Peerless Martial God 2

C1629 The Death of Zhou Changgui!

C1629 The Death of Zhou Changgui!

"Lin Feng, where did you run off to? Did you get that thing?" Wang Yuan asked anxiously.    


"Sigh, I didn't catch up to them ..." Lin Feng had no choice but to lie. Right now, Lin Feng had yet to understand this thing. He really did not want to give it away without knowing anything!    


Wang Yuan frowned, "Sigh, it seems that we have been happy for nothing this time!"    


Wang Yuan did not doubt Lin Feng's words, which made Lin Feng feel a little guilty. But when he thought about it, it was not Lin Feng's own item. Even if he gave it to him, he would only hand it over to the higher ups of the Cultural Relics Museum. It was just there to swindle money from them. What a waste of a treasure. He might as well study it himself first!    


Lin Feng turned around and looked at the Golden Baron Hotel. Although the kidnapping of Qing Huangtian had been successfully resolved, Zhou Changgui was still at large. Especially since the two of them had inexplicably ended up in Zhou Changgui's hands. It was too strange. Could it be that Ma Hualong had something to do with the Zhou family?    


Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Yuan pulled Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, let's go and find that Zhou Changgui again. Ask him where he got that cultural relic. Now that we haven't found it, the clues can't just be lost!"    


He followed Wang Yuan to the third underground floor and met Zhou Changgui, Zhou Pengbo, and the others who were about to leave. When Zhou Pengbo saw Lin Feng, his eyebrows immediately raised. The last time he was beaten black and blue by Lin Feng, he had lost a lot of face. This matter had already become a laughingstock in the rich circle of the capital.    


"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here!" Zhou Pengbo glared at Lin Feng.    


Lin Feng didn't say anything. He just looked at him with disdain. Wang Yuan was the first to speak, "Mr. Zhou, I am the police officer from the Central Item Department, Wang Yuan. I just attended your auction today and saw the puppet relic. That relic was robbed in America and it ended up at your private auction. I want to know how you got this relic."    


Wang Yuan's question stunned Zhou Changgui for a moment, and a trace of panic flashed across his face, but then he said, "Officer Wang, this is not the place to talk. Let's go upstairs."    


After saying that, he brought Wang Yuan and Lin Feng to the elevator. Just as Lin Feng entered the elevator and approached Zhou Changgui, his nose couldn't help but wrinkle. Why did this Zhou Changgui have a strange smell on his body?    


This smell was a little familiar to Lin Feng. He couldn't help but think of this smell in an instant. The faint fishy smell was very similar to the smell of the person who died on the roof!    


The elevator quickly arrived at an office on the eighth floor. At this time, Zhou Changgui suddenly stopped and said to Wang Yuan: "Officer Wang, I think we should discuss this matter privately. The others don't need to go in, right?"    


Zhou Changgui was naturally referring to Lin Feng. Lin Feng spread his hands and said to Wang Yuan: "Alright, I'll wait for you outside."    


Wang Yuan did not say anything and followed Zhou Changgui inside. Then, the door closed with a loud bang. In the corridor outside, other than Lin Feng, there was also Zhou Pengbo who had been eyeing Lin Feng covetously. Everyone else was a sturdy young man in a black suit.    


These people were all bodyguards, and they were all Zhou Pengbo's bodyguards. Before, Zhou Pengbo did not have so many bodyguards, but since he was beaten up by Lin Feng last time, he was afraid and paid a high price to hire a group of martial arts masters!    


In addition to traditional Chinese martial arts, there were also Taekwondo, Muay Thai, unrestricted fighting, and so on. There were thirty of them!    


He had always wanted to find a chance to teach Lin Feng a lesson, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng would take the initiative to look for him today. He thought that this was a god-given opportunity.    


"Lin Feng, don't interfere with my business in the future. Don't think that you can do whatever you want in my territory just because you are good at fighting. No one can stop me from getting the women I want!" Zhou Pengbo said in a strange tone. Lin Feng looked at him coldly and ignored him.    


However, this glance made Zhou Pengbo even more arrogant, because when he saw that Lin Feng did not dare to speak, he continued, "Hehe, what's wrong? Are you afraid? Aren't you pretty awesome? It's fine for you to be awesome in Jiangnan City, it's fine for you to be awesome in Linhai City, but not in the capital!"    


After Zhou Pengbo was beaten up, he secretly sent someone to investigate Lin Feng's background in detail. Now, in a moment of excitement, he revealed all of it!    


Lin Feng's eyebrows immediately stood up, and he looked at Zhou Pengbo fiercely and said, "You talk too much nonsense. I advise you not to be too arrogant, or else you won't even know how you die!"    


Lin Feng was not interested in Zhou Pengbo at the moment, but had been eavesdropping on the conversation inside. Although the soundproofing of the door was very good, Lin Feng's Spiritual Consciousness had already heard it clearly.    


