Soldier King of Life

C311 Kui Demons

C311 Kui Demons

Five minutes later, Ghost Baby had grown to the size of an eight year old child. A dense layer of white scales formed on its body, making it look terrifying. However, its eyes were still as blue as before. It stopped sucking and happily called out to Chen Qingyang for his mother.    


Chen Qingyang had the urge to fall on his head when he heard his mother's name.    


What a f * cker! Can't you even call me daddy?    


Ghost Baby's head arched toward Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang patted its head and suddenly said softly: "Let's go!"    


Ghost Baby tilted her head and looked at Chen Qingyang suspiciously.    


"Little bastard, give me your life!" Yuan Xingyun immediately made his move.    


Chen Qingyang could no longer care about it, directly throwing Ghost Baby away.    


Yuan Xingyun snorted and pointed his Finger of Illusion at the sky.    


A speck of light seeped into Ghost Baby's body, and she let out a pained cry.    


Soon after, Ghost Baby landed on the ground and fled at lightning speed.    


Songxi Forest was filled with forests. Once Ghost Baby entered the forest, it would be difficult to chase after her. Yuan Xingyun looked coldly at Chen Qingyang and said, "Chen Qingyang, I didn't know you were so kind. Now that Ghost Baby has fled, it is highly likely that she will become our threat. Its growth speed was already very fast. If it gathered all of Great King of Saint Infant's subordinates in the forest, it would then eat them all. By that time, I would be no match for it. Monong has no chance. "    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but blush, but at that moment, he didn't think too much about it. He had followed his own heart!    


Of course, Shen Monong and Lin Bing didn't blame Chen Qingyang. They trusted him and liked him, largely because of the kindness in his heart.    


Yuan Xingyun did not say anything else and said, "Let's do it." After he finished speaking, he moved forward.    


Everyone immediately followed behind him.    


The forest was filled with dew and moisture. It was pitch black all around.    


Shen Monong couldn't help but to say curiously, "Director Yuan, this Pine Creek Forest can't be considered as a primitive forest. "There are also people smoking around here, but why is it that there has never been a strange occurrence in Pine Creek Forest?"    


Yuan Xingyun said, "The subordinates of Great King of Saint Infant were all hiding here to eat the dew without harming anyone."    


Everyone came to a realization.    


"In other words, these spirit items don't have any offensive power?" Shen Monong asked.    


Yuan Xingyun said, "That's not necessarily true. Even a rabbit would bite if forced into a corner. We have to catch them. We don't know what they will be like. "    


Chen Qingyang and the other two listened and became more careful.    


In the dead of night, the forest was filled with deep dew.    


All four of them had their clothes soaked with dew.    


Shen Monong and Chen Qingyang, and Lin Bing, were already in tears.    


Chen Qingyang finally saw something strange from his master on a pine tree in front of him.    


Chen Qingyang's eyesight was very good. He saw that three Infant Spirit were playing happily on the branch of the pine tree.    


They were like little monkeys, carefree.    


Chen Qingyang immediately stopped and gestured for everyone to look over.    


Yuan Xingyun, Shen Monong, and Lin Bing immediately saw the three Infant Spirit on the tree.    


The three Infant Spirit were all dressed in red cloth, they looked to be only two or three years old.    


"It's them!" Yuan Xingyun said in a deep voice. He then said, "I'll capture them alive." After he finished speaking, he flicked the profound gold alms bowl in his hand towards the tree.    


Immediately, the alms bowl began to emit a soft golden light.    


Before the three Infant Spirit could react, they were sucked into the alms bowl.    


This scene made Chen Qingyang and the other two sigh in amazement.    


"Holy sh * t, this is Fahai's Demon Collecting Golden Foil?" Chen Qingyang couldn't help but say.    


Yuan Xingyun turned the bowl upside down and the three Infant Spirit were filled with fear.    


Yuan Xingyun said, "My profound gold alms bowl was set up with Spell Formation and was controlled by my mind. Accepting these little demons has never been an understatement. " After he finished speaking, he gave the profound gold bowl to Shen Monong and said, "Swallow these three Infant Spirit."    


Shen Monong nodded. She immediately found a suitable place to sit down cross-legged.    


After that, Lili followed the instructions.    


Then, he opened his mouth again.    


One of the Infant Spirit in the golden alms bowl turned into a wisp of Cyan Smoke and was sucked into Shen Monong's mouth.    


Once the Infant Spirit entered Shen Monong's throat, it immediately turned into Baleful Yin Force, and spread throughout her body.    


After that, the Baleful Yin Force circulated around Shen Monong's body for a week before returning to her Brain Domain.    


Within Shen Monong's Brain Domain, her magic power was originally Pure Yang.    


Yin energy was pure Yin energy!    


The current situation was as though Shen Monong's head was filled with blue water, while Baleful Yin Force was red water. When this drop of red water entered the blue Brain Domain, it immediately disappeared without a trace.    


Therefore, Shen Monong had to consume even more Infant Spirit.    


Soon after, Shen Monong ate the other two Infant Spirit.    


After eating, Shen Monong's body began to have problems, from cold to hot, and her head was splitting.    


Yuan Xingyun was not anxious, he only said: "This is a normal situation, the two forces are competing. He could only wait for Monong to consume enough Yin energy and make it become the master of the world. Only then will her headache subside. "    


"There's no time to lose, let's continue searching." Chen Qingyang said.    


