Soldier King of Life

C169 Relieving Soul to Restore Spirit

C169 Relieving Soul to Restore Spirit

Chen Qingyang had a special feeling about Situ Ling'er. Although there was no basis for their union. But from the moment they got married, Chen Qingyang would subconsciously feel that she was his wife, something that belonged to him. He had an inexplicable feeling of love.    


So Chen Qingyang didn't want to hurt Situ Ling'er. Just like how he would never want Situ Ling'er's body in this state.    


That night, both of them slept very soundly.    


The next morning, after breakfast. Old Master Situ Yan said, "Chen Qingyang, come with me in a while."    


Chen Qingyang was slightly shocked. He didn't ask much and just replied, "Ok, grandpa!"    


This time, Uncle Wu was driving. It was a Hummer!    


Chen Qingyang and Old Master Situ Yan sat in the back.    


The car quickly drove out of the courtyard and into the special road for the Situ Family.    


Today's weather was especially cold, and there was a thin drizzle outside the window.    


It was already December, and the weather forecast said that it would snow in a few days at the Yanjing.    


Winter in the north is always so cold.    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but miss the weather in the Binhai. He thought, if I can settle down in the future, then I must also settle down in the Binhai.    


However, what would the future be like?    


Chen Qingyang didn't dare to think too much about it.    


Would he survive? How many difficulties would he experience?    


After settling in, would he go with Situ Ling'er?    


Would he have children with her?    


Chen Qingyang had no confidence at all about the future.    


The car moved forward and finally turned into a main road, heading in the direction of Hebei.    


Chen Qingyang was a bit curious about what they were going to do, but since the old man didn't say it, he didn't ask.    


After about an hour, the car finally turned into a dirt road.    


The dirt road continued forward and finally came to a halt in front of a river.    


The river was about thirty meters wide and endless. It looked like the Yangtze River. But this was obviously not the Yangtze.    


The wind from the north caused layers of waves to appear on the surface of the river. The color of the river was slightly turbid.    


On both sides of the river, the boat was nowhere to be seen.    


There were no houses in the distance. It was a very quiet and peaceful place.    


Chen Qingyang was even more curious. Why did the old man bring him here?    


"Get out!" Old Master Situ Yan said.    


Chen Qingyang said, "Yes, Grandpa!" Then he got out of the car and opened the door for the old man.    


After Situ Yan got out of the car, Uncle Wu also got out.    


The three of them faced the river.    


Bei Feng roared in rage as a bone-piercing coldness assaulted him.    


Uncle Wu was wrapped in his army coat, but he still felt cold.    


But Chen Qingyang and Old Master Situ Yan felt it was okay.    


At this time, Old Master Situ Yan said, "You must be very curious why I brought you here, right?"    


Chen Qingyang nodded and honestly replied, "Yes!"    


Situ Yan said, "Today, I want to teach you how to suppress your soul and restore your soul."    


Chen Qingyang's heart skipped a beat. He knew how terrifying the old man was. He also knew that the old man trained to suppress the soul and bring it back to the mind.    


Then, Situ Yan continued, "Soul Suppressing Returning Spirit is a spell of luck. It is to hide all of one's vital energy and blood in the Blood Cave. The human body actually had a blood aperture, and this blood aperture was called the Desolate Blood aperture. The small blood plates and hematopoiesis that our bodies need come from the poor blood vessels. Once the Desolate Blood Meridian was opened, it would be equivalent to having a storage of blood energy within your body. Then, your starting point will be higher than ordinary people. Don't underestimate this blood aperture, it can store two-thirds of your body's Force of Qi-and-Blood. Moreover, as you cultivate, there is a possibility that it will continue to grow. In the highest realm, this blood aperture stores blood energy twice as much as a person's own blood energy. "    


"Moreover, the vital energy and blood are hidden in the blood cavities. Therefore, ordinary people would not be able to see just how much power you have, or how high your cultivation level is. "    


This point was something Chen Qingyang agreed with. He did not know how powerful Old Master Situ Yan was.    


Chen Qingyang listened very seriously.    


Situ Yan continued, "However, don't be happy too early. Subduing one's soul into one's spirit wasn't something that just anyone could master. If he couldn't clear the Desolate Blood Meridian, then there was nothing to talk about. Ling'er still hadn't been able to open the aperture. Moreover, opening the Desolate Blood Meridians required a great deal of luck. "I can teach you all the techniques, but whether you can learn them will depend on your luck."    


Chen Qingyang took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa, I will try my best."    


Situ Yan smiled and said: "Don't feel too much pressure, just leave it to fate."    


Chen Qingyang said, "Yes!"    


Situ Yan continued: "Soul suppressing and soul returning to the Spirit, listening to the meaning of that is to return the soul to the position, this is a metaphor. The real meaning was to hide all the energy in the body in the Great Desolate Blood Cavern. As a result, all of the light from the edge of the blade was nourishing in the bloodstream, growing stronger and stronger. It was like a tree in the winter. This was because the human body would eventually decay, and the Soul Suppressing Orb was like hibernation, which could extend one's lifespan and strength. If you master this technique well, you can numb your opponents in the future as well. As long as you want to hide it, even the Great Firmament Golden Immortal would not be able to see through you. "    


Chen Qingyang's eyes flashed with excitement, because this was indeed a good martial arts.    


