Unparalleled Divine Power

C3291 The Heaven Opening Sword Art Is Perfect

C3291 The Heaven Opening Sword Art Is Perfect

"Senior Divine Sword Country Lord, do you think that the Night Walker Clan has the ability to do so?"    


Qin Xiao asked again. According to his and Mr. Chunjie's previous recommendations, Crown Prince Xijian was the most likely descendant of the Night Walker Clan.    


They always felt that the Night Walker family was behind Soul Eater's incident.    


Therefore, behind this matter, the Night Walker Clan might not be able to escape responsibility.    


Night Walker Clan?    


Divine Sword Country Lord thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Although I'm not very sure, I don't think it's possible."    


"Although the Night Walker Clan has always been low-key, they rarely make a move. What kind of ability do they have? It's still unknown."    


"I know of countless races, but I do not know much about the Night Walker race."    


"It's just that judging from the current situation and the long river of history, the Night Walker Clan has never used a similar ability before."    


"Therefore, I feel that the possibility of this happening shouldn't be too high."    


"Of course, strictly speaking, I can't rule out all possibilities. Therefore, there are still some possibilities. "    




Qin Xiao nodded, agreeing with this statement.    


The possibility of the Night Walker clan... There should still be a possibility, although it wasn't very big.    


Although he didn't get the exact answer to this question, it still solved some of the doubts in Qin Xiao's heart.    


Qin Xiao didn't have any other questions to ask.    


Divine Sword Country Lord and Qin Xiao drank some wine. There were no more questions. The two of them began to talk about swords and cultivation.    


They talked about cultivation and cultivation with Divine Sword Country Lord. This was simply a kind of enjoyment. It was like a great feast of gluttony that made Qin Xiao wild with joy.    


Qin Xiao had just come out of Origin Sword Space, and he was touched by Lang Jinghong's desire to give up. In one fell swoop, he had comprehended the fifth level of the Heaven Opening Sword Spell.    


Therefore, at this moment, Qin Xiao was feeling the most excited while facing the sword.    


When his mood was the highest, it was naturally a wonderful thing to talk about the sword with Divine Sword Country Lord, the publicly acknowledged number one person in Sword Cultivator Holy Domain.    


At this time, almost every word of Divine Sword Country Lord touched Qin Xiao and gave him lots of inspiration.    


Although he had comprehended the fifth level of the Heaven Opening Sword Spell, Qin Xiao didn't try to perfect it, allowing it to reach the perfect level.    


The Heaven Opening Sword Spell was the strongest sword technique created by Master in Origin Sword Space.    


If he could cultivate the Heaven Opening Sword Spell to the peak of Perfection Stage, how powerful would it be?    


Talking to Divine Sword Country Lord was a journey of cultivation.    


This kind of cultivation was still very relaxing and pleasant. Without realizing it, he had already started cultivating.    


After chatting for a while, Divine Sword Country Lord even started sparring with Qin Xiao.    


This made Qin Xiao both excited and terrified. Competing with Reincarnation Holy Sovereign?    


But luckily, Divine Sword Country Lord took good care of Qin Xiao. It was just a simple sparring session with the Heaven Opening Sword Spell.    


After all, Reincarnation Holy Sovereign's attainments in the Heaven Opening Sword Spell... That was the pinnacle of perfection.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao and Divine Sword Country Lord had come to exchange pointers on the Heaven Opening Sword Spell, and had even completely stolen their master's knowledge.    


After a round of sparring, Qin Xiao had gained a lot of insight into the Heaven Opening Sword Spell.    


With these insights, Qin Xiao quickly perfected the fifth level of the Heaven Opening Sword Spell.    


Finally, he had reached the peak of perfection.    


The Heaven Opening Sword Spell, this supreme sword technique, had finally reached the peak of perfection.    


This would be of great help to Qin Xiao's cultivation of the Sword Dao Laws.    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that as long as Qin Xiao was willing, he would continue to walk the path of the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws. Now, he only needed some time to fully master the Sword Cultivation Dao Laws, and he would be able to break through to the World Divine Realm in one fell swoop.    


Of course, if he wanted to walk this step, he would need to accumulate a lot of energy.    


