Unparalleled Divine Power

C260 The Battle Began!

C260 The Battle Began!

chapter 260. Battle, begin!    


Bai Jianqiu's sword moved once again, but this time, there was a qualitative change, and there was an increase in quantity.    


The sword moved in a shocking manner. It was a Deification sword technique, and it had condensed all of its power to the extreme. When the sword was in the air, it was like a fish in water. It could do whatever it wanted with a single thought. With a single movement of the sword, the entire space was completely enveloped by it, forming an absolute domain. Every part of the space had become his sword. As long as he willed it, the sword would kill him.    


The three dummies were pushed back by Bai Jianqiu in a single exchange, disintegrating their joint defense.    


It was only a single sword strike, but it had already defeated the three dummies.    


"Haha! Sword skill Deification! I have finally taken this step forward. It's not in vain that I've been obsessed with the sword for so long, and the profound meaning of the sword." Bai Jianqiu felt incomparably delighted in his heart.    


Taking this step made him feel like a fish leaping over the dragon gate.    


Although he had cultivated Profound Meanings in the past month, he, Mangqi, and Ding Zhi had gained nothing from it.    


It was too difficult to cultivate the Five Elemental Profound Meanings.    


Initially, he didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect that he would be able to force his sword art to break through in this crisis.    


Bai Jianqiu leapt to a high position.    


Bai Jianqiu's breakthrough in the critical moment naturally attracted the attention of many people on the viewing platform. Many people were surprised.    


Qin Xiao also saw this side. He was really happy for Bai Jianqiu. "Haha, Mr. Bai has also broken through to the Deification of sword skills. I thought I would be the one and only one, but it seems like I'm a little proud of myself. This time, my Liufeng County is going to be in the limelight. "    


The princes of the eighteen young masters of the Imperial City were once again dealt a heavy blow.    


First, it was Qin Xiao. Now, there was another Bai Jianqiu, and both of them were from the Liufeng County. They were good brothers.    


It was fine that one of them was a monstrous genius, but two of them were a monstrous genius at the same time.    


On the throne, Hai Hun slammed the table. He laughed loudly and said, "Haha, big brother, our Damo Kingdom is really showing signs of prosperity. Look at the past years. But now... There were two of them. Including Gu Feng, there were three of them. This time, the quality of the little guys... It can be said to be the most historical."    


"Mm, it's indeed not bad." King of Damo also nodded his head in a rare manner.    


King of Damo was naturally happy to be able to see so many young geniuses. Once these little fellows grew up in the future, they would become the pillars of the Damo Kingdom, and they would be able to help the prosperity and decline of the Damo Kingdom.    


"However, we can't be careless." King of Damo's face suddenly darkened. His voice became colder. "Cang Wolf King, setting Sun King and the other old fellows have been staring at us. They really want to pounce on us and eat us. The more talented these little fellows are, the more dangerous it will be. Ling Yue and Gu Feng, on the other hand, were still alright. They and I have already arranged their personal guards, which is enough to protect their lives for the time being. Furthermore, They won't easily leave the Imperial City either."    


"In the Imperial City, there won't be anyone who dares to come here."    


"As for the others, I'm afraid it's hard to say."    


Hai Hun's expression became slightly serious as he nodded his head and said. "That's right. The Setting Sun King of the Blue Wolf King is a wolf with wild ambitions. He has been coveting the Damo Kingdom for a long time. Big brother, do you think the news might have leaked out?"    


"That?" King of Damo frowned deeply, forming a big word.    


After a while, King of Damo said, "I don't think so. All these years, we have been very careful. Besides, I've also secretly asked the Grand Tutor to take charge of that place. Those who know about this... Very few people knew about this matter, so the possibility of it being leaked was not high. However - - it could not be completely ruled out. It could be that Cang Wolf King and the Setting Sun King had received some news about it. "    


" Hehe, I was just saying it casually. " Hai Hun also smiled.    


As time passed, more and more people were eliminated, and those who remained would receive even more attacks from dummies.    


If this dragged on, the time it takes for an incense stick to burn would be over, and that would be the arrival of a hundred Early Period of Martial Moving Stage dummies. Even a Mid Martial Force Stage would need some time to defeat an Early Period of Martial Moving Stage puppet. It would be fine if he encountered one, but if two or three of them attacked him together, it would be terrifying.    


Time passed. Soon, the time it took for the third incense stick to burn had arrived.    


At this moment, there were only 36 people left on the stage.    


And this was only the first wave.    


Until now, Qin Xiao had only defeated three puppets, and still hadn't made it onto the ranking list.    


With the arrival of one hundred Early Period of Martial Moving Stage dummies and the addition of over sixty Peak of the Bone Exchange Stage dummies, the number of dummies had reached a total of one hundred and sixty. Thirty-six people, and on average, each of them could get more than four puppets.    


Therefore, as soon as this batch of dummies arrived, three Early Period of Martial Moving Stage and two Peak of the Bone Exchange Stage dummies lunged at Qin Xiao at the same time.    


The 36 people who were still on the fighting stage had all received the same treatment.    


Even so, those who were able to stay until now were all geniuses with extraordinary talent, and all of them were rare geniuses of a county. But under such an attack, how could they possibly withstand it?    


This was equivalent to having four Early Period of Martial Moving Stage experts surrounding and attacking him. Therefore, very quickly, all the geniuses were defeated. One by one, they admitted defeat. Some of the geniuses who admitted defeat a little later were killed on the spot.    


The speed of elimination was extremely fast. In just a few breaths of time, more than a dozen people had already been eliminated.    


