Unparalleled Divine Power

C853 The West Light Doesn't Ring from the East

C853 The West Light Doesn't Ring from the East

chapter 853. The west light doesn't ring from the east.    


"Silly child, don't you see your mother every day? Did you get hurt somewhere this time? Zheng'er, let your mother take a good look." The noble woman looked at Han Zheng lovingly.    


Han Zheng shook his head. He did not feel any discomfort.    


Han Zheng looked around. The familiar scene and everything else.    


But these things were too familiar. They were so familiar that it was as if they were imprinted in his memory.    


However, Han Zheng kept feeling that something was not right.    


It was indeed not right. Wasn't his home destroyed a long time ago? Didn't his mother die in that chaotic battle?    


No, that's not right.    


Han Zheng shook his head hard. When he thought about this, he started to have a splitting headache again.    


"Zhengzhi, what happened to you? Don't scare mother." When the noble woman saw Han Zheng's pained expression, her beautiful face turned pale and she hurriedly said.    


Han Zheng looked at his mother, looked at the face that had caused him to dream back, and felt the motherly love that he had lost for so many years. This kind of warm feeling made Han Zheng's nose ache and he wanted to cry.    


"Mother, am I dreaming?" Han Zheng swallowed and said. He had no idea how many times he had dreamt of his mother and the past.    


However, these scenes only appeared in his current dream.    


But today's dream was too real. It was so real that Han Zheng could not tell if it was real or fake.    


The noble woman touched Han Zheng's head with her hand and asked worriedly, "Zhengzhi, what happened to you? What nonsense are you talking about? Why is this a dream? Aren't you awake? Mother is standing in front of you when she kisses you?"    


As he spoke, he looked at Han Zheng's head and said with a strange expression. " What's going on? Could it be that he was injured the last time and hurt his brain? But that's not right. No matter how weak my son is, he's still a god, how could he possibly injure his mind and soul so easily?"    


Not a dream?    


Han Zheng once again looked around and felt with his heart. It really did not seem like a dream. Everything was so real. It was so clear, and he didn't feel like he was dreaming at all.    


Logically speaking, gods would never dream. Unless he did it intentionally, this wouldn't happen at all.    




At this moment, the door was pushed open and a tall figure walked in. The appearance of the middle-aged man was somewhat similar to Han Zheng's.    


When the man who entered saw Han Zheng, his face instantly turned from dark to bright and revealed a smile.    


"Zhengzhi, you have finally woken up. You have scared your mother to death. You have no idea that your mother has been guarding you by the bedside these past few days. She refused to leave even a single inch away from you." The person who came was none other than Han Zheng's father, han Tianfang.    


When he saw his father, whose face was not that haggard and whose blood and Qi were flourishing, Han Zheng's heart was startled once again. For a moment, he was speechless as he looked at his father in a daze.    


A figure like his father... He remembered that it was a very long time ago.    


Everything here, his mother, his father -    


No, no, this should have happened 10,000 years ago, how could this have happened?    


Han Zheng tried his best to recall some of it. Those memories became extremely blurry, as if they had appeared in a dream.    


He remembered that he seemed to be participating in the selection of Heavenly Court Island. He should be at Profound Yellow Island right now. He should be receiving guidance from a senior Expert.    


However, everything in front of him was different. Why were these memories so blurry? They were so blurry that they didn't seem real at all. They were so blurry that it was as if they had appeared in a dream.    


What was going on?    


Han Tian let them go. He gently patted Han Zheng's shoulder and asked with a loving look on his face. "Zhengzhi, what's wrong with you? Don't you even know your father?"    


"You're too anxious this time. You just broke through to become a god, yet you dare to enter that place to train. You really don't care about your life. Fortunately, you were lucky this time, and were saved by someone. Otherwise, you would have already died there."    


" Father knows that you've always worked very hard in your cultivation, very hard You want to become successful, you want to become strong, you want to change the fate of my Han Family, you want to become the pride of my Han Family, become the glory of my Han Family, and save my Han Family from the abyss of misery. "    


"But the matter of cultivation cannot be rushed. If you are too anxious, you might get hurt even more."    


Han Zheng looked at his father and listened to his father's words. The memories in his mind gradually became clear.    


A few days ago, he secretly went to a dangerous place to train, but unfortunately, he soon encountered a great danger and fell into a difficult situation.    


At the moment of his death, a senior of the clan happened to pass by and saved his life.    


Otherwise, his life would have been in that dangerous place a long time ago.    


His memories became clearer and clearer.    


The memory in the depths of his mind became more and more blurry. He even began to forget it.    


This made Han Zheng very puzzled. He could not help thinking, "Am I really dreaming? I didn't participate in the Heavenly Court's selection, and no senior Expert took a fancy to me. They wanted to teach me..."    


