Heavenly War God Returns To City

C336 Little Turkey's Stubbornness

C336 Little Turkey's Stubbornness

"I only rent one. Are you willing to eat the daily steamed buns and pickles?"    


Yang Xuan was suddenly interested, as the Little Turkey's words surprised him.    


The Little Turkey gritted its teeth, "I'm willing!"    




Yang Xuan suddenly felt depressed.    


A woman like the Little Turkey had long been blinded by matter. Why did she suddenly cling to him?    


"You're certainly not just a rental agent."    


The Little Turkey looked at Yang Xuan and suddenly calmed down, "To be able to make the head instructor kneel and kowtow in the field, you are definitely not a simple person."    


Yang Xuan shrugged, "He's crazy. What does it have to do with me? Fine, I don't have the time to waste on you. BYE, I wish you find the next one as soon as possible."    


As he spoke, he got into the car and prepared to leave.    


However, just as he started the car, he saw Little Turkey open her arms wide and block the front of the car, as though if you wanted to leave, you would first crush me.    


"Are you betting that I won't dare to hit you?"    


Yang Xuan slightly frowned and was already unhappy.    


The Little Turkey did not say anything, but his eyes were determined.    


"Fine, you have to do this for me. If you have the guts, don't hide!"    


Yang Xuan backed the car up a bit, then suddenly stepped on the gas pedal. The car roared and crashed towards the Little Turkey.    


You can't talk to this kind of woman.    


Oh wow, your psychological qualities aren't bad!    


Yang Xuan stepped on the accelerator and a hint of playfulness appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


Usually, at times like these, most people would flee, but this Little Turkey remained standing and unmoving.    




Yang Xuan increased the throttle. The car was like a cannonball. If he was hit, even a brown bear would be smashed into pieces.    


"Creak ~ ~ ~"    


The next moment, Yang Xuan suddenly stepped on the brakes!    


"Your head must be spinning!"    


Yang Xuan got off the car and looked at the Little Turkey in disbelief.    


The car was at most 5 cm away from the Little Turkey. If not for the good performance of the car, the Little Turkey would have been gone by now.    


Furthermore, Yang Xuan could also tell that the Little Turkey was not bluffing, and she did not intend to avoid it at all.    


"Alright, alright, alright. If you win, what do you want?"    


Yang Xuan could only compromise. Although he definitely had the guts to kill Little Turkey, he was not a lunatic and would not casually take someone's life.    


"I want you to raise me!"    


The Little Turkey repeated the same sentence, her tone was calm but firm.    


"Sis, why don't I donate two hundred yuan to you personally? Why don't you go to the Psychiatric Department to take a look?"    


Yang Xuan said in a speechless manner, "If you want people to raise it, then go find those tycoons. What's the point of pestering me to rent it out? "I earn a little money for my cigarettes every month …"    


"I don't want money!"    


The Little Turkey suddenly said something earth-shattering.    


"What the hell?" "You don't want money?"    


Yang Xuan was confused and confused. He thought that although he was a little handsome, but it wasn't enough to make a gold digger like her.    


"Then what do you want to do?" Yang Xuan asked in confusion.    


"I want you to protect me!"    




"I want you to protect me!"    


The Little Turkey looked at Yang Xuan, "I don't want your money, you don't have to give me anything. I just want you to protect me, I don't want to be bullied again."    




Yang Xuan suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the Little Turkey's eyes. There were tears in them, but it still bit its lips stubbornly, not letting them fall.    


Yang Xuan thought for a while and sighed. "I still have some work to do. Find a place tonight and send me a message."    


The car drove off for a long distance, and Yang Xuan could see Little Turkey standing where she was in the rearview mirror, looking at him from afar.    


Sigh, the pressure from being a handsome guy is great!    


Yang Xuan sighed as he drove to the Lishui Cloud Pavilion.    


This place was worthy of being called the most luxurious villa area in Nanjiang.    


The entire villa was located on a mountain that wasn't too big or small. The door was elegantly constructed, yet it didn't lose any of its extravagance.    


The security guards at the door could tell from their postures that they had definitely received special training before, and at the very least, they had to be retired special soldiers.    


The surveillance cameras were arranged in a very reasonable manner. There were almost no blind spots as they circled the foot of the mountain. There was at least a security booth and several roving patrol teams.    


The security was done very professionally, which made Yang Xuan very satisfied.    


After settling Su Nan here, she would no longer have to worry about her safety.    


"Hello, please show me your ID."    


A tall and straight security guard saw Yang Xuan's car drive over and immediately walked over, giving him a standard salute.    


This was indeed a top villa complex. The security guards didn't become snobbish just because Yang Xuan drove a second-hand small POLO.    


At least, they didn't show it on their faces.    


Yang Xuan took out his ID and handed it over.    


The security guard took a closer look and asked, "Please show me your owner's card."    


Yang Xuan then handed over a golden owner card. When the security guard saw the card, he suddenly turned solemn and saluted, "Sir, please come in!"    


There were also different types of owners' cards inside. Yang Xuan's was the most special one, it was the owner card of the landmark villa. There was only one in the entire villa.    


Of course, there was no need to worry about the security guards revealing their identities. To be able to be a security guard here, they must have received strict training and would definitely not leak out any information about the owners.    


As they drove along a lush mountain road, the scenery around them was especially beautiful. Yang Xuan thought that Su Nan would definitely like it here.    


Woof —    


At that moment, a brown teddy dog suddenly jumped out from the side.    


"Creak ~ ~ ~"    


Yang Xuan slammed on the brakes and almost crushed that Maltese.    


Woof woof woof *    


The Maltese wasn't very big, but it had a strong temper. Not only did it not run away in fear, it even started barking at the front of the car.    


Yang Xuan pressed his horn twice and then stepped heavily on the throttle to scare the little thing away.    


Just as he was about to move forward, a young woman in a small leather skirt blocked his way and pointed at Yang Xuan fiercely, "You, get off!"    


"What is it?"    


Yang Xuan rolled down the window and wondered why this girl was so angry at him.    


"Are you blind? What kind of horn are you pressing here that scared my family into laughter? Apologize to me!"    


At the same time, she stooped down and hugged the Maltese tenderly in her arms, comforting it softly, "Good Lele, don't be afraid. Mommy is here."    


Yang Xuan was stunned and suddenly found it funny.    


It seemed like raising a dog as his own son wasn't a joke at all.    


"Your dog suddenly jumped off the road and I almost bumped into it, but I kept blocking its path. I pressed the horn a few times, and in the future, remember to lead the dog while you walk. This dog's personality is quite fierce, it would be bad if he gets hurt."    


Yang Xuan warned the other party a few times. The news often reported the incident of a vicious dog injuring a person. Leaving a dog to lead others was a basic moral quality.    


Just as she was about to move forward, the woman in the leather skirt suddenly stepped forward, raised her high heels and kicked the front of the car.    


"Who do you think you are? I order you to get the hell down here immediately!"    


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