Soldier King of Life

C96 Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts

C96 Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts

Mo said without a doubt, "This old servant also feels that Yonghu and Martial Uncle's visit is not to be trifled with, so the first thing I did was to inform you, Young Master."    


Yang Ling asked in a deep voice, "Did you just arrive or did you just receive the news?"    


Without a doubt, Mo said, "I just came."    


Yang Ling muttered, "Yonghu and Martial Uncle came to Jiangnan City, but didn't inform me in advance. You didn't come here either, there's something weird about it. " He paused and then said, "Anyway, Mob, you need to get ready for me. I'm going to visit Yonghu, Martial Uncle. "    


A look of gratification flashed across Mo Wuji's eyes, because Young Master had yet to completely lose his mind. He also knew that he had to curry favor with Yonghu and Martial Uncle.    


It has to be said that among Yang Ling's line of Inner Sect disciples, the leading figure was the Yongye group.    


Inner Sect leader Shi Yonglong founded Laoshan dojo in Southeast Asia, and established military strength in Nanyang. Even some of the big figures in the country were wary of Shi Yonglong. Not to mention Yang Ling.    


Furthermore, Shi Yonglong's cultivation level had already transcended the mortal realm. That was an existence that even Yang Ling had to worship.    


As for Shi Yonghu, he was Shi Yonglong's junior. Currently, he was presiding over the Laoshan Martial Arts School in Southeast Asia. He was also an extremely powerful figure.    


Yang Ling did not dare to neglect Shi Yonghu's sudden appearance.    


An hour later, Yang Ling prepared a huge gift. He then immediately drove to Jiang-Nan hotel.    


The night was dark, and the autumn wind was cold.    


The Jiangnan Hotel was brightly lit.    


Yang Ling was wearing a black tailcoat with a graceful demeanor. Without a doubt, Mo followed behind with the Brocade Box in his hand. The Brocade Box was Song Huanzong's real work of art, which was priceless.    


Shi Yonghu likes to collect these things, so Yang Ling has to give it his all.    


The two of them quickly arrived in front of Shi Yonghu's presidential suite.    


There were two black clothed bodyguards standing in front of the suite, these two black skinned bodyguards, the corner of their eyes were triangular and sinister. Yang Ling scanned over them and could feel their sharp killing intent.    


Clearly, these two bodyguards were truly good at killing, and were definitely not the normal bodyguards on the market.    


"I am Yang Ling, I am here to pay my respects to Yonghu, Martial Uncle. Please let me know." Yang Ling had always been aloof and aloof, but at this moment, he appeared to be extremely lowly.    


The two bodyguards looked at Yang Ling coldly, one of them said, "Wait!" Then, he gently pushed open the door and entered the suite.    


After a long while, the bodyguard came out and said to Yang Ling, "Go in."    


Yang Ling thanked him. When he and Mo Wujue were planning to go in, the bodyguard stopped Mo without a doubt and said, "Yonghu and Martial Uncle only want you, outsiders are not allowed to go in."    


Yang Ling didn't dare be angry. He took the gift and said to Mo Wuji without a doubt, "Uncle Mo, wait for me here."    


Mo nodded without a doubt.    


Although they had not yet met Shi Yonghu, neither Yang Ling nor Mo could doubt that they felt the majesty of Yonghu Martial Uncle in the suite.    


Yang Ling was led into the presidential suite by his bodyguard.    


The lights in the suite were white, the crystal ceiling lamp luxurious.    


The moment Yang Ling came in, he saw Shi Yonghu, who was sitting on the sofa in front of the tea table. There was a young man sitting on the sofa opposite Shi Yonghu.    


This young man was around 22 years old and was wearing a white training uniform. He had a gentle face and was currently brewing martial arts tea leaves.    


The young man did not even lift his head when Yang Ling walked in.    


Shi Yonghu was not bald, he was wearing a black Chinese tunic suit and looked very refined and friendly. He looked like a university professor or something.    


He had a cup of tea in his hand and was enjoying the taste.    


The way he sat gave Yang Ling a feeling of being as unmoving as a mountain. At this moment, Yang Ling felt that there was nothing in this world that could disturb Shi Yonghu. It was as if Shi Yonghu had become an eternal existence.    


This was an extremely terrifying realm.    


Yang Ling cupped his fist and bowed respectfully, "Disciple Yang Ling pays his respect to Martial Uncle."    


Shi Yonghu acted as if he didn't see Yang Ling's bow. He drank his tea and ignored it.    


Yang Ling did not dare to straighten his body as he felt the subtle suppression. He even felt that if he were to act rashly, the consequences would be unimaginable. He had to be very careful.    


Not long later, Yang Ling's forehead was covered in sweat.    


After a long while, Shi Yonghu suddenly opened his mouth and said to the young man opposite him, "Ye Feng, your tea ceremony has improved again."    


Ye Feng's full name was Han Yefeng, and he was Shi Yonghu's trusted aide. He had been with Shi Yonghu since he was ten years old. Han Yefeng's cultivation level was profound and unfathomable, but he looked the most gentle, as if he would never get angry. He was very careful and did not leak a single thing. This was one of the reasons why Shi Yonghu trusted him.    


At this moment, facing Shi Yonghu's praise, Han Yefeng was neither arrogant nor impetuous. He smiled lightly and said, "You taught me that. Making tea is like being a person. You need to take it seriously."    


Shi Yonghu smiled. At this time, he turned around and looked at Yang Ling.    


When his gaze swept over them, Yang Ling immediately felt a mountain of pressure.    


