Soldier King of Life

C3820 Eight-nine Mysterious Technique

C3820 Eight-nine Mysterious Technique

800, the fastest to update the Goddess!    


The Light Of Destiny was given to Chen Yang by Black-clothed Suzhen because she did not know if she would be able to smoothly reach Celestial Realm. She was even more afraid that she would be separated from Chen Yang in the Celestial Realm. After all, Chen Yang was more important. Therefore, the Light Of Destiny still had to be placed on him.    


But just as Chen Yang was about to enter the Cloud of Life and Death, Black-clothed Suzhen thought of something and immediately called out to Chen Yang. Chen Yang turned around in shock. "What is it, Susu?"    


Black-clothed Suzhen said, "There are still many legends about you in Celestial Realm, and there are also people who have seen your real body. I'm afraid that it might also be widely spread. . . If you go like this, showing your real body to others is still somewhat dangerous! Even though the Gate of Immortality can't bring any more magic tools out. But what if I ask some cultivation techniques? Or is it a technique to conceal one's identity?"    


Chen Yang immediately felt that Black-clothed Suzhen's worries were polite.    


After that, he entered the Gate of Life and Death to inquire about the technique to conceal one's identity.    


For the Gate of Immortality, he only asked child's play questions. Soon, he gave them a super magical cultivation technique!    


It was called. . . Eight or Eight Profound Technique!    


Chen Yang already had some understanding of the Nine or Eight Mysterious Technique. Back in the Eternal Star Region, Yang Meng and Desolate Slave had already possessed the Nine or Eight Mysterious Technique.    


At that time, he wasn't really interested in the Nine or Eight Mysterious Technique.    


But now, he had attracted much attention.    


However, it was useless to pay attention to it, because Chen Yang had discovered that the [Eight-Nine Arcane Art] 's Dao of Changes was indeed marvelous. However, every single change required him to find something to refine. For example, transforming into a dragon. One had to find a Primordial Heavenly Dragon to refine its soul. Merge with his body. There was a special technique in the Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques that allowed one's Elemental Spirit to be fused into one's body. The body was crushed inch by inch and did not die, thus completely fusing with the soul.    


In fact, Yang Chen could transform himself, and even transform others into kittens, puppies, and so on and so forth!    


But this kind of transformation was still far from being comparable to the Eight or Eight Mysterious Techniques.    


The Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques were like dragons and snakes. Not only were they similar, but they also had the same abilities as dragons and snakes.    


Of course, with Chen Yang's current cultivation level, even if he learned the [Eight-Nine Mystic Technique], That can't be an ordinary kitten, puppy. Because no matter how powerful his technique was, it wouldn't be able to hide his powerful cultivation level on the kitten or puppy.    


Although he understood the Dao of Transformation of the Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques, Yang Chen still couldn't learn the Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques for the time being. He planned to go to the Celestial Realm and plan in secret.    


After that, he left the Cloud of Life and Death and met Black-clothed Suzhen again.    


He also told Black-clothed Suzhen about the changes of the Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques. Black-clothed Suzhen said, "Actually you can ask, what is the most powerful technique in the world?"    


Chen Yang said, "That's true. " Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Why did I suddenly become stupid and need you to remind me of everything?"    


Black-clothed Suzhen smiled and said, "You are too concerned about Xiao Yu. "    


Chen Yang then ran into the Cloud of Life and Death and asked what the most powerful Tao technique was.    


But the answer this time was nothingness. . .    


Chen Yang quickly understood that there was no such thing as the most powerful Dao Art in this world!    


As long as one's magic power was strong enough, even the simplest Dao Art would be able to display extremely powerful might. On the contrary, no matter how powerful a Dao Art was, If one's magic power was not enough, it would be useless to use it!    


He told Black-clothed Suzhen after he came out.    


Black-clothed Suzhen said, "It is similar to what I thought. "    


After that, Chen Yang said, "In my opinion, It's impossible for me to enter the Celestial Realm directly. There were countless wormholes in the Gate of Immortality that seemed to be able to reach anywhere in the universe. But there is no such thing as an infinite wormhole in other parts of the universe. There would not be a wormhole in the interior of Celestial Realm. So it could only send me to the place closest to Mo Yu. The situation in Celestial Realm is hard to predict. If I change my identity again. . . It will be hard for you to find me. Also, your identity is not suitable to be made public. After all, you're quite famous on Earth. "    


Black-clothed Suzhen said, "I understand what you mean. After I go there, I will also quickly learn the Nine or Eight Mysterious Techniques and then change my identity. This way, the two of us might not know each other. "    


Chen Yang said, "I want a name. You want a name. This way, if we meet someone with the same name, we can use a secret signal "    


Black-clothed Suzhen said, "Okay!"    


The two of them quickly agreed on each other's names after they went over and made a few alternatives.    


Then they also agreed on a secret signal!    


The secret signal was that the years and flowers were similar, while the other person's answers were different!    


These were two words that did not match at all.    


If they matched, there might be a coincidence.    


After finishing all these instructions, Chen Yang embarked on his journey.    


He was unable to bring Black-clothed Suzhen along, because when the two of them were together, their thoughts would be different, and the places they went would become chaotic. Unlike the last time when they returned to Earth, their thoughts were the same.    


After entering the Cloud of Life and Death, Chen Yang had been thinking about Mo Yu's place.    


