Big Son-In-Law

C247 Second Uncle You like to Play

C247 Second Uncle You like to Play

"We'll talk later. I'll talk to you after dinner."    


Chen Zhenghe clinked glasses with Chen Qingchuan, then left to greet the other guests.    


Chen Qingchuan frowned. He did not know what his second uncle wanted to do or why.    


Beside him, Yu Simin was stunned. She did not expect to know so much about the inside story tonight.    


She didn't expect Chen Qingchuan to be the future successor of Daming Group, and even more so, she didn't expect Chen Zhenghe to be the host of this banquet. What she didn't expect the most was the conversation between Chen Qingchuan and Chen Zhenghe. It seemed like this newly established company was going to deal with Daming Group!    


Yu Simin was clear about the matter of the upper echelons of the Daming Group leaving. She also took this opportunity to become Chen Qingchuan's secretary. She did not expect that the person who took those people away would be Chen Qingchuan's second uncle, Chen Zhenghe.    


This Chen Zhenghe was also a member of the Daming Group. According to his own business, he should not have brought people out.    


Yu Simin could not figure it out. She looked at Chen Qingchuan beside her, but from his expression, she knew that Chen Qingchuan definitely could not figure it out.    


However, Yu Simin knew one thing very well in her heart. Chen Qingchuan must be in a very bad mood right now.    


So Yu Simin reached out her hand and patted Chen Qingchuan's back a few times, trying to comfort him.    


Chen Qingchuan felt Yu Simin's good intentions. He smiled at her and said that he was fine.    


"If Second Uncle is really prepared to go against me, then we can only fight. We can't just sit and wait for death, right?"    


The smile on Chen Qingchuan's face made Yu Simin feel especially sunny.    


Of course, the sunshine did not mean that Chen Qingchuan was in a good mood. It meant that Chen Qingchuan was not dispirited, but he was still confident.    


Yu Simin especially admired this kind of confidence, which made her feel that the current Chen Qingchuan was full of charm.    


If she had not experienced Cao Gaang's matter, her heart would not have been broken, and she might have been captivated by Chen Qingchuan. Even so, she was still shocked by the current Chen Qingchuan. It made her feel good about him.    


After the banquet ended, there was another ball held here, with the intention of celebrating. And the purpose of the celebration was also mentioned by Chen Zhenghe on stage to celebrate the establishment of the new company. The name of the new company was Seven Unions. It was a very simple name, and the meaning was very clear. It was a combination of seven companies. As for what the alliance wanted to do, it went without saying.    


In this ball, Yu Simin was undoubtedly the brightest one. Many people went forward to invite her to dance.    


But Yu Simin did not dance. She had a certain foundation in dance. She would not be afraid in this kind of occasion, but she knew her identity very well. She was Chen Qingchuan's person. He was celebrating the establishment of the Seven Unions. Of course, she wouldn't go with him to celebrate, so she rejected everyone's invitation. She quietly held Chen Qingchuan's arm and stood beside him, becoming the most beautiful scene in the entire dance.    


After the dance ended, everyone dispersed. Yu Simin looked at Chen Qingchuan, "I will go back to the hotel first."    


She knew very well that Chen Qingchuan was going to talk to Chen Zhenghe later. She, as an outsider, was not suitable to exist, so she deliberately avoided him.    


However, Chen Qingchuan rejected her suggestion. "It's too late. Come back with me later."    


Yu Simin understood that Chen Qingchuan was worried about her safety. She wanted to say that it was nothing, but in the end, she gave up. Because she had gradually understood that Chen Qingchuan was a man of his word. She also understood that Chen Qingchuan did not want to waste time on such a boring topic.    


In the end, Yu Simin stayed by Chen Qingchuan's side and quietly waited for Chen Zhenghe's arrival.    


After all the guests were sent away, only Chen Qingchuan and Yu Simin were left in the large hall, as well as some cleaning staff.    


