Soldier King of Life

C155 Uncontrollable Body

C155 Uncontrollable Body

Chen Qingyang and Su Wanqing were also speechless.    


Qin Moyao pulled Chen Qingyang along and asked in private, "If Xiao Bingqing is under control, then we won't be in any danger, will we?"    


Chen Qingyang started, then said, "And Yang Tiancheng, he came with Xiao Bingqing to infect you. This old fellow seemed to be in a dilemma. However, in any case, he had taken control of Xiao Bingqing. Things are not that complicated. "    


Qin Moyao asked: "Then do you no longer need to marry any Situ Family ladies?"    


Chen Qingyang paused, not knowing how to answer. The situation was still chaotic, and he could imagine that he had helped Lili get rid of Di Luo. The Shura was also captured. Hang Xingtian didn't think it was going to end there. At that time, if he did not have the necessary security, he would die even if he met Hang Xingtian.    


Chen Qingyang felt that it was a mess right now, he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried. The more he thought about it, the more confused he felt.    


Qin Moyao looked at Chen Qingyang with a burning gaze, waiting for his answer.    


Chen Qingyang sighed and said, "Moyao, it doesn't matter if I'm married or not. The friendship between the two of us will never change. I will forever treat you as my best friend, a confidant, a confidant that can support life and death. "    


Qin Moyao's eyes dimmed and she said, "You're still going to marry a woman you don't know." She paused, then said, "I just... I know what kind of character you are, I just don't want you to be so wronged. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "Being in the martial arts world, one is helpless."    


The three words summarized Chen Qingyang's situation.    


An hour later, news came from Shen Monong's side. Xiao Bingqing did not catch him. She had already run away.    


In addition, he fled like the air that had disappeared, leaving no place for him to escape to.    


Chen Qingyang wasn't too surprised, because he had already felt that things wouldn't be resolved so smoothly.    


After dinner in the courtyard, Shen Monong called again. It was for Chen Qingyang, and it had been for Qin Hongwei.    


Lili said over the phone, "I'll pick you up."    


Chen Qingyang said, "Alright!" He didn't like being in the courtyard, either. Staying here made him very uncomfortable.    


It was mainly because the four girls were together that everyone felt a little awkward. And Grand Master Qin was too dignified!    


Chen Qingyang still felt at home in Shen Monong's house.    


Shen Monong drove up half an hour later. She came in and talked to Qin Hongwei for a while, then left with Chen Qingyang.    


"Before leaving, Shen Monong promised again." Old man, Chen Qingyang and I are working on this. We will give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible. "    


Qin Hongwei nodded and said, "Go."    


After exiting the courtyard, Chen Qingyang stretched himself comfortably on the passenger seat.    


Lili drove directly out of the courtyard.    


The night in Yanjing City was bright with neon lights, and on the bridges in the distance, they snaked like giant dragons.    


The air was cold.    


The car was heated and the radio played soft music.    


It was a song about tears.    


I accidentally stepped on the little stamen and broke it    


The heartache want to compensate it a few tear    


I just found out that I haven't cried for years    


Did he forget what feeling was?!    


It doesn't matter if you laugh at yourself for being so sentimental    


Actually, there was no one that he truly loved …    


I was stuck in those memories all night and I couldn't sleep    


A vague dream    


and hysterics saying that I never regret    


Because tonight I decided to indulge in tears    


"Say, today, if you capture Xiao Bingqing, do you think I won't need to go to the Celestial Realm anymore? And you don't have to marry Situ Ling'er? " Chen Qingyang asked suddenly.    


Lili suddenly stopped the car.    


At that moment, the atmosphere in the car became a bit more subtle.    


Chen Qingyang was stunned. He could feel Shen Monong's anger.    


Shen Monong seemed to be upset. She said with slight anger, "I don't think you've figured out what's going on up till now."    


Chen Qingyang didn't know what to say. He felt as if he were afraid of Shen Monong's anger.    


Shen Monong said, "You are the the Chosen One. How could the the Chosen One escape from this trouble? You just sink deeper and deeper into the mire. So what if Xiao Bingqing was dead? Don't forget that Di Luo is dead. The Shura was also taken by me. Then if Hang Xingtian can't find trouble with me, will he endure you? Once you leave the Yanjing, you will immediately die. Also, your current state of mind is even inferior to Shura's. Don't think that the Shura just kneels to me because he has no backbone. That was because he knew how to go downriver. He knew how to gather his potential. When the building came crashing down, they naturally had to escape. This was an advantage. And you? I don't even know what you're thinking about. "    


Shen Monong paused and then said, "What does marrying Situ Ling'er mean? Are you a layman? Does that mean you're going to have children and then surround the family? Situ Ling'er wouldn't have either. It's just a form. All of these things were all illusions. All of them were illusions and appearances. What you have to do is how to get to the other side. Your strength is not even comparable to an Asura, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant and spoiled? "    


Chen Qingyang was speechless. He even felt a bit ashamed.    


Although Lili's words were unpleasant, every word stabbed his sore spot.    


He had a lot of misgivings. That was why the progress of the cultivation level was slow!    


