Unparalleled Divine Power

C3315 A Man's Life Is His Own

C3315 A Man's Life Is His Own

In Langya Heaven, li Zi seemed to be very comfortable. He could spend time with his family, with his friends chatting, drinking, and relaxing his body and mind. It was a very good feeling.    


Actually, Qin Xiao had always liked this kind of peace and quiet.    


However, reality made him unable to live in this kind of comfort. It gave him too many mission responsibilities. It made him have to grow up quickly and become stronger.    


The catastrophe of the boundless world was coming, and he needed to be powerful to protect the people around him.    


Now, it was very likely that the fate of the saviour would fall upon Qin Xiao. This had indeed given Qin Xiao a lot of pressure.    


It was considered a luxury to have such peace and quiet.    


Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue, these two troublesome people, were much more obedient and made Qin Xiao less worried.    


Their innate talent and potential were indeed very good, but unfortunately, they were in a chaotic world, and Tian Jiao was watching them from outside. Therefore, Qin Xiao didn't dare to let them out.    


If he let them out, Qin Xiao believed that their cultivation speed would be many times faster than now.    


However, given the current situation, Qin Xiao didn't dare to take such a risk.    


It could be considered a selfish motive.    


What if this method was right or wrong?    


Qin Xiao had thought about this question a few times. Not only Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue, but also Shea Jian. Qin Xiao had also asked them to stay in Langya Heaven. He didn't want them to travel and train outside.    


Mr. Manghuang and Mr. Tianting's talent and potential were still relatively lacking.    


In addition, they had also lived in Universe Era for a long time. Therefore, they could stay in the Langya Heaven in peace.    


For the time being, the Langya Heaven was more than enough for them to cultivate.    


Qin Xiao had asked Desolation and the Heavenly Court about this problem. There was a saying that touched Qin Xiao.    


"Everyone has the right to choose the path they want to walk. The more talented and promising one is, the more unwilling one's fate is in someone else's hands. Aren't you, Qin Xiao? "    


"Everyone has a selfish heart. People who are the most difficult to understand are usually themselves."    


"That's why you should ask them this question."    


If this was the Desolation, it could also be considered as the Desolation. This one sentence woke Qin Xiao up.    


That's right, everyone had the right to choose their own path.    


Only they could walk their own path.    


The more interference from the outside world, the more they will lose themselves, and the final round will be a tragedy.    


Qin Xiao called Qin Yi, Chang Mingyue, and Shea Jian over. In Hongmeng Universe, apart from him, Qin Yi and the other two had the highest potential.    


The three of them definitely had the potential to grow and become stronger.    


It was a pity that they had encountered a chaotic world.    


However, it was also possible to create heroes in times of crisis.    


When disaster and fortune came together, they would cherish each other. Therefore, this matter might not be absolute.    


The three of them looked at Qin Xiao with puzzled expressions. They didn't know why Qin Xiao had suddenly called the three of them over.    


Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue looked at each other for a few times and even thought to themselves. Did they do something wrong again?    


Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Don't look at me with such nervous eyes. I asked the three of you to come here because I want to have a good talk with you."    


"During this period of time, because of some circumstances, I have asked you all to stay in Langya Heaven and never let you leave. This is also out of selfish considerations."    


Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Shea Jian immediately said, "Master, don't say that. Master is also considering our safety."    


"We know about the situation outside, so we also feel that Master's actions are right and for our own good."    


"We won't misunderstand Master on this point"    


Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue also nodded.    


Qin Xiao shook his head and said seriously, "No, no, no. I didn't tell you that."    


"I was too selfish before. I only thought about it from my personal point of view. Actually, I didn't think much about what you would think."    


"You know the situation outside. So, there is one thing that I need you to consider carefully. Are you all willing to continue staying in Langya Heaven, or are you willing to go out and explore the world?"    


"I believe that there is no need for me to say anything about the pros and cons. All of you should understand."    


Hearing Qin Xiao's words, the three of them looked at Qin Xiao with confusion.    


What was going on?    


Why did he suddenly tell them these things? Didn't he always ask them not to leave Langya Heaven?    


What's going on?    


For a moment, the three of them were in a trance, and they couldn't wrap their heads around it.    


Therefore, the three of them didn't say anything. They just stared at Qin Xiao in a daze, as if they didn't dare to believe it for a moment.    


Qin Xiao continued. "Don't worry about anything. I'm telling the truth."    


"Everyone should have their own path to walk. Everyone should have the right to choose their own path. I can't selfishly kill all of you on this point."    


"Everyone's life is different. They shouldn't be controlled by others. They should all walk their own path."    


"So, I'm telling you this question very seriously right now, and I hope that you can consider this problem clearly based on your own heart"    


"I will respect your choices, and I will not interfere with your choices"    


"If you want to go out and challenge someone, then go out. If you are afraid of danger and are willing to stay in Langya Heaven and live comfortably, that's fine too."    


"In short, no matter what choice you make, I will support you."    


