Peerless Martial God 2

C518 The East Side of the Divine Continent Was in Chaos!

C518 The East Side of the Divine Continent Was in Chaos!

Lin Feng flew at full speed towards the east. Tomorrow night, he would arrive at the God Domain Holy Hall. Seeing his wife and child, Lin Feng began to get excited.    


However, Lin Feng would never know that at this moment, the God Domain Holy Hall had already been thrown into complete chaos. More than a dozen lords of domains had gathered in the God Domain Holy Hall, capturing all the Lords and Divine Masters of the God Domain Holy Hall. Not only that, but the Lords and Divine Masters of these domains had killed all the disciples of the God Domain Holy Hall.    


In the end, they did the most important thing - the Pill Hall, Ghost Hall, Divine Palace, and other experts asked them to do something - and that was to capture Qiu Yuexin and Duan Xinye, as well as two children who were not even one year old.    


"Sister, it seems that our hubby has caused trouble again." Qiu Yuexin, on the other hand, was very calm. She sat in the dark cart and looked at Duan Xin Ye, who was carrying the child, with a smile on her face.    


Duan Xin Ye was shaking the child in her hand. The child was very cute and had fair skin. Even in the dark car, she could feel that the child's skin was moist. The child's eyes were very big and his pink lips were slightly raised, which made Duan Xin Ye laugh.    


"Sister, Nianer is very much like her father. Look at her little mouth, it's just like her father's back then." Duan Xin Ye held the child in her arms with a happy expression on her face.    


"Yeah, Nianer is like her father, but Henger is like her mother, Duan Xin Ye, hehe." Qiu Yuexin held the baby boy in her arms and laughed at Duan Xin Ye.    


The two girls looked at each other and smiled. Then, they carried their children back. Qiu Yuexin gave birth to a daughter. Because Lin Feng was not around, she gave Lin Feng's daughter a name - Lin Nian.    


Duan Xinye gave birth to a baby boy, but their hubby was not by her side, so she named her son Heng.    


Qiu Yuexin was named after her husband because she missed him. She hoped that she could use this opportunity to miss Lin Feng. Duan Xinye had high expectations for her son. She hoped that her Henger would be able to be a man for the rest of his life. She had a persistent belief, just like her father.    


Duan Xinye knew that Lin Feng's two sons, Lin Zhetian and Lin Qiongsheng, were already a hundred years old, and her own child had just been born. But it didn't matter. When Zhe Tian and Qiong Sheng were born, they were already at the Martial Venerable level, so how could Henger not be?    


Not only that, but Henger was even more powerful than his two elder brothers. He had now become a Martial Emperor, a half-year-old Martial Emperor. Who had ever heard of him? No one had ever heard of him.    


Since Nianer was born, she had the strength of a peak Martial Venerable. These two brats would surpass her father, and they were very proud as mothers.    


"Sister, I wonder if we can get through this safely. From the looks of it, the forces that Hubby has offended are very strong. The Eastern Divine Land should be in complete chaos now."    


As Qiu Yuexin spoke, she looked at Duan Xin Ye with a worried expression and sighed. Hearing that, Duan Xin Ye also revealed a worried expression. They were not afraid of death, but now that they had a child, they could not die, the child needed to be taken care of, and they needed a complete family.    


"Don't worry, hubby won't leave us alone. You have to have confidence in him." Duan Xinye nodded and smiled at Qiu Yuexin. Hearing this, Qiu Yuexin could only comfort herself.    


But at that moment, the car stopped. The dark car was suddenly illuminated by a strong light. The two women covered their eyes before they looked out. They saw dozens of middle-aged men looking at them lewdly, and their hearts tightened.    


"Tsk tsk, these are Lin Feng's two women. I really don't know how it feels. Do you want to have a taste?" The lord of the Profound Domain looked at the two women lustfully, and then asked the dozen or so lords behind him.    


Hearing this, everyone's hearts were filled with excitement. Qiu Yuexin and Duan Xinye's faces suddenly turned pale as they hugged the child tightly in the car.    


"Hehe, then let's do it one by one!" The foreign lord laughed vulgarly. He took a step forward and was about to carry one of the two girls.    




"Ahh!! My hand!"    


Suddenly, a black figure flew past the Lord of Foreign Lands. A bloody arm was cut off, and the Lord of Foreign Lands was sent flying.    


The dozen or so lords and Divine Masters looked at the black-clothed man who had suddenly appeared in front of them in fear. The man turned around and glanced at the foreign lord who had fallen to the ground and shouted in a deep voice, "You are really bold. How dare you touch Lin Feng's woman? Although our Ghost Hall is targeting Lin Feng, we know his bottom line."    


"If you do insult his woman, listen, he'll skin you first, you know?"    


