Unparalleled Divine Power

C292 Mt Mang

C292 Mt Mang

chapter 292. - Light Horn Mountain    


"Brother Luo Qing, congratulations!" Qin Xiao said.    


County King Luo Qing smiled. "It's all thanks to you, Qin Xiao. Haha! Perhaps I, luo Qing, will be able to cultivate an outstanding disciple. That would be a blessing."    


Qin Xiao's hand moved, and a Universe Sack appeared in his hand. He handed it to Hong Lieh and said, "I don't have anything to give you. Some of the things inside are useful to you. You should make good use of them. You first cultivate with your master. In the future, if you want to go to the Damo Academy, ask your master to send you there. The quota for servants. I will keep one for you."    


"Thank you, thank you senior!" Hong Lieh's eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes were red.    


Qin Xiao patted Hong Lieh on the shoulder and said, "Do your best!"    


Qin Xiao and the other two quickly left. Light Horn Mountain was located at the border of Sky Blue County, which was about four thousand miles away from Sky Blue County.    


Of course, this distance was nothing to Qin Xiao and the other two. They arrived at the border of the Light Horn Mountain in an hour.    


The three of them landed on top of a mountain. There was a village with more than a hundred households at the foot of the mountain. In the open space in front of the village, there was a huge statue with an ugly face. At this time, a group of Black Clothed Man was escorting a few young girls out of the village. The faces of those young girls were ashen. They knew their future fate.    


County King Luo Qing pointed at the village and said, "That statue is Light Horn Mountain Master. He is extremely ugly. But he is extremely powerful. This village was ruled by Light Horn Mountain. The villagers had long lost the will to resist, and regarded Light Horn Mountain Master as their god. The few girls who were taken away... Every year, the sacrifices in the village were made by young girls who were not even sixteen years old. They are going to be sent to Light Horn Mountain. "    


"What awaits them will be a tragic fate, sigh!"    


County King Luo Qing shook his head helplessly. He really had no way of stopping this matter.    


The fury in Qin Xiao's heart was ignited.    


In fact, he knew from the information he got from Ten Thousand Law One that the Light Horn Mountain controlled was a third of the size of County Prince's territory, and there were millions of people in it.    


Every year, more than three thousand girls were given to the Light Horn Mountain. Such a huge number was truly shocking.    


Moreover, the number of claws and teeth of the Light Horn Mountain were still roaming around to catch pretty young girls. It was unknown how many of them were captured every year.    


Such a path was truly frightening.    


The fury in their hearts was temporarily suppressed. Qin Xiao and the other two continued on their way to the Light Horn Mountain, and soon, they arrived at the bottom of the Light Horn Mountain.    


The Light Horn Mountain was an incomparably huge mountain range. The tallest mountain peak towered into the clouds, and it was over a hundred thousand meters tall. This was the main peak of Light Horn Mountain, the tip of the horn. It was also the place where Light Horn Mountain Master usually lived.    


The surroundings of the Sharp Horn Peak. There were also hundreds of different sized mountains. However, the smallest of them was more than three thousand meters tall, and more than half of them were over five thousand meters tall. More than a hundred mountain peaks were connected together, and each of them had a heavenly bridge connecting them in all directions. It was indeed quite magnificent and magnificent.    


This mountain peak was the Light Horn Mountain.    


In terms of scenery, the Light Horn Mountain could be considered a miraculous place.    


Standing below the Light Horn Mountain and looking at the incomparably majestic Light Horn Mountain, it really gave off a feeling of vastness and insignificance.    


Above the Light Horn Mountain, it was covered by giant dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun. It made the entire Light Horn Mountain seem eerie and scary.    


It was as if they had entered the land of Nether Devil.    


"What an evil place! What a good Light Horn Mountain Master! Such towering resentment and thick scent of blood, it was unknown how many people's lives had been used to accumulate it. " Qin Xiao coldly harrumphed.    


Not to mention the fact that he had a grudge against the evil, Qin Xiao would definitely kill such a frenzied and evil person even if he had no grudges against him.    


County King Luo Qing's face was filled with killing intent. He looked at the Light Horn Mountain with a gaze as sharp as a blade and said, "Qin Xiao, the entire Light Horn Mountain is protected by a grand formation. If we barge in, the grand formation will surely be triggered. However, it won't be easy to sneak into the mountain without anyone noticing. "    


"The interior of the mountain in the Light Horn Mountain has been emptied, and many secret chambers and imperial prisons have been built. If you want to save your friend first, you have to sneak into the imperial prison first. "    


Qin Xiao nodded his head. It was precisely because of this that he had to sneak into the imperial prison. Perhaps the Martial Force Stage in Light Horn Mountain weren't scary, but the formation protecting Light Horn Mountain couldn't be underestimated.    


The scary part about formations was that they could unleash a terrifying power.    


However, Qin Xiao was already prepared for this. He said, "Let's go, big Brother Luo Qing. It's too risky to activate the formation. Although the defensive formation of Light Horn Mountain was not bad, it wasn't a formation set up by a true formation master. Therefore, it can still be broken."    


County King Luo Qing was stunned for a moment, then he immediately smiled and said: "Haha, I forgot that Qin Xiao's talent in formations is also amazing."    


