Ultimate Rich Son-in-law

C910 An All-out War

C910 An All-out War

A rumbling howl mixed with the roars of Strange Beasts.    


At dusk, the area within a few dozen miles radius of the rear mountain of the Jiangcheng University became as lively as a beast arena.    


Within the defensive perimeter, in the direction of the Jiangcheng University district, the people had returned home early and closed their doors. A few days ago, the lights were still brightly lit. The dazzling Jiang City was like a dead city.    


The news of the alien race breaking through the boundary was spread yesterday. Initially, Glory Division and the Shangguan family tried to stop the news from spreading, but in the end, their efforts were in vain.    


In the online era, the news spread like a virus. In just half a day, the entire Jiang City knew about it.    


At the same time, the news of Strange Realm breaking into the world spread across the country.    


Helpless, before the evening war started, the No. 1 leader and the head of the headquarters of the Children of Glory had no choice but to come out and give a national speech respectively, stating the current predicament the Dragon Country was facing. They also called for the people of the country to work together and win the life-and-death battle of the Homo Sapiens with a common enemy.    


Not long after the two of them spoke, the Land of Glory announced the implementation of military control over the entire country.    


In Dragon Country, this ancient civilized country that had stood in the east for thousands of years had started her war form.    


Later that day.    


Tens of thousands of soldiers of Dragon Country had gone to the front line and were moving in the direction where they were desperately defending and were about to break through the boundary.    


At the same time, the propaganda work about defending against the alien races began.    


The television station explained the origin of the alien race and the time they stepped into Earth very clearly, including the dangers it posed to the existence of Earth.    


It was also from then on that the people who had been living in a safe house had learned about it.    


While they were living a carefree life, there were already some people who were risking their lives to defend against the invasion of the alien race.    


The scenes of fighting against the other races in the past and now were playing on every television screen in every family.    


The Dragon people, who had been hiding for decades and had been peaceful for decades, were once again aroused.    


On the second day, the various departments in Dragon Country that registered for the army and chose to re-enlist were squeezed tightly.    


Going to the battlefield to kill the enemy had become the slogan of almost every young man in Dragon Country.    


Muddy footsteps could be heard.    


It disturbed Chung Juemin's drifting thoughts.    


He slowly turned his head. In the distance, a few black shadows ran over.    


"How is it?"    


"Reporting to Chief, the reinforcements were intercepted in the direction of Chengdu. This time, I'm afraid we can only fight alone..."    


The messenger who came to deliver the message was panting heavily.    


His expression was a little disappointed.    


"He was intercepted. How could this be? Didn't the higher-ups say that these people are here to replenish the Jiang City? How could they be stopped? Didn't Chengdu not break the boundary yet?"    


Chung Juemin's expression suddenly changed and darkened.    


In the early stages of the war, the situation of intercepting people and supplies was understandable.    


But now, the Jiang City's defense had been going on for several days.    


Glory headquarters had long known that Jiang City's defense was difficult. At this time, it was somewhat impossible for the people from Chengdu to stop them.    


"According to the news we just received, Chengdu has broken through the boundary as well. Furthermore, they have broken through three realms in a row. The three races have descended at the same time. " Most of the troops that came to our Jiang City were intercepted by the outsiders who broke through the boundary in the outer region of Chengdu. "    


What!? Chengdu broke through the three realms in a row?"    


Chung Juemin's pupils constricted when he heard this.    


"Yes. According to the news from the frontline, a new realm entrance might appear after breaking through three realms in a row. Right now, Chengdu is too busy to take care of themselves, and the help they gave us is all for naught. " Furthermore, cracks have already appeared on Kun City's side. The troops that are rushing to Jiang City have been forced to withdraw. "    


I know. "    




Chung Juemin sat on the stool with a pale face.    


He knew that he could not wait for any help from the west region tonight.    


Jiang City was just a division under the division.    


As the headquarters of the west region, no matter what, the first thing Zhao Kehai needed to protect was Chengdu.    


As for Jiang City, he could only retreat to the second place.    


It was even possible that he would not be able to wait for any reinforcements in the future.    


Chung Juemin had never thought that he would be able to break through the realms when flowers bloomed all over the place.    


He vaguely realized that in the future, he would receive even more bad news from the entire country.    


It was very likely that the regional war would turn into a full-scale war in the next one or two days.    


