Soldier King of Life

C190 Willing to Wrap Finger

C190 Willing to Wrap Finger

Lili said, "Cultivators' novels are illusory, and the techniques used to concoct pills in Celestial Realm are based on scientific evidence. This is the difference between the two, and cannot be mixed together. "    


"Scientific basis?" Chen Qingyang asked in confusion.    


Shen Monong said, "Pill refining is a very difficult process. In this world, there are very few true alchemists, and even fewer who can concoct a good pill. Good Pills required many medicinal ingredients. However, each herb had its own toxicity and repellency. A skilled pill refiner could refine the essence of the herbs he needed and refine it into a Pills. Do you know why you want to refine it into a Pills? "    


"What do you mean?" Chen Qingyang said in confusion.    


Lili said, "What I mean is, why do we have to refine the round pellet after refining the essence of the medicine, and not any other body?"    


Chen Qingyang was suddenly enlightened, then he also felt it was strange and said: "That's right, why did you refine a round core?"    


Shen Monong said, "The final process of forming the pill is called juice collection. A brilliant apothecary would imprison all of the essence of the pill in the form of a round pellet. A good Pills, you wouldn't be able to smell anything outside. Because all the drugs are sealed. "    


Chen Qingyang immediately remembered the Infinite Golden Pill that he had eaten. Back then, the Jindan had smelled nothing from the outside and did not seem to have any flavor at all. What was the quality of the Infinite Golden Pill he consumed? Is it a spirit pellet, Precious Pill, or an immortal pellet?    


As Chen Qingyang thought of this, he told Mo Wuji about how he was trapped in the Black Cloth Town and how he consumed the Infinite Golden Pill. He then asked: "What do you think are the quality of the Infinite Golden Pill I ate?"    


Lili thought for a while, then said: "According to what you said, what you consumed should be Precious Pill. At that time, if you weren't seriously injured, those injuries would have needed a lot of nourishment to heal. Otherwise, with your physique, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle that Precious Pill. "    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "That was indeed the case back then. But, just one Precious Pill is enough to make one immune to poisons? "    


Shen Monong said, "That's not surprising. A single Spirit Pill was enough to revive an ordinary old man and prolong his life. So, what if your Precious Pill makes you immune to poisons? "    


Chen Qingyang seemed to have understood something and said, "Now I understand. The ancient emperors all loved to pursue the dao of alchemy in order to obtain longevity. However, most of the alchemists were liars and could only give fake pills. Even if there is a truly skilled pill refiner, with the excess nutrition of the Pills, the emperor's body would have been emptied out to begin with, and would not have been nourished at all, causing him to die even faster. "    


Shen Monong said, "That's right."    


After the two finished their conversation, they started to drink and eat.    


It's snowing outside in the middle of winter. Chen Qingyang and Shen Monong were eating hot conch and drinking cold beer, but they felt very satisfied.    


Chen Qingyang was a little nervous from participating in Celestial Realm, and asked: "After entering the Celestial Realm, are there any restrictions on one to become an outer disciple of the Celestial Realm?"    


Lili said, "Generally speaking, there are no restrictions. However, the hierarchy inside was very strict. When a subordinate sees a superior, they must respect them. The highest ranking outer sect disciples, like Shi Yonglong, were like Shi Yonglong. If you dare to disrespect him, he can directly kill you. "    


Chen Qingyang jumped in shock and said, "Then what if Shi Yonglong comes looking for trouble with me?"    


Lili said, "Right now, when your cultivation level is weak, just avoid Shi Yonglong and it will be fine as long as you don't start a fight with him. When you get to Silver rank, even Shi Yonglong cannot kill you as he pleases. "    


"Silver rank?" Chen Qingyang asked in confusion.    


Lili said, "There are three levels of outer disciples: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Shi Yonglong is a Gold rank outer disciple, after you enter, you will be considered a Bronze-rank. "    


Chen Qingyang had a strange expression on his face. "Holy shit, even a Saint realm warrior has been tricked?"    


Shen Monong said, "Anyway, it's just a sort of classification. You don't need to ask me about these things. When you reach the Celestial Realm, there will be someone who will explain in detail everything to you. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "Wait, what about Hang Xingtian? "He …"    


Lili said, "Hang Xingtian is a Silver rank. He doesn't have the immunity to kill, so you can rest assured."    


Chen Qingyang heaved a sigh of relief.    


Then, Chen Qingyang thought of something and said: "Oh yeah, there's something strange."    


Shen Monong glanced at Chen Qingyang and asked, "What is it?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "Previously, we had always thought that Ling'er was emotionless. But lately, I've noticed that she seems to be a little dependent on me and less averse to me than she used to be. "    


Shen Monong said, "This is a good thing."    


Chen Qingyang said, "It's indeed a good thing. What I find strange is that when I saw Ling'er before, she was ruthless and eccentric. She hasn't had any feelings for me in the twenty odd years of the Situ Family, but how long have I known her for? It had only been a month. Why did she change so quickly? "    


Shen Monong said, "Even a cold-blooded animal has feelings. Situ Ling'er's situation might be that her reaction to emotions and emotions was much slower than normal people. However, this does not mean that she has no feelings. On the contrary, if she were to fall in love, then she would be more dedicated and infatuated than ordinary people. "    


Chen Qingyang asked curiously: "Then why didn't she express any feelings when we were at Situ Family before?"    


