Peerless Martial God 2

C1403 A Perfect Girl!

C1403 A Perfect Girl!

"Close the door, and remember the names of the rioters!" Nian Lingjiao scolded, while the dozen or so servants outside all clenched their fists tightly and turned around to walk out of the courtyard, memorizing all the officials outside, especially the Minister of Punishment Ministry.    


Finally, he closed the door of the mansion, and Nian Lingjiao's orders were not only heard by the servants, but also by Dongfang Yuqing and the Minister of Punishment Ministry who were halfway there. Dongfang Yuqing was still fine, but the Minister of Punishment Ministry's face immediately turned green, and he didn't even know how to return home.    


The Grand Princess's mansion instantly became quiet, and no one dared to disturb her anymore. The bustling night market of the Genuine Martial Dynasty was still ongoing, and the disturbance caused by the search had also passed.    


In Nian Lingjiao's room, Nian Lingjiao calmly walked out of the wooden barrel, bringing with her some water stains. With her bare feet, with every step she took, her body would emit a white mist. By the time she reached the bed, her body was already dry. Nian Lingjiao slowly put on her clothes, then turned around and looked at Lin Feng who had already jumped out of the wooden barrel.    


"Did you escape from prison?" Nian Lingjiao asked with a smile. She then sat in front of the dressing table, leaving a dignified beauty for Lin Feng to see. Lin Feng had an indescribable evaluation of Nian Lingjiao. Nian Lingjiao was indeed very beautiful, but there was also a hint of maturity, as if she had experienced the coldness and warmth of the human world.    


She was cute, but also a little more rational. She was so rational that Lin Feng wondered if she was really a young girl. This kind of feeling made Lin Feng feel very strange. He had never seen her before.    


Generally speaking, no girl would risk letting a strange man get close to her, let alone enter a wooden bucket and expose all the important parts of her body, but Nian Lingjiao didn't seem to care at all. She didn't have this concept in her heart.    


To be honest, it was impossible for Lin Feng not to have seen Nian Lingjiao's beautiful body before. He could look up at her from the bucket, so Lin Feng had seen all of Nian Lingjiao's important areas, but Nian Lingjiao did not care.    


This was truly a strange Grand Princess, Lin Feng thought silently in his heart. After hearing Nian Lingjiao's question, Lin Feng had no choice but to tell the truth. First of all, she had saved him, and she was not afraid of losing her reputation. Lin Feng was very touched by this.    


"Yes, I was personally sent to prison by Dongfang Yuqing." Lin Feng nodded. His words were very simple. Lin Feng had a feeling that he only needed to be straightforward when talking to Nian Lingjiao.    


Nian Lingjiao nodded and glanced at Lin Feng's hands and feet that were bound by iron chains. This kind of iron chain was specially made and was personally forged by the Grand Ancestor. Not to mention Lin Feng, even an ordinary overlord might not be able to break free.    


"Come here." Nian Lingjiao curled her finger at Lin Feng, and her tone revealed an undeniable firmness. It was an order, but this kind of order did not make Lin Feng feel any disgust. On the contrary, he felt a sense of familiarity. This was an intuition.    


Lin Feng walked to Nian Lingjiao's side. Nian Lingjiao got up and squatted on the ground, stretching out her jade-like hand. A wave of golden light shone out, seemingly containing a trace of destructive force. Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, but the anklet shattered with a cracking sound, breaking into countless pieces.    


Lin Feng was shocked. This Grand Princess was actually so powerful. He was truly impressed. However, when he looked at her strength again, the Earth-grade Divine Ancestor felt relieved.    


"I won't open the bracelet for you for now. Do you have any objections?" Nian Lingjiao squinted her eyes and asked Lin Feng with a smile. The tenderness was obvious, but Lin Feng was sure that Nian Lingjiao did not do it on purpose. It was as if she had become gentle.    


"No problem. I'm grateful you saved me." Lin Feng shook his head without a hint of anger in his heart. Although he knew that Nian Lingjiao was worried about him, or perhaps she had other thoughts, none of that mattered.    


"That's good. From now on, you will be my guard." Nian Lingjiao nodded her head and said in a calm tone. She patted Lin Feng's shoulder and walked straight to the bed without caring about Lin Feng's reply, preparing to rest.    


"What's wrong? You want to sleep with me?" Nian Lingjiao saw that Lin Feng had no intention of leaving, so she asked with a cunning smile. Her big watery eyes narrowed, revealing an indescribable charm and cuteness.    


"Since you're a guard, of course you have to stay by my side. Go to sleep, I'll guard outside." Lin Feng also smiled. This was the first time he had smiled since he was captured and brought to the Genuine Martial Dynasty.    


"Good night. My Lord Protector." Nian Lingjiao pursed her lips into a smile, like a peony flower blooming, beautiful to the extreme. She turned around, but she did not take off her thin clothes, and instead covered herself with the blanket.    


Lin Feng laughed bitterly, but he couldn't help but glance at Nian Lingjiao a few more times. Perhaps the people of the Battle Realm were going to change their opinion. He had never seen Nian Lingjiao before. Before, he could say that there were only two peerless beauties in the Battle Realm, the Female Ancestor and Ni Huang. But when he saw Nian Lingjiao, he might realize that she was no worse than the Female Ancestor and Ni Huang.    


Whether it was in terms of temperament, personality, or appearance, it was far superior. Lin Feng could not help but sigh with emotion. The Grand Ancestor had hidden it too deeply. His precious daughter had actually reached such an extreme.    


Of course, regardless of whether it was extreme or not, it could not replace Meng Qing's place in his heart. Lin Feng firmly thought that this was true.    


