Unparalleled Divine Power

C3253 The Direction That He Couldn't See Clearly

C3253 The Direction That He Couldn't See Clearly

chapter 3253. A direction that couldn't be seen clearly.    


Yes, confidence is very important.    


Once one lost confidence, it was basically the outcome of failure.    


The fact that a peerless figure like Sword Emperor Dark Water had died here indicated the scariness of this sea of swords.    


However, the more terrifying it was, the more it proved one thing. The greater the fortune behind it, the more people would want to obtain it.    


The terrifying situation didn't stimulate Qin Xiao. Instead, it allowed him to see an even greater fortune, causing him to have an even stronger desire.    


He wanted to become stronger. Even if he respected Gu Lingyue's choice, he didn't want to be bullied by Fire God.    


Furthermore, Yao Xuelian was waiting for him to rescue her.    


Also, Master Wanderer was still in Tian Jiao's hands. When he thought of this bastard, Qin Xiao felt inexplicably angry.    


However, this bastard knew that his strength was far from his, so he had hidden himself very well.    


Everything required strength and greater strength.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao had no reason not to work harder, to make himself stronger.    


Opportunities were a springboard.    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie continued to walk in the sea of swords. They found a few more corpses in succession. Some of them had even turned into ashes and could not see anything.    


There was even the existence of the World Divine Realm.    


Some of them had left behind some information, but they were still able to find out what kind of background they had. Some of them didn't even leave behind any information, and they didn't even know where they came from.    


All of these things were shocking enough.    


In fact, among the dead seniors, there were even some existences from the World Divine Realm. This was too terrifying.    


After entering this place, no matter if it was the Fourth Step Ancient Saint Stage or the World Divine Realm, it would be hard for them to escape death.    


There were a few people that Mr. Chunjie had heard of, and their reputations were no less than Sword Emperor Dark Water's. They were all once famous existences in the boundless universe, peerless figures.    


None of these figures were simple. All of them were at the top of the world at that time.    


However, all of these peerless figures had died here. Just thinking about it made one feel terrified.    


Such a great impact wave after wave of impact was truly a heavy blow to one's confidence.    


Even Mr. Chunjie felt some negative emotions, but luckily, Qin Xiao was here. He had reminded him several times to encourage him, and only then did Mr. Chunjie know that he had to persist in his confidence.    


The more terrifying it was, the more confident he had to be. Otherwise, it would truly be dangerous.    


However, knowing was one thing, but it wasn't an easy task to do.    


After walking around the entire sea of swords, Qin Xiao did a statistic.    


The number of people who could be seen for the time being was as many as twenty-seven.    


There should be some who had their traces completely erased, and there was no way to verify them. There were people from a long time ago.    


After all, the erosion force of the strange energy was too terrifying. It could kill a Fourth Step Ancient Saint Stage in just a single era.    


After a long period of time, the corpse would naturally be turned into ashes, there was no way to find it anymore.    


Among the twenty-seven seniors who had come here to investigate, there were actually as many as fifteen of them in the World Divine Realm, which was even more than the number of Fourth Step Ancient Saint Stage experts.    


Such a situation was truly shocking.    


The existence of the World Divine Realm could be said to be an undying existence, an existence that had transcended the constraints of the world.    


I am the god in this world, an existence that transcended everything. It was World God just now.    


But here, so many existences of World Divine Realm had died. It really made people sigh with emotion.    


If this matter was spread out, it would probably scare countless people to death.    


"Besides these swords, there's nothing else in this sea of swords. How can we get out of this damn place?"    


Mr. Chunjie smacked his lips, he had no idea what was going on.    


This feeling was much stronger than when he faced the ten thousand Sword Dao just now.    


There were at least ten thousand Sword Dao in front of him just now, and he could choose between them.    


But this time, let's not talk about clues. There was no big direction. It was a complete mess. They didn't know what to do or how to get out of here.    


The worst part was that... The most terrifying thing was that there were still so many peerless great figures trapped here, so this place was naturally covered in a layer of death shadow.    


No matter how good one's state of mind was, it couldn't be said to be completely unaffected.    


Qin Xiao shook his head and said, "If it was such a simple matter, then there wouldn't be so many ancestors who have been harmed in the past and died here."    


"There was no clue from Ren Ke, it was only because we didn't find anything."    


"We only made a rough round just now, how could we have found it so easily?"    


"If it was that easy, then we would really have to wonder what kind of place this is."    


"The harder it is, the more dangerous it will be. Only then will it be worth us challenging it, worth us taking it seriously"    


Mr. Chunjie nodded. "You are right. Haha, I was just saying. "    


"Anyway, with you here, I can relax a little."    


"Alright, alright, don't glare at me. That's what I said. I can really live here idle, can't I? "    


"Let's not talk about luck. Just this test alone is worth me challenging it, isn't it?"    


"I, Mr. Chunjie, didn't rely on my mouth to reach where I am today."    


Qin Xiao felt relieved after hearing what Mr. Chunjie said.    


In fact, Qin Xiao also believed in Mr. Chunjie. It seemed that Mr. Chunjie had a loose personality, but it was only because of his personality.    


