Heavenly War God Returns To City

C61 There Is a Problem with Your Deployment

C61 There Is a Problem with Your Deployment

"Who the hell are you?!"    


Xia Wanxin shouted, and the two male officials beside her rushed towards Yang Xuan at the same time.    


Yang Xuan's body swayed slightly. He did not see how he moved, but the two male officials missed him in an instant.    


Yang Xuan's body had already closed in on Xia Wanxin.    


Everyone broke out in cold sweat. Before they could react, Yang Xuan suddenly grabbed the battle map and pointed at the sniping spots that Xia Wanxin marked. He drew a few diagonal lines on the map with a pen.    


He then threw the map back to the other party. "See for yourself!"    


Xia Wanxin was stunned and subconsciously glanced at the few diagonal lines on the map.    


When she saw the clues, her entire body could not help but shake for a moment. She felt her scalp go numb and secretly rejoiced that she did not have the time to send a few snipers over.    


In the eyes of outsiders, these diagonal lines were nothing special. But to a tactical expert like Xia Wanxin, it was enough to make anyone shiver in fear.    


These few diagonal lines were actually marked by the ballistic rules, the angle was tricky. The direction was precise. If the criminals in the building were to follow the trajectory of these ballistic lines and counter-attack, then the snipers deployed at the sniping point would have no chance at all!    


Before anyone could react, Yang Xuan pointed at the map. "There are at least 12 criminals who have received strict special training. They are well equipped. Including Desert Eagle, MP5, M16, and a large-caliber Barem large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle. "    


"At the same time, they are in the best position in the building. They have both offensive and defensive capabilities, and they also have hostages in their hands. If they attack recklessly, it would be similar to adding oil to the oil. For them, it would only be more human targets. "    


Everyone was stunned.    


"How do you know so much!?" A male officer said vigilantly.    


Yang Xuan shrugged and said, "When I first came here, I judged it from the sound of the gun."    


Bang! Bang!    


At this moment, two more gunshots rang out in the building.    


"Oh, sorry, I missed one. There's still one cat at the corner of the third floor. It's an M4."    


Everyone was stunned.    


This group of criminals were ferocious, well-equipped, and had strong fighting abilities. They were strong enemies that they had never seen before.    


Moreover, they had used all their intelligence networks, but they knew nothing about the origins of these criminals!    


However, this ordinary-looking young man in front of them could judge the firepower ratio and tactical layout from just the sound of gunfire. It was simply unbelievable!    


"Then what do you think we should do?"    


Xia Wanxin suddenly asked. Even she did not realize that she actually trusted the person in front of her for no reason.    


Yang Xuan took the map and glanced at it briefly. Then he gently spread one of his hands out. A male officer beside him quickly handed the pen over.    


"This group of people have received strict special training. From their tactical style, they should be from the Hunter School in America."    


"So when fighting with them, do not use conventional tactical thinking. Now that they have the advantage of the terrain and have hostages, there is no chance for us to attack them recklessly."    


"The best way is here, here, and here. Pull out three lines of fire defense, then send two teams to each of these two positions. We need to change the position of the sniping point as well. There's no need for that much. Three was enough. In these three positions... Form a triangular encirclement... "    


As Yang Xuan spoke, he carefully counted on the map.    


In less than two minutes, a perfect battle plan was drawn out.    


Xia Wanxin was completely stunned. She had never seen such a perfect map before, nor had she seen such a detailed and clear battle plan.    


His thinking was meticulous and meticulous, and his thinking angle was tricky. It seemed to go against common sense, but it was also impeccable.    


What was even more unbelievable was that such a nearly perfect battle plan was actually drawn out in less than two minutes!    


"But this way, there won't be any problems with defending, but what if the criminals inside hold on and don't move?"    


Xia Wanxin was indeed worthy of being a police genius. Very quickly, she found a huge loophole.    


This battle plan was indeed very perfect. If the gangsters inside moved, they would definitely have the upper hand at the first moment.    


However, this battle plan was slightly more defensive. If the gangsters inside did not make any moves, it would still be useless.    


"I need an elite team to go in and break the enemy's plan, forcing them to make a move!"    


At this moment, an armed soldier at the side commanded the official road. "I suggest that we transfer the elites immediately and organize an elite team of more than 15 people to attack. We will force them to give themselves away and then wipe them out in one go!"    


"Eliminate them in one go?"    


Yang Xuan smiled at that person, "If we carry out an assault, I can guarantee that those who enter will not live more than a minute. No matter how many of them go, they will die for nothing. If those people were so easy to deal with, we would not have to go through so much trouble."    


"Then didn't you say that you didn't?"    


The commander of the armed soldiers was already burning with anxiety. At this moment, he could not hold it in anymore and shouted.    


"Then what do you think we should do?"    


Xia Wanxin seemed to be calm and asked Yang Xuan. She did not know why, but she felt that this person in front of her was very trustworthy. She also thought that he would not say something without reason.    


Yang Xuan nodded and said, "The ones I just deployed were just to form an encirclement of fire. The goal was to prevent them from jumping over the wall and rushing out. They could not let them escape. The real attack only needs one person to go in. "    


" One person to go in? "    


Xia Wanxin looked a little puzzled, "Who goes in?"    


Yang Xuan smiled and pointed at himself.    


Everyone was stunned. After they reacted, a few people laughed. "Do you think you are Superman? Our elite team can't even go in. You said you can go in alone?"    


A trace of disappointment flashed across Xia Wanxin's eyes. Although she trusted the person in front of her very much, those words just now were really too much.    


"Thank you for your battle plan, but this is not a game, this matter..."    




Before Xia Wanxin could finish speaking, she suddenly felt her waist slip. She subconsciously reached out to touch it and immediately broke out in cold sweat!    


The gun on her waist had disappeared!    


"Put the gun down!"    


Everyone suddenly pulled out their guns and aimed at Yang Xuan. It was a big deal to snatch a gun from an official. The person in front of them was unknown. It was extremely dangerous for the gun to fall into his hands!    


"Not bad, good gun. I've always liked domestic pistols. Simple and applicable, not so many tricks."    


Yang Xuan casually weighed the gun in his hand. He felt very close in his heart. Thinking about it carefully, he had not touched this thing for more than three years. A feeling that he had not felt for a long time suddenly arose.    


"Put the gun down, or you will shoot!"    


However, the others were very nervous. At least twenty different kinds of guns were aimed at Yang Xuan's head.    


Xia Wanxin shouted, "Put it down!"    


She was very clear about the seriousness of the other party's actions. According to the law, once such a situation occurred, they had the right to shoot and kill him immediately.    


Her shout was actually mostly filled with worry towards the person in front of her.    


However, Yang Xuan acted as if he didn't hear her. After he weighed the gun in his hand a few times, he made an extremely dangerous move!    


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