Unparalleled Divine Power

C3398 The 'gas' of Power

C3398 The 'gas' of Power

Qin Xiao was sent back to his original position before he could regain his balance.    


This caused Qin Xiao's expression to swiftly become extremely ugly.    


What's going on?    


What exactly is going on?    


Qin Xiao's eyes were cold to the extreme. He kept staring at the other side, totally clueless about what had happened.    


He had already obtained the great fortune, why had it flown away again?    


It didn't make sense. Wasn't this just playing with him?    


Impossible, this is completely illogical.    


No, no, it shouldn't be.    


Qin Xiao frowned deeply, thinking about this matter. He really felt that this matter was very strange.    


He had a feeling that the situation here wasn't simple at all.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao began to ponder deeply.    


His gaze was fixed on the other side, wanting to see what was going on there.    


Qin Xiao still didn't believe that the ultimate opportunity that he had obtained with great difficulty had flown away just like that.    


After looking at it for a while, Qin Xiao finally saw some clues. His heavy heart finally relaxed a little.    


Qin Xiao discovered that the Power Original Crystals on the other side had not been devoured. Instead, under that strange force, it had actually fused together.    


The originally small Power Original Crystals had now been shattered and fused together, forming a sphere.    


The Power Original Crystals was originally a crystal of the Chaotic Space's power.    


It was through a special method that it turned into a sphere.    


Now, this strange power had returned the Power Original Crystals to its original state and turned it into a 'gaseous' form.    


Therefore, a cluster of 'gas' that belonged to the Chaotic Space appeared very quickly.    


Qin Xiao had personally witnessed the entire process of the Power Original Crystals being refined and turning into this cluster of gas.    


Therefore, this made Qin Xiao very certain that this was the gaseous mass of the power of Chaotic Space.    


After the gaseous mass was formed, the entire spatial zone returned to its calm state.    


The strange energy also disappeared and returned to its original state.    


However, the only difference was that the hundred plus Power Original Crystals on the other side had now turned into a mass of 'gas' from the energy of Chaotic Space.    


This made Qin Xiao somewhat puzzled.    


"What's so strange about that? Can't I absorb the Power Original Crystals too? Isn't it the same?"    


"But why do I have to turn these Power Original Crystals into 'gas'?"    


"Just now, the six Power Original Crystals that I grabbed in my hand were able to 'avoid a problem'. They were not turned into gas, and they are still in my hand."    


"If I didn't grab them in time, these six Power Original Crystals would have turned into gas as well."    


"Why did this strange space do this?"    


This question was indeed a little strange. Wasn't it a superfluous action?    


However, it was obviously not like this.    


Qin Xiao had every reason to believe that there must be a reason behind this.    


It definitely wouldn't be an unnecessary action.    


The Chaotic Space was a very brilliant place, and it was filled with supreme wisdom.    


So, how could something superfluous happen?    


What exactly was the reason behind this?    


After thinking carefully, Qin Xiao could only come to a conclusion.    


"Perhaps, Chaotic Space doesn't want people to bring the Power Original Crystals out from here, that's why it's like this."    


"After turning these Power Original Crystals into gas, I really have no way to take away the 'gas' of the Chaotic Space's power. I can only absorb them here and digest them."    


"But luckily, I still have six Power Original Crystals in my hand, allowing them to escape."    


"Although many of the people from the six domains have gotten their hands on the Power Original Crystals, I estimate that most of them will be able to digest the Power Original Crystals in the Chaotic Space."    


"There are no more Power Original Crystals in the outside world. The Power Original Crystals inside has turned into 'gas'."    


"Basically, it means that we won't let the Power Original Crystals leak out of the Chaotic Space."    


"I just don't know if this matter is absolutely true or not."    


Finally, Qin Xiao thought of another problem.    


Thinking of this question, Qin Xiao did not dare to be careless at all. Instead, he started to analyze it seriously.    


If it was absolutely true, then he would have to give it a good test. Did he bring these six Power Original Crystals out?    


Qin Xiao originally wanted to bring these six Power Original Crystals out. Even if he didn't use them in the future, he could still give them to others to use.    


Qin Xiao thought of his younger brother Qin Yi, thought of Chang Mingyue, thought of Mr. Manghuang, Mr. Tianting and the others.    


The benefits brought by a Power Original Crystals was incomparably huge. To anyone, it was a priceless treasure.    




If the Chaotic Space had the power to stop them from bringing the Power Original Crystals out, then... I'm afraid that would be a problem.    


If they lost six Power Original Crystals because of this, it would be a great loss for them.    


However, Qin Xiao wasn't sure if such a situation would occur.    


He could not think of a reason for this kind of thing.    


"Forget it, forget it. Let's not think about this for now. If possible, we should try not to bring the Power Original Crystals out."    


"Even if we want to bring it, we should try our best to only bring one or two."    


"If something really happens, then it would be better to only lose one or two of them."    


"If it's six pills, it's indeed a bit too much."    


