My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C579 Do Not Ask

C579 Do Not Ask

Yan Buwen continued to cut the two pieces of steak as he said calmly, "Don't tell me that Princess Jian thinks that someone will pretend to be me?"    


Jane couldn't stand the guy's disgusting diet. She smelled the sour smell of Jamaican rum and cow blood, frowned over her shoulder, and said, "Although I thought you were a little unusual, I didn't expect you to be so disgusting."    


"Thank you for your reward," Yan Buwen inexplicably said, and then put a mouthful of raw beef into his mouth, chewing, "I heard that Princess Jian from the Royal Society of Science had made a low-key appearance in Zhong Hai, so I put down my work and came here specially. Of course, I have also admired Mr. Yang for a long time. Young Master Yang is also an elder that I, as a junior, admire. It just so happens that today, I will be able to meet you two at the same time. I wonder if I will be fortunate enough to be able to drink a cup with you two? "    


Yang Chen felt a burst of unhappiness in his heart. Sure enough, his relationship with Yang Family, was no secret in the big families like Yanjing. No matter how much he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't.    


However, with his good relationship with Guo Xuehua, his concept of the family was no longer as contradictory as it was before. At the end of the day, even though Yang Pojun and Yang Lieh were disgusted with him, Yang Gongming and Guo Xuehua, including Yan Sanniang, were all kind to him.    


Moreover, Yang Family had not been originally meant to abandon him. His own encounters had included their lack of consideration, but he couldn't blame them all.    


At the same time, his Soul Depth had also risen. Thus, he was able to see through a lot of things.    


Of course, this didn't mean that Yang Chen could escape into the void and overlook the world. It was just that many things were more rational.    


Jane gave a disdainful sneer, "Don't you think that it's very hypocritical to say that?"    


Yang Chen was slightly surprised. Why did Jane seem to have some enmity with Yan Buwen? Even the person who beat up Yan Buwen's brother did not get involved with him. Jane had always had a calm temper. She didn't care about ordinary things.    


"Princess Jian seems to have misunderstood me. I don't know what I offended the princess for," Yan Buwen said bluntly as he clearly knew Jane's true identity.    


Yang Chen also looked at Jane curiously. This was the first time he saw Jane sneering at someone.    


Jane curled her lips in annoyance, and with a rare expression of anger on her face, she elegantly explained to Yang Chen, "Last year's Nobel Prize selection, the Royal Swedish Scientific Committee and the Nobel Committee, at the same time, invited me to be their final judge. I had not intended to participate, since it ran counter to the previous selection system and conflicted with Mr. Nobel's dying wish.    


But later on, they revealed some information regarding the candidates to me. It was because the most popular candidate in the selection was a Chinese … "    


As she said that, Jane glared at Yan Buwen who was quietly eating his steak. Obviously, this "Chinese" was him.    


Yang Chen was a little surprised. Although he knew that Yan Buwen was an expert in scientific research, he did not know much about it. Unexpectedly, he even became the hot topic for the Nobel Prize selection.    


He also knew the reason for Jane's invitation. One had to know that the Nobel Prize had never been awarded to a scientist from China. It involved a lot of international, historical and political issues, so it was not just an award.    


Thus, the Nobel Prize selection committee will think of looking for someone who can take responsibility to make the final decision.    


There was only one person in the world who could make the world acknowledge the status of the scientific world and not dare to raise too many objections — Jane.    


Jane had a special place in the scientific world, and this was because she had very few clear clients.    


Jane's students were all elites from all over the world, and Jane herself was not directly involved in the research of those technological projects, including, of course, not studying advanced weapons for any country.    


The reason why the nations of the world acquiesce to the existence of a special genius like Jane, but do not try to recruit her into their own country, is that Jane, with her status as heir to the Prince of Wales, does not participate directly in the political struggle. Second, Jane is also one of the few people who received public protection from Yang Chen.    


Since Jane wouldn't help any country, wouldn't disrupt the world's scientific research, and at the same time, nurture new blood for the advancement of science and technology in any country, who would have the leisure to touch her and provoke trouble that they couldn't afford?    


Yang Chen thought of all this, but did not understand. Could it be that Yan Buwen had offended Jane by becoming the candidate?    


Jane continued, "At that time, I knew the committee's intention. I knew that they had already decided to let this Chinese receive the Nobel Prize back then, so it can't be considered my judgment. I just came to bear the pressure, and finally I agreed."    


