Ultimate Rich Son-in-law

C342 Other Emotions

C342 Other Emotions

"You're young, you're already 25. Mom, you're already 5 years old when you're your age. Look at Qianxue, two years younger than you. She's already married. If you drag it on any longer, I'm afraid Qianxue won't even have a child.    


Mrs. Yem advised sincerely from the bed.    


"My daughter, we came from a poor family, so we can't be that rich family's wife. Just find someone who is nice to you and marry him."    


"Mom... Don't compare Qianxue with me all the time, she's the lucky one to meet the right person, your daughter never thought of joining a rich family.    


But you want me to find the right person? "    


Curling her lips, Yem Ruyu felt quite helpless at her mother's words.    


For some things, parents had their own reasons, and they had their own reasons. No one was wrong, but the starting point and the angle of the problem were different.    


She didn't want to argue with her mother about finding her boyfriend, because the dispute didn't end there either.    


"Looking for the right person, do you want to look for him too?" How do you know who's right and who's not? You can't just blindly touch a dead mouse, right? I don't need to tell you that you're a university student, right? "    


Mrs. Yem sighed and said.    


"Auntie, it's better if you don't force Ruyu on matters of the heart. It's not that she doesn't want to find you, it's just that for the past two years, she's been busy making money to treat you. How could she put her heart into it?"    


"Besides, she is a person who doesn't want to live. Some things are better left undone than done. Give her some time to believe that she will find her own happiness, don't you think?"    


At the side, Lin Qianxue saw that Mrs. Yem was not going to let the matter go easily, so she quickly interjected to help her daughter.    


"Ah, that's true. It was all because of me. If it wasn't for me getting this disease, I wouldn't have been reduced to nothing. After all, it's all because of me. My daughter, mother, I'm sorry … "    


"Mom, don't say that. The past is already in the past. Now that you're better, our days will be better. In the future, we won't be going back to our hometown, so we'll settle down at Jiang City and live a good life. As for finding a boyfriend, I'll try my best, okay? "    


With reddened eyes, Yem Ruyu held her mother's hand and said gently.    


"You can decide on everything. Mom has no culture, so whatever you say is fine."    


"Oh yeah, Sister Su, Ning didn't come with you guys? She saved my life, and I haven't even thanked her face to face yet. "    


"Auntie, Ning Lo is in the military sector, he should be here soon"    


On the other side, Lin Qianxue had just spoken when the sound of footsteps came from the corridor. Then, Ning Lo appeared in front of everyone.    


"Yo, you're all here. Qianxue, mom, you guys have to come over to see Auntie. Why didn't you guys inform me in advance? I'll be buying some supplements in the morning, it's too outrageous for you guys to come empty-handed. "    


Auntie, congratulations on overcoming your illness and regaining a new life. You came in a hurry and didn't bring anything, so you took some of the herbs you picked in the mountains before. After you left the hospital, ask Ruyu to make some for you, remember to only take one leaf to boil the water for you every time. Ruyu and Xiaohu can also drink it, it's good for your body, but don't overdo it.    


After Lin Qianxue and his mother-in-law said that, Ning Lo came to the bed and nodded at Mrs. Yem with a smile. Then he took out two herbs that were only contained in a plastic bag.    


"Young Master Ning, it's fine if you come, what did you bring?" You are my savior, and I am grateful, but how can I take your things again? "    


A smile appeared on Mrs. Yem's face.    


After a month of recuperation, most of his body had recovered. The only thing left was to return home to recuperate for a year and a half, then he would be no different from a normal person.    


"Auntie, you are an elder, it's only right."    


Ning Lo passed the herbs to Yem Ruyu, who was beside him.    


"Thank you."    


Yem Ruyu reached out her hand to take it. When her hand touched Ning Lo, she couldn't help but shiver.    


Ye Zichen looked at Ning Lo. In his eyes, besides gratitude, there was also joy.    


It was as though deep in his heart, he really wanted to see her.    


"Hai, we're all friends, there's no need to be so polite."    


Ning Lo waved his hand and didn't take it seriously.    


Although Lin Qianxue was a little surprised that Ning Lo only brought two medicinal herbs for a visit, but since Ning Lo said it appropriately, she felt a sweet taste in her heart.    


No matter what, this was still her husband. Since her husband was trying to make her proud in front of her best friend, she was naturally happy as well.    


"Mom and I also thought about it on the spur of the moment. It's not like the company had nothing to do in the afternoon, and since you were in the military, we came to visit Auntie."    


"Have you finished your training?"    


"Training is over, I've been busy the whole day. I'm so tired, I haven't even had a bite to eat. Right, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, can I call for some food? "    


Covering his rumbling stomach, Ning Lo looked around at Lin Qianxue, his mother-in-law, Ruyu and Mrs. Yem and asked.    


"We didn't eat either. Why don't we go home and eat? The canteen in the military doesn't taste so good anyway. Besides, it's not good to always trouble others. "    


said his mother-in-law, Su Wanyi.    


"What's so troublesome about that? Mom, I'm a military instructor right now, so I have to help them. I can't get even a single cent from them. Why can't I just eat a meal?"    


Ning Lo smiled bitterly.    


In just one afternoon, he had converted the herbal medicine and Qi Drawing Powder into RMB. Even if he didn't have a hundred million yuan, it would still be worth tens of millions.    


It was all their fault for eating a meal from the military cafeteria.    


"Ning Lo, you are a military sector instructor?"    


Yem Ruyu asked in surprise.    


"Hmm, they've been driven out onto the streets to help train a group of special forces members for a few months. I was planning to visit you two days ago. However, as a man, I feel that it's not appropriate for me to come here alone, so I didn't come.    


"Understood … My family's Qianxue is currently jealous. You didn't even know that you weren't at Jiang City last month, so every time she came to the hospital, she would nag at you non-stop, saying that you were good at everything. I didn't think she could say that. "    


Yem Ruyu's heart darkened, but a faint smile still hung on her face as she teased Lin Qianxue with a glance.    


"Stupid girl, what nonsense are you spouting? When did I ever put him on my lips everyday …"    


Lin Qianxue rushed over and was about to scratch Yem Ruyu's itch.    


The two gorgeous beauties started to cause a ruckus in the ward.    


Cheers and laughter filled the entire ward and corridor.    


… ….    


In the end, they still failed to eat dinner in the military.    


As it was getting dark and they were afraid of being stuck in a traffic jam, the three of them chatted with Yem Ruyu and her mother for a while before getting up to say their goodbyes.    


On the way home, his mother-in-law Su Wanyi, who had just taken her driving test, volunteered to drive her own car.    


At first, Lin Qianxue would rather die than agree. In the end, she could only let her mother drive.    


In the end, the 40-minute drive was more than twice as long.    


At nine in the evening, the three finally arrived at their home. The car scraped the car's body and the wheels until they were almost beyond recognition.    


When Ning Lo got off from the front passenger seat, his legs were both soft.    


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