Walking out of the curtain, he casually sat down on a chair and reminisced about the events of the night. It was very dangerous but also very exciting, especially when he hid in the wooden bucket where Nian Lingjiao was bathing. This was a kind of reminiscence that he had never experienced before. It was said that heroes saved beauties, but this time, it was a beauty who saved heroes.    


Lin Feng closed his eyes. The night was over.    


On the second day, when the morning sun was shining on the land of the Genuine Martial Dynasty, Nian Lingjiao had already woken up early. After washing up, she walked out of the curtain and saw Lin Feng who was still sleeping soundly on the chair. She could not help but purse her lips and smile: "This man is quite mysterious."    


"Grand Princess, are you going to court?"    


At this moment, a man's voice came from outside. It was the servant who guarded the door yesterday. They were all servants personally trained by the Grand Princess. Each of them was extremely powerful, completely different from the average Holy-Grade Divine Ancestor. They could die for Nian Lingjiao.    


Because they were orphans. If it wasn't for Nian Lingjiao taking them in, they would have died miserably in the cruel world.    


"Send someone to tell Royal Father to change the time of the court session to noon." Nian Lingjiao did not want to disturb Lin Feng's sleep, and she also wanted to bring Lin Feng to the court session, so she ordered people to change the time of the court session.    


The servant outside did not say a word and sent someone into the palace to report to the Grand Ancestor.    


When the Grand Ancestor heard that his daughter was going to change the time of the last court session, he was both surprised and happy. Nian Lingjiao had not attended court for at least half a year, and he hadn't seen his daughter for half a year, so he missed her.    


"Pass my order, attend court at noon!"    


With a single order from the Grand Ancestor, the officials who were walking into the palace could only resentfully return, but when they knew that it was the Grand Princess' will, some of the officials who were causing trouble muttered in their hearts, especially the Minister of Punishment Ministry.    


Dongfang Yuqing did not say a word. He could guess that the time for Nian Lingjiao to counterattack had arrived. After causing so much trouble yesterday, searching the Grand Princess's residence was already a major crime, and he had even barged into her bathroom. If the Grand Ancestor knew about this, Dongfang Yuqing would not be able to imagine the consequences.    


When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was really not worth it. Lin Feng had gone too far for him. Could Lin Feng really be such a big threat? Dongfang Yuqing was not sure either, but he felt that it was a bit of a big deal to make a mountain out of a molehill.    


Time passed by slowly. Lin Feng was very tired. The moment he tortured Bald Man, he had already exhausted all his strength and escaping from the prison was even more exhausting, so he slept for a long time, but this sleep was also very stable.    


When Lin Feng woke up, he found that there was a table in front of him with a variety of dishes. Nian Lingjiao held her cheek and stared at him silently. Lin Feng was shocked and stood up. He immediately cupped his fists and apologized: "Sorry, Grand Princess, I am really unqualified as a guard!"    


"What's the matter, come, let's eat!" Nian Lingjiao shook her head and continued to smile warmly, like a big sister. Knowing that Lin Feng was tired, she ordered people to prepare luxurious dishes. What Lin Feng did not know was that this meal used a month's worth of coins from the Grand Princess.    


"Alright." Lin Feng did not refuse. He naturally sat across from Nian Lingjiao and enjoyed this royal-level breakfast, which was also the most expensive breakfast Lin Feng had ever eaten.    


Nian Lingjiao ate very elegantly. As expected of the only daughter of the Grand Ancestor, she was not spoiled at all. On the contrary, Qianqian was very polite, which made Lin Feng praise her even more. This kind of woman was probably perfect, just like Meng Qing.    


"After you finish eating, come to court with me." When Nian Lingjiao saw Lin Feng put down his chopsticks, she smiled faintly and got up to go to court with him.    


When Lin Feng heard Nian Lingjiao's words, he was slightly taken aback but quickly nodded his head. He did not refuse and instead nodded obediently: "Alright, let's go to court together."    


Lin Feng did not know what was going on with him. Could it be that Nian Lingjiao had cast some kind of demonic technique? Or was it some kind of charm technique? However, Lin Feng knew very well that this was impossible, but he would unknowingly follow Nian Lingjiao, and no matter what she said, he would not refuse.    


Perhaps it was because of what happened last night. After all, he had seen her naked body and Nian Lingjiao never cared about anything that made him feel guilty, Lin Feng thought silently.    


Nian Lingjiao walked out of the room with Lin Feng following behind her. The dozen or so servants in the courtyard were all stunned, and then they were deeply shocked. They never would have thought that there would be a man in the Grand Princess's room.    


When he thought about how Dongfang Yuqing was looking for him with such an imposing manner yesterday, it was not hard to imagine that the person Dongfang Yuqing was looking for was this brat.    


"Grand Princess, the carriage is ready." The servant humbly half-squatted and ignored Lin Feng. Since the Grand Princess had no excuse, they did not dare to ask any further questions.    


"Prepare an extra carriage for this young master." Nian Lingjiao quickened her pace. As she moved, she ordered her subordinates to prepare more vehicles. The servants did not dare to waste any more time and immediately went to prepare.    


"When the court assembly is over, I'll help you vent your anger." Nian Lingjiao sat in the carriage and smiled slyly. She winked at Lin Feng in a very naughty and cute manner, which made Lin Feng's heart warm.    


Shaking his head, Lin Feng stood at the back and waited for the next carriage to arrive. When the carriage arrived, Lin Feng did not waste any more time and directly sat on it, following the Grand Princess of the Genuine Martial Dynasty.    


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