Big Son-In-Law

C218 This Was Karma

C218 This Was Karma

Su Xue wasn't the only one who hoped to let the tall robber go. Lee Xiaomei also thought the same.    


The two of them really felt that it was not easy for the tall robber and they also felt his kindness, which was why they made this decision.    


Since they brought it up like this, Chen Qingchuan naturally did as they were told.    


So after arranging Su Xue and Lee Xiaomei to have a good rest, he drove to the place where the two robbers were imprisoned.    


Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the mother and daughter, he specially arranged people to ensure that nothing similar would happen again.    


After coming to the place where the robbers were kept, Chen Qingchuan saw the two robbers.    


At this moment, the two robbers were beaten until they lost their appearance. Obviously, it was Wu Shixiong who ordered his subordinates to do this.    


Chen Qingchuan didn't have any dissatisfaction with this. In his opinion, this was very normal. Anyone who did something wrong would be punished.    


After signalling Wu Shixiong's men to stop, Chen Qingchuan met the tall robber alone.    


In a small room, the tall robber sat on a chair. He did not have anything tied to his body.    


He did not need to be tied up anymore. Now that he had been beaten to a pulp, even if he let him leave, he would not be able to go far. Furthermore, with Chen Qingchuan's ability, even if his body hadn't been beaten up, it was impossible for him to escape in front of Chen Qingchuan.    


After lighting up a cigarette, Chen Qingchuan looked at the tall robber and asked for his name.    


The tall robber didn't hide anything. Since they had already reached this stage, there was no point in hiding his name.    


Then he told Chen Qingchuan that his name was Gundam, and he was a contractor working at a construction site.    


Chen Qingchuan looked at Gundam. "Since it's a contractor who can bring more than ten people, it shouldn't be a lack of money. Then what do you mean by kidnapping those two women today? Are you deliberately targeting something?"    


Chen Qingchuan had to find out about this. After all, both he and Han Shaozong could be coerced to do a lot of things.    


However, Gundam clearly had no intention of doing that. He asked Chen Qingchuan, "Can I have a cigarette?"    


Chen Qingchuan glanced at him, then took out a cigarette and put it into his mouth. He then lit it up for him.    


Gundam thanked him and took a few deep breaths. Then he recovered some strength and said, "If we can get our farmers' salaries in time, of course I will be a good contractor. We can still earn hundreds of thousands a year. "    


"But we don't have hands to do work, but our salaries can't be paid. It has been more than half a year, and the brothers we brought out don't even have money. How are we going to go home? How are our wives and children going to eat?"    


"It looks like we made a lot of money when we came out to work, but that money is all in our account. No one pays at all, or tell us that the construction site doesn't have money for the time being. Or tell us to wait a little longer. It has been months since we left. "    


"You asked me why I kidnapped them, but I didn't want to either. Kidnapping is a felony, and I have a wife and a child at home. I don't want them to be cursed because of me, but I really can't do anything about it. You know, this morning, a little brother went out with me to do some work. Seeing that there was a breakfast stall selling youtiao, he suddenly said to me: It's been half a year since he last ate youtiao. "    


"At that time, my heart was really sour. I brought my brothers out of my hometown. Before I left, I told them to work well and earn money to support their family. Let them live a wealthy year when they return at the end of the year. But now, my brothers who came with me can't even afford to eat fried dough sticks. Tell me, how can I face those brothers who came with me!"    


When he said this, Gundam's tears wrapped around his eyes. He used his hand to wipe them with all his might, but his tears still couldn't stop flowing. Wiping them again and again, it was clear that he really blamed himself to the extreme. His heart also ached to the extreme.    


"We, the migrant workers, are not welcome to begin with. We are tired of wearing dirty and dry clothes. People roll their eyes everywhere we go, but what did we do wrong? If it wasn't for us, where would you live in a skyscraper? Where would you find a good life to show off? We provide you with life insurance, and we are working hard to build your beautiful city home. But you're only giving us the whites of our eyes."    


"It would be fine if you only rolled your eyes, but you have to pay us!"    


"You eat and drink all day long. It's easy to spend hundreds or thousands of yuan on a meal. But have you ever thought about us? No matter how inferior we are, we are still human. We have to fill our stomachs and eat even if we are not welcomed. Our wives and children also eat. We don't eat grass, we don't drink grass, we don't drink wind... "    


In the following time, Gundam cried a lot with tears in his eyes. It was all because of the grievance in his heart.    


At that time, he asked for a cigarette, but from the beginning until the end, he only smoked a few mouthfuls at the beginning, and then he didn't smoke again.    


Only when the cigarette naturally went out did his aggrieved complaint end.    


Chen Qingchuan lit another cigarette for him, and then quietly watched the Gundam.    


He wasn't sure if Gundam was telling the truth or pretending to be pitiful to beg for forgiveness. So he needed to verify it, because this concerned the result of the handling of the Gundam. The result was real, everything was fine, if it was a trick to pretend to be pitiful...    


"Tell me about your construction site and the party A that owes you money, I will verify it."    


After Chen Qingchuan finished speaking, Gundam did not think much and directly answered the question.    


But Gundam's answer made Chen Qingchuan frown. He even secretly became furious.    


Because Gundam told him that the construction company under Daming Group owed them money.    


Chen Qingchuan had a meeting with the farmers about their salaries. He had ordered them not to delay the payment.    


However, he never would have thought that the delay in the payment of Gundam would come from his Daming Group.    


After taking a deep breath, Chen Qingchuan patted Gundam's shoulder, indicating that he should rest here for a while.    


"If this matter is confirmed, I will naturally give you a suitable explanation."    


After leaving this place, Chen Qingchuan returned to the car, and Wu Shixiong stood beside him.    


"Isn't this karma? This is karma. The Daming Group under my command owes people money. I forced him to a dead end! That's why he took the risk to kidnap my woman and my future mother-in-law! If this isn't retribution, then what is? "    


Chen Qingchuan's expression was gloomy, like a leopard that was about to pounce on its prey. He was filled with killing intent, and even Wu Shixiong felt terrified.    


However, Wu Shixiong believed one thing. He knew Chen Qingchuan's character very well. It was impossible for ___ to owe a farmer's salary, so it must be the Daming Group's men who were playing tricks on him. After that, he said to Chen Qingchuan, "Don't worry, Director Chen. Leave this matter to me. I will give you the most satisfactory explanation!"    


"No!" Chen Qingchuan waved his hand and stopped Wu Shixiong's suggestion.    


He did not need Wu Shixiong to do this for him. Of course, he believed that Wu Shixiong had the ability to handle this matter. However, he didn't need it. He had to do it himself. He had to dig out the guy who owed the peasants wages.    


He didn't care what background the other party had or what the reason was, in short... Whoever dared to owe the migrant workers wages, he had to kill them. Let those vermin know that they owed the wages of the farmers, what kind of painful price must they pay!!    


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