Peerless Martial God 2

C658 On the next Floor!

C658 On the next Floor!



The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast let out two furious roars. Lin Feng's voice was very awkward to hear. It looked like a spider, but its voice was filled with arrogance. Even now, Lin Feng still could not understand what kind of demonic beast it was, and what kind of demonic beast it was. However, Lin Feng knew very well that if he did not struggle free from the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast's entanglement now, he might be poisoned.    


"Fuck you." Lin Feng cursed. Although his strength had not completely recovered, Lin Feng was not a soft persimmon that anyone could pinch. Lin Feng fiercely stepped on one of the claws of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast and used the Strength of Chaos. The demonic beast let out a painful cry. Without needing Lin Feng to struggle, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast directly pushed him out.    


Lin Feng supported himself with one arm on the ground and flipped his body around. After that, he threw out the Buddha Sword from his hand and a long sword flew straight towards the chest of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. Its speed was extremely fast, almost to the point of teleportation.    


The skin of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast was also hard enough. The Sovereign Divine Imperial Artifact actually did not stab into it right away. Instead, it paused for a moment outside before cutting through a layer of skin of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. The demonic beast let out a heart-wrenching roar, and its tail whipped out directly, smashing heavily onto Lin Feng's chest. However, before Lin Feng was sent flying, he firmly grabbed its tail and its bloody mouth.    


With a loud rumbling sound, Lin Feng was pressed down by the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast fell to the side of Lin Feng. It struggled to get up, but Lin Feng would never give it the chance. He gripped the Buddha Sword tightly and stabbed it down.    




A heart-wrenching roar came from the corridor once again. Lin Feng used the Buddha Sword to fill the entire Strength of Chaos, almost cutting off one of the claws of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. The demonic beast let out a miserable scream, which was especially shrill and shrill, and the sound was even more deafening. Lin Feng had no choice but to cover his ears.    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast struggled and directly clawed at Lin Feng. Lin Feng let out a muffled groan and was sent flying thousands of meters away. The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast supported itself with seven claws and let out a miserable cry. The bloody mouth on its tail opened wide, and black liquid flowed down. Lin Feng took a closer look and was shocked. This was not a solution, but blood.    


What kind of background did this demonic beast have? It actually had black blood in its mouth, causing Lin Feng to feel deeply shocked.    


With a bang, Lin Feng took another hit, but he was not as reckless as the first time. When the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast whipped him, Lin Feng had already made a defense, so this attack was not successful. Instead, Lin Feng defended and counterattacked. His fists heavily smashed into the abdomen of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast, sending it flying.    


Rumble! The sound of the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast falling to the ground shook the entire Cliff Village. This sound alarmed the chief's residence in the Cliff Village.    


"What's going on? Why is it so powerful?"    


The chief of the Cliff Village was drinking tea. The sudden vibration caused the tea in his hand to spill out. The man immediately frowned and looked in the direction of the Yellow Sand Cliff. He was a little worried, but he heard the order of the Country Lord. Within three months, no matter what happened at the Yellow Sand Cliff, do not go there, or else you will be severely punished.    


"Are we going to excavate it again?" The leader of the Cliff Village looked toward the direction of the Yellow Sand Cliff with a gloomy face. After thinking for a long time, he put down the teacup and sat back down.    


Not only did the stronghold hear the deafening sound of an earthquake, but they had also received an order from the Country Lord that no one was allowed to go to the Yellow Sand Cliff for the next three months, and no one dared to disobey it.    


In the deep cave, the battle between Lin Feng and the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast had reached its climax. Lin Feng could not kill the demonic beast in one strike, and the demonic beast could not do anything to Lin Feng either. The man and the beast were both injured to varying degrees. Lin Feng was already exhausted, and now he was even more exhausted. He looked at the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast vigilantly, then leaned against the wall and rested for a while.    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast actually also sat on the ground with its Devil Qi. It did not attack Lin Feng, but the way it sat on the ground was so comical. The huge monster that was nearly a thousand meters tall sat on the ground, looking a little cute. However, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast's appearance was really too'graceful and terrifying'.    


Lin Feng took a deep breath and took out a small piece of dark green soil from his Space Ring. He absorbed the energy contained within it into his body. Immediately, a cool feeling spread throughout his body, and the Body of Chaos that was originally feeling guilty slowly recovered.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast growled at Lin Feng. Its head was slightly lowered, and its lantern-sized blue eyes looked at Lin Feng. It blinked its eyes repeatedly, but it did not seem to be provoking him.    


Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. Looking at the low roar of the demonic beast and its weak aura, Lin Feng knew what it wanted and pondered for a moment. Lin Feng took a piece of the soil from his hand and threw it to the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast.    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast raised its injured claw and caught the small piece of soil. Lin Feng could clearly see that the soil was flashing with a green light on the demonic beast's body. Gradually, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast's injured claw had recovered by seventy to eighty percent, and its claw that was about to break had already been reconnected.    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast roared at Lin Feng once again, but its voice was already very soft and gentle. At that time, Lin Feng did not think too much about it and broke off another half of the soil for the demonic beast. The demonic beast swallowed the soil into its stomach, and Lin Feng could clearly see a green light flickering on the demonic beast's body, and the aura of the demonic beast became stronger and stronger.    


Suddenly, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast stood up and slowly moved its eight claws towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at the demonic beast cautiously. If there was anything wrong with it, he would immediately attack and repel the demonic beast. However, the demonic beast did not seem to have any intention of harming Lin Feng. Instead, it sat down a hundred meters away from Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng looked at the demonic beast, and the demonic beast also looked at Lin Feng. In the end, Lin Feng took out the green soil and gave it to the demonic beast. Lin Feng didn't know what he was thinking. What if the demonic beast ate the soil and recovered all of its strength? What would he do to harm him?    


However, Lin Feng did not think too much about it. He gave the soil to the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast, but Lin Feng himself also absorbed the Qi of Chaos from the soil. The Body of Chaos gradually became tougher, and Lin Feng's body emitted a trace of green Divine Light, and his strength slowly increased.    


Roar! Roar! The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast roared twice and stood up again. Its eight claws approached Lin Feng and finally sat down fifty meters away from him. Now that it could almost touch Lin Feng's body, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast looked at Lin Feng. Gradually, the demonic beast laid on the ground, right at Lin Feng's feet. Its appearance was very simple and honest, and it was hard for Lin Feng to imagine it.    


Lin Feng was a little surprised. Such a ferocious spider-like demonic beast actually had the simple and honest attitude of a dog. It was lying beside him with a friendly expression. So was it pretending or was it really friendly? Lin Feng was still a little vigilant, so he ignored the demonic beast for the time being and recovered his strength as soon as possible.    


Lin Feng did not give the demonic beast any more soil, and the demonic beast also tactfully did not growl and ask for more. This situation lasted for two days. On the morning of the third day, when Lin Feng opened his eyes and exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast also raised its head as Lin Feng woke up.    


"Rant." The demonic beast roared at Lin Feng twice in a low voice. Lin Feng was a little surprised. He did not know what the demonic beast was going to do. Although he could roughly understand what it meant, Lin Feng did not understand what the demonic beast was thinking at the moment.    


Suddenly, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast stretched out its tail and wrapped it around Lin Feng's arm. After that, it wanted to stand up and pull Lin Feng away. Lin Feng naturally could not leave with the demonic beast, so he stretched out his arm, opened the tail of the demonic beast, and looked at it coldly.    


"You'd better not touch me if you don't make it clear." Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice. Looking at the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast, the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast snorted. Then, it shook its head and looked at the black hole that he had drilled out earlier.    


"What's going on inside?" Lin Feng asked in a probing manner, but he did not expect that Lin Feng would actually receive an answer from the Eight-Clawed Magical Beast. The demonic beast snorted twice and nodded its head in a funny manner.    


"Is there an ancient tomb inside?" Lin Feng's face was filled with excitement as he asked again.    


The demonic beast snorted twice and nodded its head in a comical manner.    


"Is there a living person inside?" Lin Feng continued to ask.    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast shook its head to indicate that there was no one alive.    


"Is there the will of an expert inside?"    


Roar! Roar!    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast nodded. Lin Feng finally understood. This strange demonic beast had been staying in Sovereign San's tomb all this time. It only followed him because it felt his aura.    


"Can you take me?" Lin Feng boldly asked. Right now, he didn't care if the demonic beasts would hurt him or not. As long as he could bring it to Sovereign San's tomb, everything was a small matter.    


The demonic beast nodded once again, then patted his back with its claws, indicating for Lin Feng to sit on it. Lin Feng was a little hesitant, but in the end, he decided to sit on it. If there was a situation, he would think about it later.    


Lin Feng took a step forward and easily sat on the back of the demonic beast. Although this spider-like demonic beast looked terrifying with scales all over its body, its back was abnormally soft. It was very comfortable to sit on, and Lin Feng found it hard to understand why there was a hundred-meter long defensive armor on the back of the demonic beast.    


Then there was only one explanation. The origin of this demonic beast was not simple!    


The Eight-Clawed Magical Beast glanced at Lin Feng, who was on its back, and then let out a furious roar. It moved all eight of its claws and quickly entered the black hole. Lin Feng felt a wave of pressure, and his bones seemed to shatter. Fortunately, this feeling was not very long.    


In the next moment, Lin Feng rode on the demonic beast and entered the depths of the earth.    


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