As the black-robed man spoke, he roared and flung his robe, sending the foreign lord flying once more. He spat out several mouthfuls of blood, and when the other lords and the God Lord saw this, their faces turned pale and they didn't dare to have any more lewd thoughts.    


"All of you, get lost! I'll personally take care of these two women and children!"    


The Black-Robe Man shouted in a deep voice to the dozen or so lords and the Divine Masters.    


Hearing that, these people did not even dare to fart and all of them left with their tails between their legs. Who dared to talk back to the experts of the Ghost Hall?    


After watching these people leave, Yin Jiu turned around and looked at the two women in the car and the two children in his arms with a complicated expression. This time, the Ghost Hall sent him to the east to cooperate with the Divine Palace and the Heavenly Monarch Dynasty to kill Lin Feng.    


However, he was the only one who knew about his concern for Lin Feng. The Toxic Pill had always been in his stomach. He had secretly asked the Pill Hall's Pill Envoy from the side, but there was no solution. Yin Jiu was discouraged and had no choice but to continue working for Lin Feng.    


Fortunately, he was here this time. Otherwise, Lin Feng's two women would have been humiliated. Lin Feng knew that all the forces in the east would be buried with the two women!    


Yin Jiu knew Lin Feng too well, and was very afraid of him, especially after Lin Feng's name had spread throughout the Divine Land.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm Lin Feng's..."    


Yin Jiu wanted to say these words to the two girls, but before he could finish, he stopped. Yin Jiu's face turned ugly. What was he to Lin Feng? Slave? Or was it a secret method? Neither. In fact, they could even be considered enemies on some levels.    


"As long as I'm here, you won't be in danger for the time being." After pausing for a while, Yin Jiu spoke to the two girls again.    


Qiu Yuexin and Duan Xinye's faces were pale as they vigilantly looked at Yin Jiu. However, Yin Jiu's gaze was very pure, and there was no sign of him lying at all. When Qiu Yuexin saw this, she turned to Duan Xinye beside her and said, "Sister, I don't think he is lying."    


"Yes, I can see that too." Duan Xin Ye nodded, then raised her head and asked Yin Jiu: "Since you want to save us, why are you with them?"    


"This... How about this, ladies, please get out of the car first. I'll explain in detail to you." Just as Yin Jiu was about to speak, he could not help but look around with a serious expression. This place was not safe. There were not only people from Ghost Hall here, but also experts from Pill Hall and Divine Palace who were sent to guard the two girls and the two babies.    


The two girls were slightly stunned for a moment before they nodded their heads. Carrying their own children, they got off the car. Yin Jiu led the two girls into this very ordinary pavilion. There were two Pill Hall disciples guarding the door. When they saw Yin Jiu and the two girls walk in, they only nodded their heads.    


No one knew of Yin Jiu's special identity, so no one doubted him in the slightest. The two girls were escorted here, so it was normal for Yin Jiu to be in charge of them.    


Just like that, Yin Jiu brought the two girls into a tightly shut courtyard. The surroundings were guarded by Divine Emperor Level experts. There were people from Ghost Hall and Pill Hall.    


Among them, Dan Qingyang was sent by the Pill Hall. Although Dan Qingyang did not know the two girls, it was not hard for him to guess that they were Lin Feng's women when he saw Yin Jiu bring them in. He immediately became furious. He had an irreconcilable hatred with Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng had humiliated him time and time again, causing him to be suppressed in the Pill Hall. All of this was because of Lin Feng. When he saw Lin Feng's woman and child, the anger in his heart could not help but explode.    


"It seems that you are Lin Feng's women. If I can't beat Lin Feng, I will use you to vent my anger, hmph."    


Dan Qingyang's face turned ashen. He took a step forward and rushed towards the two girls.    


Yin Jiu's face changed greatly. He struck out with his palm and blocked Dan Qingyang's fist.    


The two of them took a few steps back. Dan Qingyang looked at Yin Jiu with a face full of hatred, and shouted coldly: "What are you doing?"    


"Dan Qingyang, are you ashamed? If you can't beat Lin Feng, you will vent your anger on his woman. Aren't you going to embarrass the Pill Hall?" Yin Jiu laughed mockingly, then brought the two girls into the room. Yin Jiu did not enter the room, but continued to ridicule Dan Qingyang: "If you really want to vent your anger, go find Lin Feng!"    


"I think Lin Feng will be here soon. At that time, everything will depend on you, Dan Qingyang." Yin Jiu curled his lips and sneered. He closed the door and sat on the steps outside the room.    


"You, just you wait, I won't let you go!" Dan Qingyang's face was filled with hatred as he roared out in anger. He glared at Yin Jiu fiercely before leaving the courtyard.    


Yin Jiu watched as Dan Qingyang left, and then took a deep breath. It was so close.    


Yin Jiu looked around and saw that there was no one in the courtyard. The guards were all outside the courtyard. Yin Jiu stood up, quietly opened the door and walked in.    


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