Peerless Martial God 2

C1621 The Battle Between the Lion and the Tiger!

C1621 The Battle Between the Lion and the Tiger!

With a howl of pain, the lion was sent flying more than ten meters away, but the lion was even more ferocious!    


"This is too much!" Lin Feng let out a furious roar as he flew up into the air and struck out with his palms several times. A few huge Buddha Palms that were ten meters in diameter were unleashed, slapping down towards the lion. The lion opened its mouth to bite, and at the same time, it spat out a line of fire from its mouth!    




However, the palm still hit its head. The lion immediately let out a wail, and then the second palm arrived. The lion's huge figure lowered its body, Boom!    


This palm directly shattered the entire lion's shadow!    


Mai Ye, who had fallen out of the lion's shadow, spat out a mouthful of blood. Just as Lin Feng's third palm was about to strike down, Chief Wang, who had been anxiously watching the battle from afar, shouted, "Lin Feng... show mercy..."    


Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat. He thought back to what Chief Wang had said before that this Mai Ye was a military officer of some clan. If he was really killed here with a single palm strike, it would obviously not be easy to deal with!    


However, when Lin Feng thought back to how Mai Ye had repeatedly tried to kill him and Lai Chang, the anger in his heart could not be appeased in an instant. He retracted ninety percent of his strength and the shape of his palm shrank, turning into a one-meter-square Buddha Palm!    


It landed directly on Mai Ye's body!    


With a boom of thunder, Mai Ye's entire body was sent flying a hundred meters away and crashed into the huge steel pillar. Mai Ye spat out another mouthful of blood, and leaned against the steel pillar, no longer having the strength to fight back!    


Mai Ye's face was ashen. He forced himself to raise his finger and pointed at Lin Feng: "You... Who are you..."    


"A person from China!" Lin Feng said coldly.    


"You... Just you wait, you're in big trouble this time. You dare to offend the Rothschild family, you all have to pay the price! "Mai Ye roared with a ferocious smile, and blood sprayed all over the ground!    


Chief Wang ran between Mai Ye and Lin Feng, afraid that Lin Feng would attack again!    


"Mr. Mai Ye, how are your injuries?" Chief Wang asked kindly. No matter what, Mai Ye was still a guest today. As the host, he should not be injured!    


However, Mai Ye pushed Chief Wang away and said arrogantly: "What you did today has already offended our Rothschild family. You can't afford this price. Our family will have to reconsider our trade with your country!"    


After he finished speaking, he staggered out with the Young Master. At this moment, Lin Feng looked at their background with a cold smile on his face. He thought to himself, What the hell is the background of this Rothschild family? Why does it have to be mentioned in the same breath as China?    


Lin Feng turned around and looked at the injured Lai Changxing and the others. After consuming their own secret pill, their complexions had already eased up. Lin Feng could not help but let out a deep sigh. He did not expect that the so-called ancient martial arts of China would be so weak. !    


Just as Lin Feng was in a daze, Xiao Qing, who had stepped forward earlier, ran over and excitedly said to Lin Feng: "May I ask who you are? Just now, you were really too powerful. You really vented your anger and brought glory to our China!"    


Lin Feng said a little embarrassedly: "My name is Lin Feng. It was just a small matter. It's nothing."    


Xiao Qing continued, "Why is it nothing? Just now, he kept saying that our martial arts in China is not good at all. Today, you have proven that our martial arts in China is not any worse than theirs in the west!"    


Lin Feng smiled bitterly, thinking to himself, You are too naive. If I told you that I did not use the Martial Tao of China, I wonder if you would still be so excited!    


Of course, Lin Feng would not tell the truth. Although Mai Ye was arrogant and conceited, his words were very reasonable. The rules of this world were set by the strong, and only the winner was qualified to judge everything!    


"Lin Feng, thank you for saving us ..." Lai Changxing and Lai Changyue came forward and bowed to express their gratitude. Lin Feng quickly supported them, but he did not know what to say!    


At this moment, Chief Wang returned after sending Mai Ye off. His face was gloomy as he shook his head and sighed.    


He walked in front of Lin Feng and said with a bitter smile: "Today's matter is not going to be easy to handle. That Mai Ye just said that he will report this matter to his family. The young man he is protecting is one of the candidates for the heir to the Rothschild family. These adventures will definitely have a great impact!"    


"So... you think I did something wrong?" Lin Feng asked indifferently.    


"It's not that you did anything wrong, it's just that I shouldn't have invited them here today. I had good intentions, but I didn't expect this Mai Ye to be so arrogant. He is only a military officer in the family, but the main point is that the background of that young man is too great!" Chief Wang sighed.    


When Xiao Qing heard what Chief Wang said, she pouted and said, "Uncle Wang, why are you only speaking up for them? Are we going to be bullied by him?"    


Chief Wang was choked by Xiao Qing's words, so he could not continue speaking. He said helplessly: "Alright, alright, since things have already come to this, there's no point in saying anything else!"    