As he spoke, he held onto Shen Monong.    


Yuan Xingyun and Lin Bing moved on, with Chen Qingyang and Lili following.    


Along the way, Yuan Xingyun quickly grabbed another ten Infant Spirit for Shen Monong to eat.    


After consuming it, Shen Monong felt her head hurt even more and her body weakened even more.    


Seeing this, Yuan Xingyun started to search even faster for the Infant Spirit.    


But it was strange, after that, it would be difficult to find Infant Spirit.    


Some of the Infant Spirit only saw it from afar, then the Infant Spirit immediately jumped and disappeared into the forest.    


These Infant Spirit were alarmed.    


Yuan Xingyun noticed that something was wrong, he said: "These Infant Spirit seem to be under someone's command, they are all shrinking towards a certain location in the depths of the forest."    


Chen Qingyang and the rest were immediately shocked.    


"Could it be that Ghost Baby is in command?" Chen Qingyang said.    


If Ghost Baby was leading the way, then Chen Qingyang would be vexed at his moment of weakness.    


In fact, Chen Qingyang knew that letting Lili go would only bring him endless troubles. However, it was impossible for a person to not do the wrong thing in their lifetime. It was impossible for them to be so rational in everything.    


Yuan Xingyun said, "It's not clear yet, but Ghost Baby shouldn't be able to react this quickly. There must be someone else. And this person was not a simple person. He had been controlling these Infant Spirit all along, and he also treated these Infant Spirit as supplements. Just now, he felt that we were hunting Infant Spirit, so he immediately gathered the Infant Spirit and did not give us a chance. "    


Chen Qingyang glanced at Shen Monong, whose forehead was beaded with sweat. He immediately said, "Let's go find Monong. She's not doing very well."    


Yuan Xingyun nodded.    


Thus, the group continued on their way.    


In the depths of Pine Creek Forest, the forest was especially dense. Each of the trees here were over twenty meters tall.    


Even though it was daytime, there wasn't much sunlight that could shine in.    


At this moment, countless Infant Spirit were quietly sitting around the forest.    


These Infant Spirit were all wearing red undergarments, and they did not possess any evil and baleful aura. This was because they had already become pure Yin energy, and were a true tonic.    


These Infant Spirit were all surrounding a monster in the center.    


The monster was twenty meters tall and ten meters wide.    


Its entire body was covered in black scales, and the Giant Claw was sharp. One of its eyes was the size of a washbasin.    


Its black body became one with the environment. If one did not look carefully, one would not be able to see its existence. The moment it opened its eyes, it would seem as if there were two full moons in the sky.    


This monster had a huge tail and long fangs.    


It sat in the middle, like a small mountain.    


All the Infant Spirit were surrounding this monster.    


At this moment, Chen Qingyang and the others finally arrived.    


At the beginning, Chen Qingyang didn't see this monster, but as he got closer, he finally noticed it.    


"Holy sh * t!" The moment he noticed, Chen Qingyang couldn't help but scream out.    


It was his first time seeing such a huge monster.    


Lin Bing, Yuan Xingyun, and Shen Monong were also shocked.    


The monster opened its eyes and coldly looked down on everyone.    


From its eyes, Chen Qingyang and the others could tell that it was intelligent.    


"Director Yuan, what's going on?" Chen Qingyang immediately asked. His voice was trembling.    


Even if their force was overflowing, they would not be able to stand up against such a monster!    


Lin Bing could not help but say, "Could it be that it was this monster that gathered the Infant Spirit?"    


Shen Monong resisted the discomfort of her body and became even more confused. "Director Yuan, why would there be such a monster here?" We are not in the middle of a forest, and this place is in the vicinity of a bustling city, so why would such a monster appear here? "    


According to everyone's understanding, only in the deep pools or in the mountains and forests would such a monster from the Mountain and Sea Scripture appear.    


Yuan Xingyun's voice was heavy. He sized up the monster and said, "If I'm not wrong, this monster is the Kui Demons recorded in the Mountain and Sea Scripture!"    


"What is a Kui Demons?" Chen Qingyang asked.    


Everyone was ready and cautious. They did not dare to approach the Kui Demons.    


Yuan Xingyun said: "The Kui Demons itself is a kind of common beetle in the forest, and it is not unknown in our lives. However, no one paid attention to it. Kui Demons is a beetle, because it has been malnourished all its life. This kind of Kui Demons had to consume Baleful Yin Force. Baleful Yin Force was very hard to find, so Kui Demons that had rarely grown up were rarely found. However, because Great King of Saint Infant has raised so many Infant Spirit and just so happen to be able to feed them, it has created the Kui Demons's present day. "    


Chen Qingyang said: "Then how smart is the Kui Demons? Is it trying to kill us now? "    


Yuan Xingyun said, "Look at it, you should know that it is very intelligent. This creature grew up in the forest and had no companions to communicate with. There will be flaws in one's personality. "    


"What do we do now?" Chen Qingyang asked.    


Yuan Xingyun gazed at the Kui Demons, then said to Chen Qingyang: "It should be asking about this Kui Demons, what does it want?"    


Chen Qingyang looked at the Kui Demons.    


He really wanted to ask the Kui Demons what do you want from me.    


The Kui Demons seemed to understand Chen Qingyang's thoughts, it immediately took action.    


The Kui Demons extended out the Giant Claw …    


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