Soldier King of Life

C64 Antecedent

C64 Antecedent

Bai Yinshuang nodded and said, "That's right."    


Chen Qingyang said, "In that case, it seems that Cheng Jianhua plotted and plotted and ultimately failed to obtain the good fortune jade plate?"    


Lili said, "That's not true, since the good fortune jade plate is also divided into males and females. There were a total of two jade pendants on this jade plate – one was a dragon jade, and the other was a phoenix jade. This was something that no one else knew. Cheng Jianhua took away the dragon jade, what I rely on now is the phoenix jade. The ancestor said that when the good fortune jade plate is separated, my death will come. However, the Martial Ancestor did not expect that I would leave behind the ordinary Phoenix Jade and keep this crippled body. However, no matter what, I managed to escape death. "    


Chen Qingyang said curiously, "This Good Fortune Jade Plate sounds amazing, but in the end, it's just jade. Where exactly are their treasures? "    


Both Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao were very curious about this question.    


Lili couldn't help but look at Chen Qingyang and said, "You don't even know what the Jade Butterfly of Creation is used for, and you still barged in?"    


Chen Qingyang rolled his eyes and said, "I just want to open a bar, and I don't care about treasures. Besides, no matter how good your Creation Jade Plate is, it's worth something to me. However, do you think that with my skills, it would be difficult for me to earn money? "    


Bai Yinshuang was slightly stunned.    


Chen Qingyang said, "Many times, you think it's a very precious thing. "It might not be so precious in the eyes of others, right?"    


Bai Yinshuang was lost in thought. After a moment of silence, she said, "When the Jade Butterfly Goddess of Creation and the Jade Butterfly fused into one, it could emit a kind of benevolent aura. This kind of aura can cure all kinds of diseases. It could also change the surrounding magnetic and aura fields. As for the uses of this Lucky Jade Plate, I didn't know before. Afterwards, after Cheng Jianhua harmed me, he took away the dragon jade. After I became a soul, I gained an additional level of understanding towards this Good Fortune Jade Plate. "    


Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao immediately listened attentively.    


Lili continued, "The role of the Dragon Jade is to change one's luck and destiny through its own texture and its wonderful texture. The reason why Cheng Jianhua was so determined to get Long Yu was because he had calculated that he would also have a death match. He didn't want to die, so he used Dragon Jade to defy the heavens and change fate. As for Feng Yu, let's put it this way. Before Dragon Jade Holy Man died, when Phoenix Jade Spirit Master died, he died. After I was strangled by Cheng Jianhua, I was very resentful. At the time, I felt nothing but chaos and hatred. As for who I hate, I'm not too sure either. I just know that I'm extremely resentful and that I want to destroy everything. At this time, the Phoenix Jade emitted a subtle magnetic field. The aura of this magnetic field was like the Heavenly Star Aura that nourished my soul. I gradually began to regain my clarity of mind, and with the Phoenix Jade as the array center, I transferred the aura of my entire Golden Time through the Phoenix Jade, and transformed it into the grievance that I needed. "    


"In the beginning, I was full of resentment, seeing people kill people. After that, a few people came in, and I just happened to suck their Blood Essence, thereby nourishing my soul. It wasn't until last year that I gradually reached the level of cultivation and was able to control my true heart. "    


As Bai Yinshuang said this, she couldn't help but be surprised.    


After a person died, what exactly happened? This was a mystery that had existed for thousands of years. Now that Bai Yinshuang, the dead woman, was explaining it to Qin Moyao herself, Qin Moyao was naturally excited. She said, "Does that mean after death, there are no six paths of reincarnation? Grandma Meng's Elixir, Hell of Hell? "    


Bai Yinshuang looked at Qin Moyao and said, "Six paths of reincarnation, hell is a culture in China. And Western culture is heaven. These things were a good wish that people imagined because they were afraid of dying. If there really were six paths of reincarnation, hell and hell, where were they? Why had no one seen it before? This is unscientific. "    


Qin Moyao heard this and admired Chen Qingyang even more. She looked at Chen Qingyang and said, "It seems it's the same as what you said."    


Chen Qingyang cleared his throat, then said, "Now is not the time to discuss this." He looked at Bai Yinshuang and said, "Where do you think Cheng Jianhua should be now?"    


Seeing that Chen Qingyang was concerned about Cheng Jianhua, Bai Yinshuang became excited and said, "Cheng Jianhua should be in the Dark Robe Sect. He has been planning to get my Creation Jade Plate since a long time ago. So, it was an alias before, and with his current abilities, he should already be one of the pillars of the Dark Robe Sect. "    


Chen Qingyang said: "Where should I go to find Dark Robe Sect?"    


Wu Li said, "In Kunming, there is an An Ning city. After passing An Ning city, one would be able to see a small town a hundred miles into the mountains. The town was called Black Cloaked Town. The patriarch of this town had set up a formation and used photosynthesis to form a mirage. A normal person would think that the Black Cloak Town was an ancient nation of Yunnan and did not exist. "In actuality, that is the core of the Dark Robe Sect.    


Chen Qingyang said, "Then how do I get in?"    


