Soldier King of Life

C346 Meet the King

C346 Meet the King

After Vananuer finished talking, A Xin immediately said, "Of course there's no problem."    


Vananuer immediately made an agreement with A'Xin about the location. Then Vananuer hung up.    


Chen Qingyang couldn't understand Thai, so he immediately asked Vananuer, "How is it?"    


Lili said, "Seeing that the king is very concerned, Uncle Xin will not dare to take you to see him. He said he needed an observer mission to investigate you. "    


Chen Qingyang frowned.    


He then said, "I'll contact the country first and have them verify my identity."    


Vananuer's eyes lit up and said, "This way, we might be able to speed up the progress."    


Immediately, Chen Qingyang contacted Yuan Xingyun directly. Yuan Xingyun immediately made arrangements for Chen Qingyang.    


After half an hour, everything was ready.    


Chen Qingyang and Lili met A Xin successfully. After A Xin confirmed Chen Qingyang's identity, he brought Chen Qingyang to meet the king.    


Both the King of Thailand and the Prime Minister have a high regard for Ghastly Morrow.    


At three in the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly and the air was filled with heat waves. This wave of heat made many of the beauties who came to visit want to hang a few pieces of cloth on their bodies.    


The Great Imperial Palace was a place where the royal family lived before. The Great Imperial Palace was built in the same way as the capital of Huaxia, but it also had its own unique characteristics.    


Golden splendor!    


This was the first time everyone had seen the Great Imperial Palace.    


Now, however, Rama IX had moved to the east side of the Great Palace, to live in the Palace of Cedar. The Great Palace, on the other hand, was open to the public and had become a tourist attraction.    


Chen Qingyang was carefully inspected by the security guards before being allowed to enter the palace.    


Chen Qingyang and Vananuer met the king in the drawing-room of the Palace of Cedar.    


The king was already an old man. He looked old as he sat at the head of the table.    


At the king's side were professional secretaries, medical personnel, and other ministers accompanying him.    


When Chen Qingyang saw the king, he and Lili immediately bowed, bowing slightly to show their respect.    


In fact, this king was indeed worthy of respect. He has made a great contribution to Thailand's prosperity and stability.    


In Thailand, the people also loved this king very much.    


Originally, the king didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the outside world. However, this time, Ghastly Morrow's case was no small matter. He knew that if he didn't deal with it well, it would become a stain on his authority and a disaster for the people.    


In this life, what they feared the most was not being able to protect their holiday season!    


The king also had a translator beside him, so he greeted Chen Qingyang first. He said, "Honored guests from China, thank you very much for coming."    


The king spoke Thai. The translator quickly translated it for Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang clasped his hands together and slightly bowed as he said, "Your Majesty is too polite. I hope that it will be of some help to your country. I will also do my best."    


The king nodded. "In any case, I thank you on behalf of Thailand."    


This was the courtesy and politeness of the two people in front.    


Then the king changed the subject and said, "I have heard some things. I heard that your esteemed guests and Miss Varna were present when something happened to your Celestial Sect Temple? What exactly happened at the scene? "    


Chen Qingyang didn't want the Thai police to come because he couldn't explain it to the ordinary police and it was a waste of time.    


Now, everything could be said to be simple and clear.    


Immediately, Chen Qingyang said, "Miss Nu'er and I are indeed at the scene. Everything at the scene was caused by the Ghost. And the Ghost called himself Morrow The Great. Your Majesty, I came here to get to know Morrow The Great from you. Only after you understand it will you be able to get the right medicine, don't you think? "    


When the king heard this, his expression slightly changed and he asked, "Morrow The Great, are you sure?"    


From the king's tone, Chen Qingyang knew that the king probably knew Morrow The Great's background. He said, "I'm very sure."    


The king's face sank as he said, "I only vaguely heard the elders talk about Morrow The Great. I thought Morrow The Great was just an illusory legend. So there really is a person. " He paused and said, "I can't say what Morrow The Great's true identity is, but I can find some old people to understand the situation. This will take some time, dear customer. "    


Chen Qingyang nodded and said, "Ok."    


The king immediately said to the secretary beside him, "Go and quickly investigate everything that has to do with Morrow The Great. Treat it as the most important task."    


The secretary said, "Yes, Your Majesty."    


After the secretary had retired, the king turned to Vananuer and said, "Miss Nu'er, how is your father now?"    


Lili's eyes reddened as she said, "Your Majesty, my father was captured by Ghastly Morrow. You must save my father."    


In the hearts of Vananuer and even the people of Thailand, His Majesty the King was a supreme and omnipotent existence.    


The king was shocked, he thought to himself, "Even Saint Master was taken away by Ghastly Morrow?"    


The king realized again the gravity of the matter. Then, he added, "The Celestial Sect Temple was destroyed, and all of the monks were killed." He looked at Chen Qingyang and Vananuer and said, "You were at the scene, how could you be safe and sound? Esteemed customer, I've heard of something. It seems that you have a deep relationship with that Ghastly Morrow. "In fact, you snuck into our country to rescue Ghastly Morrow, right?"    


