Soldier King of Life

C349 Demonic Path

C349 Demonic Path

When Vananuer spoke, Chen Qingyang saw Saint Master.    


Saint Master was stripped naked, and he had a dog collar tied around his neck. He was tied to a pillar of the temple and could not stand.    


Saint Master's shoulder blade was also pierced by the chain.    


This was truly a repayment from the Modern Realm.    


What he did to Morrow The Great, Morrow The Great did to him.    


In Vananuer's heart, her father was a teacher of state, a supreme existence. But now, her heart felt like it was being twisted by a knife.    


Vananuer quickly rushed in front of Saint Master.    


Saint Master raised his head weakly. When he saw Vananuer, his face was very calm.    


He curled up, covering the vital parts. After that, she smiled faintly and asked, "Nu'er, why are you here?"    


"Father, I'll take you away. Daughter is unfilial." Lili burst into tears. She wanted to help him untie the dog collar, but there was nothing she could do.    


After that, Vananuer turned around and quickly walked in front of Chen Qingyang, begging, "You saved my father? As long as you can save my father, I'll do anything you want!"    


Chen Qingyang did not sympathize with Saint Master. He glanced at Vananuer and said, "Your father treated the Ghost the same way back then. It seems that no matter how we begged, he did not change his mind. So, this is retribution. "    


Vananuer was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly kneeled down and said, "Even if my father is full of mistakes, it's already enough. I beg you, I beg you to save my father. "As long as you can save my father, I'll be your slave in the future. I'll do whatever it takes."    


Chen Qingyang reached out to help Vananuer to her feet. Vananuer did not want to get up, but Chen Qingyang forced her to her feet. He said, "First, I can't save your father. The current Morrow The Great isn't Ghost, he won't listen to me. Secondly, I don't want to save him either. "    


When Vananuer saw that Chen Qingyang's heart was truly stone-cold, she could not help but feel despair for him. Then she turned and ran to Morrow The Great, knelt down, and begged, "King Mauros, please let my father go. As long as you release my father, I'll do anything you want me to do. "    


Morrow The Great's eyes were cold and detached. He looked at Vananuer as if she was his brother. He said, "Is anything okay?"    


Lili nodded. Her face was wet with tears, and she looked extremely pitiful.    


Morrow The Great said lightly, "Alright, I have 36 ghost messengers here, they have never tasted a woman before. I want you to undress and serve them here. I'll let your father go if you want. "    


Vananuer's delicate body immediately started to tremble violently, she did not expect that the consequences would be so cruel.    


"Why? Are you unwilling?" Morrow The Great asked.    


Lili was speechless, then she turned to look at Chen Qingyang for help.    


Chen Qingyang couldn't help but speak up. "Ghost, she's my friend. If you respect me, don't do this."    


"How dare you!" A ghost messenger shouted loudly, "With the Great Emperor here, how dare you call me Ghost?"    


"The one who is presumptuous is you!" Morrow The Great coldly looked at the ghost envoy and said: "Chen Qingyang is my friend, you guys see him as if he is this emperor. Anyone who disrespects him is courting death! "    


The ghost messenger was shocked. He immediately went silent and apologized to Chen Qingyang.    


Chen Qingyang ignored the Ghost Messenger and looked at Morrow The Great.    


Morrow The Great said, "Chen Qingyang, have you fallen for this woman? If you like, I can let this old dog go as long as this woman is willing to be your wife. "    


Chen Qingyang shook his head and said, "No, but we are friends. I hope you respect my friend. "    


Vananuer spoke first, "Chen Qingyang, I beg of you, I'm willing to be your woman. You save my father."    


Chen Qingyang was slightly shocked and started to hesitate.    


Although he didn't really want to save Saint Master, he wanted to help Vananuer.    


If Mauros was willing to let Saint Master go as long as he admitted he liked Vananuer, why not?    


Just as he was thinking this, Morrow The Great said, "Chen Qingyang, I consider you to be my best friend, so don't lie to me. You know how I hate this old dog, and you saw how he treats me. I ask you not to trample on our friendship. "    


Chen Qingyang didn't know what to say.    


Vananuer continued to plead with Chen Qingyang, "Please."    


Saint Master was sitting cross-legged at this moment. He calmly said, "Nu'er, go. I have my own plans. You don't need to interfere here."    


Vananuer's contradiction was extreme.    


Morrow The Great looked at Vananuer and said, "Regarding your father, I don't think you understand him well enough. He should be the most selfish person in the world, because This Emperor had told him before that as long as he was willing to kowtow three times and lick This Emperor's toes, This Emperor would let him go. "But he doesn't want to." He paused before continuing, "Then, this emperor said that nearly three thousand of the villagers are in this emperor's hands. As long as you are willing to kowtow three times and lick this emperor's toes, this Emperor will release them. But your cold, selfish father refused. Such a selfish person, and yet he pretends to be a righteous saint? "    


Vananuer looked at her father. Saint Master said nothing, and from this it could be seen that what Morrow The Great said was true. In fact, Morrow The Great was also a man who disdained to lie.    