"Chief! Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine. Remember, don't spread this news. Write a reply. Tell them that all the combat officers and warriors of Jiang City will fight to the death. " I, Chung Juemin, will live and die with Jiang City. "    


"Haha, Commander Cheng. The current situation is not because you don't want to defend, but because you have cut off the reinforcements. Instead of letting the rest of the soldiers die here, why don't you listen to me and leave first? As the saying goes, it is better to stay alive than to worry about firewood, isn't it? "    


At this moment, a corner of the tent was opened.    


A man wearing military uniform and shoulder-shoulder general walked in.    


Unlike most of the Glory Warriors, whose faces were covered in blood, and whose face was filled with killing intent, the latter's military uniform was clean as if he had just left the factory.    


At this moment, he walked in front of Chung Juemin with a smile on his face.    


His words instantly caused the expressions of all the soldiers in the tent to change.    




The gloomy Chung Juemin glanced at the other party, stood up, and walked in front of him.    


"Inspector Tang, are you joking with me?"    


"If there is a desert behind me, I will retreat immediately. After all, laozi's soldiers are the ones who are wasting their time here! " But the problem is that laozi is backed by hundreds of millions of Dragon Country civilians! If you ask me to retreat, what will they do? "    


"They... Commander Cheng, a strong man will break his wrist when he breaks it. It is not that I, Tang, do not sympathize with the people, but the situation has developed to such an extent. In this situation, you will only be adding to your sacrifice if you stay. Why do you need to do this? "    


He seemed to realize that what he said was inappropriate.    


The latter's expression stiffened for half a second before he forced a smile to explain himself.    


"Sacrificing? Accumulate sacrifice. Accumulate sacrifice. Accumulate sacrifice. Accumulate sacrifice. This is the Jiang City. Half of the warriors in the Jiang City are locals. Ninety nine percent of the reserved warriors here are from the Jiang City. You asked me to bring them to abandon their families. Supervisory Inspector Tang sure knows how to deal with them..."    


Let me tell you. I, Chung Juemin, am the commander of the Jiang City's Glory division. They are the soldiers of the Jiang City division. Behind them are our family and friends! It is impossible for us to retreat! "    


"Inspector Tang, I advise you to do your job well. As for other things, it is best not to get involved. " Especially if I hear any more of your lies to lure the soldiers to retreat, I have the right to set you up on the spot! "    


"Commander Cheng, what do you mean by that? Oh... do you mean that I was misleading the people and everyone? "    


"I just can't bear to let the soldiers sacrifice themselves for nothing and give a reasonable suggestion. You don't have to defame me, do you?"    


Inspector Tang's expression suddenly changed. After hesitating for a second, he hurriedly refuted.    


"Is that so? Play a video for him!"    


He gave the staff officer a cold look.    


The staff officer beside him took a USB from the side and inserted it into the military computer.    


At the same time.    


The contents of the USB were broadcasted.    


The entire USB. There were only a few videos in the USB.    


Every video was related to Inspector Tang.    


During the day, while the soldiers were resting, the latter had traveled to several places within a short day.    


Every place they went was under the name of inspections, but what they said to the soldiers below them were words that bewitched them to retreat.    


Although the latter's words were very euphemistic, As long as one was not stupid, one would be able to understand the meaning behind it.    


"This... this... all of you... ... "are you following me?"    


Upon seeing these videos, Inspector Tang's face instantly turned pale, and his body swayed a few times.    


Then, he became extremely irritable and shouted angrily at Chung Juemin.    


"We didn't follow you. We only did it to protect your safety. It's just that we didn't expect that apart from supervising you, Inspector Tang would also do such a thing."    


"Anyone who knows that you are the supervisor sent by Yanjing's headquarters would think that you are a foreign race wearing human skin."    


"Supervisory Inspector Tang, I really want to ask you this. You want my Jiang City to fall just like that? What good will this do you?"    


"You... you're talking nonsense. I've never had such thoughts."    


"Then what did you do?"    


[I just don't want the soldiers to die for nothing]    


"If you want to win, there must be sacrifices. Since you are a soldier, you should know this. Otherwise, what are you going to do as a soldier?"    


Chung Juemin narrowed his eyes. His eyes were filled with coldness.    


"You can do whatever you want. I have a clear conscience. Right, Commander Cheng. "Recently, during this day's work, I found out that there are a lot of things happening in the Jiang City region. I will report these things to the higher-ups one by one. I hope that you can give them a reasonable explanation when the time comes."    


Straightening his back, the inspectors pretended to be calm and continued.    


"I will also report such an act of framing me today. Commander Cheng, you take care of yourself."    


"F * ck you, I will shoot you to death, you scumbag!"    


A furious roar was heard. Outside the door, a person kicked open the curtain and rushed in.    