After Chen Zhenghe finished sending the guests over, he waved his hand and dismissed all the staff.    


In the next moment, he took a bottle of red wine and two glasses of wine. He went to Chen Qingchuan's table and sat opposite him.    


There were only two glasses of wine. Yu Simin understood. "Director Chen, I'm going to the bathroom."    


Obviously, she was avoiding this matter. Going to the bathroom was just a reason to avoid it, but Chen Qingchuan did not need her to avoid it.    


"No need. Just stay here." While saying this, Chen Qingchuan took another glass.    


Chen Zhenghe smiled. He didn't really care about this matter. The Seven Unions had officially announced its establishment, so what else couldn't be heard by outsiders?    


Picking up the red wine, Chen Zhenghe poured three glasses of wine for each of them. He distributed them to Chen Qingchuan and Yu Simin, leaving one for himself.    


"To celebrate the establishment of the Seven Unions, how about a toast?"    


When Chen Zhenghe raised the glass to invite wine to celebrate, Chen Qingchuan did not move the glass, "Nothing much."    


This answer made Chen Zhenghe laugh loudly, because he remembered Chen Qingchuan's childhood.    


That year, Chen Qingchuan was still young, about two or three years old. Chen Zhenghe once brought Chen Qingchuan out to play and bought snacks for him. Seeing Chen Qingchuan eating happily, he asked, "How does this snack taste?"    


Obviously, Chen Qingchuan did not like the spicy taste of the snacks, so he replied, Nothing.    


Obviously, he was still a child at that time, so what he did should be the taste, so he said nothing.    


But today, he was no longer a child, yet he still said this kind of answer. Clearly, he was reminiscing about the past.    


After laughing, Chen Zhenghe tasted the middle taste, and then shook his head. "It's still the same as before!"    


"Alright then. In order to celebrate our uncle and nephew meeting, how about a toast?"    


After asking Chen Qingchuan, Chen Zhenghe looked at Yu Simin again. "In order to prevent this kid from not giving face, let's have a toast first."    


After saying that, without waiting for Yu Simin to react, Chen Zhenghe touched her glass and drank it.    


Yu Simin did not think that she had the right to make her own decision at this moment. In her opinion, since she was Chen Qingchuan's secretary, naturally, she had to listen to Chen Qingchuan in everything, especially in this kind of situation. She was Chen Qingchuan's person, so she had to maintain the same pace!    


That was why she only acted when she saw Chen Qingchuan raise his wine glass.    


Seeing this scene, Chen Zhenghe smiled and shook his head. "Just like my family's Great-Grandfather, the rules are too big. It's not fun at all."    


He was already in his forties or fifties. It was clearly not appropriate to talk about whether it was fun or not.    


However, Chen Qingchuan understood that Chen Zhenghe was famous for his playfulness. He really loved to play, and there was nothing he didn't want to play with. From children's toys to the super sports car in the modifying factory. He even drove an airship across the Himalayas. This wasn't just for fun. He even played with his life. How many people would dare to land skiing in the snow mountain canyon? Chen Zhenghe was one of them.    


It could be said that Chen Zhenghe's play was basically soul-stirring. It was just that he did not know how he ended up in his own house this time.    


"Second Uncle, I'll repeat what I said. What I said back then can be considered the same now. If you need authority, I guarantee that I won't snatch the authority of Daming Group from you. This authority will definitely be in your hands, and no one will be able to snatch it away from you."    


When Chen Qingchuan mentioned this, a smile appeared on Chen Zhenghe's face. "No, it's not fun."    


From what he said, it sounded like he was playing a game, which was why he wanted to stir up trouble against Daming Group. This was somewhat irresponsible.    


When Chen Qingchuan mentioned this, Chen Zhenghe smiled even more happily.    


"How can I not be responsible? It's because I'm too responsible. That's why I did it."    


"I have to choose a qualified successor for Daming Group. I want to see if you are stronger or I am stronger."    


"This will be a very fun thing, won't it?"    


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