Lili said, "It's very easy to go in, but there's no photosynthesis at night, so you just go in. However, they had to pass through a bamboo forest when entering. The bamboo forest was filled with snake spirits. These snake spirits were fed to him by his ancestors. They were very spiritual and poisonous. At night, the Spirit Snake would spew out its Poisonous Fog, surrounded by mist, and no one dared to enter. Normally, if someone from the Dark Robe Sect wanted to enter, they would have a method to expel the snakes. I can teach you the method to drive snakes, and when you go in, you can wear a gas mask, and that will do. "    


Chen Qingyang touched his nose. At this time, more than half of his Force of Qi-and-Blood had recovered. This guy's self-recovery ability is very abnormal. He said, "Is there a lot of martial arts experts in the Dark Robe Sect? Will I get killed if I enter? "    


Bai Yinshuang said: "Most of the disciples in the Dark Robe Sect are experts in the art of special methods of escaping. As for martial arts, no one would ever do that. After you enter, find my ancestor first. After you report this to the ancestor, the ancestor will definitely not let Cheng Jianhua go. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "If I, a stranger, enter, will I be able to see your Martial Ancestor?"    


Bai Yinshuang heard this and was also troubled. She hesitated for a moment before saying: "I have a breast name, Nannan. After you had gone, you gave me my breast name and said that I had entrusted it to you. They should introduce you. "    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "I have one last question, I haven't met that Cheng Jianhua before. I'm afraid I'll go and get the wrong person. "After all, this Cheng Jianhua is a bit cunning."    


Bai Yinshuang said, "That's easy to handle."    


After she finished speaking, her body began to change before finally turning into the appearance of a man.    


This man wore a blue robe. He was refined and had a graceful bearing. It was obvious that he was playing the part of an antique television cameraman. No matter how he looked at it, they were all good people!    


After that, Bai Yinshuang returned to her original state.    


Her change was truly miraculous, just like Sun Wukong's change of seventy-two. But to be honest, it was not that miraculous, because Bai Yinshuang did not have a physical body, so all the changes were just brain waves.    


Ordinary people's brain waves could not be seen, but Bai Yinshuang's brain waves were so strong that it could be seen with the naked eye.    


"I will bring you Cheng Jianhua's head." This was what Chen Qingyang had said before he left.    


When he left Golden Time bar, it was already midnight.    


Chen Qingyang and Qin Moyao stood outside the bar, while the roller shutter of the Golden Time bar once again closed.    


The bar beside them was lit up with neon lights as luxury cars filled the air.    


This was a very bustling place, and also a city that did not have any nights.    


"Your hand?" Qin Moyao, concerned about Chen Qingyang's injuries, grabbed his hand and asked.    


Chen Qingyang directly ripped open the bandage and said, "It's fine now."    


Lili then looked at the wound on Chen Qingyang's wrist, where a real scab had already formed. How could you be so fast? " Qin Moyao felt incredulous.    


Chen Qingyang didn't care at all. As he walked towards the car, he said, "Your qi and blood are vigorous, so your wounds will heal faster. "What's so strange about that?"    


As the two chatted, they got into the car. This time, it was Lili who drove.    


"Where to next?" Qin Moyao asked Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang leaned back in his chair. He was also a bit tired. "I'm covered in blood. It'll be troublesome to explain it to Sister Qing when I get back." Take me to a place where I can sleep and take a bath. "    


Qin Moyao said, "Okay!"    


Instead, she took Chen Qingyang back to her house to stay.    


Now that she and Chen Qingyang had experienced life and death situations, she had great trust in Chen Qingyang.    


Along the way back, Lili saw that Chen Qingyang was tired, so she didn't say anything.    


Qin Moyao lived in an elevator with two rooms and two rooms on the 20th floor.    


The decorations at home were very warm.    


After they parked the car in the district, the two of them got into the elevator.    


"Thank you for today." Qin Moyao couldn't help but say as the elevator rose.    


Chen Qingyang didn't really care and said, "There's nothing to thank me for. I was the one who brought you in anyway. I brought you danger as well. "    


Lili insisted, "I still have to thank you."    


Chen Qingyang chuckled and didn't say anything else.    


Lili suddenly said, "I have something I don't understand."    


"What is it?" Chen Qingyang asked.    


Lili said, "I can't help you out even if I go in. Why did you bring me in?"    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but rub his nose and said depressingly, "I thought this would be a simple matter, relying on our weapons to deal with Bai Yinshuang." This case has always been an open case, and you're a cop. If you solve the case, you can make a meritorious contribution. This is the first, the second, after you solve the case, unrestrainedly publicize. Instead, it will increase everyone's curiosity and curiosity regarding Golden Time. "    


Qin Moyao couldn't help but realize.    


She paused before continuing, "Actually, Bai Yinshuang is also a pitiful person."    


Chen Qingyang nodded.    


The two of them quickly arrived at the 20th floor and entered Qin Moyao's house.    


Qin Moyao arranged for Chen Qingyang to take a bath first, and before he went to take a bath, Chen Qingyang said to Qin Moyao, "Make me some food. It needs milk, meat, and eggs."    


Qin Moyao was speechless and said, "I only have instant noodles and ham."    


Chen Qingyang then said, "There's a supermarket downstairs, go buy it."    


Lili had just run up, and she was frightened today, but she didn't want to go. He then said, "Let's have some instant noodles and sausages before we go to eat tomorrow morning. How about that?"    


Chen Qingyang had always been a easy-going person, but this time, he didn't listen. He said seriously, "It's not that I want to eat these things. I lost a lot of blood, even though I recovered quickly. but it also needs some nourishment. "    


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