Heavenly War God Returns To City

C741 She Turned the Bottle Around with Her Wrist

C741 She Turned the Bottle Around with Her Wrist

"Don't worry, I just found out."    


Yang Xuan smiled at the two of them and said, "I used to be in the same profession as you. I was fortunate enough to participate in an operation together with you."    


"Although your faces are covered, I remember your technical movements very clearly. Just now, when I saw you two make a move, it felt very similar."    


"So I tried to see if my guess was correct. Now it seems that it really was the two of you."    


Jiang Bo and Liu Sen looked at each other with distrust in their eyes as they looked at Yang Xuan.    


Yang Xuan knew what they were suspecting. He smiled faintly and casually picked up a bottle of wine and rotated it a few times on his wrist.    


"So you are also one of them. Which team are you from?"    


Jiang Bo and Liu Sen said excitedly.    


Yang Xuan smiled playfully. "Same as you guys. Without a name, I can't say too much. You guys should know the rules very well."    


"Oh, right, right, right. You can't say that randomly. Once you get excited, you forget about it!"    


Jiang Bo and Liu Sen picked up a glass of wine and smiled. "I didn't expect to meet people of the same kind here. I'm really happy. I must have a drink!"    


Zhang Beijia and the others were confused when they heard this.    


"Brother Yang, what are you guys talking about?"    


Zhang Beijia asked curiously.    


Yang Xuan smiled and said, "When adults speak, children should not interrupt."    


Zhang Beijia was confused, completely unable to understand what Yang Xuan and the others were saying.    


In fact, Yang Xuan was not telling the truth. From the first time he saw Liu Sen and He Jiangbo, he could tell that the two of them had a strong warrior aura.    


From their fighting movements, it could be determined that the place they were serving was definitely not an ordinary guard camp. It was highly likely that they were part of the special forces that had received special training.    


Therefore, he quietly used his phone to take a picture of the two of them and sent it to Lu Fengshen. Soon, he received their information.    


Yang Xuan's guess was correct. Jiang Bo and Liu Sen had indeed served in a special forces army before. Their codename was Gator and Shadow.    


As for the action of turning the bottle on his wrist, it was a special training method unique to the country. This action seemed simple, but the details were very complicated. Only people who had undergone similar training could see the clues.    


They were all temperamental people. This drink was full of heroic spirit, but because there was work to be done the next day, Yang Xuan saw that it was about time, so he asked Zhang Beijia and the others to quickly go back to sleep.    


"Two brothers, we just happen to have a few empty rooms over there. If you don't mind, the two brothers will deal with it over there tonight. The three of us can also chat for a while."    


Yang Xuan invited them warmly.    


"Alright, then it's hard to refuse our hospitality."    


Jiang Bo and Liu Sen were both straightforward people. They didn't beat around the bush and agreed immediately.    


Yang Xuan had booked the entire hotel, so there were still a lot of empty rooms.    


"Brother, you spent a lot of money. This bed is comfortable. We have slept in this small hotel for a long time!"    


Liu Sen and Jiang Bo were very happy when they saw the luxurious room.    


Yang Xuan was a little puzzled. "The place where the two of you served was at least a few million yuan after you retired. Why would you stay in a small hotel?"    


When mentioning this, Liu Sen and Jiang Bo looked depressed.    


"It's embarrassing to say this out loud. The two of us did not retire normally. We were fired."    


Jiang Bo sighed.    


"Expelled? What mistakes did the two of you make?"    


Yang Xuan asked curiously.    


Because he knew that it was very difficult to train a team member in a place like Liu Sen and He Jiangbo's military service. It could be said that every team member inside had countless manpower, resources, and money invested in them.    


Moreover, that kind of place was usually not easy to fire a random person.    


Liu Sen, who had a black and short stature, let out a long sigh and said, "Actually, if you want to blame someone, it's also our brothers' misfortune."    


"When we were on a mission in the outer region, we were ambushed. Three of our brothers were knocked out by the cannonballs and fell into the enemy's hands."    


"After we broke through the defense and took control of the enemy, we found the corpses of our three brothers in a room."    


"I didn't want to talk about that at that time. We were used to seeing people die in our line of work."    


"But you didn't know the state of death of my three brothers. Their bones were shattered inch by inch, their eyeballs and limbs were gone, their bodies were riddled with holes, and their ears were filled with mercury."    


"I simply can't imagine what kind of torture my three brothers had to go through before they died."    


"At that time, Old Bo and I couldn't hold the fire, so we directly killed those sons of b * tches."    


"F * ck you, if you want to talk about this, then say it. Although it's not allowed on the surface, in a special squad like ours, it doesn't matter. The captain will just turn a blind eye and go over."    


"But f * ck, he was so angry that he lost his mind and actually missed out on a hidden camera in the room."    


"The actions of Old Bo and I were completely recorded."    


"In the end, those fellows overseas with ulterior motives used this video to pressure us."    


"In order to avoid causing bad international public opinion, the captain had no choice but to send us to the Guardian Court and sentence each of us to ten years"    


"But the captain also knew that the two of us were spendthrifts, so after entering, he secretly released us"    


"The two of us grew up there, other than fighting wars, we didn't do anything else"    


"Moreover, the two of us don't have skills or education. When we apply for a job, we can't say that our specialty is killing and arson, right?"    


"So, the two of us drifted all the way and relied on part-time jobs to survive. At noon today, we accidentally saved a boss who was being hunted and gave the two of us ten thousand yuan as thanks."    


"The two of us were also aggrieved for quite a while, so we planned to come to the bar to have a few drinks and relax. In the end, we didn't expect this place to be like bloodsucking. Ten thousand yuan and two bottles of wine were gone. What a f * cking grievance!"    


As Yang Xuan listened to the two of them, he tapped his thigh lightly with his index finger. After a long while, he suddenly said, "If the two of you don't mind, why don't you join us and do something big together?"    


"Join the two of you?"    


Liu Sen and Jiang Bo raised their heads at the same time.    


"Yes, join us!"    


Yang Xuan nodded and said, "Our organization is called Heavenly Calamity. Our base camp is in the Nanjiang City in the south."    


"Now, other than me and some instructors, there are a total of 109 official members."    


"These members have all experienced the most desperate times in their lives. Some of them are condemned prisoners kneeling on the execution ground, some are sons of wealthy families who have been forced into a dead end, and there are also people who have walked into despair and are ready to commit suicide."    


"In short, every member of the Heavenly Calamity is a person who has died once."    


"Now, they have been reborn, and every single one of them has completely said goodbye to their past."    


"Everyone here is their own blood brother. I sincerely invite both of you to join us!"    


Liu Sen and Jiang Bo were silent for a moment. Jiang Bo raised his head and asked, "Is your organization a Jianghu organization?"    


"Is it the kind of organization that opens casinos, covers the place, extorts, kidnapping and smuggling illegal items for money?"    


"If it's that kind of organization, then I can only apologize. Although we are no longer the Longxia Guards, we will never do anything illegal!"    


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