Peerless Martial God 2

C1633 The Sand Ancestor Showed Up!

C1633 The Sand Ancestor Showed Up!

It was at this moment that Lin Feng suddenly realized a problem. Why was this sand man able to swallow the other people's ritual tools while his own were completely unharmed?    


"Hahahaha, ignorant brat, I didn't expect you to be an Essence Qi cultivator. No wonder you are so bold and reckless. Anyone who dares to offend my Posuo Sect's Holy Land will only die! None of you will be able to leave this place today. All of you will be sacrifices to my Holy Land!" The sand man laughed wildly, and then punched towards the ice shell!    


Lin Feng immediately released the Qi of Chill again, reinforcing the ice shell a second time. With a loud bang, a big hole appeared on the ice shell!    


The huge sand reached into the huge ice shell and tried to grab the people on the Heaven Flipping Seal. Lin Feng's heart was in danger. In a moment of desperation, he activated Eye of Jiayan. A line of fire shot out and hit the sand fist!    


With a bang, a large chunk of the sand fist was burned off, and half of the fist collapsed, turning into a rain of sand that fell to the ground, choking everyone until they coughed dryly!    


"Ah... Ignorant brat, you actually have this Crimson Fire... You... Who the hell are you?" The giant sand man seemed to be frightened by Lin Feng's Fire of Jiayan and retreated dozens of meters!    


Lin Feng did not understand the meaning of the Crimson Fire, but he did not care about it now. Since it was afraid of this kind of fire, he might as well just burn it with fire!    


Lin Feng directly shot out a huge line of fire from the mouth of the ice shell, like a fire dragon, towards the huge sand man. The huge sand man dodged and resisted with all its might, but every time it was hit, a huge wound would immediately appear on its body. From the wound, a red liquid that was as red as blood actually flowed out, giving off an extremely fishy stench!    


"Snake Witches, what the hell is this monster?" Lin Feng asked as he fought the huge sand man.    


Snake Witches said, "This is the guardian of the Holy Land, Sand Ancestor. Look at it. Half of its body is in the desert, while the other half is in the desert. Don't let it get out of there!"    


At this moment, Lin Feng also noticed the Sand Ancestor's actions. He was trying to form his lower body as well. A huge sand leg was already formed, and it was being lifted from the ground in a half-kneeling position. This was the action of trying to stand up!    


Although Lin Feng did not know how powerful he would be when he stood up, he did not want to give it a try. He transformed the Fire of Jiayan into a sword and slashed at the leg with a loud bang. A section of the leg was cut off. The Sand Ancestor, who had just stood up, once again knelt on the ground with a loud bang!    


The Sand Ancestor seemed to feel pain as well. With a wail, it shook the desert for a hundred miles around and created a huge desert storm. If it wasn't for the protection of this ice shell, the people here would have been blown away long ago!    


"Who the hell are you? Why do you have such a scarlet flame?" The Sand Ancestor roared in anger.    


Lin Feng thought for a while and asked, "What do you mean by Crimson Fire?"    


The Sand Ancestor did not seem to have enough intelligence, so he actually answered: "The fire of red refinement, refining stones to repair the sky... Could it be... Could it be that you are the descendant of Nuwa? "    


His words woke Lin Feng up. So he was actually talking about the pure Yang fire that Nuwa used to refine stones? But his Fire of Jiayan was completely cultivated by him. It was not inherited from Nuwa.    


But Lin Feng was not stupid enough to sell his old foundation. He followed its meaning and said, "I am Nuwa's descendant. What do you want?"    


When the Sand Ancestor heard this, he roared angrily: "Since you are the descendant of Nuwa, then you are the archenemy of my Posuo Sect! Nuwa was unjust to our Posuo Sect. Back then, she burned us to ashes, but she abandoned us in this place with incomplete five elements and became an eternal ghost. We refuse to accept this!"    


Lin Feng was confused. What was going on?    


Could it be that the Posuo Sect had been abandoned by Nuwa? But why would Nuwa abandon them?    


At this moment, the Sand Ancestor's broken leg formed once again. Taking advantage of Lin Feng's hesitation, it had already jumped out of the desert. Its body was over a thousand feet tall, and the moment it stood up, Lin Feng felt the entire desert ground shake violently!    


From the ground thousands of meters below the Sand Ancestor, beams of golden light shot up from the ground. It was actually a huge disk!    


"Ah... UFO..."    


"An alien... Not good!"    


The people inside the ice shell began to roar in shock, which stunned Lin Feng. This huge disc really looked like a huge UFO, or rather, a huge golden chess piece!    


However, Lin Feng quickly discovered something different. On this huge disk, there were actually many strange runes flowing. These runes turned into light and shadow in the dust-filled air. It was as if a searchlight was shining on the screen, forming a huge 3D projection!    


Under the golden light, the surface of the Sand Ancestor's body was melting bit by bit. It actually turned into a golden shell. Lin Feng was shocked. He quickly used the Fire of Jiayan to transform into a huge giant sword and slashed at the Sand Ancestor!    


