Big Son-In-Law

C541 I Have to Give an Explanation

C541 I Have to Give an Explanation

"Why are you laughing in such a serious situation? Why are you laughing like that?"    


After Yu Simin complained coquettishly, Chen Qingchuan held back his laughter and nodded. "Okay, okay, okay. What happened after that?"    


Yu Simin replied, "After that, she was threatened by that young man. He did not threaten money or coerce her to do anything. And the main purpose was not on her. It was just a way to use her to threaten me. The other party said that if my mother couldn't persuade me to marry Tian Zi, then... Then expose my mom's video..."    


"Who?" When Chen Qingchuan heard what Yu Simin said about the Son of Heaven, his face immediately revealed a sneer.    


The Son of Heaven was a little too much. He even dared to snatch his woman. Was he going to activate the mode of bungee jumping? He was really tired of living!    


No wonder Yu Simin was so nervous. After all, that was Tian Zi. He was definitely not someone she could fight back against.    


However, Yu Simin being helpless did not mean that Chen Qingchuan had no other choice.    


He was merely the Son of Heaven. He had dared to go to the capital to beat him up a while ago. Today, he would be able to beat him up a second time.    


"Simin, don't worry about this matter. I will settle it quickly." Chen Qingchuan didn't take the matter of the Son of Heaven to heart. Instead, he was more concerned about another matter. " Since you have already recovered, is there any need for us to stay here? "    


Yu Simin fell silent when she heard this. Silence was not hesitation, nor was it reluctance. Instead, it was the memories of how Chen Qingchuan had accompanied her. She knew very well why Chen Qingchuan was willing to stay. Now that she had recovered her memories... Naturally, there was no need for him to stay any longer.    


Yu Simin looked at Chen Qingchuan with eyes full of love, "Qingchuan, thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you."    


Chen Qingchuan's face showed tenderness. He hugged Yu Simin tightly in his arms and kissed her forehead gently.    


After that, Yu Simin said, "Wait until we finish dealing with the matters at hand. After we finish dealing with it, we can leave."    


Chen Qingchuan nodded. He also had the same thought.    


He had stayed in Yu family for long enough. Now that Yu Simin had recovered, there was nothing for the Yu family to be reluctant about.    


That night, Yu Simin was sent home by Chen Qingchuan. Chen Qingchuan also went to the residence of the Fifth Realm King.    


The Fifth Realm King did not expect Chen Qingchuan to visit at night, so he felt a little surprised, "Palace Master Chen, you are here?"    


Chen Qingchuan did not waste any more time with him, and said bluntly, "It's time for you to stand on the team."    


The Fifth Realm King was stunned. He did not expect Chen Qingchuan to be so direct. Moreover, standing on the team meant that Chen Qingchuan was going to start a war with Tian Zi, who was standing opposite of him. These were two great experts of the empire. Both of them were going to war. The consequences would be unimaginable, and it might even lead to the collapse of the empire. Therefore, he had no choice but to make a suggestion, "Palace Master Chen, please reconsider!"    


Chen Qingchuan picked up a cigarette and lit it. "I want to think twice. Even the Son of Heaven is thinking about my wife. Don't you think twice?"    


The Fifth Realm King was stunned. Tian Zi had gone too far. In political struggles and power struggles, there were all kinds of means that could be used to fight against gods. It was a matter of individual abilities. What circle had rules and regulations? In front of them, it was a fight for power. What was he trying to do by snatching someone's wife behind their backs? This was a full-scale war with no room for negotiation. No wonder Chen Qingchuan wanted to get rid of him. If it were him, he wouldn't be able to take it either!    


Taking a deep breath, the Fifth Realm King asked Chen Qingchuan tentatively, "Then tell me, what do you need me to do?"    


Chen Qingchuan waved his hand, and then flicked the ash in the urn. "It's not that I need you to do anything, but what do you think you should do to avoid being recognized as an enemy of mine."    


What he said was really arrogant. The Fifth Realm King originally thought that Chen Qingchuan was here to get help. Who would have thought that Chen Qingchuan would actually speak to him in a condescending tone. This was clearly telling him that if you don't take the initiative, I will kill you!    


If it was someone else, the Fifth Realm King would definitely not be able to withstand such a threat.    


However, the person sitting opposite him was Chen Qingchuan, the leader of the Daming Group. He was the future leader of the Chen Clan, the Palace Lord of the Floating Life Hall. If he wanted to deal a full blow to him, he wouldn't be able to withstand it! However... As a Tier 5 King, he also had dignity.    


"Palace Master Chen, if you were to deal with me alone, I naturally wouldn't be a match for you. I believe that even the Son of Heaven isn't a match for you. But if I join forces with Tian Zi and the others... I'm afraid that your Daming Group won't be able to stand against us."    


This was the truth. It was true that the Daming Group was providing for the army. However, if all the armies joined forces and didn't listen to the Daming Group, or even overthrew the Daming Group, they would be trampled under their feet. This was not impossible. At that time, the Daming Group would have no way to turn the situation around!    


When Chen Qingchuan heard the Fifth Realm King's words, a sneer appeared on his face, "To deal with you all, do you think I need to use the Daming Group?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the Fifth Realm King saw Chen Qingchuan snap his fingers.    


The moment he snapped his fingers, he felt an unusual danger approaching, as if someone was holding a knife against his neck.    


The ground was bright and clean. He looked down and saw a knife floating under his neck. However, the knife did not have a physical body. It was crystal clear, as if it was made of some unknown gas.    


Although it was not a physical body, the King of the Five Realms did not deny it. If the knife was pulled at his neck, his head would fall instantly!    


At this moment, he finally remembered Chen Qingchuan's strongest technique. It was not the Daming Group, but Chen Qingchuan's extraordinary combat strength!    


In his panic, the Fifth Realm King finally understood.    


Then, he smiled bitterly and said, "That's right. We don't need to use the Daming Group. You only need to kill Tian Zi, me, and the others. Then, naturally, no one will take the lead to oppose you. If the new leader doesn't want to die, he will only choose to surrender. "    


"Then, I also know that after those people died... I will immediately arrange for your people to maintain stability and control their respective armies. Including the Western Region Army on my side, the authority will also be handed over to your people. "    


Even though this made the Fifth Realm King feel rather humiliated, face was the embellishment of life. If he lost his life, what was the use of face? Of course, the most important thing was to live.    


His response was also in exchange for Chen Qingchuan's smile. " Not necessarily. The Western Region Army is still yours. I won't interfere. I will give you absolute freedom, no matter what you want to do. Of course, the Fifth Realm King is still the Fifth Realm King. This will not change. "    


Having received this promise, the Fifth Realm King heaved a long sigh of relief.    


With this promise, he did not have to worry about his reputation anymore. He could even take charge of the Western Region Army alone. This was also the confidence he had as the King of the Five Territories in the future. Otherwise, even if he had the title of the King of the Fifth Realm, he would not have enough confidence to support it. Who would put him in their eyes...    


After chatting with the Fifth Realm King, Chen Qingchuan left the place and went straight to the place where the Son of Heaven was staying.    


Tian Zi had paid a visit to the Fifth Realm King, so naturally, the Fifth Realm King had also found his place.    


After Chen Qingchuan found Tian Zi's place, he immediately drove over.    


Tonight, he wanted the Emperor to give him two explanations.    


First, why would he care about his woman!    


Second, why would he dare to stand against him!    


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