"Martial Uncle!" Sweat trickled down Yang Ling's face as he replied immediately, "Disciple knows his mistake."    


Shi Yonghu lightly said, "Oh? What are you wrong about? "    


When Wu saw that Shi Yonghu was willing to talk to him, he immediately felt pardoned. He wasn't afraid of Shi Yonghu's scolding, but he was afraid of Shi Yonghu's indifference. Immediately, he continued to bend his body, lowered his head and said: "Disciple is incompetent, and lost the face of Shaolin Inner Sect disciple."    


Shi Yonghu grunted. His snort was like ice that drilled into Yang Ling's heart, causing him to have difficulty breathing. Shi Yonghu said in a cold voice: "If it wasn't for your old master, I would have long expelled you from Young Master Lin's Inner Sect." He paused for a while, and said: "A mere mercenary is able to beat the hell out of Shaolin Inner Sect disciples. Do you know that even in the outer seas today, everyone is secretly laughing at our Shaolin? "    


"Disciple knows his wrongs!" Yang Ling immediately said in fear.    


Shi Yonghu continued: "Even my Senior Brother was alarmed by this. This time, Senior Brother asked me to settle this matter. "    


Yang Ling was speechless. He never thought that the matter between him and Chen Qingyang had become so serious. The current situation was so grim that it exceeded his imagination. This was no longer a personal grudge.    


"Disciple is incompetent, please punish him." Yang Ling apologized.    


Shi Yonghu said, "Yang Ling, you don't need to ask for punishment. This time, if you can't get your face back. Young Master Lin's Inner Sect will no longer have a place for you. "    


Shaolin's Inner Sect is an existence of incomparable glory. The reason Yang Ling could live to this day was largely due to the four words, Inner Sect, of Shaolin. If he was really kicked out, it would be a devastating blow to Yang Ling.    


Yang Ling took a deep breath and said, "Martial Uncle, I know what to do now."    


Shi Yonghu said coldly, "Really? What are you going to do?"    


Yang Ling said, "Disciple will go and issue a challenge to Chen Qingyang. If I can't get my face back, then I will die."    


Shi Yonghu said, "If you lose, do we continue to challenge that mercenary? What will outsiders think of us? Doesn't that mean our Shaolin Inner Sect is useless, and that we have to resort to tactics? "    


Yang Ling was stunned as he asked, "What do you mean, Martial Uncle?"    


Shi Yonghu glanced at Han Yefeng and said, "Ye Feng, you tell me."    


Han Yefeng stood up. His face was calm and warm. Senior Yang, you didn't have a good time with the mercenary Chen Qingyang before. The people from the Martial Arts World of the continent, as well as those from overseas, had all heard of the grievances and grudges within. Even if you go and post a war letter now, Chen Qingyang might not accept it. There was a reason why he didn't accept it. No one would say he was wrong. Therefore, it's not advisable to post the war letter. "    


He paused for a moment before continuing, "Our meaning is that we should lead many martial arts experts to host a Martial King Golden Sword Competition. At that time, ask Chen Qingyang to join, and you can join as well. We hope that you will be able to show the might of the Inner Sect of Young Master Lin in this Martial King Golden Sword Competition, and also get rid of Chen Qingyang. As a result, no one will say that it was us who took revenge on Chen Qingyang when he died in the competition. "    


Yang Ling's eyes couldn't help but light up. He felt that this really was a good idea. But he immediately became worried: "But what if Chen Qingyang doesn't want to participate in the Golden Sword Competition?"    


Han Yefeng lightly said: "What's done is done, Senior Brother Yang is a smart person, you must have a way to let him participate in Golden Sword Competition."    


A cold glint flashed across Yang Ling's eyes as he nodded.    


One had to say, the technique of the Goldsword Swordplay was quite marvelous. In this competition, Shaolin's Inner Sect had already been fully activated, and could spread the name of Shaolin's Inner Sect, sweeping away the previous dejection brought about by Chen Qingyang's incident.    


This was killing two birds with one stone.    


Shaolin's Inner Sect also needed a match like this to prove himself.    


Previously, Yang Ling said he would post a war letter to Chen Qingyang. That was completely undesirable because everyone knew about the death match between Chen Qingyang and Luo Ren. Chen Qingyang had already said that he wouldn't accept another war of attrition. This was Chen Qingyang's reasoning.    


However, it was a big competition now, so Chen Qingyang couldn't say anymore.    


Of course, the prerequisite right now was for Chen Qingyang to participate in Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts. If he was not willing to participate, that would be enough to give Yang Ling a headache.    


Shi Yonghu was very considerate. In order to prevent the people from the Martial Arts World from feeling that it was Shaolin's Inner Sect controlling this matter, they had not revealed themselves. In the next few days, Shi Yonghu used his connections to find the president of the Yanjing, Dong Haiyun. Shi Yonghu had given Dong Hai Yun a huge sum of money and had also given the funds for the event, so Dong Hai Yun could organize the Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts together.    


Dong Hai Yun had a lot of prestige in the Martial Arts World of his country, so he happily accepted Shi Yonghu's cheque. On the same day, Dong Haiyun contacted a few famous old boxers in the country for a discussion. In the end, they agreed to send their proud disciples to battle.    


The rewards from Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts were extremely bountiful.    


The final winner will also receive the Honor Sword.    


Dong Hai Yun had joined forces with the old boxer and grandmaster to organize the Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts. The organizers of this competition had finally decided on the Buddha Mountain.    


After all, Mount Buddha was a place of martial arts.    


It was the goal of this competition to fight for all the martial arts skills in China.    


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