This time, he used a lot of time. After that, he arrived in front of a wormhole. . .    


Chen Yang entered the wormhole. From the outside, the wormhole didn't seem special. After entering, he discovered that it was a huge wormhole.    


He was inside the wormhole, as if he had entered a huge tunnel. Countless forces around him tore at him. If his power was slightly weaker, he might be torn to pieces.    


After an unknown period of time, Chen Yang was attacked by a terrifying force, and then he fainted.    


When he regained consciousness, he had already completed the wormhole shuttle. He checked his body and found that his body was extremely sore. Without caring about anything else, his figure flashed and he left the wormhole.    


The outside world was still boundless dark space.    


It seemed to be no different from outer space in other places, but Chen Yang already understood in his heart that this place was already very far away from Earth. It was also very far away from the Gate of Immortality. As for exactly how far it was, he did not know.    


The vastness of the entire universe was hard to imagine and measure!    


He thought of the distance between him and Earth and Black-clothed Suzhen, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.    


But after thinking about it, he felt a little relieved when he was very close to Mo Yu.    


After that, he let the Black Hole Crystal float on the spot and absorb some Black Hole Crystals to recover. After his body had fully recovered, he began searching for the Celestial Realm. . .    


This search was not simple. He actually spent ten years and still could not find any clues.    


Because he came to a large wormhole closest to the Celestial Realm. Near the Celestial Realm. . . The Celestial Realm was a planet. There would not be a large wormhole near the planet. Therefore, he was actually still very far away from the Celestial Realm.    


He couldn't differentiate north, south, and east, so after searching for a few times, he couldn't find any clues at all. At the same time, he also thought of Susu, so he left a signal near the wormhole.    


But in ten years, Black-clothed Suzhen also did not come over.    


Chen Yang came to the vicinity of Celestial Realm, but he was still unable to find it. This made him want to go crazy. However, he wasn't depressed. . .    


He would never give up!    


Every day, he would search everywhere, using the large wormhole as the base to search in all directions.    


But most of the time, what awaited him was disappointment!    


He could not help but feel anxious. He thought that it had been more than sixty years since Mo Yu was taken away by Old Man Red Dust. He did not know how she was now. Could it be that she already had a child? Thinking about how Old Man Hongchen had hurt Mo Yu. . . His heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife.    


There was also another hope in his heart, hoping that Mo Yu would be fine.    


He hoped that there were other mysteries and opportunities in this. . .    


On this day, Chen Yang finally realized that something was wrong.    


When he passed by a place, he felt that it was familiar.    


He quickly thought of. . . A spatial rift!    


When he was in Eternal Star Region, he had experienced a spatial loophole and had done a lot of research on it. At this moment, he discovered that there was a slight difference in the density of a place compared to other places. If it wasn't for his experience, he wouldn't have discovered it.    


After this discovery, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and then he started to calculate.    


After calculating for about half a year, he finally found the door to the spatial hole.    


He poured his magic power into it. Instantly, a Gate of Void Space appeared.    


Chen Yang didn't know if it was the Celestial Realm or not, but he had to go in first. . .    


After entering, he saw the beautiful scenery that he hadn't seen for a long time, as well as the sunlight.    


It was as if he had arrived at a mountain peak.    


Chen Yang gazed into the distance and scanned his surroundings with his Divine Sense. He saw that there was a palace on the mountain.    


Without further thought, his figure flashed and flew over.    


When he arrived in front of the palace, he saw that it was quite magnificent and exquisite.    


"This is obviously not the Celestial Realm. It's just that I don't know who is living in seclusion here. I'm afraid that I have disturbed the peace and quiet by coming here. " Chen Yang thought to himself. At the same time, he thought to himself, this man is living in seclusion near the Celestial Realm. Perhaps he knows about the situation in the Celestial Realm. I can ask him for directions!"    


Thinking of this, he couldn't be bothered to disturb the peace and quiet of others.    


However, before he could speak, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him and a man in red appeared in front of him.    


This red-clothed man looked to be in his forties. His appearance was mediocre, but his eyes gave off a deep and cold feeling. He didn't seem like a kind person. . .    


The red-clothed man looked at Chen Yang, his eyes filled with vigilance and surprise as he said, "Who are you? Why did you find me here?"    


His words were an ancient language.    


It was an ancient language that belonged to Earth.    


Chen Yang had also studied this, so he quickly changed the language method. At the same time, he was secretly delighted. He could basically confirm that this person had something to do with Celestial Realm. Immediately, he cupped his fists and said: " I. . . Lin Qianshan. I have mistakenly entered this place. I have troubled you, brother. Please forgive me!"    


" Lin Qianshan? " The man in red obviously did not know Lin Qianshan, nor had he heard of him. "I have never heard of someone like you in Celestial Realm, but with your cultivation level, you should not be a nobody!"    


Chen Yang was overjoyed and thought to himself that this man knew about the Celestial Realm. He said, "It's a long story. I am indeed not from the Celestial Realm. However, he wanted to go to the Celestial Realm this time, but unfortunately, he couldn't find the way. I wonder if brother can give me some guidance. If it's convenient, I'll be very grateful. I will also reward you handsomely! "    


The red-clothed man frowned and said," You're not from Celestial Realm? In the hundreds of years around Celestial Realm, there were no signs of human habitation. There were no people from the outside world. I think you're full of nonsense. Your appearance is really suspicious!"    


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