Soldier King of Life

C318 Great Sun Living Buddha

C318 Great Sun Living Buddha

"This is because the human body is the soul of all living things, and its shape is the most ideal of all forms of change." Chen Qingyang said in the end.    


Shen Monong was also a profound practitioner of the cultivation level, and she immediately understood the specific meaning of Chen Qingyang's words.    


Jakarta is also a tropical region, so what exactly is Jakarta?    


This place belonged to Indonesia, which was several hundred miles away from Sishui.    


Jakarta is also in the same boat as Nanyang.    


Jakarta is also a tropical jungle.    


At 10 PM.    


A bright moon hung in the sky.    


To the southeast of Jakarta is the endless sea.    


Indonesia has many tsunamis, a humid geographical environment, and the jungle is filled with many wild animals and venomous snakes.    


Survival here required a very strong survival skill.    


The plane finally reached the beach in front of Jakarta's jungle.    


The jet was also out of fuel, so they had to find a beach to land and refuel.    


The beach was not a tourist attraction. Everything was primitive. There were trees all around and there were traces of snakes and bugs crawling on the beach.    


The surface of the sea was very quiet. The moonlight was like a layer of silver dust that sprinkled onto the beach.    


With the roar of the propeller, the jet finally landed safely on the beach.    


On the beach, sand and dust were rolling. All of them were blown away by the hurricane of the propellers.    


Chen Qingyang, Lili, and the Ghost got off the plane.    


Ghost's eyes were filled with reluctance. He pulled Chen Qingyang without saying a word, his eyes red.    


Chen Qingyang was also reluctant to part with her, but no matter how reluctant he was, he still had to part with her.    


"Let's send off Ghost." Shen Monong suggested.    


Ghost's eyes finally flashed a trace of joy.    


Chen Qingyang nodded.    


Immediately, Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong led the Ghost into the forest.    


The jungle was dense with dense foliage, and snakes and bugs ran rampant.    


Originally, in Chen Qingyang's experience, there would be a lot of snakes and bugs attacking. But today, because of the presence of the Ghost, even the snake worms did not dare to come. The wild beasts in the forest could feel the dignity of the Ghost and did not dare to act presumptuously.    


There was a lot of dew in the forest, and the ground was also wet soil.    


"Dad …" "Father!" Ghost suddenly raised his head in confusion and shouted.    


Chen Qingyang looked at Ghost.    


The growth in the Ghost's intelligence was terrifying, it was gradually being able to express his thoughts accurately. It said, "Dad, why did I come here?"    


Chen Qingyang was stunned.    


That's right, why would the Ghost come here? What did it do wrong?    


Chen Qingyang couldn't answer for a while.    


Shen Monong squatted down and caressed Ghost's face. Ghost looked at Shen Monong steadily.    


It had too much to do with the world.    


Shen Monong said softly, "Because you are different from others, you are very powerful. There is a group of people who are afraid of you, afraid that you will harm them. In order to prevent you from harming them, they would have to kill you first. Dad is also very reluctant to part with you. He wanted to protect you so he allowed you to come here. "    


"Who are they?" Ghost immediately asked.    


Shen Monong said, "An expert from Thailand."    


The Ghost was extremely curious, "What is Thailand? Who were those people? I don't know them. Why would I want to harm them? "    


Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong were both dumbfounded.    


Ghost's question made people's heart bleed.    


Standing on the side of a Thai expert to look at the Ghost, the Thai did not do anything wrong. But from the perspective of the Ghost, how could it be innocent?    


"Daddy, I don't understand!" The Ghost said.    


Chen Qingyang then carried Ghost and said softly: "Ghost, you don't understand now, but you will understand in the future. There were many things in the world that did not make sense. But we can only do our best to have a clear conscience, understand? "    


Ghost seemed to understand, but he still nodded.    


"Ghost, can you promise me one thing?" Chen Qingyang said again.    


Ghost nodded and said, "Father, go ahead. I agree to everything."    


Chen Qingyang said: "The people of the world say that your Ghost is a bad guy and will harm everyone in the future. But Daddy doesn't believe it. Daddy thinks you're a good person and Daddy thinks you'll always be Daddy's good son. Then, you have to do it in the future. You have to never hurt anyone and be a good person. Let's use facts to tell those people that they're wrong, okay? "    


Ghost nodded fiercely. "Yes, Father. I will."    


"What a good child." Chen Qingyang's eyes turned red. He put down the Ghost and said: "You should stay here well. Daddy will come see you whenever he has time, okay?"    


Ghost immediately realized that Chen Qingyang was about to leave. His eyes immediately turned red, and he begged, "Dad, can you not go? You stay behind to accompany Ghost. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "Ghost, I can accompany you for a day, but I can't stay with you forever. You have to learn to be alone. "    


"Then can I go back with you? I promise you, I will be a good man. Even if people were to hit me or curse at me, I will not retaliate. " The Ghost said.    


At that moment, Chen Qingyang really wanted to bring Ghost back, and treat it as if it was its own son.    


However, Chen Qingyang also knew that he couldn't bring her back.    


After bringing them back, he would not be able to protect the Ghost.    


Once the Ghost got angry, even a city would not be able to withstand the damage.    