And this time, it would take some time.    


Staying in Divine Sword Country Lord's place for ten thousand years.    


In these ten thousand years, Qin Xiao had gained a lot.    


The most significant gain was that he had cultivated the Heaven Opening Sword Spell to the peak of perfection.    


Of course, the other harvests were pretty good as well. It was more or less beneficial to Qin Xiao in every aspect.    


"Alright, Qin Xiao. I wanted to keep you here for a while longer. However, you still have friends waiting for you there, so I won't keep you any longer." Divine Sword Country Lord said.    


Qin Xiao nodded. "That's right, senior Divine Sword Country Lord. I have really benefited a lot from talking to you about the Dao. I have gained a lot, and I don't want to leave this place anymore."    


"Hahaha, if possible, I really want to stay here for a hundred million years."    


"However, my brother is still waiting for me in Burial Mountain. I can't stay here for too long."    


"Qin Xiao has gained a lot this time. I really want to thank Senior Divine Sword Country Lord for his generous guidance."    


"Qin Xiao will never forget this kindness."    


Divine Sword Country Lord smiled and said, "Will you remember it forever?"    


"I was planning to give you a gift. After all, I invited you here as a guest. If I don't give you a gift, it won't make sense."    


"Let's not talk about it for now. You and I belong to the Master of Origin Sword Space. Just by saying that you are Lee Sheng's direct disciple... You have come to me... If you don't even have a greeting gift, then next time, Lee Sheng will probably be anxious about me."    


Qin Xiao was slightly stunned when he heard Divine Sword Country Lord's words. There was actually a meeting gift?    


How could Reincarnation Holy Sovereign's meeting gift be simple?    


Obviously not.    


Therefore, such a meeting gift was enough to make people look forward to it.    


Initially, Qin Xiao was very embarrassed. However, since Divine Sword Country Lord had already said so much, Qin Xiao knew that he couldn't reject it anymore.    


If he refused again, that would be pampered love.    


Qin Xiao was never a pampered person, so he generously accepted it and said, "Then I'll thank Senior Reincarnation Holy Sovereign first."    


Divine Sword Country Lord waved his hand and a small golden bottle appeared in his hand, then he handed it to Qin Xiao.    


This was the first meeting gift?    


Why did it look like it was too ordinary and casual?    


Am I thinking too much?    


This is different from what I imagined. It is indeed a little different.    


Qin Xiao looked at the small, tiny golden bottle. It could be said that it was very small. It was only the size of a finger.    


He couldn't tell what was special about it. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed very simple and ordinary.    


However, it didn't make sense.    


Could Reincarnation Holy Sovereign's attack be simple?    


Divine Sword Country Lord seemed to have seen through Qin Xiao's thoughts. He smiled and said: "Haha, are you starting to feel a little disappointed?"    


Qin Xiao smiled awkwardly. He did not dare to say that he did not think so.    


Indeed, he had thought that way in his heart.    


"I'm sorry to make Senior Divine Sword Country Lord laugh. It should be because I'm ignorant and ill-informed." Qin Xiao said.    


Divine Sword Country Lord said, "This has nothing to do with being ignorant and ill-informed. This thing gives people the first impression that it is indeed like this."    


"But you don't have to be disappointed. No matter how petty I am, I will not be so petty."    


"If you really are so petty, I'm afraid the next time Lee Sheng sees me, he will have to fight me."    


"You may not know what is inside this small bottle."    


"Hehe, this thing is very expensive. There are quite a lot of things inside this bottle."    


"In terms of value, it should be worth at least a trillion Chaos Source Stone. Of course, no matter how many Chaos Source Stone there are, they won't be able to buy it. "    




A trillion Chaos Source Stone notes? Or at least?    


What kind of treasure was this? It was so expensive!    


Only now did Qin Xiao feel relieved. It seemed like it was indeed incomparably expensive.    


The price of trillions of Chaos Source Stone was enough to explain everything. It really shocked Qin Xiao.    


Sure enough, it was a good thing.    


Just say it, it shouldn't be like that.    


How could Reincarnation Holy Sovereign be stingy when he attacked? He shouldn't have.    


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