My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C802 Deep in the Bamboo Forest

C802 Deep in the Bamboo Forest

"Surnamed Xiao?"    


Cai Ning thought for a moment and shook her head. "No. I have a senior sister and two junior sisters. Neither of them is surnamed Xiao. Why would I suddenly ask that?"    


Yang Chen heaved a sigh of relief. He suddenly thought of that Xiao Zhiqing who loved to poison in the United States.    


Fortunately, she was not someone from the Tang Sect. If he were to meet that woman again, he didn't know how to face her. He couldn't bear to part with her exquisite water snake body, but he also felt that the witch was too difficult to deal with. If she did appear, it would create a lot of trouble.    


"It's fine, it's fine to remember an old friend. Since she's not from the Tang Sect, it's fine." Yang Chen covered it up casually and smiled, "Darling Ning, since it's not even night yet, take me to the place where you used to live so that I can understand you more."    


Hearing this, Cai Ning felt a bit of joy in her heart. She lowered her head bashfully and asked, "Where do you want to go?"    


"Your bed... Oh no! "Your place of residence," Yang Chen changed his words very quickly and earnestly.    


However, Cai Ning still understood the underlying meaning. She rolled her eyes at Yang Chen and said, "Come with me, I'll bring you to where I cultivate …"    


Yang Chen's expression turned bitter. Why did his mouth say something like that...    


The sea of trees rippled like a green wave.    


Surrounding the Tang Family Fortress, especially in the bamboo forest in the south, one could extremely feel the luxuriant summer scenery.    


Holding hands with Cai Ning, Yang Chen walked past all the places where Cai Ning had cultivated when she was young. The scenery here was beautiful, but Cai Ning didn't have a relaxed expression when she saw it.    


Cai Ning's tone sounded like she was reminiscing and recounting some old stories to Yang Chen. It sounded like she was reminiscing and reminiscing about something.    


Passing a cold pond that was formed by a mountain spring, Cai Ning pointed to the center of the pond and said, "Before this, I was only twelve or thirteen. I didn't think of coming here too early in the winter to practice, because the temperature here is very low. Even though I was sleeping under the covers, which were bamboo houses and didn't have charcoal or other heating facilities, I was still shivering from the cold.    


But Master wouldn't let me, and several times he dragged me out of bed and threw me into this pool, braving the cold of the forest. Because there was a dark spring flowing under this pool, it was not as warm as other pools in winter. Instead, it was much colder than the surface.    


"I remember back then, I even thought about stealing some poison to poison Master. When I dreamed at night, I dreamed about how I could kill Master …"    


Although Yang Chen's experience was much more painful than this, he was still a bit surprised that Cai Ning had passed her prime like this.    


"Do you still hate her in your heart?" Yang Chen asked. "If you do, I will kill your master."    


Cai Ning knew that the man was joking and shook her head. "Master only wants me not to get hurt so easily by others outside the sect." In fact, if you think about it carefully, she never got anything from me. She made me wake up early, wasn't she the one who got up first, or was it because she paid a lot for me? "    


"No wonder she has such a bad temper. You still want me to save her?" Yang Chen said.    


The two of them chatted as they walked down a slope. In front of them were large, dark brown bamboo strips that looked as if they had been burned. These sharp, angular bamboo pieces were like sharp blades that stabbed into the depths of the earth like a sea of knives.    


"These are bamboo blades that have been baked by the special poison juice from Tang Sect. They are not much worse than ordinary steel blades and can last for more than ten years," Cai Ning introduced. "In the past, I used to have lightness arts s to train Tang Sect here with my fellow disciples."    


Yang Chen frowned. "The sharpness of these bamboo pieces, isn't it easy to get injured?"    


"From the beginning I had gauze around my feet. But after training for two years, they started to request for bare feet to pass through, and continued for an hour. If they were to land halfway, they would have to calculate the time anew "Cai Ning smiled lightly," Tang Sect is good at using poison, and healing injuries are first class, so even if one's foot is injured, it will quickly be healed. If you continue to train them, many disciples will not be able to hold on and will be killed at this stage. They will not be able to continue learning the inner force skills and will only be treated as servants of the Tang Family Fortress. "    


Cai Ning suddenly took off her white canvas shoes and lightly leaped with her bare feet. After a short while, she gracefully landed on a small bamboo knife in the middle of the room.    


The sharp tip of the blade did not cause the slightest bit of damage to her soles. Like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water, the weight of her body turned into light feathers.    


Yang Chen's eyes lit up, he could tell that Cai Ning did not use any genuine qi s to protect her body. She was purely using a profound lightness arts technique to raise her Qi, making her body as light as a swallow.    


Cai Ning looked at her surroundings with a nostalgic expression. Her body flew up once again, dancing up and down on the sharp bamboo blades like a fairy.    


