Big Son-In-Law

C400 There Is a Story Behind You

C400 There Is a Story Behind You

Chen Qingchuan drove the carriage straight to the military area of the Fifth Realm King.    


He didn't contact the Fifth Realm King on the way, because there was no need. Niu Shan was right behind him, so he would naturally notify him in advance.    


In fact, it was true. When Chen Qingchuan arrived, the Fifth Realm King happened to appear at the entrance of the military area.    


When Zhou Rou saw the fake Fifth Realm King, she shouted excitedly. She did not expect to really see the Fifth Realm King. After all, she was just saying it out of her imagination. As for whether it would work or not... She did not have much confidence at all, but she actually saw it!    


At this moment, Zhou Rou was especially excited, so much so that she stayed in the car and continuously pedaled and pulled. However, the magnitude of the pedaling was a little too large, so much so that the originally short skirt was completely overturned. She did not notice.    


Although it was quite pleasing to the eye, and it was especially easy to attract a man's flame. But after all, he was her brother-in-law, so Chen Qingchuan did not know what to say. It was even more difficult for him to think about something, so he called Zhou Rou out of the car. "Hurry up and take a picture. What if she leaves?"    


Under his reminder, Zhou Rou recovered her senses and quickly got out of the car.    


The next moment, Chen Qingchuan came in front of the Fifth Realm King. "Fifth Realm King, hello. My cousin views you as her idol. I hope to take a few photos with you, or even if possible. She hopes to enter the military to take a look and feel the atmosphere in the camp. What do you think? "    


The Fifth Realm King frowned. What was the Floating Life Hall Master up to this time?    


While Zhou Rou was not paying attention, Chen Qingchuan whispered, "Taking photos is much easier than wiping your butt."    


Yes, what he said was right. It made a lot of sense!    


The Fifth Realm King helplessly glared at Chen Qingchuan, and then he maintained a kind smile and came in front of Zhou Rou.    


"Welcome to the drinks. It is the happiest thing for us soldiers to see young people looking forward to the military camp. I can still satisfy this kind of request. Please, it just so happens that I'm going to patrol the military camp, you can come with me!"    


This matter made Zhou Rou extremely happy. She originally thought that it would be good enough if she could take a photo with the Fifth Realm King. Who would have thought that she could actually patrol the military camp? This was simply too awesome, "Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, quickly come in. Let's go together!"    


She was quite loyal. She did not forget Chen Qingchuan when there were good things. However, Chen Qingchuan was not interested in the military camp of the Fifth Realm Army.    


"You go. I'll wait for you outside. Three hours should be enough, right?"    


"Ah?!" Zhou Rou felt that it was only a matter of a few minutes. At most ten minutes, it could be as long as three hours.    


The 5th army nodded. "Yes. Patrolling the barracks is not something that can be done in a short period of time. If you have anything to do, go ahead and do it. In three hours, I will personally send this young lady out. She is a family member of the army and the people!"    


Aiya, this made Zhou Rou too excited. She didn't know what to say. The Fifth Realm Wang Zhen was very kind!    


After Zhou Rou and the Tier 5 King entered the military camp, Chen Qingchuan drove away immediately.    


He wouldn't waste his time waiting. Besides, there was a reason why he took the initiative to ask for three hours.    


After leaving from this side, he drove straight to Xue Qianqian's side.    


It had been some time since the matter of the Spring River Flower Night Moon had been given to him. He had to ask Xue Qianqian how the investigation was going.    


When he arrived at Xue Qianqian's place, Xue Qianqian was standing by the window and looking out the window.    


She was still as beautiful as ever, and no matter what the situation was, she was still beautiful. Her clothes would never be untidy, and even the black stockings she wore would always be so beautiful and charming. The combination of her silver high heels made her seem even more arrogant.    


And this kind of smell was most likely to arouse the desire of men to conquer her.    


In the past, she relied on this kind of charm to attract many men, but unfortunately, no one was able to succeed.    


