Heavenly War God Returns To City

C82 Dog's Eyes

C82 Dog's Eyes

"Are you done?"    


Yang Xuan felt that it was disgusting to say one more word to this person. He frowned and said, "Hurry up and leave after you finish speaking. I'm afraid you will regret it later."    


"I regret it?"    


Lin Xin was amused. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and said jokingly, "I'm interested in what you said. I want to see how you will make me regret it."    


"Go away!"    


Yang Xuan was trying his best to restrain himself. He kept suppressing the urge to punch this guy in the head.    


"What if I don't?"    


Lin Xin sneered, "To tell you the truth, I am here to buy a house. Do you know where this is? This is Mount Zhong golf. The house inside is enough for a lowly commoner like you to rent for the rest of your life."    


"Do you know what house I'm going to buy later? One hundred and fifty square meters. One square meter is close to thirty thousand square meters. You should calculate it yourself! "    


"And do you know what I'm going to use this house for? Using it to sleep with your wife... Oh, no, it's for Nan and me to get married. When Nan and I get married, I can consider letting you bring a plate or something. I can even let you freeload a meal, hahaha! "    


The more Lin Xin spoke, the more excited he became. However, Yang Xuan's patience had reached its limit.    


"I will say it again, get out of here right now!"    


A hint of ferociousness flashed across Yang Xuan's eyes.    


Lin Xin was frightened by this look and instinctively took a few steps back. When he reacted, he was immediately furious. This country bumpkin dared to glare at him?    


"Why the f * ck are you glaring at me? Who do you think you are, a little peasant?"    


Lin Xin pointed at the other party's nose and cursed, "With your petty behavior, why don't you take a piss and take a photo? I am here to educate you to give you face!"    


" A lowly commoner of your class, it is your honor that I can speak to you. Don't f * cking not know what's good for you here! "    


"Do you know who I am? My father is the director of the hospital in the city. Do you know what my car is? Audi R8, do you know what I am doing now? I'm here to buy a house for Zhongshan golf!"    


" This is a place where only nobles can stay. A lowly commoner like you will only be able to look outside for your entire life. What kind of thing would dare to glare at laozi? You are going to f * cking glare at me again? Believe it or not, I'll slap you! "    


Lin Xin got angrier the more he spoke, although he did not know why he was angry. He was the one who provoked Ye Yuan first.    


However, he was still angry. When he thought about how this country bumpkin had occupied Su Nan for two years, although the relationship between husband and wife was undeserved, he was still unhappy.    


Last time in the restaurant, he had restrained himself in order to make a performance and express his gentlemanly demeanour. But now, he had to step on this small country bumpkin to the bottom of the valley.    


"F * ck, you're still f * cking staring at me. F * ck you!"    


Lin Xin saw that the other party was still glaring at him. In a fit of anger, he extended his hand and slapped the other party's face.    


Yang Xuan held back the urge to kill the man. He only moved his body slightly. Before he even attacked, Lin Xin's slap missed, but because of inertia, he staggered a few steps forward. He just tripped on a rock and fell to the ground, like a dog eating shit.    


"F * ck you, I'll kill you!"    


Lin Xin was furious. As soon as he got up from the ground, a man in a suit rushed over and said loudly, "What happened?"    


Seeing this man, Lin Xin immediately got excited. "I am the Lin Xin who called to make an appointment to buy a house!"    


"Oh, it's Mr. Lin. Nice to meet you. My surname is Zhao. I'm the manager here. What happened?"    


The man in the suit knew that the other party was a client and quickly said respectfully.    


"Manager Zhao, how do you do business? Why are all the cats and dogs here? It affects my mood!"    


As he spoke, he pointed at Yang Xuan. "This idiot hit me just now. What do you think we should do? If we don't settle this properly, I won't buy this house today!"    


"Mr. Lin, please calm down. I will give you a satisfactory explanation!"    


Manager Zhao immediately became anxious. Although Mount Zhong golf was very high-end, it was precisely because it was too high-end. This was a small three-line city, and the house was especially difficult to sell. It was not easy to get a customer to serve it well.    


"You, immediately kneel down and kowtow to Mr. Lin to admit your mistake. Otherwise, don't think of this door today!"    


Manager Zhao instantly changed his face when he faced Yang Xuan. As the sales manager of a high-end building, he had a very sharp eyesight.    


This person had average looks and was dressed in street goods. He looked like he hadn't washed himself for a few days, just like a migrant worker.    


For the lowest level of society, even if he was crippled on the spot, it wouldn't be a big deal to pay a few thousand yuan as compensation.    


He couldn't offend the customer just because of this kind of person. He was wearing a Versace suit!    


"What's the matter with you here?"    


Yang Xuan said lightly, "Even if I hit someone, shouldn't it be under the police's control?"    




Manager Zhao was actually retorted by a single sentence from the other party. He hurriedly said fiercely, " Beating someone here is my business. Why are you here? Are you trying to steal something? And you're even beating people up, I have the right to punish you!"    


Yang Xuan remained calm and pointed at Lin Xin." Then why did he come? "    


Manager Zhao stared and said, "He came to buy a house!"    


Yang Xuan smiled and said faintly, "Then I also came to buy a house."    


"You? Buy a house?"    


Manager Zhao was amused and teased, "What house did you buy? Do you know what place this is? You don't eat or drink for your whole life. You can't even afford half a bathroom here. If you can buy a house here, I'll kneel down and call you father!"    


Lin Xin impatiently urged from the side, "Why are you wasting your breath on this kind of person? Quickly call the security guards over!"    


Manager Zhao quickly took out his walkie-talkie, "Security, come out. We caught a thief here!"    


Then he sneered at Yang Xuan, "Security, come over immediately. It's not too late for you to kneel now. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as kneeling later!"    


Then, he turned to Lin Xin and said with a flattering smile, "Mr. Lin, don't worry. When the security comes over later, I'll ask him to kneel down and lick your shoes clean!"    


"Okay, then I'll wait in the car. If I'm satisfied, I'll pay the fees and sign the contract later. If not, I'll leave immediately!"    


After saying that, he turned around and left with a cold snort.    


"Mr. Lin, don't worry. I'll definitely satisfy you later!"    


Manager Zhao flattered Lin Xin's back, then turned around and glared at Yang Xuan. He said fiercely, "Kid, you are unlucky today. For my performance, I will make you suffer later!"    


"Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang, I need you to sign here."    


At this time, Xiao Lian suddenly ran over with a few sheets. Seeing the scene in front of her, she quickly greeted Manager Zhao, "Manager Zhao, you are here too."    


Manager Zhao was stunned. "What did you say just now? Sign? You gave me the receipt?"    


Xiao Lian smiled and said," It's open. This Mr. Yang bought five sets in one go, and all of them were from the highest grade unit! "    




Manager Zhao was so shocked that his eyes widened, and his face almost broke into a smile, "Five sets of high level... Why didn't you tell me such a big thing? Where are the customers, where are the customers? I want to personally receive them!"    


Xiao Lian was stunned, and pointed at Yang Xuan and said, "The customer is this Mr. Yang. He even paid the fees, a total of over 46 million. He just swiped the card just now."    


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