Soldier King of Life

C188 Transformation of Ling'er

C188 Transformation of Ling'er

Situ Ling'er turned around and looked at Chen Qingyang doubtfully.    


Chen Qingyang immediately said, "Come to my side."    


Situ Ling'er obediently walked up to Chen Qingyang and squatted down, staring at him.    


"Aren't you afraid of death?" Chen Qingyang asked.    


Situ Ling'er shook her head and said, "I don't know what fear is and what fear is."    


Chen Qingyang pondered for a moment and then smiled, "Alright, Ling'er, since you are not afraid of death, then. Then we will live together, we are husband and wife. This time, we'll either live or die together, okay? "    


Lili did not hesitate at all. There seemed to be a glimmer of light in her eyes. She nodded and said, "Alright!"    


Chen Qingyang immediately let out a long sigh of relief.    


Mo Wu and Qin Lin also heaved a sigh of relief.    


Luo Feng sat cross-legged with his eyes closed as he started to recuperate.    


Situ Ling'er had obediently stayed by Chen Qingyang's side the entire time. She sat cross-legged and was very quiet.    


Chen Qingyang's heart was at peace.    


He felt that Situ Ling'er was not really without emotion. However, she was indeed a bit colder and slower than an ordinary person. But that didn't mean she didn't have feelings.    


Just like when she wanted to kill someone, the first person she would choose would be Luo Feng!    


This sequence was very subtle, which also meant that she felt that Mo Wu and Qin Lin were closer.    


If he could live this time, Chen Qingyang thought. In the future, he would take more care of Situ Ling'er and treat her as his real wife.    


Time passed, minute by minute.    


Chen Qingyang and the others fell into an unprecedented silence.    


The ten-day deadline would soon be up.    


On the morning of the tenth day, the first rays of the morning sun shone through the clouds.    


Not long after, a military aircraft flew through the clouds.    


By this time, Chen Qingyang had recovered. Nothing had happened to him and Situ Ling'er, and Luo Feng, Mo Wu, and Qin Lin were still suffering from serious internal injuries.    


When Chen Qingyang and the rest saw the military opportunity come their way, they all felt extremely complicated.    


They were hopeful, but also nervous.    


Because this was the moment that truly determined life and death.    


The military aircraft quickly landed on the beach. When it landed, it swept up a dust cloud, just like a tornado.    


The military aircraft cabin door opened.    


A valiant Luo Ning in a military uniform appeared.    


Luo Ning and the two service personnel got off the military aircraft, and soon after, they arrived in front of Chen Qingyang and the others.    


"What about the others?" Luo Ning glanced around and asked Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang said in a deep voice, "They're all dead."    


There was no change in Luo Ning's expression as she said, "Alright, the five of you, I will officially announce that you have successfully passed the test." In three days, we will conduct a ceremony for all of you to enter. At that time, you will officially become an outer disciple of Celestial Realm. Congratulations to all of you! "    


Chen Qingyang and the others were slightly stunned, but soon after, they were overjoyed.    


He was actually fine. He was actually accepted.    


Just a moment ago, they had been worried that they would be killed.    


Everyone quickly supported each other as they boarded the military aircraft.    


The military aircraft quickly took off.    


On the plane, Chen Qingyang and the others were filled with questions, but Chen Qingyang resisted the urge to ask.    


Luo Ning swept her eyes across the crowd and said, "You must be feeling very strange, right? We clearly set the conditions for victory to only be accepted by one person? "    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "We are indeed very curious."    


Luo Ning said indifferently: "It's simple, what our Celestial Realm requires is not simple experts. It was really extremely clever. The rules are immutable, but people are not immutable. We need you to figure out what we really mean and break the rules. "    


Chen Qingyang had been thinking about this question all along, but he wasn't sure either! He couldn't help but say, "But, the rules have been set. Even if we can figure out what you mean, none of us is willing to risk our lives. The safest thing is to follow your rules. "    


Luo Ning said, "That's right." She paused and continued, "The reason why we are on Snake Island is because of the dense jungle surrounding the island. This was a good escape condition. If they couldn't beat him, they could escape into the forest and into the sea. If they were unlucky and died, it would be because of bad luck. No matter how smart a person was, if their luck was bad, it would be useless. In this elimination round, the true rule is that as long as the person is able to survive, no matter how he survives, it will be considered as a pass. "    


Chen Qingyang faintly understood the meaning of Celestial Realm.    


The puzzlement in everyone's hearts was finally resolved.    


Three hours later, the plane landed at the Yanjing military base.    


Everyone put on their military coats and got off the military aircraft.    


"During these three days, you can freely move about within the Yanjing. Three days later, at eight in the morning, we will meet up at room 408 of the Jingning Hotel on time. " Luo Ning said.    


Two hours later, Chen Qingyang and Situ Ling'er returned to Situ Family.    


Their Venomous Golden Silkworm had already been summoned by the Golden Silkworm mother Gu.    


Chen Qingyang and Situ Ling'er were both eager to get home after the ordeal.    


Chen Qingyang first called Old Master Situ Yan and told him to arrange for the car to pick up at the meeting place. Afterwards, the two of them flew back on their military aircraft.    


As for Qin Lin, Mo Wu and Luo Feng. Since their hometown wasn't in the Yanjing, they decided to stay in the base to recuperate.    