Shen Monong said, "What's so strange about that? Old Master Situ Yan was her grandfather, after all, several generations away. There was always a distance between Grandpa's concern and his concern. Not as close as husband and wife. As for the others in the Situ Family, they naturally would not approach her either. Even her parents, who travel abroad all year round, do not take much care of her. This way, her personality will only become more aloof and cold. "    


Chen Qingyang seemed to have understood something, and said: "What you say seems to make sense."    


Shen Monong said, "Nonsense!"    


By six in the evening, the sky over Yanjing had already turned completely dark.    


However, the world was still as white as snow.    


The snow this year is very big, a fine snow!    


Although agriculture was not a problem now, there was no need for snow to make a comeback. However, this kind of heavy snow had indeed cleansed quite a bit of the polluted air of the Yanjing.    


As Chen Qingyang drove home, he thought about Shen Monong's words. Shen Monong said Ling'er was just slow.    


Chen Qingyang felt that Shen Monong was right.    


He suddenly felt sorry for Situ Ling'er. Since she was young, she had always been cold, which resulted in everyone being cold to her. She had never been truly cared for. The old tutor's love was too reserved.    


Chen Qingyang felt that he should love Ling'er more than he did his little wife.    


Thinking about this, Chen Qingyang drove to a florist. He bought a bouquet of mixed rose and lily flowers. Then he went to buy supper and cold beer.    


He liked cold beer himself, and he liked it all the time.    


At half past seven, Chen Qingyang finally returned to the Situ Mansion.    


Old Master Situ Yan had already fallen asleep. Chen Qingyang took the things, carried the flowers and got out of the car.    


When Lili saw him, she called out to him respectfully.    


Chen Qingyang smiled faintly. He was not arrogant at all.    


Then, Chen Qingyang went into the bedroom.    


In the bedroom, Situ Ling'er was still sleeping under the covers.    


Chen Qingyang turned on the lights and the warm lights shone.    


He put down the food and beer, then carried the flowers to the bed.    


"Ling'er!" Chen Qingyang called out as he approached Situ Ling'er's bed.    


Situ Ling'er opened her eyes. Her face was so beautiful, and her eyes were so calm and clear.    


"This is for you." Chen Qingyang handed the flowers over.    


Situ Ling'er sat up. Her hair was slightly disheveled, but she looked even more beautiful and charming.    


She was slightly surprised. "For me?"    


Chen Qingyang smiled and said, "Of course I'll give it to you! You are my wife, so wouldn't it be natural for me to buy you flowers? "    


Situ Ling'er took the flowers.    


"Do you like it?" Chen Qingyang asked excitedly.    


Lili said, "I like it." Her voice was very calm, and there was no joy in it.    


This shocked Chen Qingyang a little. However, he soon got over it. Ling'er had this kind of personality, so he had to be more tolerant and get used to it.    


"I'll put it aside for you." Chen Qingyang said.    


Situ Ling'er nodded.    


Chen Qingyang took the flowers and put them on the dowry counter.    


Chen Qingyang then took the food and beer to the tea table and set them down, saying, "Ling'er, go brush your teeth and then come here to eat."    


Situ Ling'er nodded obediently.    


There was no longer any trace of that estranged hostility on her body.    


All of this was because she gradually felt the warmth of her relationship with Chen Qingyang.    


After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Situ Ling'er came to Chen Qingyang's side. Chen Qingyang led her to the sofa and sat her down.    


"Ling'er, then I'm sending you flowers. Are you going to reward me?" Chen Qingyang wrapped his arm around her soft waist and joked.    


Situ Ling'er looked seriously at Chen Qingyang and said, "What kind of reward do you want?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "Kiss me."    


Situ Ling'er immediately kissed Chen Qingyang on the cheek.    


Chen Qingyang smiled, he was satisfied. He said, "Come, try this conch. A conch with cold beer is the greatest enjoyment."    


As Chen Qingyang spoke, he picked up a conch and brought it to Situ Ling'er's mouth.    


Situ Ling'er sucked out the conch meat and ate it. Her face immediately turned rosy.    


But this was all because of the spicy one.    


Chen Qingyang chuckled and immediately handed her a cold beer.    


After two sips of cold beer, Situ Ling'er's complexion finally improved. There was a light in her eyes that had never been there before, and that was because she liked it.    


"More to eat." Situ Ling'er looked at Chen Qingyang and said.    


Chen Qingyang picked up the conch again and put it in Situ Ling'er's mouth.    


The two of them ate and drank, but they were not satisfied.    


Then Chen Qingyang made Situ Ling'er eat the fried river powder.    


Even though Situ Ling'er didn't say that it was delicious, she was still satisfied with the meal.    


Presumably she liked it.    


"Ling'er, if you have nothing to do, you should take a walk outside. Don't always be cooped up at home, it will make you feel unhappy, you know? " Chen Qingyang warned.    


Situ Ling'er looked at Chen Qingyang and nodded, "En!"    


Chen Qingyang smiled in understanding. He scratched her face and said, "Good girl!"    


After eating, Chen Qingyang packed up. After that, Situ Ling'er washed up and went back to sleep.    


After Chen Qingyang had showered, he went to bed and found Lili fast asleep.    


Chen Qingyang suddenly became gentle. He kissed her on the forehead and then fell asleep peacefully.    


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