My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C685 I must be Loyal Enough

C685 I must be Loyal Enough

As the singing gradually faded away, the crowd in the Yu Lei Plaza once again let out all sorts of screams and shouts, as if they had just heard a star concert, and were not quite done yet.    


While Hui Lin's singing was once again acknowledged, many people were moved by the scene before them. They first had to continue to feel the atmosphere.    


However, it was unknown who suddenly shouted the word "kiss", but the audience had a new slogan!    


"Kiss one, kiss one!"    


In this piece of empty land in the center of the city, shouts that could even make the surrounding steel forests tremble burst out like this.    


Yang Chen smiled as he stood on stage. He was very happy in his heart. Who said that the people in the modern city were cold? These brothers and sisters were very loyal, they helped him find a chance to get intimate with them.    


Lin Ruoxi who was standing outside the Yulei International gate was different. If it wasn't because she was too embarrassed, she would have turned around and ran away immediately!    


Kiss one? In front of hundreds of people!?    


Even if two people were together, they would still be shy. How could they endure such an occasion? What's more, there were a lot of Yu Lei employees in the plaza. If they stared and kissed like that, how would she have the face to face them in the future!?    


Just when Lin Ruoxi's face was flushed and she was at a loss as to what to do, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse!    


A few ear-piercing sirens pierced through the noise!    


Wuu ~ ~ ~" The police car drove from two distant crossroads to the vicinity of the square, ignoring the traffic lights and directly rushed to the edge of the square and stopped!    


Soon after, dozens of robust police officers in police uniforms came down from the seven to eight police cars. They were holding batons in their hands and even had handguns strapped to their waists. They aggressively charged over!    


"What's going on!? An illegal gathering! "    


"Disperse! Disperse!"    


"Who made this stage!? Who was the one who started it!? "    


When the crowd saw the ferocious police rush towards them, they immediately lost their backbone. Upon hearing that it was an "illegal gathering", it was against the law! They immediately scattered in all directions!    


For a moment, the entire square was in chaos! All sorts of curses and insults could be heard. No one still wanted to continue listening to the song and jeering!    


Wu Yue, who was standing behind Lin Ruoxi, said anxiously, "Director Lin, it's bad! It must be because of Chief Director Yang's scene just now, causing the surrounding traffic to be blocked! Furthermore, so many people have gathered in the city center to shout and shout. There must be people who are unsatisfied and are reporting this … "    


At this moment, Lin Ruoxi no longer had a shy expression. She was originally feeling sweet for Yang Chen's' wedding anniversary '. Who knew that not long after it was sweet, it became an' illegal gathering '! He even got reported!    


As expected … That man didn't give anyone time to stop worrying …    


"Ruoxi, if this goes on, we'll definitely find out that the reason is because of Yu Lei. If we don't handle this properly, it will greatly reduce our business image and cause social discontent. We'll have to find a way to calm down …" Mo Qianni said worriedly.    


Lin Ruoxi nodded, "I know. Wait until Yang Chen comes and let him say it himself. We just need to communicate with the media and I believe the police won't make things too difficult for us."    


"I don't think he'll come to explain," Liu Mingyu said with a wry smile.    




"He's already run away." Liu Mingyu pointed towards the stage.    


Lin Ruoxi nearly fainted when she looked over!    


As expected, Yang Chen, who was there a moment ago, had already disappeared, leaving only the stage in the middle of the stage!    


"He … How can he escape on his own first!? " Lin Ruoxi didn't think too much about how Yang Chen slipped away. With Yang Chen's ability, running away from the crowd was a piece of cake, but the crux of it was that Yang Chen left everything up to her!    


At this moment, Lin Ruoxi felt her phone vibrate. She picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Yang Chen!    


When she read that text message, Lin Ruoxi wanted to smash her phone!    


Mo Qianni and Liu Mingyu walked up to take a look. Both of them had a strange expression on their faces. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to …    


"Wife, I am going on stage to perform so handsomely today. If I am caught by the police in the end, it would be too embarrassing. In order to ensure the perfection of the performance, I'll go behind the scenes first. You can put up a front, I believe you can do it! Happy first anniversary! "— — Yang Chen.    


"Yang Chen …" Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth as she recited it. With a headache, she covered her forehead, not knowing what to say.    


At this time, the police had indeed investigated to the source of the situation to be Yulei International.    


A police officer brought two policemen to Lin Ruoxi and the others. The leading police officer had a serious expression on his face as he said, "Excuse me, is this Yu Lei's Director Lin?"    


Lin Ruoxi had no place to run to, so she could only nod and reply.    


The police officer was also a bit nervous facing Lin Ruoxi, but he still said in a businesslike manner, "I just received reports from a lot of citizens that there was an illegal gathering here. It was too noisy. Since it was rush hour and they were in the center of the city, the normal driving and living conditions of the city were seriously affected. So we're going to look into the real masterminds of this. Based on the situation at the scene, the sponsor is one of your higher ups in the Yulei International. Whether it is true or not, please explain it to Director Lin ".    