Situ Mansion.    


It was one o'clock in the afternoon.    


The courtyard was filled with snow, the mountains and rivers of his homeland, a snow-white world everywhere.    


Chen Qingyang and Situ Ling'er were both wearing army coats.    


Chen Qingyang took Situ Ling'er's hand and quickly walked to the hall of the mansion.    


Old Master Situ Yan sat at the head of the table. His face was red and gentle.    


"Grandfather!" Chen Qingyang shouted. He said excitedly, "Ling'er and I have been accepted."    


Old Master Situ Yan was not surprised, he smiled and said: "Sit down, I have arranged for Old Wu to prepare lunch. Let's drink while we chat. "    


Chen Qingyang was really hungry. During this time, he hadn't eaten well on the deserted island.    


Ten minutes later, in the dining hall.    


The table was filled with a sumptuous meal.    


Old Master Situ Yan personally poured the wine and then raised his cup to Chen Qingyang and said, "Chen Qingyang, grandpa congratulates you."    


Chen Qingyang immediately said, "Thank you, Grandpa!"    


Situ Ling'er ate quietly by the side without saying anything.    


"Everything went well in this exam, didn't it?" Situ Yan asked.    


Chen Qingyang smiled bitterly and said: "To tell you the truth, Grandfather, I originally thought that no matter how difficult the Celestial Realm examination was, I wouldn't be afraid. I didn't expect that after suffering so much this time, I almost didn't come back. "    


Situ Yan was interested, "Oh? Tell me quickly. "    


Chen Qingyang didn't hide anything from Situ Yan and told him what had happened in the past few days.    


After Situ Yan heard this, he was also surprised, and said: "I never thought that Celestial Realm would arrange such an exam. You guys are lucky to survive."    


Chen Qingyang smiled and said, "This is a good place to live. It's not like we didn't reap any rewards. "    


Situ Yan also smiled when he heard this and said, "Good, very good."    


After that, Situ Yan did not say anything else.    


Chen Qingyang ate very happily and sweetly for this meal.    


After dinner, Chen Qingyang and Situ Ling'er went back to their room.    


Chen Qingyang told Situ Ling'er to take a bath first.    


After Situ Ling'er had showered, Chen Qingyang went to take a bath.    


When Chen Qingyang came out of the shower, Lili was already in bed. Her hair was still wet.    


Situ Ling'er sat there quietly, thinking about something.    


Chen Qingyang was no longer a stranger to Situ Ling'er. He still had a kind of love and affection for her.    


He immediately came to the bed and suddenly pressed down on Lili.    


Their faces faced each other, very close together. You can feel the heat of each other's breath.    


Situ Ling'er's eyes were bright as she stared fixedly at Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but kiss her tender lips, then he scratched her face and said gently, "Silly girl, what are you thinking about?"    


Situ Ling'er shook her head and said, "Nothing."    


She said that she didn't think of anything, but she really didn't think of anything.    


Chen Qingyang wasn't depressed. He was already used to Situ Ling'er's rhythm.    


Then, Chen Qingyang sat up, went to find the hairdryer and said, "I'll dry your hair for you."    


Situ Ling'er nodded and said, "Okay!"    


After Chen Qingyang had dried Situ Ling'er's hair, Situ Ling'er said, "I want to go to sleep, okay?"    


Hearing this, Chen Qingyang felt warm inside, because Situ Ling'er would never ask him about it in the past.    


He immediately said, "Of course. But you have to kiss me before you can sleep. "    


Situ Ling'er immediately leaned over and kissed Chen Qingyang on the lips. After that, she quickly hid under the blanket.    


Chen Qingyang thought, could she be shy?    


In any case, Chen Qingyang was glad of the change.    


At this moment, Chen Qingyang was in high spirits.    


He changed into a white down jacket and drove out in a Lexus in the courtyard.    


Chen Qingyang called Lin Qingxue on the car phone first.    


He was naturally concerned about Lin Qingxue, who was also happy to receive Chen Qingyang's call.    


The two chatted for a long time.    


Then Chen Qingyang asked Lin Qingxue to help him say hello to Tang Qingqing and Su Wanqing.    


Lin Qingxue agreed.    


Only after this did Chen Qingyang hang up.    


Then Chen Qingyang called Qin Moyao.    


Qin Moyao was also happy to hear from Chen Qingyang, who talked about recent events and said he'd passed the exam without a hitch.    


Lili was overjoyed. "When you have time, I'll treat you to a meal to celebrate."    


Chen Qingyang smiled and said, "Tomorrow night."    


Qin Moyao said, "It's a deal."    


After he finished talking to Qin Moyao, Chen Qingyang called Shen Monong.    


Shen Monong was equally happy to hear from Chen Qingyang. She smiled and said, "You have disappeared for so many days. It's obvious that you have passed the Celestial Realm examination by calling me now, right?"    


Chen Qingyang smiled and said, "I can't hide anything from you." He paused and asked, "Where are you? Is it convenient to meet them? "    


Lili said, "If you have serious business, I'll take care of it. If there is nothing important, I still have some work to do, so I might not have the time to entertain you. "    


Chen Qingyang said bluntly, "I have serious business to attend to!"    


Lili said, "Okay, tell me the location." She paused, then said: "Brat, if you don't have proper business, I'll let you see."    


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