The party ended on bad terms, and the Lai family went back to treat their injuries. Lin Feng and Wang Yuan stayed at Chief Wang's house for a while before returning to the hospital.    


However, what Lin Feng did not expect was that in less than half a day, something big had happened!    


When Lin Feng returned to the hospital to look for Qing Huangtian, he could not find her. He could not get through to her phone either. He asked all the nurses in the hospital, but no one knew where she had gone!    


Just as Lin Feng was getting anxious, the phone suddenly rang. When he picked it up, he heard an unfamiliar voice, "If you want her to live, then come to the eastern suburbs!"    


With that, he hung up the phone. Lin Feng immediately thought of Zhou Pengbo. Could it be their family again? If it wasn't their family, who would kidnap a nurse?    


Just as Lin Feng was about to call Wang Yuan, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind: "Master, I have grown up. I can work for you now. Can you let me out now?"    


When he checked with his Spiritual Consciousness, Lin Feng could not help but be shocked. This voice was actually from the little pterosaur. He originally thought that it wouldn't be able to speak, but who would have thought that it would be able to speak now?!    


In his excitement, Lin Feng released it from the ring without even thinking about it. When he saw it, he was immediately enraged!    


It was only the size of a golden retriever. Its wings were fully grown, but they were only two to three meters long. Could it be that this fellow could only grow to this size?    


Think about the dinosaurs you usually see on TV, which one of them isn't dozens of meters long and dozens of tons heavy? But why did I get such a dwarf pterosaur?    


When the little pterosaur saw the unhappy expression on Lin Feng's face, it quickly asked Lin Feng: "Master, why are you looking at me with such disdain? Did I do something wrong?"    


Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "What's wrong with you? It's all my fault! I shouldn't have believed the words of the patriarch of the Ant Clan and brought you to Earth! You are so thin and small, what's the use of following me? You can't help me at all! ? "    


When Little Yi heard the first half of Lin Feng's sentence, his expression became resentful. However, when he heard that the reason why Lin Feng despised it was because it was too young, he immediately became spirited again and said, "Master, you don't understand. My current figure is only one-tenth of a normal size. As long as I want to grow bigger, I can become ten times bigger at any time!"    


After saying that, without waiting for Lin Feng to speak, the little pterosaur flapped its wings three times. With a rumbling sound, the little pterosaur actually turned into a huge monster, pushing all the tables and chairs in the room against the wall. The entire room was almost filled with it!    


Lin Feng, who was unprepared, was pushed against the door and his face was pressed against the window as he shouted, "Alright, alright! Are you going to kill my master? Hurry up and change back. If anyone sees you, they will definitely arrest you for scientific research!"    


After he finished speaking, the little pterosaur suddenly changed back to its original form. Lin Feng patted his chest and said, "Don't randomly change your form in the future. Don't accidentally injure others, or else even I won't be able to save you!"    


At this moment, the loud noise in the ward had attracted the attention of the people outside. Wang Yuan pushed open the door and shouted, "Lin Feng, what's wrong?"    


When Wang Yuan saw the pterosaur on the ground, he was so scared that he leaned against the door frame. The little pterosaur was even more fierce towards these strangers who suddenly appeared. Zhang Tian opened his mouth to bite Wang Yuan, but Lin Feng quickly stopped him!    


Lin Feng quickly said to Wang Yuan, "Wang Yuan, I'm going to save Qing Huangtian now. It must be Zhou Changgui and Zhou Pengbo. I can't wait any longer!"    


After saying that, he rode on the little pterosaur and said: "Pterosaur, take me east!"    


When Wang Yuan came back to his senses and rushed over to the scene, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. Just a moment ago, Lin Feng was riding a huge pterosaur and had already flown hundreds of meters away!    


Just like that, a man and a dragon soared in the sky above the capital. It was truly strange and shocking!    


At this moment, Lin Feng felt waves of dizziness in his head. This was the first time he had sat on an aircraft like a pterosaur, and he felt a little dizzy. However, after flying for a while, he finally got used to the feeling of flying freely!    


Although it was not difficult for Lin Feng to fly on his own Qi, riding this pterosaur was too easy and very cool!    


Lin Feng inadvertently looked down a few hundred meters and saw a dense crowd below. All of them were looking up at the sky, and many of the cars had collided with each other because of the driver's shock!    


Someone in the crowd shouted, "Aiya, look what that is. Is it a dinosaur that can fly?"    


Some people did not have time to ask questions and directly took out their phones to film. There were even people who started to call the hot news for the newspaper. Naturally, there were also people who called the police for help, deeply worrying about social security!    


"Pterosaur, can you fly higher?! Don't let the people below see us. This won't be good..." Lin Feng muttered.    


"Master, sit properly. I'm going to fly higher!" After saying that, he threw his head back and flew up at almost a ninety degree angle. If Lin Feng had not hugged his neck in advance, he would have fallen down!    


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