At this point, Jane paused, picked up her wine cup, took a sip of the cold red wine, and then said while gnashing her teeth, "At that time, I announced the results. The medical and chemical prizes from that year were all won by the young Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yan Buwen. However, before I could announce this result for more than an hour, the Chinese side suddenly said that Fellow Yan Buwen refused to accept any foreign scientific awards.    


At that time, we asked the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the reason, and the answer we got was — Fellow Yan Buwen said that his achievements are not up to others to judge! "    


Yang Chen looked strangely at Yan Buwen at the side. He didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant. He was quite honest at the moment. He then smiled and said, "Are you angry because of this?"    


"How can I not be angry? I was going to help the committee take on the pressure and use my face to announce that conclusion, but this guy actually responded like that! This is equivalent to me making a fool of myself in front of all the other countries in the world! " Jane was furious. She took two more sips of red wine, her face blushing.    


Having finished most of the steak, Yan Buwen finally smiled and said, "Princess Jian, so you are angry about this. Actually, if you didn't tell me, I would have already forgotten. If I have truly offended you, then I apologize to you now. " Saying that, Yan Buwen even raised the bottle towards Jane and gulped down a mouthful of rum.    


"Forget it, I can't accept an apology from a great scientist like you," Jane coldly said, not even bothering to look at Yan Buwen.    


Yang Chen shook his head with a smile. At that time, he had just returned to Hua Xia, so he didn't know what had happened either. However, with Jane's temper, it was still alright. However, with someone in her field of research, it was indeed embarrassing for her to be so arrogant as to not think much of her. After all, she was the teacher of so many core scientific researchers from all over the world. She had lost face in front of so many students, so no matter how wise she was, she was still a young woman.    


After a while of silence, Yang Chen had finished the steak on the plate, including the one Jane had no appetite for.    


Yang Chen saw that Jane was still pouting and sulking, so he smiled and said, "I'm done eating, how about we go?"    


Jane, of course, did not have any objections. Although she felt that Yan Buwen did not come for a simple chat, she was too lazy to ask.    


Seeing that Yang Chen had no intention to talk to him, Yan Buwen finally opened his mouth again and said, "Mr. Yang, don't tell me you have nothing to say to me?"    


Yang Chen doubtfully asked: "What did you say?"    


"That stupid brother of yours that you hit me with", Yan Buwen squinted his eyes and said.    


Yang Chen slapped his forehead, as if he suddenly came to a realization, "Could it be that you're here for revenge?"    


"Of course not, since I said he's an idiot, then it's not because of Mr. Yang." Yan Buwen disdainfully said.    


"Since it's not for your brother, why are you spouting so much nonsense, I think you're not that smart, tsk tsk, you don't even have a point for words." Yang Chen frowned, even took out his phone to check the time, and said: "Because you came, the lunch I gave Miss Jian was interrupted, if I didn't say it, you'd be too polite, and you're still talking nonsense to delay time. Don't you know we're in a hurry to leave?" Are you here on purpose to cause trouble or do you think I'm easy to bully? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you fighting! "    


As he said that, Yang Chen's face was filled with anger. He pulled on his sleeves and looked like he was about to fight.    


Yan Buwen was surprised. He was fine just now, but why did this guy start acting like he was going to use violence? Also, why would he want to stall for time? Say 'nonsense'? You seem to be the one who talks the most!    


Seeing Yan Buwen's dazed look, Jane, who was beside him, pursed her lips and smiled. She knew that Yang Chen didn't like Yan Buwen's arrogant appearance, which was why he appeared so vulgar.    


It was like a high-level intellectual meeting an old farmer in the mountains. No matter how reasonable and eloquent you were, people only knew how to read and write.    


The Elementary Scholar could not explain to the soldier what was going on clearly. Yan Buwen, who was in the lead, was annoyed by Yang Chen's sudden change in pace. He did not know what to do next.    


"I think Mr. Yang misunderstood. I came here today and I don't want to talk about that stupid brother of mine again …"    


"You're already talking about it, yet you say you don't want to talk about it?" Yang Chen said with a snort.    


Yan Buwen was at a loss for words again. He didn't try to defend himself. He continued to bite the bullet and said, "Today, I came to just say one thing — I didn't use the poison in Tang Zhechen."    


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