Vananuer couldn't help but be stunned. Only then did she realize that the scene just now was completely inconceivable for an ordinary Chen Qingyang.    


She giggled and said, "My father is not an immortal, but he is very powerful. In the future, we don't need to be afraid of the bad guys bullying us. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "That's good, but there's also a big problem."    


Lili immediately asked curiously, "What's the big problem?"    


"Doesn't that mean we have no privacy? Your father will know everything. " Chen Qingyang said, "For example, after we get married..."    


Vananuer's face immediately blushed red. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't help but scold, "What nonsense are you thinking?" My father's Elemental Spirit was always out of a deep slumber. He won't come out unless I'm in danger. "    


"How did your father know you were in danger?" Chen Qingyang asked curiously.    


Vananuer said, "When I'm particularly afraid, my father will feel it. And when I summon my father, my father will come out. "    


Chen Qingyang suddenly realized something and said, "It sounds a little bit like that cartoon, and it can summon a Golden Sage Warrior."    


Vananuer also giggled.    


After that, Chen Qingyang and Vananuer headed towards the Celestial Sect Temple as well.    


The two of them stopped a taxi.    


Vananuer could feel Chen Qingyang's body stiffen a little, so she held his hand and said, "It's okay, it's going to be fine. I'm here."    


Chen Qingyang laughed dryly and said, "I was quite nervous to see my parents, and your father is such a big shot."    


Vananuer understood Chen Qingyang's feelings very well. She also felt that it would be difficult for him to do it so quickly.    


Half an hour later, Chen Qingyang and Vananuer arrived at the front of the Celestial Sect Temple.    


This temple was grand and imposing, displaying the majesty of buddhism!    


Under Vananuer's lead, Chen Qingyang went straight in.    


He wasn't actually nervous at all.    


The more dangerous it was, the calmer it was!    


This was already close to the place where Lili and the Ghost were imprisoned. Whether he could save them all depended on this move.    


Although he would let Vananuer down, Chen Qingyang had no choice but to be heartless.    


There was a great hall and a side hall in the Celestial Sect Temple.    


The main hall was where the Buddhist pilgrimage took place, while the side hall was where important people were received.    


However, Saint Master didn't meet Chen Qingyang in the side hall, but in the meditation room.    


Because today's matter was about her daughter's personal matters, it was not appropriate for her to be received in the side palace.    


Chen Qingyang and Lili were led to the meditation room by the little lama.    


"Father!" Vananuer whispered in front of the meditation room.    


"Come in!" Saint Master's voice sounded. His voice was light, as if he didn't have any feelings within it.    


Vananuer opened the door.    


She and Chen Qingyang entered the meditation room, and the little lama excused himself.    


The door of the meditation room was closed by the little lama as he left. Chen Qingyang then officially met the legendary Saint Master.    


Saint Master was wearing a black robe. His face was indifferent, but it had a formless and terrifying aura to it.    


Chen Qingyang subconsciously lowered his head when he saw Saint Master.    


This Saint Master was an existence even more powerful than Ning Tiandu, Zuotian Zong, and Master.    


However, this Saint Master was different from Emperor of China and the others. The feeling Emperor of China gave people was as warm as the spring wind and he did not have the slightest bit of dignity.    


But this was a state of inaction!    


The water was invisible and formless, but it could change into a thousand forms and be invincible!    


"Father." Then Vananuer called to Saint Master, introduced Chen Qingyang, and said, "This is my boyfriend. His name is Chen Qingyang." She spoke Thai.    


"Boyfriend?" Saint Master's face darkened. He glanced at Chen Qingyang, then at Vananuer, and said, "You've only known her for a day, and you're already a boyfriend? Nu'er, in my eyes, you're not such a sloppy person. "    


Saint Master also spoke Thai, so Chen Qingyang didn't understand him at all.    


However, Chen Qingyang also knew how to observe the situation.    


Vananuer looked at her father and said, "It is indeed a little fast. However, Father, you are not an ordinary person, I think you should be able to understand, right? But I'm a little curious. Father, why does it seem like you don't like Chen Qingyang? "    


Saint Master said, "Nu'er, you have also reached the age of love. When you're in love, I actually like it. However, I know your personality. You are calm, even a little cold. But now that you have confirmed your relationship with a man in one day, I can't help but feel that there's a problem. "    


Vananuer said, "This is ridiculous. Love was like a chemical substance. Once two reacting substances encountered each other, there would be a reaction. It has nothing to do with the length of time, and besides, Father, I am only in love. You're going to call Chen Qingyang over today, and I think you're being a bit presumptuous, so I hope you'll be a little more polite with him. "    


Saint Master slightly sighed and said, "Since ancient times, there have always been good things to say." Nu'er, your father isn't an ordinary person. No one can deceive your father. You must know, everything that I have done for you is for your own good. "    


Vananuer said, "Every father, I believe, will be for the good of his children. But if it wasn't this good, then it had to be correct. Do you agree with that statement? "    


The father and daughter pair chatted passionately in Thai, Chen Qingyang didn't understand a word they were saying.    


But soon, Saint Master looked at Chen Qingyang and asked, "Can you speak English?"    


It was English.    


Chen Qingyang immediately said, "Yes!"    


"What's your name?" Saint Master asked.    


Chen Qingyang said, "Chen Qingyang!"    


Saint Master said, "Who are you? Why do you want to get close to my daughter? "    


Chen Qingyang said, "Uncle, I'm not really close to Nu'er. I just like Nu'er. "Nu'er is so beautiful, so kind, and that man doesn't like her, does he?"    


Saint Master's expression became even more unsightly and he asked: "Are you Chinese?"    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "Yes."    


Saint Master asked, "Who is your father? "Do what?"    


"My father's name is Chen Tianyu, and he's the chairman of Hao Sen Apparel Group." Chen Qingyang said.    


When he said that, his face was not red and his heart did not beat.    


Saint Master said lightly, "What a coincidence, the chairman of Haosen Apparel Group, Chen Tianyu, visited Bangkok last month. I only know that he has a daughter, but I've never heard that he has a son."    


Chen Qingyang smiled and said, "Uncle, I'm afraid that the Chen Tian Yu that you met is not my father." My father didn't come to Bangkok last month, and I don't have a sister. "If you don't believe me, you can go check out our Haosen Apparel Group." He paused and then said, "I formally extend an invitation to you. I hope that you and Nu'er can travel to our Huaxia and visit our Hao Sen Apparel Group. My father will be very happy to see you and Nu'er. "    


He was very calm.    


Chen Qingyang was someone who had seen the wind and rain before, how could he be called over by Saint Master?    


He was very clear about Hausen Apparel Group, and he also knew the chairman, Chen Tianyu.    


What was even more amusing was that Chen Qingyang had previously called Chairman Chen Tianyu.    


Therefore, even if Saint Master wanted to visit Haoseng Apparel Group, Chen Qingyang would not be afraid.    


Seeing how certain Chen Qingyang was, Vananuer couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Her father's words were both true and false, and she couldn't figure it out.    


Saint Master went silent. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly where it was wrong.    


However, at this time, something unexpected happened again.    


It was the sound of footsteps coming from outside. The footsteps were very hurried.    


Then, a voice came from outside.    


This person was Great Sun Living Buddha, also Saint Master's Junior Martial Brother …    


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