When it landed on the shell of the Sand Ancestor, it instantly formed a huge blade, causing sand to flow out from the wound. The Sand Ancestor wailed and scolded, "Don't expect too much from me, descendant of Nuwa. Destroy my golden body!"    


Lin Feng did not care about its hooting. He continued to slash a few more times and pierced a few big holes in the Sand Ancestor's stomach. Just as Lin Feng thought that he could kill it this way, he suddenly saw the huge round disc fly up with a bang. It carried the Sand Ancestor and flew into the distance!    


"Not good, where are you running to!" Lin Feng shouted and quickly activated his Heaven Flipping Seal, carrying everyone with him.    


On the vast desert, a circular disk and a square Heaven Flipping Seal were chasing each other at full speed. It was even more sci-fi than a science-fiction blockbuster!    


Lin Feng used the Fire of Jiayan to kill the Sand Ancestor. Unfortunately, the flying ship's speed was not slow, and it was very agile when it flew. Every time, it could dodge perfectly. The wound on the Sand Ancestor's body had already healed, and the golden light on his body was even stronger!    


Under the illumination of the golden light, the ice shell that Lin Feng had formed was instantly turned into water and the protective shell turned into nothingness!    


"Hahahaha, I've finally become an adult! I've finally become an adult! Nvwa, back then, you abandoned the Sand Clan and used the Five-Colored Earth to refine us into humans. Today, I, Sand Ancestor, can still become an adult, and the Pan Gu Compass can still make our Sand Clan become an adult!" The Sand Ancestor laughed wildly, and at the same time, his voice became more and more fierce!    


As soon as the Sand Ancestor was formed, its aura became even more powerful. Not only did it not run away, but it even slowed down and turned around to face Lin Feng. Lin Feng quickly stopped the Heaven Flipping Seal, or else it would directly collide with the Pan Gu Compass!    


Lin Feng thought to himself: "Could this thing be a relic of Pan Gu? What kind of existence is Pan Gu Compass? Can it really turn sand into human beings? "    


Just as Lin Feng was deep in thought, the Sand Ancestor soared into the sky and swung its huge fist towards Lin Feng's head. The fist was dozens of meters square, and it was shining with a golden light as if it was a huge hammer. If it were to hit Lin Feng and the others directly, they would definitely be smashed into meat paste!    


At this moment, Lin Feng was also extremely frightened, but he still forced himself to throw out a punch. The huge fist shadow collided with the Sand Ancestor's fist, and with a loud bang, the Heaven Flipping Seal fell from the sky into the desert, sinking deep into the desert!    




Lin Feng felt as if his internal organs were about to be shattered. He spat out a mouthful of blood and it splattered all over his chest. Lin Feng wiped the blood from his mouth and his body swayed, on the verge of collapse!    


This jolt knocked over a few of the cultivators who had come with him. Those who were not knocked over also vomited large mouthfuls of blood. Meanwhile, Wang Yuan had already fainted!    


"Hahahaha, all of you are going to die! The descendant of Nuwa is the enemy of our Sand Clan! I will kill all of you!" The Sand Ancestor let out a loud cry and threw another punch, bringing with it a huge hurricane!    


Lin Feng knew in his heart that he was no match for it. He was a living person, and it was a monster made of iron and stone. If Lin Feng were to escape now, he could guarantee his own safety. But if he ran, the people here would probably be smashed into meat paste!    


"Don't even think about it!" Lin Feng gave a loud shout and forced himself to use the Buddha Palm once again. He collided head on with the Sand Ancestor's fist in midair. With a loud bang, the Heaven Flipping Seal sank into the ground once again for more than ten kilometers. The sand dunes around them were already thirty meters tall, as if they were going to bury everyone in the desert!    


At this moment, the Sand Ancestor's body changed again, especially his eyes, which had turned from sand to crimson red. It was as if his eyes were burning and melting, making him look extremely strange!    


Lin Feng wiped the blood from his mouth. At this moment, Lin Feng could no longer hold back. He directly took out all the dust in the Storage Ring. Shadow Soul Sword! Xuanyuan Sword! Buddha beads! Pterosaur! Wait a minute, all of them were activated without any screening!    


"Hahahaha, ignorant descendant of Nuwa, I would like to see what other artifacts you have. No matter how many artifacts you have, they are all trash in front of my Pan Gu Compass!" The Sand Ancestor laughed as the huge compass beneath his feet began to spin rapidly, forming a space-time vortex!    


The pterosaur roared and turned into a hundred-meter long beast that pounced towards the Sand Ancestor. It bit down on its fist, but it was sent flying a hundred meters away by the Sand Ancestor's punch. It rolled a few times on the ground, got up, pounced on it again, and was sent flying once again!    


This pterosaur seemed to have an indomitable spirit, and it seemed to be made of iron. It was being beaten back and forth as if it was not injured at all. There was no sense of fear at all!    


However, the Shadow Soul Sword and Xuanyuan Sword were a little strange. They were directly twisted into the vortex formed by the compass and were no longer under Lin Feng's control!    


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