Peerless Martial God 2

C1598 Looking for Jack!

C1598 Looking for Jack!

Once they found Jack's landing spot, they would immediately report it to Wang Yuan and then make further plans!    


The rest returned to the hotel, waiting for orders, especially to protect the five experts who had come with them. Although they were experts in the art collection field, they were all ordinary people with no cultivation or ability to protect themselves.    


They went back to the hotel first, and then, after a few disguises, went their separate ways.    


Wang Yuan and Lin Feng did not drive a rental car. Instead, they took a taxi at the last minute. They picked a Chinese taxi driver and gave the address as soon as they got in the car, but the driver frowned when he heard the address.    


The driver looked at Wang Yuan and Lin Feng suspiciously before reluctantly saying, "The block you are talking about is very dangerous and belongs to the high-frequency area for violent crimes. I can only send you to the nearby area, but I can't send you to the specific neighborhood..."    


Although he had some scruples, since it was a high crime area, the driver would also be afraid of retaliation, or he might be more afraid that Wang Yuan and Lin Feng were not good people and that they would harm him if they entered the community!    


The car drove for an hour before it came to a stop at the side of the road. It was the exact opposite of downtown, with low shacks everywhere and young men with nothing to do wandering the streets.    


Several times, as the taxi passed through the streets, it almost ran into the rampaging youths and was constantly challenged with the middle finger, and when it stopped, the driver urged it on: "Up ahead is the neighborhood you're going to. Good luck! :    


After collecting the money, the car drove away without even turning off the engine. As soon as the taxi drove away, a few groups of young punks whistled and surrounded Lin Feng and Wang Yuan.    


There was actually a yellow face among them. Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, he was stopped by Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan said softly, "Don't ask questions. Let me explain."    


A young black man walked over and looked him up and down a few times. Suddenly, he lifted the clothes on his body and Lin Feng subconsciously made a defensive and offensive gesture!    


The black young man curled his lips in disdain and said in stiff Huaxia language, "Do you want powder... Do you want a gun...?"    


Lin Feng looked into his clothes and found that there were many strange things hanging inside. Apart from the powder and gun he mentioned, there were also a few pieces of golden Rolex. Lin Feng could not help but sigh. Looking at these guys who were dressed in ragged clothes, he did not expect that there would be such a valuable item!    


Wang Yuan said, "No."    


The black man's smiling face darkened, and he swore: "You yellow monkeys are so stingy! If you don't want to buy anything, get the hell out of here and don't interfere with our business!"    


After he said that, the others started to laugh and curse loudly. Some of them even jumped up and down and made a fist gesture, provoking: "Little Li Xiaolong... Little Li Long..."    


This was clearly provoking Wang Yuan and Lin Feng. Wang Yuan saw a young man with an Asian face and waved at him: "Hey, we want to ask about a friend. Can you do us a favor?"    


The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at the white man next to him. The white man nodded and the young man came over and said, "Who do you want to know for a hundred dollars?"    


That's really shady. Just asking him for a hundred dollars, Lin Feng cursed in his heart.    


However, Wang Yuan didn't hesitate at all. He gave him a hundred dollars and said, "Jack, do you know where Jack's house is?"    


In fact, Jack's address had already been marked on the information, and it was also on the house number. Unfortunately, this place was too chaotic. There were shacks and concrete buildings. If he continued looking, he was afraid that he would attract even more hooligans on the streets!    


Before the young man could say anything, all of them were staring at him, especially the white man in his thirties and forties. He took out a dagger from his waist and asked warily, "You guys... What friend of Jack's? Why are you looking for him? "    


Wang Yuan waved his hand and continued, "You don't have to ask about that. After I pay, you can just tell us his address."    


"Pah! Jack isn't here. Hurry up and get out!" The Asian man also shouted.    


The white man continued, "There's no way you can leave. Leave the money behind, the clothes, and all the valuable things behind!"    


When he heard that this guy had done this kind of thing a lot of times, although he spoke Mandarin stiffly, his aura was extremely fierce. He brandished the dagger in his hand and threatened Lin Feng and Wang Yuan!    


Just as Lin Feng and Wang Yuan were about to speak, a strange wind suddenly blew behind them. A few black youths standing behind them had already sneaked up to them. They grabbed the sticks in their hands and smashed them down on their heads!    


They do it all the time. The people at the front attract attention, and the people at the back just knock them out, and then just take everything from you, leaving you with only a pair of underwear!    


That's where most of the things they usually sell come from, all of them without capital, and they're especially interested in the Orientals, and they know they like to carry cash with them!    


Lin Feng turned his head abruptly. The two wooden sticks were already in front of him, and they were about to hit the back of his head!    