Qin Xiao's Profound Meaning had already broken through to the second level, which corresponded to the level of middle grade Array Master.    


middle grade Array Master was rare in the entire Damo Kingdom. It could be used to set up any ordinary defensive formation.    


Above that was a high grade Array Master, also known as a formation master.    


An array master was just too rare. In the entire Damo Kingdom, there were only a handful of them. Furthermore, most of them had been recruited by the imperial family. Even if there were still people outside, they would definitely be roped in by those major powers in the Imperial City.    


The possibility of inviting an array formation master was extremely low.    


Even the Sky Blue County Prince's Mansion and the Guard of Damo division were all set up by middle grade Array Master. After that, each of them would be reinforced over the years.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao concluded that the defensive formation of Light Horn Mountain must have been set up by middle grade Array Master. Even though it had been strengthened a lot, he should still be able to break it.    


Besides, Qin Xiao didn't want to destroy the entire formation. He just needed to break a hole in the formation so that the three of them could enter it smoothly. Qin Xiao was very confident in this point.    


Sure enough, Qin Xiao found a weak spot and easily broke open an opening. The three of them quickly entered the Light Horn Mountain.    


With their strength, it was naturally incomparably easy for them to escape the detection of the sentries. Thus, the three of them smoothly arrived at the waist of the mountain.    


On the waist of the mountain, there was a huge open space. The security here was extremely tight.    


At the bottom of the open space, there was an incomparably dark deep hole. From afar, it looked like a huge devil's mouth, and it was strangely dense.    


Around the square, there were black stone pillars. They were fifteen meters thick and more than thirty meters tall. On the stone pillars, there were huge iron chains wrapped around them. Many of the iron chains were even stained with blood.    


The stone pillars gave off a gloomy and cold black mist, which looked quite terrifying.    


The guards wore ferocious black masks, and they were dressed like ghost messengers. However, each and every one of these guards had decent strength, and they were all Rebirth Stage warriors. Just this square alone had a total of 36 guards.    


Outside the square, there were stone bridges that led to all the peaks of the mountains. There were actually 108 of them. They were densely packed and stretched out like tentacles. It was quite scary.    


Moreover, there was a single defensive formation here, which indicated that this was an important place in the Light Horn Mountain.    


The atmosphere was heavy and oppressive. If an ordinary warrior were to come here, he wouldn't even dare to breathe loudly.    


Qin Xiao broke through the protective array. The three of them tacitly turned into a gust of wind and entered the black hole. With their speed, how could the Rebirth Stage guards detect them?    


The two guards standing at the entrance of the black hole suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing past them. They couldn't help but furrow their brows, feeling confused. How could there be a gust of wind?    


However, the two of them did not think too much about it.    


After Qin Xiao and the other two entered the black hole, they discovered that there was another heavenly passage inside. The secret passages were connected in all directions. It was simply a huge underground palace.    


In the underground palace, they could see some guards wearing black masks everywhere. The people of Light Horn Mountain were basically dressed like this.    


Furthermore, all of them were Rebirth Stage warriors.    


"Big Brother Luo Qing, this Light Horn Mountain Master is really capable. He is actually able to cultivate so many Rebirth Stage warriors. Here, Rebirth Stage warriors seemed to be free of charge. I'm afraid that the total number of Rebirth Stage warriors in your Sky Blue County is less than half of the total number of Rebirth Stage warriors in Light Horn Mountain, right?" Qin Xiao secretly transmitted his voice.    


County King Luo Qing nodded and said. "That's right. These guards should have been nurtured with Rebirth Pill. Light Horn Mountain Master was indeed very capable. It was said that he could concoct many Rebirth Pill by himself, and he needed to be able to cultivate many Rebirth Stage warriors. And these Rebirth Stage warriors were all loyal to him."    


"Most of the Rebirth Stage and Bone Exchange Stage warriors in Light Horn Mountain were cultivated by Light Horn Mountain Master himself. That's why Light Horn Mountain Master has a very firm rule over the Light Horn Mountain. This is also why Light Horn Mountain Master is so scary. "    


Qin Xiao also knew about this information.    


Light Horn Mountain Master is indeed not a simple figure.    


A group of patrolling guards walked over with firm steps. Qin Xiao and the other two flashed to the dark side. When the group of guards went over, Qin Xiao swept the last guard away quietly with a wave of his hand. The person in front did not notice it at all.    


The guard was baffled. He looked at Qin Xiao and the other two with incomparable terror. He wanted to shout, but his neck was tightly gripped, making him unable to make a sound.    


Qin Xiao's eyes shone with a strange light. It penetrated into the guard's eyes like a ghost. The guard's eyes quickly dimmed.    


For this mission, Qin Xiao had made some preparations. This was a soul searching technique, but he had also spent two thousand Yuan Stones to buy it. It was very precious.    


With Qin Xiao's current strength, it was naturally very easy for him to deal with a Rebirth Stage guard who relied on Rebirth Pill to advance.    


After checking, Qin Xiao killed the guard and kept the corpse into his Universe Sack. He shook his head and said, "There's no precise information. I only know that the people who were captured these two days are all locked up in the highest grade prison. Let's go there and take a look."    


After saying that, the three of them turned into a ray of light and left.    


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