Soldier King of Life

C121 Shi Yongjun Vs Chen Huasheng

C121 Shi Yongjun Vs Chen Huasheng

The match had to be suspended because of Xiao Beichen's torture of Ye XIao.    


All the spectators left the stadium and the stadium began to recover quickly.    


An hour later, the match continued. The organization committee didn't issue any prohibitions because this Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts was originally cruel and bloody. Without this mental preparation, you are not to come, and are not fit to participate in this Martial Tao Competition.    


The screen continued to flicker.    


In the end, it was Huo Mingyuan versus Lei Qiang!    


Huo Mingyuan was Huo Tianzong's son, while Lei Qiang practiced Iron Palm.    


In this match, it was only right. After three moves, Huo Mingyuan had knocked Lei Qiang out of the ring.    


Huo Mingyuan's skills were quite solid.    


After that, there were two more battles. Each of them had their victor, but both were not as bloody as the previous matches. On the contrary, the battles between these experts were quite exciting.    


It was as if Xiao Beichen, Chen Qingyang, and the others were fighting with a murderous aura. Their moves were usually secretive and fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had decided on life and death.    


On the fifth match, the big screen once again began to flash wildly.    


And then it froze into Wu Steel VS Yue Lanting!    


The hearts of all the spectators rose to their throats.    


Everyone knew Yue Lanting's strength.    


Yue Lanting versus Xiao Beichen, that was a true battle between two evenly matched opponents!    


Including Chen Qingyang, Chen Huasheng, and Mu Jing, all of them were full of expectations for this battle.    


In the arena, the young Yue Lanting and Xiao Beichen stood quietly.    


Both of them maintained a quiet posture, as if the battle had nothing to do with them.    


It could be said that both of them were in their best condition.    


The bell rang at this moment.    


At this moment, Yue Lanting and Xiao Beichen moved.    


Amidst the thunder and lightning, the two figures were indistinct. Their speed was so fast that it was difficult for the audience to see them clearly.    


In that instant, Yue Lanting's whole body erupted with the king's grandeur of Peacock King Fist, like Liu Tie holding the commander seal and leading thousands of soldiers and horses as he charged forward.    


Yue Lanting raised his hand. His feet were like the galloping hooves of a horse and his hand seemed to have a thousand pounds of iron hammer.    


Once Yue Lanting made his move, it was as if the cauldron was fixed in place!    


The Fist Intent was overflowing, his fist was like a dragon emerging from the ocean, directly rushing towards Xiao Beichen's throat.    


Yue Lanting was like a peacock emperor when he made his move. His aura was too terrifying.    


No wonder he said that his Golden Pill Stage was only a thin layer.    


Perhaps, he would be able to transcend this battle.    


Xiao Beichen only felt his vision go black, the opponent's Fist Intent was rushing towards him, his skin was giving him goosebumps.    


A cold light flashed in Xiao Beichen's eyes. His body moved and suddenly retreated three meters away. His withdrawal was as swift and light as a leopard's.    


Yue Lanting immediately rushed over, he wasn't willing to give Xiao Beichen the opportunity to catch his breath.    


However, as soon as Yue Lanting rushed forward, Wu Tie rushed forward again.    


Retreat, just to advance!    


Xiao Beichen was like a heavy bow shooting out. Killing intent burst out of his eyes as he suddenly performed a fist under the sea towards Yue Lanting's abdomen.    


This punch was like a monster that had suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea. It was extremely ferocious!    


However, Yue Lanting's expression did not change. Facing the fist at the bottom of the sea, he let out a roar and the sound wave created a white circle of air.    


His hand did not slow down at all as he clenched his fists. It was as if he was holding onto a pillar that supported the heavens, directly pressing down on it!    




Both of them shook violently when Peacock King's fist hit them from the bottom of the sea.    


