Unparalleled Divine Power

C506 Power System

C506 Power System

Article 506, power Systems.    


More than ten thousand geniuses of the five major powers of God Realm had been kidnapped. Not many people knew about this incident, and they were all forbidden from doing so. Therefore, the news of this incident didn't spread to the public. So naturally, it didn't cause any waves in the God Realm.    


Although some of the geniuses who couldn't keep their mouths shut said something in the outside world, it didn't spread to a large extent. Furthermore, not many people believed in this matter.    


The entire God Realm was still very peaceful.    


Those geniuses who weren't kidnapped were sent to the various Sacred Grounds to undergo the trial according to their original plan. This was also a chance for the geniuses to jump through the dragon gate.    


In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed.    


A thousand years was just a very short period of time for the God Realm.    


However, it was extremely long for the source world.    


Two grand events had taken place in the Heavenly Dragon Continent and Jiuzhou World.    


Long Feng and Shea Jian had actually broken through to the God Realm at the same time. They had almost broken through at the same time, causing abnormal changes in the heaven and earth, and it was known by the world.    


Everyone gathered in Wood Fire Palace to congratulate the two of them. This was the third god in Jiuzhou World after Qin Xiao. It had never happened in the history of the Heavenly Dragon Continent to have three divine gods in the same era.    


Normally, people thought that Gods could not coexist in the same era. Not to mention three Gods, even if there were two Gods coexisting in the same era, it had never happened before.    


But now, there were three Gods at the same time. It was a grand occasion for Human Clan. It was a celebration for all the people. It also pushed the glory of the Human Clan to a new height.    


It had been more than four thousand years since the war ended. The development of the Human Clan in these four thousand years had probably surpassed the total development of the past four hundred thousand years, or even four million years. The alien races were also willing to submit to the Human Clan. There were no more conflicts between the races.    


The entire Heavenly Dragon Continent was flourishing. It was a peaceful occasion. However, being too peaceful wasn't necessarily a good thing. Therefore, Qin Xiao would not interfere in the war between the races. Some things were the law of nature. The law of nature existed. Nature had its meaning. More wars, in fact, on one hand, it was also a good thing.    


Heroes appeared in troubled times, this was the truth.    


In terms of raising disciples, Qin Xiao had imparted some experience to the Human Clan, which had given them endless benefits. If this situation continued, perhaps a god would be born in the Human Clan every few thousand years. Once it reached this level, the number of gods in the Human Clan would slowly increase. The more gods there were, the stronger the Dragon Sky World would become.    


After a banquet, Qin Xiao called Long Feng and Shea Jian to one side.    


"Mr. Zhangfeng, Shea Jian, you have just broken through to the God realm, and your strength is still very weak. Furthermore, you don't have any clones, so don't go to the God Realm for now. " Qin Xiao said.    


Long Wind smiled and said, "Qin Xiao doesn't need you to tell me. I know that God Realm is a place that I'm looking forward to. But I don't dare to go in easily. You have told me many things about the dangers of God Realm. And now, you are the Lord of the Origin. As long as you don't chase us out, we will be able to live in the Heavenly Dragon Continent forever. We don't have to worry about being expelled by the Origin Will. Give us some time. Let us grow stronger before we go out and explore. "    


"Who knows? In the near future, Qin Xiao, you will be able to establish a territory in God Realm. At that time, we can also seek refuge with you."    


Shea Jian naturally followed his master's orders.    


With the information that Qin Xiao had given them regarding God Realm, his master, chang Feng, and the others had already known some basic information about God Realm. Naturally, they knew what kind of danger the God Realm was facing. It was no different than sending a god to his death by entering recklessly.    


Chang Feng and Shea Jian were not like Qin Xiao, a step into the Divinity realm was equivalent to the strength of the four deities.    


Their strength was relatively ordinary.    


Therefore, entering the divine spirit with such strength was akin to courting death.    


Furthermore, they did not cultivate clones. Once they died, they would truly die.    


After many natives of the origin world became divine, they felt a strong desire to enter the God Realm. Therefore, all of them entered the God Realm at the same time.    


Of course, there were definitely some lucky ones who survived and grew up.    


However, most of them were probably killed or captured as slaves.    


It was obvious from the situation of Heavenly Dragon Continent. Over the past hundreds of millions of years, more than a dozen gods had been born in Heavenly Dragon Continent, but none of them had returned. Not to mention that they had returned, none of them had sent any news back.    


Most of these gods were already dead. Even if there were some who survived, they probably wouldn't be able to get along well. There was no way for them to return to Heavenly Dragon Continent.    


With the guidance of Qin Xiao, chang Feng and Shea Jian naturally wouldn't take such a detour.    


Qin Xiao said, "You guys should cultivate your clones first, although it might affect you. But there are some things that are like this. If there is a gain, there will be a loss. Overall, cultivating a clone was definitely more beneficial than losing. Thus, the clone had to cultivate. This way, when you go out and explore in the future... Don't worry about anything."    