"However, I can give Yuanyuan, Mr. Chunjie and the rest some. I should not be able to use these six Power Original Crystals."    


Qin Xiao thought for a moment before quickly making a decision.    


Qin Xiao looked at the 'gas' of the Chaotic Space's energy. It was a 'gas' formed from 162 Power Original Crystals. It was equivalent to 162 Power Original Crystals.    


To Qin Xiao, this was a huge feast.    


Without any hesitation, Qin Xiao immediately rushed over and prepared for any accidents.    


But fortunately, nothing unexpected happened.    


Qin Xiao smoothly entered the 'gas' of the Chaotic Space. As soon as he entered it, he immediately felt refreshed and refreshed, as if his entire body had gone numb to the bone.    


In an instant, he had an indescribable feeling.    


He was completely immersed in a beautiful artistic conception. He was being attacked by a peerless feeling that impacted his body and soul.    


Wonderful, truly wonderful.    


Such a thing, truly surpassed all things in the mortal world.    


Even if it was described as floating immortal, it was still far from being able to express its true intent.    


In any case, once one entered it, it was sufficient to make one forget everything and immerse their entire body and soul within it, enjoying this wonderful feeling well.    


At this moment, Qin Xiao was like an incomparably hungry wolf, greedily devouring the energy of Chaotic Space.    


Qin Xiao's body was completely submerged in the energy of the Chaotic Space. The energy penetrated into his body through every pore, continuously tempering his body and improving it in all aspects.    


It was fine, every inch, every inch. Every cell, every meridian, all of them had penetrated into his body.    


Moreover, there was a great deal of power that had seeped into it, tempering it wave after wave.    


Every tempering was an increase in strength, a leap in strength.    


A few leaps in strength was a breakthrough.    


This was simply a process of unlimited transformation and improvement. It was simply something that had always been wonderful, always wonderful, as if it would never reach its peak.    


It had exceeded the imagination and common sense of people.    


It was like a container. Logically speaking, no matter how big the container was, there should be a fixed amount, right?    


However, the current situation was that you didn't know how big the container was. You just kept putting things inside, but you couldn't fill it up.    


You just keep filling it up, you don't have to worry about whether it's full or not.    


It was very strange, very mystical, exceeding people's imagination, exceeding common sense.    


Qin Xiao also felt that it was really too strange.    


His Sacred Body had become very powerful now. Could he still improve it infinitely?    


If he could really absorb and digest all the 'gas' in the Chaotic Space, how powerful would his Holy Body become?    


It was unimaginable. Qin Xiao had no way of imagining it.    


A Power Original Crystals was a huge transformation for him, it was a huge breakthrough in his cultivation.    


This was equivalent to a hundred and sixty-two Power Original Crystals. Could it be that he could undergo a hundred and sixty-two transformations to break through?    


Was this possible?    


It seemed like there really was such a possibility.    


The power of Chaotic Space could give people unlimited imagination and confidence.    


Such power was something that no one in the boundless universe could compare with.    


Therefore, it made people feel that the power of Chaotic Space was stronger than any kind of Law or Great Dao in the boundless universe. It was a power that was at a higher level.    


However -    


If that was really the case, then it would be very difficult for people to understand it.    


If that was the case, then why was there only the Chaotic Space that had this kind of power?    


In the boundless universe, there was no such force?    


Moreover, the power of the Chaotic Space was completely different from any other power in the boundless world.    


Could it be that the Chaotic Space was not an object of the boundless world?    


Something that came from another world?    


Could the power of the Chaotic Space be something from another world?    


Could it be that there were other worlds beyond the boundless universe?    


It was hard to imagine. It was truly hard to imagine.    


However, it was also true that there was such a possibility.    


After all, when Qin Xiao was still in his hometown's small world, he had never thought about it outside of Hongmeng Universe. There was also such a vast world outside of Hongmeng Universe.    


Therefore, this possibility wasn't necessarily impossible.    


However, even Reincarnation Holy Sovereign did not dare to confirm this matter. They also did not know whether this situation existed or not.    


Wasn't it strange that even the existences at the peak of the world couldn't be sure about such a thing?    


Was it hard to imagine?    


However, there was no need to think about these things for the time being.    


It was better to leave it to Reincarnation Holy Sovereign. They had more knowledge than him. If they couldn't figure it out, it would be hard for him to figure it out.    


Of course, this matter wasn't that important to him.    


He didn't care about it for now.    


For the time being, the most important thing for Qin Xiao was to temper and improve himself, so that he could become stronger.    


At this moment, he was completely immersed in crazily devouring the energy of the Chaotic Space.    


This feeling of continuously becoming stronger was truly wonderful.    


For cultivators, there shouldn't be anything in this world that was more wonderful than this.    


At this moment, Qin Xiao could feel that his Holy Body was getting stronger and his strength was increasing.    


Furthermore, he wouldn't stop at all, and his strength was increasing crazily.    


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