Heavenly War God Returns To City

C653 Who will Take the Lead

C653 Who will Take the Lead

"Shut up!"    


When Third Uncle saw that the person who spoke was actually that outsider, he immediately berated him.    


However, Yang Xuan ignored him and continued to shout at the city, "Let me ask you a question first. Back then, Great Immortal Pangu created the world and used his body to transform into mountains, rivers, stars, and stars. What was the purpose of this?"    


Speaking of this topic, Yao Yuanshan's expression became solemn. He cupped his hands in the direction of the sun and said. "Of course, it's to end the chaos and let the people of the world live and work in peace. The spirit of the Exalted Immortal Pangu, who risked his life for justice, is what we descendants pursued throughout our lives..."    


"Pursuing my ass!"    


Yang Xuan did not wait for the other party to finish speaking. He said loudly, "Do you even know how to seek justice for your own life? The Pangu Immortal gave up his body and created this beautiful world. It was to let the future generations live a peaceful and happy life. "    


"But now, you've brought your people with you and are going to fight the Hidden Dragon Clan. In this battle, no matter who wins or loses, rivers of blood will flow, and people will be plunged into misery and suffering!"    


"This is clearly against the ideology of the Pangu Immortal. You dare to say that you are the descendant of the Pangu Immortal after doing such a thing?"    


"I think that if you are the real descendant of the Grand Immortal Pangu, you should always remember the spirit of the Grand Immortal Pangu who risked his life for justice. To put it simply, you must be merciful!"    


"However, you are now leading a troop of soldiers to the city. Do you think that if the Pangu Immortal opens his eyes, he will scold you, an unworthy descendant, harshly?"    


These words were like a series of firecrackers. The faces of the people of the clan below immediately showed nervousness, and Yao Yuanshan himself broke out in cold sweat!    


Xu Yuanlong, who was standing on top of the city wall, burst into laughter. He looked at Yang Xuan with admiration and said, "Little brother, you have helped us a lot this time!"    


Even Third Uncle walked over and patted Yang Xuan's shoulder. He smiled and said, "From now on, you are the most respected guest of our clan!"    


"Yao Yuanshan, what are you waiting for? Quickly withdraw your troops. Don't tell me you want to go against the wishes of your ancestors!"    


Xu Yuanlong suddenly had confidence. As he spoke, he held his head high and puffed out his chest.    


Yao Yuanshan's face was tense and he did not know how to refute.    


Now it was his turn to be in a dilemma.    


For this operation, he had prepared for several years. If he withdrew now, his prestige in the clan would be greatly reduced in the future!    


However, if he launched an attack, he would leave behind a false statement that went against the will of the Pangu Immortal, which was equivalent to admitting that the Badlands Mo Clan was not a descendant of the Pangu Immortal.    


No, no, he must not withdraw!    


All of a sudden, Yao Yuanshan's eyes rolled, and a thought popped up in his mind.    


He looked up at Xu Yuanlong, who was on the city wall, and said, "Great Immortal Pangu has a heart of the world, and compassion is in his heart. As the true descendant of Great Immortal, of course I won't go against Great Immortal's wishes and do things that will bring misery and suffering to the world."    


"Today, I brought all of our people here, not to fight you. I just want our people, as well as the people of the Long Yin Clan, to be witnesses."    


Xu Yuanlong asked," What witness? "    


Yao Yuanshan said calmly, "In addition to compassion, Great Immortal Pan Gu can split the sky and earth, and has unparalleled combat power."    


"That's why it doesn't matter who's the orthodox. It doesn't matter if they say it out loud, but they still have to compete in terms of battle prowess. Whoever has the highest battle prowess will definitely be a descendant of Great Immortal Pangu."    


Xu Yuanlong frowned, "What do you mean?"    


"It's very simple!"    


Yao Yuanshan said, "Our two families will each send out five experts to fight one by one. If that side wins more than three matches, it means that the other side is the true descendant of the Divine Axe."    


After saying that, he added, "As the descendant of the Pangu Immortal, he should have limitless courage. If he is timid and doesn't dare to fight, then this is definitely not the bloodline of the Pangu Immortal."    


This sentence directly sealed off all of Xu Yuanlong's escape routes.    


After a moment of hesitation, he said, "Alright, let's end this today. The two of us have been arguing for thousands of years. It's time to end this today!"    


"Alright, it's a deal!"    


Yao Yuanshan suddenly shouted, "Who will take the lead!"    


Beside him, a tall man with long hair took a step forward. Just as he was about to speak, a one-eyed bald man shouted, "Killing the chicken with a butcher's knife is not necessary. General Fei, rest for now. Let me go and meet their Longsword first!"    


As he said that, the bald man walked to the front and pointed at the city wall and said loudly, "Who among you dares to come out and fight me!"    


Third Uncle on the city wall pulled out the Longsword with a swoosh and angrily said, "Don't be insolent. Watch how I, Xu Yuanhu, deal with you!"    


Xu Yuanlong nodded and said, "Third Brother, be careful. This baldy is not easy to deal with."    


Third Uncle smiled coldly and said, "Patriarch, don't worry. I'll go and return!"    


With that said, he leaped and landed lightly on the ground.    


The baldy held a giant nine-ringed machete on his shoulder and disdainfully said, "Let me give you a piece of advice. It's not too late to surrender now, so as to avoid embarrassing yourself later!"    


Third Uncle had a fiery temper. When he heard this, his anger immediately soared to the sky. With a loud shout, he held the Longsword in his hand and threw himself at the bald man.    


The saber and sword collided with each other, creating a clanging sound. Both sides clashed, and a silver light flickered.    


The people on both sides also began to cheer.    


"Oh no, Third Uncle is not that person's opponent!"    


At this time, Ah Yun suddenly muttered nervously.    


"Oh? What did you see?"    


Yang Xuan said with great interest. In fact, when the two of them had just fought for less than three rounds, Yang Xuan had also seen that Third Uncle would lose this battle.    


However, he had never thought that Ah Yun would also show up.    


Ah Yun looked at the two people fighting below the city and said worriedly, "Although they seem to be on par with each other, Third Uncle's weakness is being exposed bit by bit."    


"It's not that his sword technique is not good, but that his opponent's nine-ringed saber is coincidentally at odds with him."    


"Third Uncle's Longsword is light and agile. It should be able to use agility and movement to deal with the opponent, but he insists on clashing head-on with the opponent."    


"This way, the advantage of his sword techniques will be greatly reduced. If this continues, he will definitely not be his opponent."    


Yang Xuan nodded. This was the same as what he had thought. In fact, Third Uncle's sword skills were not low. The reason why he lost was because of his personality.    


Of course, the most fundamental reason was still his sword arts ideology. It was very rigid and not flexible at all.    


Sure enough, when the two sides were about to fight for the tenth round, Third Uncle began to fall into a disadvantage. He was firmly suppressed by his opponent's fierce nine-ringed saber.    


In the sixteenth round, he was finally defeated. His shoulder was cut by the opponent's saber and he was kicked out fiercely.    


"I told you earlier that you wouldn't listen to me if I told you to surrender earlier. If this was a life and death battle, you would have lost your life a long time ago."    


The bald man put the Nine Ring Blade on his shoulder and said proudly.    


The Luxurious Mo Clan let out a cheer, but the Dragon Yin Clan was so anxious that they stomped their feet.    


In the first battle, the Longyin Clan lost.    


Xu Yuanlong hurriedly ordered his men to open the city gates and rescue his Third Uncle. He frowned and said, "Who else wants to fight?"    


"Father, let me go!"    


At this moment, Ah Yun suddenly asked for battle.    


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