The more people that were eliminated, the more people. The more people that were eliminated, the more pressure they would give others. Once those puppets were empty, they would immediately charge towards the others. Such a cycle naturally increased the difficulty of the test.    


"Looks like I can't delay any longer. I have to end this battle as soon as possible. Otherwise, I won't be able to take it if there are too many puppets." Qin Xiao finally became serious. He started to fight with his essence club and circulated the Sword Force with all his strength.    


The third style of the Sky Crippled Sword had also been created. The power of this style was truly astonishing.    


With just one strike, he could easily defeat an Early Period of Martial Moving Stage puppet. Therefore, in just a few strikes, Qin Xiao had killed four Early Period of Martial Moving Stage puppets and three Peak of the Bone Exchange Stage puppets. The speed of killing these puppets instantly soared.    


"Let's call this' extraordinary 'style." Qin Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and this name automatically appeared in his mind. Therefore, Qin Xiao could only call this style the third style.    


The extraordinary style was now Qin Xiao's strongest move. It could unleash the power of his sword Profound Meaning very well, and it also had some amplifying effects. Therefore, the power of this move was much stronger than Bai Jianqiu's.    


Although both of them were Deification sword artists, there was still a gap between them.    


Qin Xiao continued to attack the other dummies. In fact, he didn't even need to take the initiative to attack. Those dummies were also crazily lunging at him.    


As time passed, more and more geniuses were eliminated. Even the eighteen young masters of the Imperial City were frowning deeply. Clearly, they were having a hard time.    


Among the crowd, Bai Jianqiu's performance was somewhat dazzling. After all, he had always been an unknown person. Then, he suddenly lit up. He had broken through to the Deification in a desperate situation. Bai Jianqiu was a dark horse.    


As for Qin Xiao, it was still alright. After all, he had gained some fame after defeating Ji Wuhua, who had mastered the Water Profound Truth, in the Extreme Music Pool. Also, Young Master Liangyu had taken the initiative to send himself to death to become Qin Xiao. This had allowed Qin Xiao to grow step by step.    


Another one who had the same dazzling performance was the slovenly young man. His staff technique Profound Meaning had reached the acme of perfection, and he was also at the second level. Moreover, he should have also cultivated a staff technique, so when it was used, it was shockingly terrifying. Once the staff technique was unleashed, it stirred heaven and earth.    


Bai Jianqiu and this slovenly youth, ye Sanzhen, were indeed two dark horses.    


Outside the Imperial Palace, the ranking on the stone tablet changed once again.    


"Look, it's refreshed again. Seventeenth Highness is still at the top of the list. Eh? Who is this Black Three? Why is he at the second place?"    


"Yes, Princess Lingloong is only ranked third. Eh, there is also that Bai Jianqiu. Why is he in fifth place? What kind of person is this?"    


" Look, Qin Xiao is finally on the list. Tsk, why did he rank sixth on the list? This speed is too monstrous, isn't it?"    


Qin Xiao had never been on the list before, so he had attracted a lot of gossip and speculations. But now, Qin Xiao had suddenly made it onto the list, and he had already made it to the sixth place. Such speed was truly terrifying.    


Although Bai Jianqiu and Ye Sanzhen were the dark horses, the focus of everyone's attention was still on Qin Xiao, the young man who dared to kill Young Master Liangyu.    


"Haha, let me tell you. Qin Xiao must have kept a low profile and didn't rush to attack. The moment he attacked, he was sent flying. The next incense stick will be refreshed. I can guarantee that Qin Xiao will be in the top three. "    


" As far as I know, this Bai Jianqiu seems to be Qin Xiao's brother. Tsk tsk, this guy is really good at hiding himself. These two people seem to be from Liufeng County, right?"    


" Liufeng County? The small county near the Great Wilderness? How could there be two such monstrous geniuses in such a barren land? The faces of the eighteen young masters of the Imperial City are not good."    


" This is really interesting. I'm going to place a bet again. Haha, I hope that this time, I can win a great victory. "    


The battle became more and more intense.    


Soon, there were only ten geniuses left on the Martial Dais. Twenty-six of them were eliminated in the first incense stick.    


It seemed like the result would be out in another incense stick.    


The second batch of one hundred Early Period of Martial Moving Stage puppets had arrived as scheduled. Including the twenty to thirty puppets left on the Martial Dais, the total number of puppets had increased to one hundred and thirty. The ten of them were divided evenly, and each of them could be divided into twelve or thirteen puppets.    


Twelve or thirteen Early Period of Martial Moving Stage puppets were attacking them together, and even a Martial Moving Stage Peak warrior would find it hard to bear.    


Qin Xiao also felt the pressure very quickly. Faced with such a ferocious attack, it was indeed not a pleasant feeling.    


However, Qin Xiao had mastered the Wind Profound Truth and the Profound Meaning of the Water Profound Truth. The way he fought could be varied. Furthermore, he could control these three Profound Meanings to make up for his shortcomings. He could effectively suppress these dummies. With this, Qin Xiao naturally wouldn't fall into a difficult situation.    


The dummies were defeated one after another, but more of them were soon replaced.    


Not only Qin Xiao, but everyone else also felt the strain. Apart from Qin Xiao, Bai Jianqiu, and Gu Lingyue and Seventeenth Highness, the only ones who were left on the scene were Qin Xiao, Bai Jianqiu, and Seventeenth Highness. There were also five young masters from the Imperial City, including Gudu Zifang. Their situation was not looking good.    


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