But when it came to doing things, Mr. Chunjie would not be careless at all.    


Just like the test just now, didn't Mr. Chunjie also cultivate the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws to the peak in a short period of time?    


Mr. Chunjie had relied on himself to reach his current state, step by step.    


In order to do anything, one must first be calm in one's heart. One must be completely immersed in the matter, only then would one be able to discover things that others couldn't.    


At present, it seemed that there were indeed no clues to speak of.    


Not to mention clues, there was no direction at all.    


Everything was unknown.    


What was even more terrifying was that the thick Death aura was still spreading.    


The words left behind by the deceased ancestors were filled with despair.    


In an entire era, there would at most be a single era that could live.    




However, no matter how difficult it was, he still had to break through it.    


"Everything should be related to the Sword Cultivator Dao."    


"This place is full of swords. It seems like there are no clues, but in fact, the sword is the first clue."    


"Although this clue is a bit too extensive, it is still a direction."    


Having a direction is equivalent to having a compass in the sea    


There is a compass. However, in the face of this boundless and turbulent sea, you had no idea which direction you would take to reach a safe zone.    


Qin Xiao quickly calmed his heart down and immersed himself in the sea of swords.    


He would never let go of any sword, and he would study it carefully.    


There were countless swords in this sea of swords, and each of them had a hundred states, but none of them were the same.    


Swords had their own advantages, but they were different. This seemed to be another direction for research.    


Countless swords had countless forms, materials, and sizes.    


What was the connection between them, or what did they want to express?    


He had no idea. Everything was still blank, and he had no idea what he wanted to express.    


"It shouldn't be related to strength, or perhaps it isn't related to the realm of Sword Cultivation Dao Laws."    


"If it's related to these things, then there wouldn't be so many people from the World Divine Realm who would die here."    


"Mr. Chunjie has heard of a few existences from the World Divine Realm. They are extremely powerful existences. Their strength isn't a problem. They definitely have complete control over the Laws of the Sword Cultivator."    


"If such existences died here, then it is enough to explain the situation."    


"But if it has nothing to do with strength or the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws, then what does it have to do with?"    


"Then, how can we break this trap and walk out of this sea of swords?"    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt conflicted. He felt more and more confused, and the more he knew the direction.    


When he thought about it, he felt as if his mind was filled with paste, and it was instantly filled with information.    


This meant that he had yet to find the right direction.    


However, Qin Xiao was very certain that this had to be related to the sword, but it was also not at the level of the Laws. Then, what was related to the sword?    


If one could walk the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws and become an existence in the World Divine Realm, their level in the Sword Cultivator Dao would be extremely high. They would be able to completely grasp the Laws of the Sword Cultivator Dao.    


It was an existence that could truly achieve the law of the word.    


Such an existence... Logically speaking, he should be able to control everything about the sword.    


But why did he still die here?    


Could it be that the test was not only about the sword?    


It should be like this. The sword was the main factor, but there might be other factors involved.    


It was a sword, not just a sword.    


"Right, talent potential!"    


Qin Xiao immediately thought of another possibility. Generally speaking, places of opportunity would test a person's talent and potential. It was not a person's strength.    


Having strength did not mean having talent and potential.    


Having talent and potential did not mean having strength.    


Qin Xiao felt that this possibility was still relatively high.    


If it was a test of talent and potential, but it was also related to the sword, then that was the talent and potential of the Sword Dao?    


Don't tell me that you want me to cultivate the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws to the point of complete control here?    


The complete control of the Laws was at the level of the World Divine Realm. This was also the most crucial step in breaking through to the World Divine Realm.    


Once he could do this, he would be able to break through to the World Divine Realm.    


It sounded like it was not impossible for him to break through to the World Divine Realm in a single era.    


However, was that really the case?    


After Qin Xiao analyzed this idea seriously, he still rejected it. It shouldn't be like this.    


Or rather, it wasn't just that. This couldn't decide anything.    


If that was really the case, then in theory, a figure like Sword Emperor Dark Water should have extremely strong talent and potential. They should be able to do the same. They should be able to break through to the World Divine Realm in an era, right?    


However, it was hard to say. After all, it was too difficult to break through to the World Divine Realm.    


In a single era, it would only be 1.8 billion years. It was a very short period of time.    


He wanted to break through to the World Divine Realm in such a short period of time?    


It was still unbelievable when he thought about it.    


After all, Qin Xiao had just broken through to the Fourth Step Ancient Saint Stage. It had been more than a hundred million years since he started cultivating.    


An era was indeed a relatively long period of time for him, but it was too short for the World Divine Realm.    


If he could become the World Divine Realm in an era, he was afraid that he might not be able to find it in the long history of the entire world.    


Even though Qin Xiao was very confident, the problem was that the cultivation environment here was also extremely poor.    


There was no spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, the existence of the Chaotic Force.    


In this place, it was impossible to cultivate. At least, it was impossible to break through to the World Divine Realm.    


Therefore, this was a huge problem for Qin Xiao.    


After thinking about it, he eliminated this possibility.    


What other possibility was there?    


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