After that, their blood and Qi surged. But at the same time, the two of them used their fierce hands to tear at each other.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In a split-second, the two of them performed three moves of the 'Grasping Hand'. Their hand gestures changed as if they were dragons flying through the clouds, fast and mysterious.    


However, no one could do anything about it!    


After three moves, both their Qi and blood had returned to normal. At this time, Yue Lanting became even more ferocious. He suddenly stomped his foot on the ground, causing the ground to crack and countless stones to fly everywhere. Then, like a spinning top, Yue Lanting suddenly threw out a punch from his waist!    


It was as if a ferocious dragon had suddenly emerged from the hole and charged straight towards Xiao Beichen's chest!    


This move was actually the tail of the peacock in Peacock King's fist!    


Xiao Beichen did not dare to underestimate him. He took a step back, steadied his legs, and performed a move from the Thoughtless Emperor's Fist!    


Bang bang!    


The two of them collided again, causing their vital energy and blood to surge madly.    


Instead of retreating, Yue Lanting suddenly attacked with both of his fists!    


After the tail of the peacock, it was naturally the peacock that opened its tail!    


In an instant, Yue Lanting's fists were like lightning arrows as they exploded with ten punches in an instant!    


The shadows of fists filled the sky!    


Xiao Beichen's Qi sunk into his Dantian, so he quickly made ten punches!    


Ten punches were all Thoughtless Emperor Punch!    


However, his punch was a split-second slower than Yue Lanting's. After ten punches, Liu Tie's vital energy and blood were boiling. Yue Lanting, on the other hand, relied on Peacock King Fist to stabilize his Qi and blood.    


At this moment, Xiao Beichen's eyes became temporarily dazed.    


Yue Lanting immediately caught it and screamed. This scream was like a demonic note, directly piercing into Xiao Beichen's eardrums.    


Xiao Beichen's eardrums hurt. He was already dizzy for a moment, but at this moment, his mind was filled with demons!    


It was also at this moment that Yue Lanting struck Peacock King's fist directly onto Xiao Beichen's chest.    


With a bang, Xiao Beichen was sent flying. At the end, he fell to the ground and slid three meters away.    


His head tilted and blood spilled out. He died on the spot!    


Xiao Beichen and Ye Shen, the two Japanese young experts, were originally planning to come to China to hone their Fist Intent and raise their cultivation level.    


However, they underestimated the experts of China, so they ultimately lost their souls in the arena!    


Yue Lanting won!    


The audience cheered and applauded.    


The Martial Saint's reputation rose once again!    


The big screen began to flash crazily.    


This time, it stopped at Shi Yongjun, VS, Chen Huasheng!    


Upon seeing this scene, Chen Qingyang's face turned pale with fright. He looked at Chen Huasheng, who was beside him, with a pale face.    


Chen Qingyang understood Shi Yongjun's strength too well.    


Chen Huasheng stood up, and Chen Qingyang immediately grabbed Chen Huasheng. "Brother Watson, you are no match for him," he said. Shi Yongjun was the pinnacle expert of Shaolin's Inner Sect. He came to participate in this Golden Sword Competition of Martial Arts for the sake of killing me. You immediately forfeit. "    


Chen Huasheng was slightly surprised. He looked at Chen Qingyang for a second and seemed to understand something. However, he still shook off Chen Qingyang's hand and said, "No matter who he is, he came for what purpose. But in this arena, he and I will fight fair. "    


Chen Qingyang lowered his voice and said, "This is not fair. He has already become Expert of Golden Pill Stage. You have no chance at all. In the future, you still have plenty of opportunities, Big Brother Watson.    


Chen Huasheng smiled and said, "Brother Chen Qingyang, everyone has their own choices. I am a Fighter, I am a member of the Chenjiagou. My grandfather did not teach me to avoid battle and give up. " After he finished speaking, he ignored Chen Qingyang and walked up to the arena resolutely.    


Chen Qingyang was stunned!    