Lin Ruoxi scolded someone a thousand times in her heart, but she could only tell the police, "It was indeed initiated by one of the company's top executives, but it was only a private event without any malicious intent. It was not an illegal gathering. Everyone present can testify to that."    


"Director Lin, you are a business celebrity in Zhong Hai, I have great respect for you, but I hope you can cooperate with our police work, this matter must be investigated thoroughly, if not the citizens will be informed, I hope you can tell us exactly who the sponsor is, what position he holds and why, we will arrest him, interrogate him, and then deal with him." The police officer said with a straight face.    


Mo Qianni and Liu Mingyu both looked nervous when they heard that they were going to be arrested.    


Lin Ruoxi bit her lips and cursed silently in her heart. Damn it, Yang Chen, what a mess! When he was done playing, he would run away without a trace! What should he do? Not only a suspect, but a fugitive as well!?    


Just when Lin Ruoxi was at her wit's end, the police officer received a phone call. After replying to the person on the other end of the phone a few times, the police officer suddenly smiled and said, "Director Lin, our bureau chief just called. The problem has been resolved, thank you for your cooperation. Goodbye!"    


With that, the police officer led the policemen away and ran to the plaza to evacuate the crowd and vehicles.    


This change stunned Lin Ruoxi and the others. This change was too fast!    


Lin Ruoxi's cell phone started to vibrate again. This time's call finally got Lin Ruoxi on the wrong side of the phone.    


When he picked up the phone, Yang Jieyu's voice was heard. He laughed and said, "Ruoxi, you must be scared. Yang Chen, that brat, suddenly told me that they caused some trouble and I contacted the police. As for the media, with your ability, controlling them won't be a problem, so I won't interfere. "    


Lin Ruoxi was a little surprised that Yang Chen would actually look for Yang Jieyu to resolve this trouble. After all, Yang Chen didn't take the initiative to establish a relationship with people from Yang Family, so with Yuan Family's connections in Zhong Hai, it was obviously easy to resolve these problems. However, Lin Ruoxi still thanked him gently: "I'm sorry, sorry to trouble you."    


Yang Jieyu's smile grew wider. She said, "Why are you so polite, child? No matter what, I'm your aunt, so what's the big deal. Oh, right, I didn't even know that today is the anniversary of your marriage with Yang Chen. Don't be angry, you didn't prepare any gifts."    


"That won't happen." Lin Ruoxi's hair was in a mess, and she was always a little nervous when facing people with Yang Family.    


They chatted for a while longer before hanging up.    


Lin Ruoxi heaved a long sigh of relief, as if she was going through a heart-beating journey.    


Mo Qianni smiled and said, "It's Yang Chen who did something right? Is there no problem?"    


"Mm …"    


"At least he has a conscience. I thought he really didn't care." Liu Mingyu chuckled.    


Wu Yue asked curiously, "Director Lin, is the matter resolved like this?"    


Lin Ruoxi nodded. After some thought, she said in a cold voice, "Wu Yue, contact all the mainstream media and tell them not to write any nonsense. Just tell them that if anyone dares to write anything without my permission, I don't mind buying their company. You know what to do …"    


"Ok," Wu Yue quickly expressed her understanding and ran back to the company to execute.    


At this point, the matter could be considered settled in peace, not causing too much trouble.    


About an hour later, Lin Ruoxi finally returned home.    


Entering the living room, he found a table full of sumptuous dinner still untouched. Guo Xuehua, Nanny Wang and Zhen Xiu were all sitting on the sofa, watching the new season's Korean dramas. As for Yang Chen, he was nowhere to be seen.    


Seeing Lin Ruoxi enter, Guo Xuehua happily stood up and said, "Sofia, you're finally back. Yang Chen said you might be late. We're all waiting."    


As Lin Ruoxi heard this, she knew that the scoundrel had arrived home long ago. The hidden bitterness she had just suppressed rose again as she asked, "Mom, where is he?"    


Guo Xuehua noticed that Lin Ruoxi's face did not look happy so she asked curiously, "Child, what's wrong with you? It seems like I'm not happy, Yang Chen said that today is your wedding anniversary, why does it seem like he's unhappy? "    


Lin Ruoxi forced a smile and said, "No, I might be a little tired." In his heart, he said, "Originally, I could be considered happy, but your precious son made me happy, then he pouted me …"    


Zhen Xiu ran behind Lin Ruoxi and hugged her waist, laughing, "Sister Ruoxi, you are too stingy. You didn't even tell us about the wedding anniversary. If Brother Yang's Yanjing hadn't returned, we would have missed it."    


"You have so much to do." Lin Ruoxi patted Zhen Xiu's head, pursed her lips and smiled. Who knew that the two of them almost divorced at noon?    


