Soldier King of Life

C58 Prepare to Visit

C58 Prepare to Visit

Qin Moyao frowned slightly as she listened, feeling that Chen Qingyang had gone too far. Wasn't this trying to cheat Jin Dahai of his property?    


Even so, Qin Moyao did not say anything. She didn't want to tear down Chen Qingyang's station.    


Jin Dahai listened and started to think about who he should transfer the real estate to.    


At this time, Chen Qingyang said, "Brother Jin, I know what you are thinking. You want to move the property to someone who doesn't know it, don't you? "    


Jin Dahai could not help but smile awkwardly when he was hit by Chen Qingyang's words.    


Chen Qingyang immediately said in a serious tone, "Brother Jin, cause and effect have been repaid, you don't have the slightest bit of displeasure." Especially since you are now truly involved in those evil spirits. "Don't move your house around randomly. If you move it to someone else, that person will die. You will get a bad reward and you will end up in a worse situation."    


Jin Dahai couldn't help but cry and say, "Then what should I do? Do I have to wait for death? "    


It's not that Jin Dahai wasn't smart enough, not smart enough. In fact, inside the Golden Time bar, that evil ghost legend had been a shadow in his heart for so many years. In addition, he was a businessman, so it wasn't as if he had never done evil deeds before. Therefore, he wasn't so confident.    


As the saying goes, you don't have to worry about anything bad in life. You don't have to be afraid of knocking on the door in the middle of the night. However, the truth was that even if he didn't do anything shameful, he would still be scared half to death if there was a ghost knocking at his door in the middle of the night. What's more, Jin Dahai had done something shameful.    


Chen Qingyang saw that Jin Dahai was almost scared out of his wits, so he said, "Actually, it's not like there's no other way, but I don't dare to tell Brother Jin!"    


"Speak, speak, Brother Chen, my brother is begging you. As long as you can save me this time, I will treat you as my benefactor in the future. " Jin Dahai hurriedly said.    


Chen Qingyang then said, "You must transfer the real estate to a person with a tough life. This person can withstand the resentment of the evil ghost and not die. That way, it can solve the problem for you." He paused, then said, "I have been unable to tell you because I wanted to dissolve it. If you transfer the property to me, I can give it a try. "But you thought I was going to buy your house. You made it sound like I was trying to trick you by saying so much."    


Jin Dahai couldn't help but be stunned. This plot reversal happened a little too quickly, so he was still a bit confused. Because from the looks of it, it really did seem like Chen Qingyang was lying to his house.    


However, at this time, Chen Qingyang said, "Brother Jin, how about this, so you don't think I'm lying to you. I'll buy it for you for two million, what do you think? The most I can get is this amount of money. If you want to say that I have my own selfish thoughts, I do too. Because I intend to dispel the wraiths in Golden Time Bar and enter reincarnation through her. But this prerequisite, must be to transfer the house to my name, let me become this reason. If I did, then the value of the house would slowly rise and I would have made a profit. If I can't resolve it, dying in Golden Time Bar would still be my life. "    


"Two million?" Jin Dahai's eyes couldn't help but light up. Without even thinking about it, he immediately said, "No problem, Brother Chen. Thank you so much. You are my savior!"    


This guy had thought through the matter thoroughly. It was that Golden Time's real estate had always been in his hands, and was a huge threat. He had thought that whoever offered a million would be sold. Later, he wished he could give it to someone else. And now, Chen Qingyang was willing to pay two million, that was already beyond his expectations. Although Chen Qingyang said that if the evil spirit inside was removed, the value would rise again.    


But Jin Dahai knew clearly in his heart that Golden Time was, after all, a famous ghost realm. Even if it was dissolved, no one would dare to buy it.    


Thinking about it this way, Jin Dahai was very happy.    


Afterward, Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao left Jin Dahai's villa. Jin Dahai was extremely zealous about the deal, saying that he would go through the formalities immediately and finish it by tomorrow afternoon. Chen Qingyang also promised to pass the money after he went out. With Qin Moyao here, Jin Dahai didn't have the guts to go back on his word. Besides, Jin Dahai would never go back on his word. He was afraid Chen Qingyang would go back on his word!    


After leaving the villa, Chen Qingyang continued to drive. Qin Moyao sat beside her.    


Lili, who had no idea what was going on, said, "Chen Qingyang, you were both frightened and deceiving when you told Jin Dahai so much. I thought you were going to take his house for nothing. You know, even if you don't say anything, you just have to pay two million. Jin Dahai would definitely sell it. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "The key is efficiency. This Jin Dahai is a businessman." If I offered to buy it on my own, this fellow would definitely think of a lot, wanting to maximize the benefits. I don't know how long it will take. But tonight, I plan to go to the Golden Time bar to investigate, and we won't be able to drag it out with him. In that case, wouldn't he be so grateful as to hurry up and settle this matter? "    


Qin Moyao suddenly realized.    