He began to doubt the memories in his heart. The memories in front of him began to occupy his consciousness, causing Han Zheng to slowly believe and accept them.    


Gradually, he seemed to have completely awakened. He looked at his father and mother and asked, "Father, mother, how long have I been unconscious this time?"    


Seeing that Han Zheng had finally returned to normal, the noble woman and Han Tianfang secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Only then did the stone in their hearts drop.    


The noble woman said, "Zheng-er, you have been unconscious for ten years. Your injury this time is too serious, your consciousness is damaged, your mind is shaken, and your soul is almost broken. Fortunately, your father ran all over the place, and shamelessly went to get some spirit medicines for you. Only then did he let you slowly recover and save your life. "    


"Ten years - - -"    


Han Zheng's eyes suddenly turned red and he knelt down. "Father, mother, it was my unfilial son who caused you to worry about suffering. I won't be so willful in the future, I will definitely listen to you all."    


"Silly child!" The noble woman immediately helped Han Zheng up. She said lovingly, "Why are you so stupid? It doesn't matter if your parents suffer a bit, as long as you are fine."    


"Alright, husband, let's not talk about Zheng'er anymore. Zheng'er escaped death this time and experienced such a great ordeal. I'm sure he'll definitely learn from it in the future. Come, come, come. I've prepared some dishes and wine. It's been some time since our family had a good time to sit together and drink some wine. " Han Tian waved his hand.    


The noble woman nodded and pulled Han Zheng to sit at the table. "Yes, yes, yes. There are always times in life when one is muddle-headed. It's not scary to make a mistake, as long as you can correct it. "    


The family of three sat at the table, drinking fine wine and eating delicious food. It could be considered heaven's joy.    


This kind of warm and wonderful feeling, Han Zheng always felt that it had been a long time since he felt it.    


He didn't know what was going on either. He kept feeling that something was wrong and that something was wrong.    


"Something's not right - -"    


In the depths of his heart, there was still a force calling out to Han Zheng, causing him to feel somewhat confused.    


"All of this is fake. If it's not a dream, then it's an illusion."    


"It seems like I have fallen into an illusion. I'm clearly on Profound Yellow Island, and I'm clearly being taught by that senior."    


Han Zheng stood up with a swoosh, and his eyes became incomparably firm. Sharp and clear.    


He firmly believed that everything in front of him was an illusion. He had fallen into an illusion.    


His heart was firm, his heart was like one, empty like a mirror, as calm as still water.    


The powerful mind power broke everything and saw through the essence of the illusion. The mind power turned into an invisible sword and directly cut open the illusion.    


Everything shattered and the entire illusion world collapsed.    


Han Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, and his vision returned.    


He was still in the cultivation room, and that senior was still sitting in front of him. Everything had returned to normal.    


Han Zheng, on the other hand, looked at Han Zheng calmly. After experiencing this illusion, his disposition had improved tremendously.    


Qin Xiao smiled and nodded. "En. Not bad. It seems like your talent in the Great Dao and the absolute art is not enough. But in terms of illusion, it's not bad. This is the so-called light from the west when the east doesn't ring, right? I've searched for two years and finally found a path suitable for you."    


" You were able to see through that illusionary realm so quickly, and even directly break through that illusionary realm with the power of your mind. This shows your potential in the field of illusions. "    


"If you can cultivate your illusion to the third level, then you still have a glimmer of hope. Of course, it's only the third level of illusion. That's definitely not enough. "    


If one wanted to get first place, one must at least reach the fourth level of the illusion technique.    


Of course, this is only in terms of illusion.    


If he wanted to reach the third level of the illusion technique, he would need to reach the fourth level. If he could break through other techniques, then it would be more competitive.    


For example, if he could break through to the Supreme Great Dao or the absolute art, then he would be extremely powerful if he could combine the two techniques together with the illusion technique.    


If one wanted to take first place, one had to reach such a stage.    


However, it was too difficult to reach such a stage.    


Qin Xiao didn't think too much about it for the time being. He would first teach Han Zheng about the illusion technique and see how much potential he had in the illusion technique.    


In order to teach Han Zheng about illusions, Qin Xiao didn't hesitate to use the 'Nine chapters of Illusion' to teach him the true meaning of illusions.    


Only in this way could Han Zheng's illusions advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.    


The first and second layers of illusions were nothing to him. If it was the second level of the illusion technique, then it was basically something that could be dealt with by a God of the Fourth Step.    


If Han Zheng participated in the competition, he would only encounter experts. Facing these experts, he would need to at least reach the second level of the illusion technique in order to have an overwhelming advantage. Otherwise, it wouldn't be enough.    


As long as he entered the beginner level of the illusion technique, it wouldn't be difficult for him to reach the second level of the illusion technique. The most important thing was to see if he could enter the beginner level.    


There was only one year left until the start of the battle. In terms of time, it could be said to be extremely tight.    


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