But recently, she realized trouble, because she also aroused Chen Qingchuan's desire to conquer. Unfortunately, Chen Qingchuan was only interested in her body, and was not interested in her at all. Moreover, every time, it would make her feel so much pain that she wished she was dead.    


When she saw Chen Qingchuan in the room, she subconsciously shivered. She felt pain even before she started.    


However, Chen Qingchuan did not rush to touch her. Instead, he sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette. He then asked about the Spring River Flower Night Moon, "It has been so many days. How's your investigation going?"    


Xue Qianqian was very helpless. She shook her head, "Sorry, there is no news."    


Chen Qingchuan wasn't very satisfied with this answer. He said directly, "I think that as a member of The Xues, you should have heard about the matter of several big families joining hands to deal with me, right?"    


Xue Qianqian had indeed heard about it, but so what? The major families thought that they were strong, but they didn't know that... Chen Qingchuan was the master of Floating Life Hall, so he didn't even care about their wall. Therefore, Xue Qianqian was very clear that she would be defeated this time. There was no doubt about it, but she couldn't persuade him no matter how hard she tried. Therefore, she could only think of another way.    


On Chen Qingchuan's side, he gave her a new method at the right time. " You should tighten your grip. If you don't get any more news about the Spring River Flower Night Moon... Then your The Xues will start to die. As for how many of them will die... Whether they are innocent or not, I don't care. "    


Xue Qianqian was in pain. She shouted angrily, "My Xue family is guilty, but my Xue family's crime has nothing to do with you. Why do you want to take revenge on us? Why can't you help us?!"    


Chen Qingchuan sneered, "Helping you? I'm afraid you still don't understand what it means to help the enemy?"    


"Also, Chung Tiejun is my brother. He used his own life to protect my woman. Then I'll have to take revenge for him. There was no doubt about it. Therefore, you don't have to think about it. Just obediently think about the Spring River Flower Night Moon! "    


After informing Xue Qianqian, he would tell her about the ___. After that, Chen Qingchuan walked forward and closed the curtains.    


Xue Qianqian was anxious at that time. She knew what was going to happen, but she had no right to resist.    


So in the next two hours, she successfully experienced the pain of being in so much pain that she felt like her body was going to explode.    


After Chen Qingchuan left, Xue Qianqian laid on the bed herself, her eyes filled with hatred.    


She did not hate what she had done in the past, nor did she hate what Chen Qingchuan had done to her. She only hated why she did not kill Chung Tiejun back then and let him escape. If she had killed Chung Tiejun back then, this wouldn't have happened today.    


However, it was too late for her to hate anything now. The only thing she could do now was to think about the Spring River Flower Night Moon.    


Half an hour later, Chen Qingchuan returned to the garrison of the Fifth Realm Army. After the time it took to smoke a cigarette, the Fifth Realm King personally sent Zhou Rou out.    


"Thank you, Fifth Realm King, thank you!"    


Zhou Rou was very happy. Satisfied, she returned to Chen Qingchuan's car and then the two of them left.    


Along the way, Zhou Rou was not only happy but also curious. "Brother-in-law, I think you have a big story behind you. A big story!"    


Chen Qingchuan smiled and said, "What is it? What did you find out?"    


Zhou Rou said, "You don't need to ask. Even a Fifth Realm King could take a photo with me. If you don't have a story, would this happen?"    


Chen Qingchuan twitched his mouth. "If you say that, then I can only say that you think too much. I have always been with you and have never contacted anyone. I just happened to bump into a Fifth Realm King when I arrived here, and you've heard everything I told him. It was clearly him who was amiable and approachable. What does that have to do with me? "    


After this call, Zhou Rou was slightly stunned. "That's right. You have never left my sight. And you did not call. But why do I still feel that you have a story behind you? It's a strange feeling, I feel like there's definitely a story behind you!"    


"What story? Forget it. You just have to remember that you shouldn't tell your sister about this matter today."    


"Look, I told you that you have a story. You actually wanted me to deliberately hide it. I knew that my guess was right..."    


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