Big Son-In-Law

C502 The Big Trouble Has Just Arrived

C502 The Big Trouble Has Just Arrived

The person who kidnapped Goldie pointed out the location on the video call, telling Chen Qingchuan to rush there alone.    


Of course, Chen Qingchuan didn't need anyone else's help. He knew very well that the other party was digging a pit to kill him. But as for who exactly wanted to kill him, he wasn't sure yet. However, it didn't matter. As long as the person was in his hands... He could definitely pull out the real murderer behind him!    


After ending the call, Chen Qingchuan immediately made arrangements. He called Yu Simin. "The company is sending me to work recently, so I might have to leave home for a few days."    


Yu Simin was still very happy that Chen Qingchuan found a job and was happy with it. "Okay, you can go. Be careful!"    


She also asked Chen Qingchuan to be careful. Chen Qingchuan still had to consider her safety!    


After the call with Yu Simin, he drove the car out of the house and finally went to the office of the Fifth Realm King.    


Seeing the Fifth Realm Queen, Chen Qingchuan directly pointed out the purpose of his visit. "Gold was arrested. Someone plotted to kill me."    


When he heard this news, the Fifth Realm King was delighted. "Kill you? Even if you were merciful enough to not kill, there are still people who want to kill you?" After saying that, the Fifth Realm King felt that it was inappropriate again, so he added, "What I mean is, with your methods, no one can kill you at all. Who is so blind to want to kill you? "    


There was a video of Chen Qingchuan before, but it was too unreal. Furthermore, the Chen family had used some special means to make a few more of these videos, so everyone thought that Chen Qingchuan's video was just a computer effect. After all, the special effects were very powerful now. The Fifth Realm King had thought so as well. Because of this, he had tried to test Chen Qingchuan earlier.    


However, after fighting Chen Qingchuan, he had confirmed that Chen Qingchuan was very strong. Killing him would be more than enough. He had already transcended the human race. Whether or not the current technology could kill Chen Qingchuan had caused the Fifth Realm King to doubt him. Not to mention an ordinary assassin.    


Of course, being able to become the Fifth Realm King, he naturally had his own outstanding qualities and judgment.    


"I know why you came. You came to ask me to send someone to protect Yu Simin and her family to prevent any accidents from happening, right?"    


Chen Qingchuan nodded. This was precisely the reason why he came. Moreover, he believed that only ten thousand percent of the Fifth Realm Kings in the world would not deal with him. Because the Fifth Realm King was the only one who had seen his means of cultivation and was still alive, the Fifth Realm King was not loyal. However, there was an absolute threat to his life, unless he didn't want to live anymore. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to do anything that would let Chen Qingchuan down.    


"Protecting Yu Simin is enough. It doesn't matter to the others. Protecting too much will only make people pay more attention to this."    


The Fifth Realm King nodded. "Understood. I will send Niu Shan to send the strongest team to secretly protect Yu Simin. Don't worry!"    


Chen Qingchuan stretched out his hand and shook it with him.    


This was the first time they shook hands since they had known each other for so long. Although shaking hands did not mean that they would be friends in the future, they would definitely not be enemies. He believed that the Fifth Realm King knew this very well.    


After giving a few more instructions, Chen Qingchuan took a plane and left the base of the Fifth Realm King.    


The Fifth Realm King looked up at the sky and remained silent for a long time. Even though the plane had disappeared, he was still looking up.    


Niu Shan came closer and asked curiously, "Commander, what are you looking at?"    


The Fifth Realm King replied, "Look at the sky that is about to change."    


Niu Shan smiled, "You still have the ability to predict the weather?"    


The King of the Fifth Realm smiled but did not answer. He did not have the ability to look at the weather, but he still had the ability to see the general situation of the Empire.    


From Chen Qingchuan's strength, it could be determined that the Chen family, Daming Group, and Floating Life Hall had issued a joint announcement. It must be fake, because such a powerful disciple was so capable. There was no reason to kick him out. As the saying went, there must be a reason for something to happen. The only reasonable explanation was that Chen Qingchuan was deliberately digging a pit. He lured Wang Ba, who was hiding in the water, to bite him.    


"Who bit him? Who died? It's that simple. Unfortunately, many people will never be able to see through him!"    


The Fifth Realm King left with his hands behind his back as he sighed. This made Niu Shan even more puzzled. What kind of thing would anyone bite to death? What was he talking about...    


That afternoon, Yu Simin waited for the guests to arrive in the courtyard of the long-term company.    


The invitation had already been issued. There were tables and chairs arranged in the courtyard as well as a ceremonial platform. However, the chairs were empty and there was no one there at all.    


Yu Simin stood in the courtyard with her arms crossed and realized that the situation was developing in the direction of the worst that she had imagined.    


Yu Xijin did not know. Although he did not support the ceremony, since it was held, there should be people coming. Why was there not a single person? Yu Xijin was very puzzled about this.    


Walking closer, Yu Xijin looked at Yu Simin and asked, "Chairman, why is no one here? What's going on?"    


Yu Simin shook her head. Yu Xijin thought she did not know, but in reality, he wanted Yu Simin to say that she did not want to say.    


No matter what he knew, the result was the same. Yu Xijin shut his mouth and did not ask any more questions. He walked to the office.    


He wanted to call and ask what happened and why no one came.    


When Yu Xijin went to call, Yu Simin stood in the backyard. She continued to ponder about this matter, and was considering the worst-case scenario. She had already thought about it. The worst-case scenario should be the person who had helped her previously. She would be the one to backstab her and become the one to deal with her. Because Chung Tiejun was no longer a big mountain, everyone would vent their anger on her.    


If that was the case, what should he do? Yu Simin secretly thought about this in her heart.    


Just as she was thinking about it, a car came. At first, Yu Simin was quite happy when she heard the sound of the car. She thought the result was not as bad as she thought, but after seeing the dual-colored Rolls-Royce and the familiar license plate, she knew that she was wrong.    


The one who came was Yu Bingnan. Of course, after the car stopped, she found that there were still some aftershocks, Yu Yue and Yu Simin.    


Although she did not think that they would come with good intentions, out of identity and courtesy, Yu Simin still went forward to greet them.    


"Grandfather, Uncle!"    


Yu Simin greeted the two of them, but no matter whether it was Yu Bingnan or the aftershock, they did not respond to him.    


Yu Bingnan was still alright, but Yu Sheng just snorted coldly. Those who didn't know would think that it was because of the toothache.    


Yu Simin ignored his snort, while Yu Bingnan looked around the venue.    


In fact, he did not even need to size up the venue. In such an empty venue, he could see that there was not even half a feather.    


"Simin, there is a piece of news that you might not know yet."    


When Yu Bingnan said this, Yu Simin continued, "Is it news about Chung Tiejun?"    


"No, of course you know about this." After shaking his head to deny it, Yu Bingnan replied, "It's about the four big families."    


"There's news about the four great families. After Chung Tiejun took care of them... After a period of silence, everyone thought that they were in dire straits. There will no longer be four major families in Nanchuan. The four major families will become history. But they have come back to life from history. "    


" Now that the four big families know that Chung Tiejun's backer is gone, they have formed an alliance once again. They want to take revenge on Chung Tiejun. "    


After hearing this news, Yu Simin frowned. She seemed to know what Yu Bingnan was going to say.    


In fact, it was true. What Yu Bingnan said later confirmed her guess.    


"The four big families will not only target Chung Tiejun, but also you, because everyone knows that Chung Tiejun is protecting you!"    


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