"I'll teach you the incantation first!" "After Situ Yan finished his sentence, he started to recite a spell." The saying "the valley god does not die" is the word "Xuan". The Black Widow Door is called the Root of the Heavens and the Earth. It was so continuous that it was hard to use. "The five colors make people blind, the five notes make people deaf, the five tastes make people feel good, and the speed with which they gallop makes people mad. The rare goods make people feel better …"    


"Do you understand?" Situ Yan asked Chen Qingyang after he finished reading.    


Chen Qingyang was at a loss and said, "I don't understand!"    


Situ Yan asked, "How can I not know?"    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but feel ashamed and said, "Grandpa, I don't seem to know anything. The technique you're reciting is too profound, I can't find anything to refer to. I only feel that it's vague, just like those Buddhist scriptures. It sounds like one's heart is calm, but one doesn't understand its meaning. "    


"You seem to have a high level of comprehension for being able to meditate. Actually, I don't need you to understand this chant. However, you must recite this chant in the form of the syllables that I have recited and echo in your mind. After this, if all of the syllables were like a chant, causing you to feel as if you were standing in the Thunderclap Temple of Spirit Mountain, then you would be able to take in all of the syllables. At this time, the syllable was flowing through your body. If it could find the Desolate Blood Meridian, then it would use the syllable to open the Blood Meridian. After the Blood Meridian was activated, all of the syllables were returned to the Blood Meridian. "    


Chen Qingyang was a little confused and asked, "What's so weird about these syllables?"    


Situ Yan said, "These syllables can send all of your emotions, energy, and spirit into these syllables. If you can return all of them to the Blood Drill, then you will be able to suppress your soul and bring it back to your spirit."    


Chen Qingyang finally understood.    


So it turned out that the original meaning of the technique wasn't important. And the syllables they vibrate out are important.    


For example, there were some large handprints, such as the Six Buddha Palm Imprints, Heart Imprint and Flower Picking Imprint. Although outsiders didn't seem to understand it, they were all enchanted by the handprints. Or feel the mystery, subtlety of the handprint.    


What was worth mentioning was that each of the six Buddhist mantra's syllables had different effects. Some were in charge of calming the mind, while others were in charge of killing mental devils.    


The Daoists also had the words that all the soldiers were fighting in front of the formation, and what they paid particular attention to were the different pronunciation of the syllables.    


"Do you remember the syllables I taught you?" Situ Yan suddenly asked.    


Chen Qingyang had a good memory. He thought for a while, then said: "Grandpa, I'll remember it."    


Situ Yan said, "Alright, then jump into the river."    


Chen Qingyang was stunned. What is the point of jumping into the river in such a cold weather?    


"Grandfather, this …?"    


Situ Yan smiled and said, "Soul suppressing and soul restoring, it's not that simple. It's easy to remember the syllables when you're on shore. But you can't get into that mysterious place. If you were underwater, you couldn't breathe. If you were in danger of death, your heart would be in chaos. Only in such a bad situation would you be able to sense the intricacies of the syllables. These syllables, like the breath of your body, can be twisted into one. "    


Chen Qingyang was enlightened.    


He took off his jacket and jumped into the river without hesitation.    


With a splash, waves rose.    


Chen Qingyang immersed himself into the river. Suddenly, the bone eroding coldness invaded his senses.    


Chen Qingyang kept descending.    


The face of the river was murky and was about thirty meters deep.    


Chen Qingyang continued to dive down and by the time he was 10 meters away, he already had some resistance. However, his Qi had sunk into his dantian, making it easy for him to continue sinking.    


Finally, they arrived at the bottom of the river. The bottom of the river was filled with sand.    


Chen Qingyang also saw some fish swimming around.    


He didn't care and sat down cross-legged.    


Chen Qingyang took a deep breath when he jumped into the river.    


At this moment, he felt somewhat uncomfortable and wanted to take a breath of fresh air. However, Chen Qingyang endured it. Furthermore, he felt that his mind was indeed in a mess.    


He always remembered his current situation.    


He began to think back on the syllables, but realized that he had already forgotten the syllables the old man had taught him.    


Chen Qingyang felt confused.    


He shivered and thought, "How can I? Am I, Chen Qingyang, really such a useless person? "You're already so scared that you can't find the north with such little tribulations?"    


"If I really am such a mediocre person, what right do I have to make the Old Master kiss me?" What right do you have to defeat the other the Chosen One? "    


The thought flashed across Chen Qingyang's mind continuously.    


He suddenly suppressed the urge to surface. He could feel the pressure on his chest growing stronger and more unbearable.    


"At most, I'll just die!" Chen Qingyang thought, "Everything is messy, messy, and scary, get the hell out of my way!"    


He abruptly closed his eyes and started to practice the Great Sun Moon Art.    


Soon, Chen Qingyang entered a quiet state.    


After that, he began to forget everything else.    


The syllables appeared in Chen Qingyang's mind and he started to chant.    


However, a sharp pain came from Chen Qingyang's chest when he was about to say it.    


He woke up with a start because his body was suffering from severe hypoxia. If this continued, he would definitely die here.    


All sorts of cold and bone-chilling feelings were surging through his body.    


Chen Qingyang knew that he had to surface or else his body would die here.    


Thinking of this, Chen Qingyang did not stay any longer and quickly swam upwards.    


After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. It was impossible for a person to become fat with a single bite …    


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