Furthermore, the Thai would not let the Ghost go.    


Yuan Xingyun would not agree either.    


All kinds of realistic factors existed, Chen Qingyang had to leave Ghost here alone.    


"We can't stay here for too long. As long as we stay here, Lao Yuan and the others will be able to track us down. That would be even more disadvantageous for Ghost! " Shen Monong said.    


Chen Qingyang nodded. He looked at Ghost and said, "Ghost, do you believe Father?"    


Ghost immediately said, "I believe you."    


Chen Qingyang said, "Then remember this well, everything that father has done today was for your own good. One day, we will be able to openly appear in front of everyone. Right now, it's just a small trial for you by the heavens. As long as you clench your teeth and endure, everything will be fine. "    


Ghost seemed to understand, but he still said: "I understand, Daddy."    


Chen Qingyang stood up and said, "Daddy is going to leave. You will be fine here, right?"    


Ghost nodded with tears in her eyes. "Ghost will definitely do so."    


Chen Qingyang's heart was filled with grief, but he quickly turned around and left in big strides.    


At this moment, the tears in Chen Qingyang's eyes finally burst. He was not someone who would easily shed tears, but at this moment, he could not help but cry.    


Shen Monong also felt bad, so she turned around and followed Chen Qingyang.    


Ghost didn't say anything from behind.    


It waited until Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong were far away before it cried for its father.    


For a Ghost born two days ago, there were too many things it did not understand.    


It had yet to understand the rules of this world, but it had already been separated three times.    


The first time was when Chen Qingyang banished him to the Pine Creek Forest.    


The second time was to bid farewell to Ye-zi's mother.    


This was the third parting.    


Chen Qingyang felt a wave of grief and indignation in his heart.    


If I'm strong enough, he thought. With the Ghost by his side, who would dare to touch it? If I was strong enough, I wouldn't have to worry about the Ghost doing certain things, and I could naturally control it.    


If I'm strong enough?    


Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough!    


I must continue to become stronger!    


Before long, Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong were on the plane.    


The jet had been fueled, and Shen Monong told the pilot to return.    


Soon, the private jet was in the sky.    


In the dark sky, the moon hung high in the sky, without a single cloud in sight! The sea was so quiet and beautiful!    


At this moment, Chen Qingyang suddenly thought of something and said: "Not good, let's go back."    


Shen Monong was slightly surprised: "What happened?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "If you can think of it, Lao Yuan might think of it. I'm afraid he's already figured out that we're going to change course. And those Thai experts are probably already lying in ambush in the jungle, waiting for us to leave, they will immediately make their move. "    


Shen Monong's face also changed. She felt that Chen Qingyang's worry was very reasonable. At once, without any hesitation, she said, "Return!"    


This was said to the pilot.    


Without another word, the pilot headed back.    


Five minutes later, the plane landed on the beach once again.    


In the forest, everything was dense and pitch black.    


Ghost cried for a while before a determined look flashed across his eyes.    


Ghost wiped his tears and turned to find a place to sleep.    


Its intelligence and mental growth speed was extremely fast.    


Just as Ghost turned around, he heard a cold shout. This cold shout was said in Thai.    


"Little bastard, can you still leave?"    


At the same time, four people came out from four different parts of the forest around Ghost.    


It was the one on the left. The Lama was half-naked and looked to be in his thirties. He was the Junior Brother of the Sect Master, known as Great Sun Living Buddha.    


In reality, Great Sun Living Buddha was already seventy years old, and his cultivation level was already at the first level of Immortality Stage.    


On the right was Thailand's Senior Master Jingren. Senior Master Jingren was a monk, his cultivation level was the eighth stage of the Divine Arts, he had a blood blade in his hand, a blood blade that could kill people without leaving a trace.    


The remaining two were the two experts from Thailand's national department, named Ruan Chengjun and Ruan Jingang.    


These two brothers were around forty years old, and they practiced the secret sect's Great Yin Yang Art.    


The Secret Sect was a branch in China, but the real Secret Sect was in Thailand. This was similar to the Mysteries and Persian Mysteries that relied on the Heaven Slaughtering Dragon's Note.    


The four of them accepted Yuan Xingyun's warning and quickly rushed over to deal with Ghost. They already knew about the characteristics of the Ghost, so they made a lot of preparations before coming here.    


Chen Qingyang and the rest were beaten up by the Kui Demons. Firstly, it was because the Kui Demons was too powerful. Secondly, no one had been prepared in advance.    


Right now, not only did Ruan Cheng and Ruan Jingang have throwing knives refined by Spell Formation, they also had high explosive bombs, rocket launchers, and grenades. This was all prepared for the Ghost.    


As for Senior Master Jingren, his blood sword was incredibly sharp. Killing a god and getting rid of devils was nothing difficult for him.    


The person leading the group was naturally Great Sun Living Buddha.    


Great Sun Living Buddha was a with limitless magic power, and he also had a magical equipment God Slaying Whip, which was incredibly sharp.    


Great Sun Living Buddha scolded the little bastard mercilessly in front of the Ghost.    


Ghost immediately realized the power of these four people. It felt extreme danger, but at the same time, it also did not understand what was going on.    


Ghost looked at Great Sun Living Buddha and asked: "Who are you people?"    


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