He knew that this was a battle without suspense. He could not bear to see Chen Huasheng die. Chen Huasheng was his friend!    


Qin Moyao and Tang Qingqing, Lin Qingxue thought.    


This arena was too cruel.    


Mu Jing said to Chen Qingyang in a deep voice, "Chen Qingyang, you'll have a good time watching this. If Chen Huasheng sacrificed himself, I don't want him to die for nothing. If you are able to gain insights into the mysteries of the Jindan in this battle, then his sacrifice will be of value. "    


Hot tears immediately welled up in Chen Qingyang's eyes. He understood why Chen Huasheng was so adamant about fighting. He also had the intention of letting him see Shi Yongjun's move.    


They hadn't been together for long, but their friendship had grown stronger!    


On the arena, Shi Yongjun and Chen Huasheng were standing opposite of each other!    


Shi Yongjun was in his forties, but he looked very young. He was dressed in a white monastic robe, and his shoes were made of cloth.    


His physique was sturdy, which meant that his vital energy and blood were extremely vigorous!    


This Shi Yongjun already had the aura of a chaotic universe. He was very, very powerful!    


Chen Qingyang felt that just his confrontation with Shi Yongjun would make him feel a sense of fear.    


However, Chen Huasheng was very calm. He practiced Taiji Fist. His heart was at peace, and he was naturally not afraid of anything external.    


Taiji was the softest, what was softest, water the softest!    


What do you mean the fiercest? Water is the worst!    


Water had no normal characteristics, it could be considered a Source of Life, could be considered a flood and fierce beast, could be treated with rage that overflowed the heavens, could be used to conquer the world!    


On the arena, the bell had rung!    


However, Shi Yongjun and Chen Huasheng did not attack directly.    


Shi Yongjun glanced at Chen Huasheng and said lightly, "You are not my opponent. Give up!"    


Chen Huasheng's expression was gentle as he said, "But I still want to fight with senior."    


Shi Yongjun said, "If I make a move, you will die. This humble monk advises you to return to the shore as soon as possible. "    


Chen Huasheng smiled and said, "If Fighter dies in the ring, then that would be worth it!"    


Shi Yongjun said, "In that case, I will have to send you to heaven." After he finished speaking, a fierce light flashed across his eyes.    


Shi Yongjun would never be an authentic monk, so it would not be excessive to say that he was killing monks.    


If he did not act, he would definitely kill someone.    


Moreover, this time he was carrying the honor of having the Inner Sect of Shaolin. Therefore, he wanted to show his strength and shoot Chen Huasheng in a flash.    


That was the only way to restore Shaolin's dignity to his Inner Sect!    


Shi Yongjun's figure flashed and the audience felt their vision blur. He then felt a surge of air currents. At this moment, no one could describe how powerful Shi Yongjun's punch was. As his body swayed, even the airflow seemed to have condensed itself, there was no sound of the wind blowing at all. However, there was no wind blowing at all.    


It was only when people saw Chen Huasheng's clothes violently fluttering in the air that the audience heard an extremely urgent whistle, a series of aerial explosions, and the violent ripples in the air in the middle of the arena.    


When everyone saw this ripple, they felt as if the air around them had turned into water.    


If it weren't for the water, where would there be such a strong ripple?    


However, the ripple only lasted for a moment. It was not as powerful a blow as the one before!    


Chen Qingyang and Mu Jing felt their hearts pounding, as if Shi Yongjun's punch were aimed at them.    


Chen Qingyang was even more shocked. He thought to himself, "If it was me, what would I do against this punch?" He felt that he could not avoid it.    


On the field, Chen Huasheng's gaze did not change at all. He didn't dodge or evade. Instead, he pushed off with his front foot, taking only half a step forward. With one fist on his waist and the other on the other hand, his fist flew straight down like a massive axe. It was supposed to be gentle, but when he punched out, it reached the limit of his strength.    


This move was too simple!    




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