A few minutes later, Cai Ning floated down to where her shoes were and put them on without a single breath.    


Yang Chen clapped his hands with admiration in his eyes. "Brave girl Cai, I'm impressed."    


"Alright," Cai Ning stopped Yang Chen's teasing, "I know that these are nothing in your eyes. I just suddenly rose up and haven't been back for a long time, I miss it a little. Speaking of which, I thought it was a nightmare when I was young."    


"There are many precious things that are worthy of being cherished. They are all things that cannot be regretted after passing through. Who told others to be so despicable?" Yang Chen couldn't help but think of a beautiful figure wearing a blue dress, as if it was a distant fantasy, but then he smiled and said, "At least we can make use of the past and have better days, this is more important than anything."    


Cai Ning looked at the man with an emotional expression. "You're always so confident, aren't you?"    


Yang Chen thought about it and nodded, "I think so. At least I've thought since I was young that I must be the last one to live, so I've lived until now and the rest are all dead."    


Cai Ning pursed her lips and smiled, "Some people are naturally confident, like you. Some people, on the other hand, rely on their own hard work to gain confidence.    


I've heard people say since I was a kid, but General Cai was born with a daughter, so it's hard for him to inherit the family's military integrity. Although the father does not blame the mother, but the mother is always depressed. Later, she gave birth to Yanyan. Although my father was still happy, I could see the regret in his eyes.    


There would always be people who would secretly say that after Cai Family, they could only rely on others. They didn't even have sons, and their daughters were unreliable. Some people also said that the heavens did not protect him. His Cai Family had just started to rise and was about to fall.    


I thought that if I was strong enough, stronger than all the other boys in the family, maybe I could make up for my parents' regret that they didn't give birth to a boy. So, I especially cherish the chance to learn skills in Tang Sect.    


Afterwards, I gritted my teeth and spent ten years here. I found confidence in my own existence, but for some reason, I didn't feel the happiness I had been anticipating …    


Although father is very happy that I became one of the Eight Parts and have a high enough status in the security agency, I am no longer the Cai Ning who learned martial arts purely for her parents and her sister's happiness. I also want to have my own life, and my own happiness … Unfortunately, I still don't know how to find it. "    


The woman spoke as if she was talking to herself.    


In Yang Chen's eyes, it was as if all of this had happened ten years ago. In the bamboo forest, the girl in the thin clothes was trying her best to maintain a balance and kept leaping up and down. She was drenched in sweat and on the verge of collapse. However, she held in her strength as she resolutely looked at him …    


Once again, the image appeared under the stars and moon of that night. On the bridge, the girl with the cold wind let the cold chill into her heart, but her hard work made her feel lost. She didn't know what else was left …    


"Look at me, Cai Ning."    


Yang Chen sighed, grabbed Cai Ning's hand and said seriously.    


Cai Ning was startled and puzzled, but she still raised her head to look at the man.    


"I declare that from now on, Cai Ning's happiness will be tied to Yang Chen's. Today, he would be happier than yesterday. Tomorrow, he would be happier than today. The day after tomorrow, the day after that, he would always be happy. "Since we have started to abide by this agreement, if we violate it, we will punish Cai Ning to bully Yang Chen for the rest of her life."    


Cai Ning's delicate hand trembled as it was gripped. She stared blankly at the man for a long time before bursting out in laughter.    


"You are really childish, speaking like a fairy tale, bluffing little girls," Cai Ning laughed.    


Yang Chen scratched the back of his head, "Why don't you shed a few tears? At least come to my aid."    


"Although it's childish, I like listening to it," Cai Ning suddenly changed her words, "Say one more time."    


Yang Chen was at a loss for words, "Uh, when the feelings are so deep and I say it in vain, I can't think of anything …"    


"Then what about this …"    


Cai Ning suddenly stood on her tiptoes, hugged Yang Chen's neck, and kissed the man's lips.    


He was forcefully kissed by a woman again!    


Yang Chen was extremely unhappy. Why did Lin Ruoxi forcefully kiss him before? And now, Cai Ning was doing the same thing again!?    


No, he had to be severely punished!    


Yang Chen hugged the woman's waist tightly, pinching the thin and soft flesh on her waist while gnawing like a wild boar gnawing on bamboo shoots. Just like that, he used his lips and tongue to grind the sweet petals of that woman, completely absorbing all of her scented saliva.    


Cai Ning was young and tender in this area, so how could she endure Yang Chen's vulgarity? She was immediately mesmerized. The courage she had just now turned into shyness. Despite her delicate appearance, it was a bit pitiful.    


"Cough, cough …"    


A woman's cough came from far away, interrupting the fragrant wet kiss.    


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