However, how could such an ordinary move injure Lin Feng and Wang Yuan? Lin Feng directly struck out with his palm, and a gust of wind formed from Yuan Qi swept out. With a loud bang, a few wooden clubs were shattered into pieces, and at the same time, the few black young men who had launched a sneak attack were sent flying!    


By the time they landed on the ground, they were already half-dead. They were rolling around on the ground. The force from Lin Feng just now had almost caused their chests to explode. It was very difficult for them to breathe!    


Lin Feng's attack sent four or five people flying in an instant. These people were immediately stunned and all of them took a few steps back. However, they did not have any intention of letting Lin Feng and Wang Yuan go. Instead, they formed a large encirclement!    


The young white man should be the leader of the group. He pointed his dagger at Lin Feng and asked, "Who are you? Why are you looking for Jack?!"    


Lin Feng ignored him and said to Wang Yuan, "Wang Yuan, what should we do now? Should we beat these guys down?"    


Wang Yuan shook his head and said, "It's useless to beat them up. The most important thing now is to find Jack's foothold. I'll see if I can bribe them. If it's something that can be solved with money, we'll try our best not to alert them!"    


"Hey, young man, don't get excited. We really are Jack's friends and we just came to talk to him about something. If you tell us where he lives, we'll give you another two hundred dollars. How about it?" Wang Yuan asked tentatively.    


The white youth laughed sinisterly: "You think too highly of yourself. Two hundred dollars is not enough. Leave all the money behind and get lost!"    


Then, he pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Lin Feng and Wang Yuan. Lin Feng's heart couldn't help but tremble. Although Lin Feng wasn't afraid of the gun in his hand, he was a little worried for Wang Yuan. After all, Wang Yuan didn't have the same spiritual armor as Lin Feng!    


After a moment of thought, Lin Feng's figure flashed and he disappeared from where he stood. The young man wailed as the gun in his hand was already in Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng pointed the gun at the palate of the young man and said coldly, "Tell your men to put down the weapons, or I'll shoot you to death!"    


The young white man cocked his head, but showed no sign of fear. Instead he said: "Shoot me, I don't believe you'd kill someone in the street!"    


Just as Lin Feng was surprised by this guy's bravery, he saw the young man squat down and try to escape from Lin Feng's hands. If it was an ordinary person, he would have let the young man succeed, but unfortunately, the person he met today was Lin Feng!    


Lin Feng reacted quickly and grabbed the young man by the throat. With a raise of his hand, he lifted the young man by the neck and held him up in the air as he roared, "All of you, step back and I will strangle anyone who dares to move!"    


At this moment, these people were so scared that they quickly retreated. They might not care about the life and death of the white youth, but they were already shocked by Lin Feng's astonishing arm strength. He could lift a person weighing two to three hundred kilograms over his head with one hand, and he didn't seem to be struggling at all. This kind of person reminded them of one person, and that was Lilong Li!    


"Kung Fu... he has Kung Fu..." Some of the men began to scream.    


The young man's eyes were rolling up and he was about to lose his breath. Wang Yuan quickly said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, don't use too much strength. Don't break his neck!"    


Only then did Lin Feng put the young man back on the ground and asked coldly: "Now tell me, where is Jack? I don't want to waste any more time with you. If you don't tell me, I'll send you to God!"    


Although Lin Feng had reduced the strength in his hands, it was still enough to make the young man suffer so much that he coughed dryly and said, "Jack, my name is Jack, but I don't know you guys."    


When he said this, both Lin Feng and Wang Yuan were dumbfounded. They did not expect such a coincidence. Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "It's that Jack who is in the downtown area of Las Vegas with a scar on his left chin and red hair."    


Lin Feng already felt that the chances were slim, but he still described it with the last trace of hope. Before the white young man could say anything, the young man with an Oriental face beside him shouted, "He's talking about Six-fingered Jack!"    


After his reminder, the young white man seemed to suddenly remember something and quickly said, "He's not here for a long time. He hasn't been here for a few years. Now this is my territory... My real name is not Jack, I just named this territory after him..."    


Just as Lin Feng was about to say something, Wang Yuan's phone suddenly rang. When Wang Yuan picked up the phone, his face was immediately filled with joy. He immediately hung up the phone and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, there's no need to ask them anymore. Jack's nest has already been found!"    


Lin Feng listened to Wang Yuan's words, but he did not let go. He grabbed the white man's neck and waved at the black youth who was the first to come up to sell something. "Come here!"    


The young black man walked up tremblingly. Lin Feng took the two guns out of his arms and then took the two Rolexes in his hands. Only then did he let go of the young white man.    


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