Big Son-In-Law

C373 It Was Horrible to Think about It

C373 It Was Horrible to Think about It

Xue Qianqian wore black stockings on her legs and wore a pink low-cut dress. Even on the bed, she did not lose her sexiness and charm.    


Looking at Xue Qianqian kneeling on the bed at this moment, Chen Qingchuan sneered, "This action of yours is so shameless!"    


Yes, it was indeed very shameless because it was very convenient for people to do something to Xue Qianqian.    


Especially when Chen Qingchuan walked around behind Xue Qianqian, he actually discovered that there was no bottom clothing in the wrapped stockings.    


He had a feeling, but he also immediately understood what Xue Qianqian meant.    


"You want to use your body to seduce me, make me sink into your body, and let the Xue family let you go, right?"    


Xue Qianqian's heart skipped a beat when she heard these words.    


Yes, this was what she was thinking. It was also the only way she could think of at this moment.    


She felt that only by tempting Chen Qingchuan could the Xue family avoid this disaster.    


She had to admit that she was a woman with both beauty and wisdom. It was a pity that what she did to the Chung family back then was too cruel. She didn't even let go of a newborn baby. Whoever fell into her trap would never have a good ending.    


At this moment, Chen Qingchuan had used his means, although he hadn't touched Xue Qianqian with his own hands. Her face instantly turned red. Her facial features were also filled with a blurry color, and soon, the bedsheets became filthy.    


The changes in her body were not controlled by Xue Qianqian. It was just an instinct. However, her mind was controlled by herself, so she felt terrified. Chen Qingchuan actually made her feel that kind of thing without touching her. This was simply the devil's means. It made her realize that she could only recognize him. She really did what Chen Qingchuan told her to do. There was nothing else she could do.    


Therefore, she held back her trembling body and begged Chen Qingchuan, "Mr. Chen, I beg you, beg... beg you..."    


She could not even speak clearly because the feeling in her body was too real. It was so real that Xue Qianqian could not bear it and could not even speak.    


In the next moment, she could not bear the real feeling of her body and directly touched Chen Qingchuan's clothes.    


In midsummer, it was a very fast thing for a person who was hot all over to eat an ice club.    


At this moment, Xue Qianqian was like a person who was in midsummer and was burning all over.    


She had never thought that she would do such a despicable thing and use her mouth. But she was indeed doing this at this moment and it looked like she was very greedy.    


While she was enjoying this kind of greed, Chen Qingchuan gave her orders. “ Apart from you, everyone else who participated in the extermination of the Chung family... All of you, go to the Cheng Family's graveyard and kneel down to atone for your crimes. After kneeling for seven days, commit suicide. I will let the rest of the The Xues go. "    


Xue Qianqian wanted to plead for mercy, but the true feeling of her body made her unable to bear it. Right now, all she could do was to be forced to be greedy.    


When she finally opened her mouth, she didn't ask for anything from the The Xues, but for Chen Qingchuan.    


She was always at the critical point, but she was just one step away from losing it. She knew that Chen Qingchuan had done this on purpose, to torture her. Therefore, she could only beg Chen Qingchuan, and the words she had used to beg him were so shameless. She couldn't believe that she had said it herself. She even admitted that she was a slut. She could only do it for Chen Qingchuan to throw it at her, so that she could cross the line.    


Of course, in the end, Chen Qingchuan also allowed Xue Qianqian to have two hours of time. However, just like that night, it made her wish that she was dead. It was as if there was a thorn in her heart, piercing her heart...    


After Chen Qingchuan left, Xue Qianqian went limp on the bed again. She was in pain and happy, as if she was addicted to poisonous things. She hated and liked it.    


In the distance, there were footsteps approaching from afar. She did not have the strength to clean it up. She could only pull up the blanket and cover her body.    


After she covered herself with the blanket, her big brother came over.    


Seeing Big Brother, Xue Qianqian could not help but cry, "Big Brother, Big Brother!"    


Xue Qianqian, who had always been known for her cruelty and determination, actually had this kind of reaction at this moment, which made Boss Xue very surprised.    


But what was even more shocking was that what Xue Qianqian said to him after that, Chen Qingchuan told his family to kneel down and commit suicide.    


"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Our Xue family has a lot of face!"    


That's right, the Xue family had face, but that was in the past. Now, what face did they still have? It would be great if they could still live.    


"Bring a few people with you and kill yourself after kneeling down. Otherwise, our Xue family will be annihilated."    


While Xue Qianqian was crying, Boss Xue suddenly realized a problem -    


"You were also involved in this. Why didn't you kneel down and commit suicide?"    


Regarding this question, Xue Qianqian naturally received instructions from Chen Qingchuan. " Because I'm going to get the Spring River Flower Night Moon, he gave me a time limit. If I can't get my hands on it within a month, I'll die as well. Furthermore, I don't even have the right to die right now, so I can only suffer. I suffer more pain than all of you..."    


Boss Xue didn't believe it. Although he couldn't see under the blanket, he could smell the smell in the room.    


"What a b * tch. You think you're yourself, but you don't care about the The Xues. You're a piece of trash!"    


Boss Xue left angrily. Xue Qianqian had a smile on her face, as if she had gone mad.    


"Yes, I'm a b * tch. I'm a piece of trash. Then you can all go to hell. All of you, go to hell!!"    


She had completely given up on the Xue family because Chen Qingchuan was so powerful that she would never be able to catch up to him in ten lifetimes. Turning the tables around was just wishful thinking.    


After Boss Xue left, Xue Qianqian rested for a while before recovering some strength. She then went to the bathroom.    


Just as she tidied up, another person came. However, this time, it was the four big families who were on the same side.    


It turned out that not only the Huang family and Xue family had received the same warning, the other two big families had also received it.    


"Miss Xue, we were all your suitors before this. You didn't promise us anything, but I hope that you can consider the fact that we have always been loyal to you. Give us a way out, how should we deal with this? "    


That's right, the representatives of the other three great clans in the house, including many of the people of the same generation in the three great clans... All of them have pursued her before, and there is no lack of handsome talents among them. However, Xue Qianqian had only used them back then, and only used them as tools in her hands. She had never even thought about it.    


When she thought of the current situation, she could not help but want to laugh. She wanted to laugh at herself for being so smart back then. If she had been a bit more foolish back then, marrying one of them would have been much better than her current fate. However, what use was there to think about it now?    


Xue Qianqian took a deep breath and shook her head with a bitter smile. Then, she said one thing -    


"My third brother, Xue Hu, died. As Vice Marshal of the Western Region Army, the King of the Western Region also became the current King of the Five Realms."    


Everyone knew what she was talking about, so they were very curious. Why was Xue Qianqian talking about this now?    


Someone impatiently asked this, and Xue Qianqian sneered, "All of you brainless idiots."    


"My third brother, Xue Hu, is the right-hand man of the Fifth Realm King. He is absolutely loyal. Even the Fifth Realm King did not dare to make a sound when he died. You actually want to live under the hands of the other party and call you idiots. Do I feel wronged for all of you? My third brother, Xue Hu, is the right-hand man of the Fifth Realm King. He is absolutely loyal. Even the Fifth Realm King did not dare to make a sound when he died. ! "    


Xue Qianqian's words immediately stunned everyone. Then, they thought about it carefully... It was extremely terrifying!    


That's right, even Xue Hu could not stir up any waves even if he died. What did they count as?    


But, but they really did not want to die. Hence, another person came up with a new idea.    


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