"However, before you make your choice, I hope that you don't have too many concerns. You must respect the decision from the bottom of your heart, and respect the heart."    


"Your destiny and your life are all in your hands."    


"No matter how short a person's life is, they will only live for a lifetime. If it is truly wonderful, then it is worth it."    


"If one's life isn't wonderful, then no matter how long one lives, it will be meaningless. It will only be a dull life."    


"Alright, think about it carefully. You don't have to rush to tell me. You can go back and think about it. "    


"I have already told all of you. From now on, I will no longer restrict all of you. If all of you want to leave Langya Heaven, then just leave."    


Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Qin Yi and the other two were stunned once again. They stared at Qin Xiao in a daze, unable to speak for a moment.    


However, their hearts had already stirred up a monstrous storm.    


This was what they longed for the most.    




They were very clear that there were too many dangerous factors involved.    


If they left Langya Heaven, it was very likely that they would die.    


Actually, if they thought about it carefully, it was still pretty good to stay in the Langya Heaven and cultivate. It was just that they lacked some passion.    


Should he stay or go out and explore?    


This was indeed not a small problem. If he thought about it seriously, it would not be a small problem. He would also feel that this problem was very complicated.    


Qin Xiao did not wait for the three of them to answer. After saying this, he left.    


Watching Qin Xiao leave, Shea Jian's eyes quickly became incomparably firm. He had already made a decision in his heart.    


"Master, as your disciple, I have always been deeply loved by Master. Master also has high expectations for me."    


"It's just that I'm useless, and have always been mediocre, so I can't meet your expectations"    


"When a person lives, they either shine brightly in excitement or die heroically"    


"I, Shea Jian, have never been afraid of death. What I, Shea Jian, want is a wonderful life, a life that will shine brightly, a life that I will never regret."    


"So, I'm willing to risk my life to create a world that belongs to me, and not be a flower in a greenhouse under Master's protection."    


Shea Jian's heart quickly became firm and resolute.    


Seeing that Shea Jian was about to leave, Qin Yi immediately pulled him back and asked, "Shea Jian, don't leave. Quickly tell us what you plan to do."    


Shea Jian looked at Qin Yi, shook his head and smiled, and said: "Your lives should be in your hands, and not listening to what others say."    


"No matter how I choose, it has nothing to do with your life choices. You don't need to refer to me."    


"So, think about it. If you feel that you are indecisive for a moment, think about it slowly. Don't be in a hurry."    


"It won't be too late to act when you've thought it through thoroughly one day."    


"If even you aren't firm enough, then no matter what choice you make, I think it will be a failure."    


"The heart must be firm, it must be hard"    


After saying that, Shea Jian left.    


After sending Shea Jian away, Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue looked at each other.    




Qin Xiao also went to talk to his parents and Qin Yanzhi about this matter. He had prepared some things for them in advance, hoping to get their understanding.    


As Qin Xiao had expected, Shea Jian was the first to leave Langya Heaven.    


Before he left, Shea Jian came to bid farewell to Qin Xiao.    


Qin Xiao had given him some treasures, and the rest could only depend on Shea Jian himself.    


Qin Yi and Chang Mingyue also quickly came to bid farewell and left. Although they were playful, they also had their own ambitions and ambitions. They also wanted to become a dragon among men.    


Staying in Langya Heaven all the time would obviously limit their development.    


Therefore, they decided to leave.    


Even though Qin Dingtian and the others were reluctant to leave, they were still left with no choice but to leave. Alright.    


On this matter, Qin Xiao also felt that he might be a little cruel.    


However, this was something that couldn't be helped.    


There were many things that one must give up when there was something to gain. The reason why he had the time to give up on some things was just to obtain more better things.    


Talents that could be created. Then he should give them a chance.    


Qin Xiao didn't think too much about this matter.    


It was time for the eagle to spread its wings and fly.    


The peaceful time didn't last for long.    


Qin Xiao had only stayed in Langya Heaven for a thousand years, and it had been quiet for a thousand years.    


During this thousand years, Qin Xiao had always accompanied his family and friends, and Yuanyuan.    


Senior Brother Feng Yi had returned once, but he left very quickly.    


The current situation in the Holy Domain wasn't too good.    


On this day, Yuanyuan came again.    


Yuanyuan was deeply liked by everyone. Every time they saw Yuanyuan, they were also very happy.    


"Mr. Qin, my dad is looking for you." Yuanyuan jumped to Qin Xiao's side.    


Her childish heart made him more and more adorable.    


"Oh, master is looking for me?" Qin Xiao was slightly stunned. He didn't think that Master would take the initiative to look for him so soon.    


He had only begged Master a thousand years ago. At that time, he had also talked about many things. In such a short period of time, master actually came looking for him.    


So, this really surprised Qin Xiao.    


There must be something important that could make his master take the initiative to look for him.    


Qin Xiao did not hesitate and immediately followed Yuanyuan to where his master was cultivating.    


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