At this time, Yang Chen, who seemed to have just taken a cold shower, walked down from the second floor with his hair still wet. Seeing Lin Ruoxi come home, he chuckled and said, "My wife, I'm loyal to you. I'll wait for you to come home for dinner!"    




Lin Ruoxi really wanted to throw her bag over and smash his face! How could this person's skin be so thick!?    


She rolled her eyes at Yang Chen, implying that "you know what you're doing". Suppressing her dissatisfaction, she sat down with Guo Xuehua and the others.    


Since Yang Chen specifically told Nanny Wang to go first, this dinner was exceptionally sumptuous. But eating was eating, and the topic of conversation was more about Yang Chen's and Lin Ruoxi's marriage.    


Guo Xuehua asked with concern, "You two have been married for a year, and the wedding hasn't even started. Since it's already made public, why don't you find a day to do it? Whether it's in Zhong Hai or in Yanjing, I feel that it's not bad. "    


"That's right, xiaojie, dragging it on like this isn't really an option either!" Nanny Wang agreed.    


When Lin Ruoxi heard the two words "wedding", she couldn't help but blush a little. Honestly speaking, although Yang Chen had made her grind her teeth in hate again at the end of today, deep in her heart, she was still very moved and surprised by this "gift".    


Furthermore, their relationship had also become public. From tomorrow onwards, more and more people would know about their relationship and organize their marriages … It didn't seem impossible.    


"It's not the time yet." Suddenly, Yang Chen said.    


This sentence pulled Lin Ruoxi back from her thoughts and she looked at the man beside her with slight surprise.    


Yang Chen smiled as he gnawed on the chicken leg, "Don't think too much of it. I want to have the wedding, but I still have some preparations to complete and have a lot of things to take care of. We can start when the time is right. In any case, it's already been a year, so there's no point in delaying any longer. "    


Lin Ruoxi's expression didn't change, but her heart was slightly disappointed. This made her feel a little disappointed herself … Hmph, could she really be that rare? If he didn't do it, he didn't do it.    


However, Yang Chen seemed to have noticed something. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Ruoxi, you seem to be very disappointed. Tsk tsk, if that's the case, just say it directly. At worst, I'll just change my plan.    


"Who's lost!?" Lin Ruoxi's ears were burning red and her eyes were wide with anger as she said, "Don't spout nonsense! I don't care if you do it or not. I've had my work scheduled for the last year or two, and you don't want to do it. "    


Seeing the couple talking, Guo Xuehua and Nanny Wang looked at each other and shook their heads with bitter smiles.    


Yang Chen did not argue any further. After biting the chicken leg in his hand, he took another piece. After being silent for a moment, he suddenly said to Guo Xuehua: "Mom, I plan to go to Yanjing in a few days."    


Hearing that, the others on the table stopped and looked at Yang Chen in confusion.    


Lin Ruoxi's mind was sharp, and she immediately thought of something as she lowered her head without saying a word.    


Guo Xuehua asked, "Son, why are you busy again? Didn't he just come back for two days? "    


Yang Chen shook his head, "Not immediately. Zhong Hai still has a lot of things to do. I plan to bring Ruoxi home when I have free time to take a look. "    


When she said that, Guo Xuehua's eyes lit up, the chopsticks in her hands were trembling, and she asked excitedly, "Really … Really? You are willing, to return to the Yang Family!? "    


"Mm …" Yang Chen nodded and smiled: "I'll go to Yanjing this time … The old man relayed some of his meaning, and I got into something, and I figured out something... I haven't made up my mind yet, but I think... We should go to that house and have a look before making our plans. "    


Guo Xuehua's eyes were bloodshot as she repeatedly said good night and smiled in a gratified manner.    


Initially, she decided to separate from Yang Pojun and come to live with him. It was also due to her great determination, but even so, she still felt guilty about Yang Family, especially towards her father-in-law, Yang Gongming.    


If Yang Chen could really return to the Yang Family, then she would no longer have to stay outside to accompany Yang Chen. Not only would she be able to fulfill her responsibilities as a mother, she would also be able to take care of her father-in-law …    


In Guo Xuehua's opinion, being able to reunite with her family was what she wanted to see the most.    


"Me too?" Lin Ruoxi, on the other hand, felt her heart flutter like a little deer when Yang Chen said that he would bring her along. She was both happy and excited, but there was a sense of respect and worry filling her heart, causing her to be at a loss as to what to do.    


Yang Chen said in a matter-of-fact manner, "Of course you have to go. We signed the seal and got the certificate. If you don't go, who else can? Plus, didn't the old man like you the last time he saw you? You should be very happy."    


Lin Ruoxi pursed her lips and stole a glance at Guo Xuehua. Seeing Guo Xuehua's encouraging gaze, she could only nod in agreement.    


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