"Mr. Zhou, you said you bought this doll? Who is the seller? Is his name Ma Hualong?" Wang Yuan asked.    


"Police Officer Wang, I can tell you that I bought it. There are rules in the circle of cultural relics enthusiasts that we can't easily reveal the identities of the buyers and sellers, so please forgive us." Zhou Changgui immediately started to taiji.    


Wang Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, no matter what rules you have on your WeChat Moments, it is not as important as the laws of the country. If you really don't want to tell me, then I can only report it to my superiors. This cultural relic is not an ordinary thing. If you really investigate it, this is considered to be a national cultural relic trafficking. You have to think about it carefully!"    


Zhou Changgui snorted in disdain, and said disapprovingly: "Officer Wang, don't use the edge to pressure me. I've been in this line of work for more than a year or two, and the people I know in the capital are all extremely powerful. Do you think you can scare me like this?"    


After Zhou Changgui finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yuan coldly and stood up from the sofa as if he was sending him off. Wang Yuan was so embarrassed that he could only stand up, but at this moment, Wang Yuan's phone suddenly rang.    


Wang Yuan picked up the phone and listened for a while, then said to Zhou Changgui: "Mr. Zhou, someone is looking for you."    


Zhou Changgui did not expect that someone would use Wang Yuan's phone to look for him. When he picked up the phone suspiciously, his face immediately tensed up and he said in a low voice: "Chief Wang, is what you said true? Is that cultural relic really that important?"    


Chief Wang said, "Chang Gui, how could I lie to you? Qing Er came back today and told me that you gave that thing to some hunchback old lady. What the hell is going on?"    


Zhou Changgui looked at Wang Yuan with a bitter face and said unwillingly: "Chief Wang, there is indeed such a thing, but I was also forced into a corner, that... I can't afford to offend those people at all. It can be said that I am in their hands... "    


"Don't beat around the bush with me. Just tell me who that person is." Chief Wang lost his patience.    


"They... They are from the Posuo Sect... Ah..." Just as Zhou Changgui finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. His hand that was holding the phone trembled violently, he threw the phone away and fell onto the sofa, and then a large amount of blood sprayed out of his seven orifices!    


Lin Feng heard it clearly. When he heard the noise, he did not move. He quickly knocked on the door and shouted for Wang Yuan to open the door. However, when Wang Yuan opened the door, he saw that Zhou Changgui was covered in stinky blood. The blood seemed to be extremely corrosive, and even the sofa was burned with a human-shaped hole!    


The stinky blood had corroded his clothes to the point that they were riddled with holes. Blood bubbles kept appearing. Wang Yuan said to Lin Feng in fear, "Lin Feng, he... What's wrong with him?"    


When Lin Feng saw this scene, he immediately thought of the small sect head who died on the top floor of the Posuo Sect. His death was exactly the same as Zhou Changgui's!    


Lin Feng quickly kicked Wang Yuan's phone far away. The blood had already flowed to the ground, bubbling with blood!    


Zhou Pengbo also followed him in. When he saw that his father had died so miserably, he lost control of his emotions for a moment and actually pounced on him. He wanted to pull Zhou Changgui, but Lin Feng quickly reached out and grabbed one of Zhou Pengbo's arms, but it was already too late!    


As soon as Zhou Pengbo's hand touched Zhou Changgui's hand, he let out a scream and quickly retracted his hand. When he looked at his hands, two of his fingers had already turned black and green!    


When Lin Feng saw this situation, he knew that Zhou Pengbo was also poisoned. Lin Feng fiercely slashed out with his knife, and the powerful wind blade immediately cut off one of Zhou Pengbo's hands and caused him to fall to the ground with a cry of pain!    


The bodyguards were even more horrified. They had never seen such a gruesome death before.    


Lin Feng picked up Wang Yuan's phone and pulled him out of the room. The smell in his arms was so bad that it was several times worse than the toilet!    


The phone had already broken. Wang Yuan hurriedly called back and told Chief Wang about what had just happened. Chief Wang was even more shocked as he listened. After a long while, he said, "This so-called Posuo Sect doesn't seem to be a good sect. It's actually so vicious, to actually use such a method to kill people!"    


Then, he asked Wang Yuan to give the phone to Lin Feng. Chief Wang said, "Lin Feng, come to me immediately with Wang Yuan. I have something to tell you!"    


Although Chief Wang had retired to the backline, he was still secretly responsible for the safety of the high officials in China. His professional sensitivity had already made him think of the thing that worried him the most!    


Just as Lin Feng and Wang Yuan were about to leave, they were stopped by Zhou Pengbo and his bodyguards.    


"You are not allowed to leave. You are the ones who killed my father. You are all murderers!" Zhou Pengbo's broken hand was still bleeding. His face was pale, but he looked even more ferocious!    


He had already determined that Lin Feng and Wang Yuan were up to no good this time, but now that his father had died for no reason, how could he not want to take the opportunity to strike Lin Feng again!    


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