Chen Qingyang's heart sank. He could not lie to the king. He nodded and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."    


The king's expression turned ugly. "Esteemed guest, can you give me an explanation?"    


Chen Qingyang said: "The Ghost from before was not Morrow The Great. He saved my life before, and I watched him being born. He also grew up drinking my blood. I have some feelings for the Ghost, and it didn't do anything bad previously, so I wanted to save it. " He paused and continued, "Now that the Ghost has recovered his memories and become Morrow The Great, he will no longer listen to me. So I'm going to stop it killing the innocent. I can assure Your Majesty that everything I say is true and true. "    


The king fell silent.    


The king had experienced a lifetime of ups and downs. Although he was already old, he was still an extremely shrewd person.    


He knew that Chen Qingyang was from China and had a close relationship with the Chinese authorities.    


Right now, there was no point in pursuing the matter with Chen Qingyang.    


Since there was such a relationship between Chen Qingyang and Ghastly Morrow, it might be a good opportunity to resolve this crisis.    


At once, the king said: "I believe you, my honored guest. However, the matter with Ghastly Morrow concerns the safety of the country. I hope that your esteemed guest will do his best to stop Ghastly Morrow. "    


Chen Qingyang said, "Of course."    


The two of them were almost done talking.    


The king said nothing else. As a matter of fact, Thailand had already started deploying troops to deal with Ghastly Morrow. However, the king would not tell Chen Qingyang about this.    


The king only treated Chen Qingyang as an opportunity, he wouldn't suffer any losses using him anyway.    


The king comforted Lili and arranged for Chen Qingyang and Lili to stay in the designated hotel, enjoying the VIP treatment.    


The king then said, "As long as Morrow The Great has specific information, regardless of where he is or what his background is, we will inform you immediately."    


Chen Qingyang nodded and joined Vananuer in bidding the king farewell.    


The designated Grand Imperial Palace Hotel was a garden type Star Hotel. It could not be considered a 5-star hotel because its area was not big enough. But it was calm enough, elegant enough.    


It was like living in a villa.    


Chen Qingyang and Vananuer shared a room, and they lived side by side.    


But Vananuer could not stay in the room alone. She came to Chen Qingyang's room.    


Chen Qingyang knew that Vananuer was uneasy, so he sat her down and poured her another cup of warm coffee.    


"Have we been waiting here all this time for news?" Vananuer asked Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang said, "But there's also no better way, right?"    


Vananuer said, "What do you think of my father? Will Ghastly Morrow humiliate him? "    


Chen Qingyang did not pity Saint Master at all. He also knew that Ghost would definitely humiliate Saint Master.    


Who asked Saint Master to treat Ghastly Morrow like that before?    


However, Chen Qingyang still said, "Don't worry, Ghastly Morrow is Morrow The Great. He would not do such a thing."    


Vananuer asked, "Really?"    


She looked serious.    


"Yes." Chen Qingyang pretended to be sure as he said.    


Vananuer said, "Then Ghastly Morrow wouldn't have killed my father, would he?"    


Chen Qingyang said, "Yes."    


Vananuer said, "I believe you." She fell silent.    


Chen Qingyang thought to himself, who could deal with Ghastly Morrow?    


Ghastly Morrow's physical body was too strong, unheard-of!    


Even Saint Master couldn't fight back against it.    


Chen Qingyang thought that even if Shen Monong could get the best of them, it would still be difficult for her to deal with Ghastly Morrow.    


Chen Qingyang thought of Emperor of China, Chen Ling, Senior Ling. I wonder if Senior Ling can deal with Ghastly Morrow?    


There shouldn't be any suspense.    


Senior Ling was already an existence that had reached the acme of perfection.    


Unfortunately, Senior Ling was already wandering in the Great Void, so it was impossible for him to find him.    


Chen Qingyang's mind was also in a mess. After that, he sat cross-legged on the sofa and started to meditate.    


Seeing that Chen Qingyang was meditating, Vananuer did not dare to disturb him.    


She quietly went back to her room, even though every second felt like years to her.    


Time passed minute by minute.    


Night quietly descended. The night in Bangkok was still as bustling and glorious as ever.    


There were songs and jokes everywhere.    


Cars and horses, the laughter of tourists scattered through every Buddhist temple in Bangkok.    


The streets of Bangkok were filled with all kinds of delicacies and tropical fruits.    


However, at this moment, the king and some of the upper echelons were all worried.    


This was because they all knew that behind the hustle and bustle of the city, there was a ticking time bomb like Morrow The Great that could explode at any time.    


Once Morrow The Great starts killing people and creates panic, it will also deal a fatal blow to Bangkok's tourism industry.    


Thailand had already been hard hit by the financial crisis.    


Now, he finally managed to catch his breath. If he were to be attacked by Morrow The Great again, he would definitely be doomed.    


The king could not help but go to the imperial palace to pray. He thought to himself, "Heavens, what have we done wrong? Do we have to face such punishments time and time again?"    


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