Heavenly War God Returns To City

C55 Yang Xuan Who the Hell Are You!

C55 Yang Xuan Who the Hell Are You!

On the way home, Su Nan sat in the passenger seat and stared at Yang Xuan without saying a word.    


"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong again?"    


Yang Xuan looked a little nervous. Every time Su Nan stared at him, it would be a storm.    


"Yang Xuan, who are you?" Su Nan asked softly.    


Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "I... I am probably myself..."    


"You know Birmingk Academy like the back of your hand, you can speak fluently French. What happened just now was so big, yet you were unharmed. Furthermore, those people seemed to respect you very much. Explain to me properly."    


Su Nan's eyes were like a torch, "Don't try to lie to me. I am not a fool."    




Yang Xuan was at a loss for words for a moment. His performance tonight was really too much. If one or two things could still be perfunctory, but a few things happened at the same time, how should he explain this?!    


"I've checked the information on Birmingk Academy on the Internet before. Didn't I just explain to you that it can speak French? I've been gifted with languages since I was young. As for just now... It was Sister Loong, the one Lee Fei and the others were talking about. She called me over and wanted to chop me up, but later she realized... I'm actually classmates with her! "    


Yang Xuan could only bite the bullet and find some very far-fetched reasons.    


Su Nan stared at Yang Xuan without blinking. These explanations were full of loopholes, but it seemed like she could not find anything wrong with them.    


"I forced myself to believe you in the first two things, but you just said Sister Loong was your classmate?" Su Nan was suspicious.    


"Yes, classmate." Yang Xuan nodded his head with a straight face.    


"You lied to me!"    


Su Nan suddenly raised her voice. "Didn't you tell me that you haven't even attended primary school? Where did your classmate come from? "    




Yang Xuan's heart sank. When Su Nan asked him to go over, in order to gain sympathy and avoid getting scolded in the future, he said himself very miserably, saying that his family was poor when he was young, and that he had not even attended the first grade of elementary school...    


"He's my kindergarten classmate."    


Yang Xuan was worthy of being Champion Marquis. His mental fortitude was very good. He said seriously, "I went to kindergarten when I was young. Sister Loong is really my kindergarten classmate, and she is also my deskmate."    


"She thinks I am a fool!"    


Su Nan stared and said, "Even if she is a kindergarten classmate, she was so young at that time. Now that she is so old, how could she recognize her?"    


"Then why do you think she gave me so much face?"    


Yang Xuan curled his lips and said, "I'm just a poor person. Sister Loong is high and mighty. Why should she give me face? It's because of the friendship between our classmates back then. If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself another day."    




Su Nan felt a little confused.    


Friendship between classmates?    


Kinderelict classmates?    


No one would believe such words, but this fellow seemed to have nothing wrong with his words. If not for this, why would Sister Loong give him face?    


"Hmm? Isn't that Wang Xiaofei!?"    


Just as the car drove to the entrance of the neighborhood, Yang Xuan suddenly saw a woman in a skirt standing beside him. She was Wang Xiaofei, who he had just slapped.    


"Why is she here?"    


Su Nan's face froze and she quickly said, "Not good. Quickly turn around and call the police. She must have come for revenge!"    


Only then did she remember that Wang Xiaofei had been fiercely slapped by Yang Xuan a few times. She angrily left and threatened to take revenge, but there was no movement from behind.    


Now that she suddenly appeared at the entrance of the community, she was most likely here to take revenge.    


"Stay in the car. I'll go down and take a look."    


Yang Xuan parked the car by the side, then opened the door and walked out.    


"Hey... Wait for me!"    


Su Nan secretly cursed this fellow for having a fever in his head again, but it was too late to stop him now. She could only grit her teeth and follow him.    




Su Nan took the lead and walked in front. She looked at Wang Xiaofei and said, "It is Yang Xuan's fault for hitting you today. If there is anything, we can slowly talk about it. There is a surveillance camera over here."    


After saying that, Su Nan suddenly felt that something was not right. There was no one beside Wang Xiaofei. Even if she wanted to take revenge, she could not come alone.    




Suddenly, Wang Xiaofei knelt on the ground and said with a sobbing voice, "I was wrong. Today's matter was my fault. I dare not do it again. Please forgive me."    


Su Nan was stunned. This was completely out of her expectations. She quickly reached out to help, "Hey, what are you doing? Get up, it's not a big deal..."    


"I don't care. Please forgive me, I beg you!"    


As Wang Xiaofei spoke, she actually cried. She extended her hand and continuously slapped her face. Every slap was especially strong, and it only took a few moments for her entire face to become red and swollen.    


"Hey hey hey... OK, OK, OK. I forgive you. I forgive you!"    


This time Su Nan was frightened. Although she definitely did not have a good impression of Wang Xiaofei, when she saw the other party like this, she was also quite soft-hearted.    




Wang Xiaofei cried with joy, "Thank you, thank you!"    


She thanked him while kowtowing to him gratefully on the ground. Then she got up and ran away with her hands covering her face.    


Su Nan was confused, "What happened to her?"    


After saying that, she suddenly turned her head and stared at Yang Xuan.    


Yang Xuan quickly said, "This has nothing to do with me. I also don't know what happened to her!"    


Yang Xuan was really confused about this matter. He had no idea what had happened to Wang Xiaofei. Could it be that it was Old Slave or Zhang Gaoping who did it?    


But this was not realistic. These two people did not have the courage to monitor his every move. Even if they knew about the reunion, they had to ask for his opinion before making any decision.    


Could it be Shadow?    


That was even more impossible. If it was Shadow, Wang Xiaofei would not be able to breathe anymore.    


Loong Xiaomann?    


It was also impossible. When they had a conflict with Wang Xiaofei, they had not met Loong Xiaomann yet.    


Then what was going on?    


Wang Xiaofei's eyes were filled with fear just now and there was not the slightest bit of pretense in them. Who was she afraid of?    


Back home, Yang Xuan had been thinking about this. Although Wang Xiaofei seemed to be apologizing to Su Nan, Yang Xuan could tell that she was looking at him.    


In other words, she was really worried about him.    


Then what exactly happened after she left the private room?    


He was sure that Wang Xiaofei must have been threatened and threatened because of him. That was why she came to apologize to him.    


This meant that someone was secretly monitoring Yang Xuan's every move, knowing his whereabouts like the back of his hand!    


Who was this person?    


Was he an enemy or a friend?    


Could it be that my identity has been exposed?    


Yang Xuan rubbed his head hard and let out a long breath. He looked at the time. It was already past one o'clock in the morning.    


He had drunk too much just now and felt that his mouth was a little dry. He tiptoed to the living room and prepared to pour a cup of water.    




Just as he walked to the living room, Yang Xuan suddenly heard some rustling sounds in Su Nan's room. It sounded like she was talking and also like she was crying.    


"What's wrong with you?"    


Yang Xuan quickly pushed the door open. When he saw the scene in the room, his expression changed instantly!    


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