Ultimate Rich Son-in-law

C937 Regret

C937 Regret

As soon as Wang Ye left, the place fell into a dead silence once again.    


The earlier cries of the heavens and the earth seemed to have been taken away along with Wang Ye's departure.    


Only Gao Zhenyun and Luo Hongsheng, who were in the depths of the crowd, knew that this was not because people had forgotten the tragedy from before, nor was it because they were numb to human changes.    


It was just that after experiencing several twists and turns throughout the night, the uncertainty of the future made people cautious about every word that had happened.    


People's faces were filled with sorrow, but at the same time, they maintained restraint. Their eyes were gloomy and aged, their pupils contracted, and the atmosphere was heavy and oppressive.    


Even the children who were crying before seemed to have understood the current situation. Hiding in the arms of their loved ones, it was terrifyingly quiet.    


After a long time.    


Finally, someone asked an uncertain question.    


"Teacher Gao, is the knot... over?"    


"Teacher Gao, why did the Taoist priest leave? ... Does he not care about us anymore?"    


"It should be over."    


Someone replied timidly.    


"You're not Teacher Gao, what do you know? Don't speak!"    


Someone shouted!    


"I... Can't I just say it?"    


"Tell me, do you know? "If you say it wrong, what is the price? " How many people died tonight? "    


"I... Then it should be fine if I don't say it, right?"    


"Young people don't know anything, just shut up!" The other party reprimanded again.    


After reprimanding him, the latter's tone became gentle again.    


"Zhuozi, it's not that I'm scolding you on purpose. Don't speak nonsense if you're not sure. " If we had listened to Teacher Gao's arrangements from the start, there wouldn't have been so many deaths tonight. In the end, we all think too highly of ourselves. "    


"If we had listened earlier, your Brother Hai wouldn't have..."    


As the old man spoke, his eyes turned red, but he could not continue.    


Not long ago, for the sake of his own life, his son had chosen to stay behind at the end of the line. In the end, he had lost his life.    


These tragedies could have been avoided.    


The reason was that they were too self-righteous and took themselves too seriously. They did not take other people's words seriously!    


They always think that once they have achieved certain achievements in certain fields, they will be able to do whatever they want in all fields!    


Therefore, he chose to maintain a skeptical attitude and a self-righteous "high and mighty" attitude towards everything that happened next to him.    


He always felt that anyone who did anything that involved him must have some ulterior motives.    


Individuals were like that, society was the same, and the country was the same.    


However, they did not recognize themselves, nor did they see through themselves.    


Overly doubting and doubting him eventually led to him leaving the correct path and walking down the wrong path.    


Normally, such doubts and doubts would only cause a person to suffer some losses in the material world. However, this time, it was a living human life.    


Naturally, that kind of pain that pierced through the bones was also the kind that made people remember.    


"Hey, brother. Things have already come to this point, why do you have to say all of this? " Which one of us doesn't have high standards and low standards? We always feel that Commander Gao wants us to retreat because he wants us to be cannon fodder. But he forgot that thousands of people were always at the front line, and those who fell were all children in their twenties... "I feel like what I did tonight was not human..."    


Beside him, another old man with red hair also had tears in his eyes.    


"Alright, old man, don't cry. Things have already come to this point. No matter how much you regret it, it's useless. The proper thing to do is to live well and live up to the expectations of your deceased family members. "    


Someone at the side consoled.    


"That's right. The thing that can't be bought in this world is medicine for regret. Rather than regret, it's better to live well. " Look, Teacher Gao is here. Everyone, shut up first. "    


"Teacher Gao, what's the situation like?"    


Dozens of meters away, there was a crowd.    


Gao Zhenyun and Luo Hongsheng were surrounded by people as they walked to the hill where the crowd gathered.    


"Wait a moment, everyone. I will explain myself!"    


Gao Zhenyun motioned for the crowd to calm down. He squeezed through the crowd and walked to the hill where he had stood earlier.    


He took the loudspeaker from the guard and blew it a few times. After making sure that it did not fail, he looked up at the millions of people on both sides of the river.    


"Hello, everyone. I am Gao Zhenyun, the teacher of the fifty-seventh major. I believe that everyone knows me along the way. I know who I am and why I am here."    


"What happened tonight will be the most difficult and unresolvable memory for the entire Southcloud in our lives. In just half a day, it was not completely calculated. " During our escape, we have sacrificed more than thirty thousand soldiers of honor and more than fifty thousand civilians! They will forever be on our way to escape. "    


I know that many of us are unhappy with the term 'escape', but we don't want to hear it. Why don't we use strategic shifts? That sounds more pleasing to the ears and more dignified. "    


"However, in fact, before our reinforcements arrived, the entire Glory District of Southcloud was chased and beaten by the Demonic Bull Clan. We were chased all the way to the south bank of the river, and we were almost at the end of our road."    


"And just when we thought that everyone was going to die here, our reinforcements arrived. They defeated the Devilish Ox Clan and saved us. Then, they left to save even more people!"    


" Only, what we didn't expect was that the enemy we faced tonight wasn't only the Demonic Bull Clan, but also the existence hidden in the darkness! " They are even more ambitious than the Demonic Bull Clan, they want to kill all of us! "    


"The invisible waterspout that killed people earlier was the killing machine controlled by that demon. Most of our people, especially the ordinary citizens, died on it."    


"As for why so many people died, I think everyone knows clearly in their hearts. I don't want to say anything, and I don't want to pursue who is responsible. " Because all of this is meaningless now. "    


" What I want to tell you now is that the road of escape hasn't ended yet. Although the demon is destroyed, the Demon Ox Clan will still make a comeback in the future. It's only a matter of time. "    


"Tonight, all of us must cross the Nanpan River in front of us and head to the northeast, to the Jiang City, to a place where all of us can once again live in peace."    


"Therefore, I now have a few orders to give!"    


"That's right! " It's an order. In order to ensure the survival of more people and prevent them from delaying the speed of the army, I declare that it is to regulate everyone! "    


"Firstly, all of you have 57 divisions under your command, and you are not allowed to disobey!"    


"Secondly, all of you will inspect your luggage again. Other than the necessary food and clothes, throw away anything that affects the speed of your march!    


"Thirdly, the elderly, the children, the women in front, and the men behind!"    




In a short five minutes...    


Gao Zhenyun announced dozens of orders in a row.    


Normally, his domineering way of announcing orders would definitely cause a huge rebound.    


However, after experiencing a night of life and death and witnessing the cruelty of war, few people jumped out to object.    


On the contrary, they felt at ease about everything Gao Zhenyun announced.    


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