"You have become gods. It's unrealistic to ask you to stay in Heavenly Dragon Continent all the time. I'm sure you won't be able to stay here any longer."    


"No matter how dangerous the God Realm is, I'm sure you will all be looking forward to it."    


Chang Feng and Shea Jian nodded their heads. That was indeed the case.    


They had been staying in the Heavenly Dragon Continent for a long time. There was no point in staying in such a small place.    


The God Realm was the true sea of stars. It was the place they should go.    


Apart from the cloning technique, there were also other divine techniques and divine techniques that Qin Xiao would pass on to them.    


The prosperity of God Realm made Qin Xiao feel gratified.    


However, he was also a little worried about the cloning technique.    


"A thousand years ago, I lost connection with my clone. Until now, I haven't received any news from him. However, I clearly felt that... My doppelganger isn't dead. If it was dead, then at least I should know. Disappeared for a thousand years. What's going on?" Qin Xiao frowned deeply, his face full of melancholy.    


This situation was really a little strange.    




In the depths of the Sea of Darkness, in the thatched cottage on that strange continent.    


The life with a small tentacle on its forehead sat there drinking wine. There was a smile on its face, as if it was proud of its own masterpiece.    


As he drank, more than ten thousand images appeared in his mind. If someone could see these scenes... They would be surprised to find that these images were the images of the ten thousand geniuses that he had captured.    


"Hehe, these little fellows... This is really interesting. Looks like my luck this time is pretty good. I caught some good seedlings. It has been a thousand years, but only a thousand people have been eliminated. Interesting. Interesting. If I had known that such an interesting thing would happen, I would have thought of it earlier." The tentacle life laughed as it spoke. It drank wine with a satisfied expression on its face.    


However, a strange look flashed across the corner of his eyes again. "It's too early for me to be happy now. Although there are some good little fellows, will they be able to complete all of my tests? It's hard to say whether they can bring some hope to my experiments. If there isn't even one left, then all of my efforts will be in vain. "    


" Hopefully, there will be a little fellow who will succeed. Otherwise, after so many years of experimenting, I'm afraid I'll have to think about it again. "    


" It's been so long, I'm too lonely. My world, I can't go back. Wandering in this universe, there's no way to break free from the shackles of this universe, there's no way to truly be eternal"    


"Think of me - -"    


Saying this, the tentacle life stopped again, shaking his head, he said: "Forget it, let's not talk about the past. In this era, There are only about a hundredth of it left. If I still can't walk my own path when this era is destroyed... If I can't return to my universe, then what awaits me will be destruction... Truly destruction."    


After saying that, the smile on the tentacle life's face completely disappeared, turning into a solemn and deep expression.    




"Hu ~"    


"It's already the 623rd place, and it's only one in fifteen."    


When he walked out of a stone tablet, Qin Xiao also let out a long sigh. After thousands of years of training, the resoluteness on Qin Xiao's face had clearly increased a bit. His face was as sharp as a knife, and his gaze also had a bit of sharpness.    


However, when he recalled the pain and torture he had experienced in the past thousand years, Qin Xiao still felt a chill run down his spine. His entire body trembled. It was simply an experience that he did not dare to recall.    


Fortunately, he still gritted his teeth and endured it.    


"Phew, let's continue. I've persevered for so many years. I believe I can definitely persist."    


" These moves are really strange. I can clearly feel that my body has improved a lot compared to before. This effect is even better than the Nirvana Nine Revolution. The strength of the body is one aspect, and the strength of the body is the most important."    


" After a thousand years of cultivation, I'm afraid my current strength is ten times stronger than before. My previous strength was already strong, but now my strength is even stronger. It really has a miraculous effect on the cultivation of strength."    


" Furthermore... "    


These weren't all strange things. What puzzled Qin Xiao the most was that he felt that these techniques could be used to cultivate one's own body and strength. Furthermore, it was completely different from his own cultivation system. It was like a completely new thing.    


He didn't know if it was his misconception or not, but he had this feeling while cultivating.    


This cultivation system was different from the one he cultivated in God Realm. Although it had the same effect, it was fundamentally different.    


Qin Xiao didn't know how to explain this phenomenon, so he felt very strange and puzzled.    


However, he could not find someone to ask about this situation. He could not get an answer.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao could only continue cultivating and slowly discover it.    


Retracting his thoughts, he cast aside some of the distracting thoughts in his heart and resolutely walked towards the next stone tablet.    


As soon as he entered the stone monument, he fell into a sea of fire. He was instantly engulfed by the terrifying flames.    


This flame was truly terrifying. At least, it was more terrifying than any flame Qin Xiao had ever encountered.    


In the past thousand years, Qin Xiao had passed six hundred and twenty-three stone tablets. Each stone tablet had a different test. Therefore, the previous experience was useless. Every stone stele was a new beginning, new pain, and new torture.    


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