In fact, he was such a clever man.    


Lili took a deep breath and said, "I'm not in a good mood today, so my words are a bit unpleasant. However, every word I say is from the bottom of my heart."    


Chen Qingyang said, "I understand."    


Lili said, "You don't have much time left, if you don't continue to climb, what will happen to you in the future? Can I always protect you? Even if I can protect you forever, what's the use of wanting you? I hope you can help me in the future. I'm not looking for a young master to provide for me. "    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but smile bitterly.    


Lili didn't say anything else and just started the car and drove away.    


Neither of them spoke for the rest of the journey.    


After arriving at Lili's house, Lili gave Chen Qingyang another six bullets.    


Then, Chen Qingyang took a bath.    


After the bath, Shen Monong also went to take a bath.    


While Shen Monong was showering, Chen Qingyang said, "I'll go buy you some supper."    


Shen Monong, who was inside, acknowledged.    


Half an hour later, Chen Qingyang arrived with cold beer and a sumptuous supper.    


Shen Monong also finished her shower, put on her sportswear, and curled up on the sofa.    


Chen Qingyang arranged the spicy conch, barbecue, grilled fish, and so on. Then he pulled open the ring on the cold beer.    


"Why are you in a bad mood today?" Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong bumped into each other and asked.    


Shen Monong glanced at Chen Qingyang. She actually treated him as a friend, which was why she lost her temper in front of him. Chen Qingyang understood that.    


Shen Monong took a swig of her cold beer and then, in her haste, let out a burp. She said, "There's nothing specific. He only felt that everything was complicated, and their relationship was intertwined. According to my character, I will cut them all with one slash. Yang Tiancheng and Xiao Bingqing, for example, were the biggest losers. Whether it was right or wrong, it was clear that the entire matter had occurred because of Shaolin's Inner Sect. It was Shaolin Inner Sect that caused Yang Ling's death, but these two fools didn't find Shaolin Inner Sect, and instead went crazy towards you and Grand Master Qin. What do you think? The most important thing was, even if you tried to reason with them, they wouldn't listen. In such a situation, my sister would have thrown her big ears at me. But I can't, because who am I? Because I'm Shen Monong! Even if it is me, I still have too many things I can't do and can't do. I also have a lot of things that I have to do. "    


Now that he thought about it, Shen Monong was a woman of character.    


As Chen Qingyang listened to Lili's story, he understood Lili's worries. He suddenly thought of a passage in Journey to the West. That Great Sage's ability was invincible. After causing a huge ruckus in the Heavenly Court, he was trapped at the foot of Five Fingers Mountain by Patriarch Tathagata. He didn't want to go to the Western Heavens to collect scriptures, so he said that he would never be able to ride the cloud with the monks or ride the fog. But in the end, he still had to compromise.    


It seemed that no matter how high his and Shen Monong's cultivation level s were. There was the Heavenly Dao above them, and they were all monkeys after all.    


They were all in the martial arts world, and they couldn't help it!    


What about mortals? They were the same for every single city. Work, work, life, family, children.    


With all of these restrictive spells in place, who would be able to Transcend?    


The world is so big, you want to go out for a walk. Alright, you go. You need money to go. You need to repay your mortgage. You need to repay your credit card. Can you move away?    


Not to mention that, Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong quickly drank two cans of beer. Chen Qingyang said, "Oh right, will the Shura really listen to you in the future?"    


Shen Monong said, "I arranged for someone to inject him with the virus. He was vaccinated every year. He had to be obedient if he didn't want to die. The Shura's fear of death was his weakness. To be able to grasp his weakness is to be afraid of his disobedience. "    


When Chen Qingyang heard this, he relaxed and said, "Have you ever thought about finding Asura's method of training for his master, Hang Xingtian?"    


Shen Monong said, "I asked. We can't copy Hang Xingtian's way. Everyone has their own cultivation method. This is the problem we face after reaching the Jindan Stage. If we copy someone else's method, we will only fall into the demonic path. Just like how each of us has a different training hall. "    


Chen Qingyang felt the same, and said, "Today, Di Luo and Asura were defeated because they didn't expect me to carry a mercury bullet gun. Otherwise, with their cultivation level, it would be hard for us to handle them. "    


Lili said, "Di Luo and the Shura are real Fighter. They don't care about guns. We also forced them into the house and caught them off guard. Next time, it would not be effective. However, you should also know that although firearms are powerful, you must not rely on them. "    


Chen Qingyang nodded.    


That night, the two of them drank a lot of beer. Finally Lili got drunk again.    


Chen Qingyang carried her to bed, where the drunk Lili looked like an ordinary big sister. Her dignity was not that strong.    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but laugh as he looked at her. He felt that she was very cute.    


Of course, Chen Qingyang wouldn't dare to molest Shen Monong even if he had a hundred guts.    


After settling Shen Monong down, Chen Qingyang also went back to his room to sleep.    


The next morning, Shen Monong and Chen Qingyang got up at the same time. After Chen Qingyang had finished washing up, he said to Shen Monong, who was washing up, "Let's go see Old Master Situ today."    


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