Vananuer was stunned for a moment. She looked at her father in confusion and asked, "Father, why?" Are your knees more important than three thousand lives? I believe in Morrow The Great's golden words, so what he says will count. "    


Saint Master's face was originally calm. He suddenly laughed coldly and said, "What does the life and death of those lowly commoners have to do with me? Mauros could kill me or humiliate me, but he couldn't break my heart or change my will. He wants me to lower my head and become his wise man, that's impossible! "    


Vananuer was stunned.    


It was as if this was Saint Master's true inner world.    


When all of his pretence and benevolence was torn apart, Saint Master's heart was cold and heartless.    


Vananuer was so surprised and surprised.    


However, Chen Qingyang was not surprised. He knew that in the hearts of cultivators, their will was so firm that it was strong to the point of being stubborn. No one could change what they had decided.    


The reason why Morrow The Great wanted Saint Master to kneel was because he wanted Saint Master to surrender. It was Morrow The Great's achievement. This kind of achievement could form a miraculous dao field.    


Just like how the king's prestige would rise after leading his men to a victory.    


Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty had fought in the war to the north and was extremely famous!    


Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty's father, Emperor Han Jing, was often forgotten.    


They were both emperors, but the difference between them was so great.    


"How about this!" Morrow The Great spoke again. He said, "Chen Qingyang, Vananuer is your friend, and I'd like to respect your friend. But here we are. Vananuer is the daughter of this old dog. In terms of intimacy, you can't compare to this old dog, right? "    


Chen Qingyang didn't understand what Morrow The Great wanted to do, so he didn't say anything.    


Morrow The Great said, "Now, as long as this old dog kowtows to me three times, I am willing to let Vananuer and this old dog go and let them leave safely. If he doesn't want to, then don't blame me for being merciless. I want these thirty-six ghosts to torture Vananuer in turn. "    


"The choice is not mine. It is yours." Morrow The Great looked at Saint Master and said, "Earlier, you said that the life and death of those lowly commoners had nothing to do with you. Then now, the life and death of your most beloved daughter must be related to you, right? You also know my personality. When I speak, I mean what I say. If I speak, I will definitely do it. I said that if you didn't kneel down, you would kill those three thousand scum. I did it. So, you should also know that I won't pity your daughter. "    


Saint Master looked at Morrow The Great. Without any hesitation, he said, "Do as you wish." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Before the Buddha became a Buddha, he suffered through endless suffering and went through rebirth. He did not change his mind and eventually became a Buddha. Even if it was Henggao, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu wanted to cook his parents, he could not move. Something Liu Bang might not be able to do, but I can't? I said that you could torture me and humiliate me, but you would never change my mind. "    


"Path of the Demon!" Chen Qingyang jumped out. He finally couldn't hold back his anger and said: "If this is your dao, then it is the demonic dao. I hated you before, but I also admired your character. However, right now, I feel that I was extremely wrong.    


Saint Master closed his eyes, no longer caring about the outside world.    


Morrow The Great's expression also turned cold.    


Startled, Chen Qingyang quickly stood in front of Vananuer.    


At this moment, Vananuer was already dead in her heart. She felt an extreme chill in her heart for her father.    


She once thought that in this world, her father loved her the most and cared about her the most. Now she knew it was just a joke and a call.    


And now, he had awoken from his dream.    


Cruel, too cruel.    


Chen Qingyang said to Morrow The Great, "Ghost, don't hurt her. She's a poor woman, too. "    


Morrow The Great looked at Chen Qingyang and said coldly, "Her father doesn't even care about her life and death, what are you doing? Do you really think you are the Savior, the Great Sage? "    


Chen Qingyang said, "If I have a breath of air, as long as I can move, I won't allow anyone to hurt you. In the same way, I won't allow you to hurt her. "    


"Is she comparable to me in your heart?" Morrow The Great's expression became complicated as he asked.    


Chen Qingyang was slightly stunned and said, "Ghost, you are no longer Ghost. I don't know how to tell you this. to save the Ghost back then, it was because of the kinship between you and me. If I were a cold little person, I wouldn't make these things for you, and I wouldn't have saved Leaves back then. It is precisely because I am such a person that everything that we have now exists. Do you understand? "    


Morrow The Great looked at Chen Qingyang with a complicated expression and then said, "I think I understand. Forget it, I'll give up on this old dog. Probably no one can change his mind. "    


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