Lee Hancheng was furious. He took out a pistol from the guard beside him and pressed it against Inspector Tang's head.    


"What... what are you doing? Do you want a mutiny? Chung Juemin, stop him, or you will all be doomed!"    


Inspector Tang, who had been acting arrogantly just a second ago, had a miserable look on his face. He stood still and didn't dare to move.    


This was a group of killing machines that killed people with bloodshot eyes!    


He was really afraid that Lee Hancheng would shoot him directly.    


"Han City, what are you doing? Put the gun down!"    


Chung Juemin frowned and shouted in a deep voice.    


"Commander Cheng, this son of a b * tch came to the front line less than half a day ago. He is running around and spreading the news to confuse the army. I have been looking for him for a long time, but I did not find him. I did not expect him to hide here."    


"Don't worry about this kind of person. I'll just pull him out and find a place where no one is buried. I guarantee that no one will know about it."    


"You... you dare? I'm the inspections commissioner. I'm in charge of the inspections. If I die, none of you will be able to get away with this!"    


Inspection Officer Tang was truly afraid.    


Instantly, he felt a chill run down his spine.    


His body began to tremble.    


"Do you dare or not? I've killed more than ten thousand people over the years. Who do you think you are?"    


Narrowing his eyes, Lee Hancheng unleashed his killing intent toward Inspector Tang.    


With a plop, the other party couldn't withstand the pressure and fell to the ground.    


Most of the clean military uniform was stained.    


Inspector Tang, who was sitting on the ground, tried to pull away from Lee Hancheng, but Lee Hancheng kept pressing him.    


"I... I know I was wrong. Please... please don't kill me. I won't report it, okay? Can't I not report it? I beg you, let me live."    


Hetui! What the hell! To let this kind of trash be inspectors, are the higher-ups blind?"    


He spat on the ground.    


Lee Hancheng handed the pistol back to the guards behind him.    


"Commander Cheng, I'm here to tell you something."    


"What is it? Are you preparing to evacuate?"    


Chung Juemin's expression changed again.    


He knew that Lee Hancheng, Yue Xin, Ye Xiaochi, and the others were purely helping.    


If they wanted to leave, he wouldn't be able to stop them.    


However, at this critical moment, once they left, it was equivalent to losing their top combat strength.    


The fall of Jiang City was certain.    


"Leave? How is it possible for us to leave? This is a mission given to us by the instructor. Even if we die here, we won't leave even half a step!"    


"Then you are?"    


I just contacted the instructor. I reported the situation here to him. He asked us to guard here for three hours. He will arrive in three hours. When that time comes, the danger will be resolved. "    


"Have you contacted Ning Lo? Has his mission been completed?"    


Chung Juemin's gloomy expression finally relaxed when he suddenly heard about Ning Lo.    


The surrounding people also heaved a sigh of relief.    


It was as if Ning Lo was the stabilizing needle of the sea.    


"I'm not sure. The instructor didn't say anything. He only told me to hold on for three hours. We'll be there in three hours."    


"Could it be that he's already back? It must be! Alright, three hours. For the sake of the hundreds of millions of civilians in Jiang City, we will fight for another three hours."    


"Inspector Tang, I advise you to stay in your position. I don't care how you write about me and my Jiang City warriors after this, but I hope you can survive. Because if you survive, it means that I and the civilians of Jiang City have survived as well. "    


"If we die in battle, you don't have to leave anymore. Take them away."    


Chung Juemin waved his hand with a cold look in his eyes.    


A few guards rushed out from the side and escorted Supervisory Officer Tang and his two followers away.    


"What is it? Damn it."    


Seeing the other party leave, Lee Hancheng cursed again in dissatisfaction.    


"Oh, right, Commander Cheng. The instructor asked me to inform you to prepare a secret barracks. There is a group of people who need to be temporarily settled. Other than you, no one else is allowed to know the exact location of this place."    


"A group of people need to be accommodated?"    




"That's easy."    


Chung Juemin nodded.    


"Can he really come in three hours?"    


"The instructor never talks empty words. Three hours is the most he can do. " Maybe two hours! However, it was a little strange. He should have gone to Yanjing first when he came back, but Class Rep Liu didn't send any news from Yanjing.    


Lee Hancheng was puzzled.    


During this period of time, he had been in close contact with Lau Xiang.    


Until the instructor contacted him personally, he did not receive any news.    


It was surprising that he suddenly received news that he wanted to kill his way to Jiang City.    


"I hope that my dream will come true..."    


Chung Juemin squeezed out a smile and sighed.    


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