Chen Qingyang then thought of something and said, "Oh right, I know Liu Jingtian. I want to call Liu Jingtian and ask him why he didn't charge Cheng Ya for her protection alone. At that time, Cheng Ya was still not a fiendish ghost! "    


Qin Moyao nodded and said, "Stop the car. Let's switch. I'll drive."    


Chen Qingyang pulled over to the side of the road and they got out and changed places. Then Qin Moyao drove, and Chen Qingyang took out his cell phone to call Liu Jingtian.    


After chatting for a while, Chen Qingyang directly asked about the main topic.    


Liu Jingtian, who was originally smiling happily, became silent after hearing that. Then, he said, "That Cheng Ya is not an ordinary person."    


Chen Qingyang was interested and said, "Oh, how is this not normal?"    


Liu Jingtian said, "Brother Chen, I advise you not to have any ideas about Golden Time Bar."    


Chen Qingyang didn't respond to that. Instead, he said, "Brother Liu, just tell me where Cheng Ya is not normal."    


Liu Jingtian knew it was useless to say anything, so he said: "Do you know about the Spiritual Force, Brother Chen?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "It's similar to hypnosis, right?"    


Liu Jingtian said: "Yes, that Cheng Ya, her Spiritual Force is very powerful. When I met her eyes, I felt like I'd fallen into hell. Such a person is already not an ordinary person, how would I dare to offend him! "    


Chen Qingyang had a certain understanding of the situation. Then, he casually said a few words and hung up the phone.    


"What's going on?" Qin Moyao asked immediately.    


Chen Qingyang pondered for a moment and then said, "I seem to have understood something."    


Unfathomable, Qin Moyao said, "Understood what?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "This fake Cheng Ya was a powerful hypnotist before she died. A true master of hypnosis, Spiritual Force was extremely strong. Spiritual Force's brain waves, if the brain waves were strong, the soul would be strong. Cheng Ya's soul was extremely powerful, which was why she survived due to grievances after death. Adding to a certain treasure in her Golden Time, she has become even more powerful. "    


Qin Moyao frowned and said, "The more powerful she is, the worse it will be for us." How are we going to get in tonight just because of what you said? But even if I don't want to be afraid, if something special happens at that time, I probably won't be able to control it either. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "You must go in tonight. Don't worry, I have some preparations. He should be able to defeat this fake Cheng Ya. Right and wrong, everything needs to be made clear tonight. "    


When Qin Moyao heard Chen Qingyang's words, she felt both excitement and fear. This feeling was extremely contradictory.    


Then Qin Moyao escorted Chen Qingyang to the rented room. It was almost noon, and Su Wanqing invited Qin Moyao to stay for dinner. Chen Qingyang also said, "Let's stay for dinner. We'll rest up and prepare for the fight tonight."    


So Qin Moyao stayed.    


Su Wanqing cooked a sumptuous lunch. She was truly a virtuous woman, and it was impossible for a man to have a wife like this.    


It was a pity that Chen Qingyang couldn't live a peaceful life.    


After dinner, Chen Qingyang went out with Qin Moyao again. This time Chen Qingyang was going shopping. He was going to buy something, not just anything, but two small gas jars and an electric fire source. As long as he pressed the switch, the electric gun would shoot out flames similar to blue laser beams.    


Qin Moyao's eyes couldn't help but light up and said, "You want to use this to deal with the wraiths?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "That's right. I don't know how to use any spells. A real charm can be combined with a magnetic field to communicate with the wonders of the weather. That had to be a true master to produce it. If there are no runes, then this is the only thing we can do. "    


Qin Moyao said, "Yin creatures and evil spirits are afraid of masculine things. The flame from this lance can melt through steel at high temperatures. The monster can't stand it, Chen Qingyang. You're smart. If we could have thought of that before, not so many of our colleagues would have died. "    


Chen Qingyang smiled.    


With this tool, Qin Moyao's confidence instantly increased significantly.    


Chen Qingyang then took Lili to buy an airtight raincoat and an oxygen mask.    


"What do you want this for?" Qin Moyao asked.    


Chen Qingyang explained: "In Golden Time Bar, the grievances are too heavy. The long years of resentment had already formed into poison gas. The moment he entered, the poison gas would pounce on him. How could he withstand it? We use raincoats and oxygen masks to prevent the gas. "    


Lili smiled sweetly and said, "Science, although everything you said is mysterious, there is a scientific basis for it and it is convincing. I didn't expect those experts who were deliberately trying to mystify things to say something that was completely shrouded in clouds and mist. In the end, I went in and I was still dumbfounded. "    


Chen Qingyang laughed and said, "People don't fly into the sky for no reason. Everything has its basis and logic."    


After they bought their things, Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao went back to the rented room to rest.    


At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao set off with their gear.    


"Why must we leave at night? Can't we leave during the day?" Qin Moyao suddenly asked Chen Qingyang curiously.    


Chen Qingyang was stunned for a moment and then explained, "Generally speaking, ghosts are a type of yin substance that loves to stay up late at night. However, it was different in Golden Time bar, as there was too much resentment. The masculinity of the day would not enter the bar at all. "And at night, when the Yin Qi is strong enough to wash away resentment, it is actually the best time."    


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