Peerless Martial God 2

C325 A Great Opportunity!

C325 A Great Opportunity!

"Sure enough, there's another grotto-heaven." When Lin Feng heard the true demon's words, he was certain that the latter definitely knew where the real Xuanyuan Devil Emperor's coffin was. As for why he had to open the coffin, the true demon might have done it to attract people's attention, but he didn't expect that the people behind him would actually launch a sneak attack.    


"How much blood essence of Devil Emperor do you have?" The True Demon turned around and propped up its injured body. It stood up, and with a wave of its left hand, a total of eight drops of blood essence appeared.    


Lin Feng was surprised in his heart, but he did not ask any further questions. With a wave of his left hand, six drops of blood essence appeared in his hand and floated up.    


"Alright, a total of fourteen drops of blood essence are enough to open the real Devil Emperor's coffin." The true demon looked at the blood essence in Lin Feng's hand and his face immediately filled with joy. Then, his robe began to tremble, and in an instant, it was as if countless black storms had swept over. The surroundings were calm, except for the coffin that had been blasted open, which was filled with black wind.    


"Lin Feng, jump down. We..." The true demon didn't waste any more time and jumped into the coffin with the blood essence in his hand. Although Lin Feng was puzzled, he still jumped down. At least for now, Lin Feng could only believe in the true demon.    


The two of them jumped into the coffin. There was indeed a different world. Lin Feng only saw them jump into the coffin. After a thousand meters, they fell to the ground. The floor was paved with bluestone, and there were more than twenty doors filled with Devil Qi.    


"Where did they go?" Lin Feng frowned and asked the true demon.    


The True Demon raised its hand and pointed at the Demon Sect at the front, but the corner of its mouth curled into a playful smile.    


"That's the Demon General's tomb. They're in trouble." The true demon's face was a little strange, but even Lin Feng couldn't help but feel his heart tighten when he saw the coldness in his eyes.    


"Is there any danger there?" Lin Feng asked the true demon in surprise.    


"Hehe, of course, that is the tomb of the ten most powerful Demon Generals under Xuanyuan's command. Without exception, all of them are Half Divine Emperor level experts. Even if they fall and turn into tombs, it will still be difficult for the three of them to leave completely."    


"But there may be great opportunities, depending on their luck, but I hope they are killed." The True Demon's face became grim as he exploded with killing intent. It was obvious that he had been angered by the sudden attacks of the three.    


"Lin Feng, you and I will separate here. Since you and I are both Demonic Cultivators, then we are competitors for the inheritance of the Devil Emperor. I hope that I can see your achievements and the opportunities you have obtained during the Divine Ranking Competition."    


The True Demon turned around and shouted at Lin Feng in a deep voice. After that, it held onto the eight drops of Devil Emperor's blood essence and turned around to enter a devil sect. This devil sect was dozens of meters long and wide, even wider than the gates of an ordinary sect. However, terrifying Devil Qi was constantly being emitted from within.    


Lin Feng's eyes focused slightly, and then he took a step forward. He walked in the opposite direction from the true devil and entered the devil sect on the opposite side. The Devil Qi here was very strange, and at the same time, it also attracted the Devil Qi in Lin Feng's body, so Lin Feng dared to enter the devil sect.    


At the first glance, Lin Feng felt what it meant to be desolate. Within a radius of a few kilometers, not a single blade of grass grew. The entire world had turned blood-red, and even the ground was covered with countless dried blood stains. In the middle of these blood stains, there was a black altar that was more than ten meters tall. On the altar, there were countless tributes, spirit treasures, and spirit medicines. There were even Divine Imperial Artifacts. What attracted Lin Feng's attention the most was a stone that was emitting a cold aura.    


It was a blue stone with a temperature of minus a few thousand degrees. If Lin Feng didn't know that he had arrived at the Devil Emperor's tomb, he would have thought that he had arrived at the Ten Thousand Year Snow Mountain.    


"This is an Ice Stone? The best material for cultivation." Lin Feng picked up the blue stone. Although it was only the size of a fist, the Tao Meaning of Ice and Snow contained within was very strong, at least seven or eight levels.    


"With this, Meng Qing and Zhe Tian's Tao Meaning of Ice and Snow can be further improved." When Lin Feng thought of this, he wanted to put the blue ice stone into his Space Ring. However, in an instant, the altar seemed to move, and then countless sacrifices turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of his eyes, including the ice stone in Lin Feng's hand.    




Next, a buzzing sound spread across the entire altar. Lin Feng subconsciously covered his ears. This buzzing sound was simply too terrifying, and even he couldn't bear it. It was as if it came from an ancient Divine Imperial Artifact. The sound was even more disturbing.    


"How can you bear my Dao if you can't even bear the sound of the Magic Bell?"    


Perhaps it was an illusion in Lin Feng's ears, but when he vaguely heard these words, his expression immediately changed. It was the voice of an old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life, and it carried a terrifying ancient aura. His tone was filled with grief and disappointment.    


"Could it be the Devil Emperor's Residual Soul?" Lin Feng thought in his heart, and then he did not dare to be distracted. He used all his strength to resist the demonic sound, and it was indeed the same as this faintly discernible sound. Could it be that he couldn't even withstand the demonic sound? Lin Feng naturally did not believe that he couldn't do it.    


Therefore, Lin Feng began to move. He formed a seal with his hands and a huge black light suddenly shot out from between his palms. With a loud bang, the entire devil bell shattered, as if it had never appeared in the air above the altar.    


"The first trial is over. Brat, come in."    


However, the moment Lin Feng shattered the devil bell, an irresistible and terrifying Devil Will swept over. Following that, Lin Feng felt as if his body was being controlled by someone. Even if he used all his strength, it would be useless. He couldn't break free at all. Lin Feng simply followed this power and stepped into the blood-colored area in the center of the altar.    


After that, Lin Feng felt his entire body become illusory. Finally, his vision went black and he was completely sucked into the altar.    


In a daze, Lin Feng felt a sharp pain in his head. He shook his head and slowly opened his eyes. However, the scene in front of him made him feel extremely unfamiliar, because he had never seen this place before.    


This was a river, but it was different from other rivers because this river was red and filled with the smell of blood. Not only that, there were countless white bones and broken artifacts in the river, and there was even no lack of High-Grade Divine Imperial Artifacts. Seeing this, Lin Feng could not help but take a cold breath. What kind of place was this that it was so terrifying? Could it be that since ancient times, more than one person had come to the tomb of the Devil Emperor?    


Why else would there be so many bones here, and how many gods would have to die to reach the river, which was clearly blood?    


"Kid, are you scared?"    


At this moment, a slightly low and aged voice entered Lin Feng's ears. Immediately, Lin Feng frowned, and his entire body tensed up as if he was facing a great enemy. Lin Feng could feel how terrifying the energy of the old man who spoke was.    


"Senior, are you Xuanyuan Devil Emperor?"    


Lin Feng took a deep breath and finally raised his head. He looked at the blood-red world and the blood-red river under his feet. Lin Feng could not see where the sound came from, but he knew that the blood-red world and the river contained a huge amount of energy.    


"Hehe, that's not true. Xuanyuan Devil Emperor has been dead for more than a hundred thousand years. How can I be him?"    


"Then who is senior?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask again as he listened to the answer in the air.    


"A tomb robber, Blood Divine Emperor!"    


[The master commandant said that Xuanyuan Devil Emperor should be the Emperor of Xuanyuan, because he is at the Great Perfection of the Divine Emperor Level, and so is the Blood Divine Emperor.]    


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